Inventory of Ellen Wiatt of Granborough, 1671/2
Herts RO A25/3902
An Inventary of the goods and Chattell of Ellen Wiatt widdow decessed made & taken valued & prized the 24th of March 1671/2 by Robt Manwaringe Nicholas Wyatt & Bent Holland sen
£ |
s |
d |
Imprimis one bedsteed w(i)th the bedding and all other things thereunto belonging | 01 |
05 |
00 |
Brass and Pewter | 01 |
05 |
00 |
One table and frame w(i)th one forme and stooles and chayres | 00 |
16 |
00 |
One chest one trunke and cofers | 00 |
10 |
00 |
Tubbs and barrells and a glass case | 00 |
06 |
00 |
Sheetes and other linnen w(i)th one coverlett | 02 |
11 |
00 |
One cubbord two cusheens and other \small/ lumber | 00 |
05 |
00 |
Her wearing apparrell and money in her purse | 03 |
02 |
06 |
-------------- |
Sum(ma) tot(alis) |
09 |
19 |
06 |
Presers of these goods
Robt: Maynwaring
Nicholas Wiatt
Bent Holland sen:
[Presented by Benedict Holland, executor, 14 May 1672]
Ellen's will is Herts RO 108AW21.
29 November, 2013