Will of Richard Wyllyott, 1559

Herts RO 2AW586

The wyll of Richard Wyllyott

In the name of God Amen. The xxviijth daye of aprell in the first year of the Rayngne of ower Sufferen Ladye Quene Elsabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englande France & Ireland etc and in the yere of our Lorde God 1559.  I Richarde Willyott of Wynslowe in the Cowntye of Buck’ beyinge of p(er)f(e)ct remembrans but so(m)ewhat crased in bodye do make co(n)stytute and ordayne this for mye laste will and Testament in maner and Forme as here followyth. First I bequeth mye sowle to allmyghtye god and all the holye co(m)panye of heave(n), and mye bodye to be buryed in the Church yarde of Wynslowe nexte unto mye wyffe. Item I bequeth to the hyghe awlter xij d to the mayntenance of the bells xvj d It(em) I wyll to be dystributed unto the pore for mye buriall & other charges xxvj s viij d. It(em) I geve to Hew mye eldeste Sone iii li vj s viij d besyds the xxx s & iiij d which I gave hym with mye owne hands. It(em) I geve to Wyllyam mye sone all mye weringe ap(ar)rell unbequethed w(i)th v li of monye a fetherbed w(i)th the coverled & bolsters, ij hoggs & the best panne. It(em) I geve to Raffe mye yongest sone fyve pownds in monye the newyste fether bed w(i)th the bolster & best cov(er)led It(em) I geve to Wylliam and Rafe the monye that was made of the stacke of wheat & benes with ye heye & other things to be devyded indyfferentlye betwene the twayne Also I wyll Rafes parte to be {to be} resteyd[?] in the costodye of mye syster Agnes Yonge in who(m) I have a faythfull co(n)sciens to be good to mye pore childe & to deliver him his stocke aft(er) the yeres of his p(re)ntyship expired. I wyll all mye pewter & brasse to be devyded indyfferentlye betwene all mye three children. It(em) I geve to both mye godsons dafters Agnes Boston & Jone Boston xx s to bye the both calves, Also to George Boston hym selfe mye beste gowne.  It(em) to Anne for her paynes xvj d & a kerchew.  The reste of mye goods moveables & unmoveables mye detts beynge paide & mye Legases p(e)rformyd I bequeth to mye sones Hewe & Raff whom I make mye executors, and I wyll George Boston & Nicholas Sponer to be mye ov(er)seers & to have for their paynes eche of them iij s and iiij d        wyttnes

Agnes Yonge    George Boston
William Williot  Nicholas Sponer

Inventory of Richard Wyllyott, 1559

Herts RO A25/450

The Inventorye of the goods of Richard Wyllyot of Wynslowe made the xxiiijth of may Anno Domini 1559

In primis a brasse panne & a brasse pott          
vij s
Item a spit and cobyrens                                  
xij d
Item A Chise presse & ij pens                          
ix d
Item A drippinge pan(n)e & a grediorne           
viij d
Item A basen & a Chafingdyshe                       
xij d
Item a botell a candelsticke & a nape               
xij d
Item A table A fourme and trestles                   
ij s
Item A backe borde & A rownde Table           
xij d
Item a trevate A chayne and potthels                
xij d
Item a Kettell                                                   
iiij d
Item A beddstede A borde & A benche           
Item a Borde ij Kimnells                                  
ij s viij d
Item a troffe a Rope and A whele                     
xiiij d
Item iij chaynes and ij yoks                              
ij s viij d
Item ij heks and A Doke rake                          
vj d
Item A payre of harrowes                                
xvj d
Item vj bords iij peses of Tymber                     
xx d
Item ij coffers                                                  
ij s
Item ij towells A Table clothe iij shets           
iij s iiij d
Item A Carpet ij bedds ij bolsters and a pyllowe           
x s
Item ij cov(er)leds a pyllowe & a bolster 
v s
Item for other olde stufe                                   
xij d
Summa Totalis  
x li viij s j d
Preysed the Daye and yeare above wrytten
by Anthony Wenborow, Wylyam Jacson
Item in Detts and money                                  
xxiij li
Summa Totalis  
xxvi li viij s j d

[Latin] Exhibitum et Approbatum xiiijo die mensis Novembris Anno Domini 1559 Juramento Hugonis Walliott unius executoris &c

[signed] J[?] Easte [?]

Detts co(n)fessyd

In primis to Thomas Mores of Buck'
iij s
It(em) to Thomas Coffe
xx s
It(em) to William Gyles
xij s iiij d
It(em) to Anthonye Jacons wyfe
iiij s
It(em) to Anthonye We(n)borowe & his wyfe                 
ij s ij d

[Latin] Probatum fuit presens testamentum xiiijo die mensis Novembris Anno Domini 1559 Coram Domino Henrico Bestnepe[?] Surrogato &c Commissaque fuit administracio &c Hugoni Wyllyot uni executori &c. Primitus Jurat' & c. Reservata potestate &c Alteri executori &c. Salvo &c.

Exhibitum est Inventarium

[signed] J[?] Easte [?]


nape: a tablecloth (OED)

heck: A rack made with parallel spars to hold fodder, either fixed in a stable, or movable, so as to be placed in a field, cattle-yard, or sheep-fold (OED)

Doke rake: unidentified; could be a rack rather than a rake

Click on the pictures for full images of the documents:

The will:

Will of Richard Wyllyott

The inventory:

Inventory of Richard Wyllyott


Probate of Richard Wyllyott

Copyright 3 June, 2012