Parish Council 1897
1 Feb 1897
[p.93] 1897 Febry 1 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates School on Monday 1st Febry 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. J. Colgrove, E. Gowin, W. S. Neal, John Varney and T.Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were
[p.94] read and confirmed.
Churchyard Paths The following correspondence was read.
County Hall,
29th January 1897
Dear Sir,
Churchyard Paths
Referring to our correspondence upon this matter, I am directed by the General Purposes Committee of the County Council to send for the information of the Parish Council the enclosed copy of a letter dated 10th November last from the Winslow Rural District Council.
Yours faithfully,
Wm. Crouch,
Clerk of the Bucks County Council
Herbert Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Winslow Parish Council
Winslow Rural District Council,
10th Nov 1896
Dear Sir,
Churchyard Footpaths
I am directed in reply to your letter of the 30th ultimo to inform you the Council admits that the above are “Footpaths similar to others across pasture and not repairable by the Highway Authority.”
Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis
W. Crouch Esq
Clerk of the County Council Aylesbury
[p.95] Market Square Paths
County Hall, Aylesbury
9th Janry 1897
Dear Sir,
Market Square Paths
Referring to your letter to me of 3rd November last and the Resolution of the Winslow Parish Council which accompanied it, I send you herewith a copy of a letter dated 19th ulto from the Winslow Rural District Council & a copy of my reply of this day’s date.
Yours faithfully,
Wm. Crouch,
Clerk of the Bucks County Council
H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council Winslow
Winslow Rural District Council,
19th December 1896
Dear Sir,
Winslow Market Square Paths
Adverting to your letter of the 8th inst as to the above Paths, I beg to say that this Council refuse to repair any footpaths except by the sides of District Roads leaving all others to the care of the various Parish Councils & to which it was understood that had tacitly assented.
Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis
W. Crouch Esq
Clerk of the County Council
County Hall, Aylesbury
9th January 1897
Dear Sir,
Market Square Paths
Your letter of 19th ulto has been laid before the Highways Committee of the County Council I am to state that having regard to s.13 (2) of the Local Government Act 1894 the Committee do not understand how the Rural District Council can refuse to repair these paths or divest themselves of their responsibility as the Highway Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Wm. Crouch, Clerk of the Bucks County Council
T. P. Willis Esq.
Clerk of the Rural District Council
The Chairman was requested to write to the Clerk to the County Council in reply to the letters read.
L.G.B. Circular The Chairman read the Circular sent by the Local Government Board relating to the election of Parish Councillors in 1897, from which it appeared that the Parish Meeting for the election of Councillors and the annual Parish Meeting can be held together on the evening of 18th March next, the first business to be the Election of Councillors.
Engine House Property Tax The Clerk requested instructions as to the payment of 2s/2d Property Tax assessed upon the
[p.97] Engine House.
The Chairman said in his opinion the best course would be to pay the amount & appeal against the assessment on the first opportunity if it was thought the property was exempt from this tax. The Clerk was directed to bring the matter before the Lighting Committee.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
1 March 1897
1897 March 1 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday 1st March 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. Joseph Colgrove, G. A. Monk, W. S. Neal & J. Varney.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Churchyard Paths A copy of the letter written by the Chairman to the Clerk to the County Council respecting the Churchyard Paths as requested by the Parish Council at their last meeting was produced.
Property Tax on Engine House A letter from the Surveyor of Taxes to the Clerk on the subject of the Property Tax on the Engine
[p.98] House was read and it was decided to pay the amount.
Indian Famine Fund A letter from Lord Rothschild, Lord Lieutenant of the County, respecting the Indian Famine Fund was laid before the Council and no proposition relating thereto was made.
Cheque A cheque for £1-12-2 was drawn and paid to the Clerk to pay the following accounts:-
Use of Room for Meetings £1-7-6
Miss George - Stationer 2-2
Stamps 2-6
Herbert Bullock [signature]
Parish Meeting (election)
1897 March 18 The Parish Meeting for the Election of Parish Councillors and the Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Boys School on Thursday 18th of March 1897 at 7 pm.
Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. G. Ash, A. J. Clear, J. Colgrove, G. Coulton James East G. George E. Gowin, E. A. Illing, J. W. Ingram, W. N. Midgley, G. A. Monk, W. S. Neal, G. Pass, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, John Warner, T. P. Willis, J. White &c &c
The Notice calling the Meeting was read.
The Minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read and confirmed.
The following Nominations were handed to the Chairman
No. | Candidate | Proposed By | Seconded By |
1 | Ingram Jno Willm | Stevens Wm. Hall | Ash George |
2 | Gowin Edward | Ingram Jno Wm. | Midgley W.N. |
3 | Varney John | Turner George | Sturgess Edwd |
4 | Coxill Richd Jno | East James | Osborn Charles |
5 | Osborn Charles | East James | Clear A.J. |
6 | Monk Geo. Arthur | Neal Willm Saml | Varney John |
7 | Stevens Wm Hall | Neal Willm Saml | Monk G. Arthur |
8 | White Josiah | Neal Willm Saml | East James |
9 | Monk Wm Redman | Neal Willm Saml | Illing E. Alfred |
10 | Walker Thomas | Coxill Richard John | East James |
The Election with a show of hands was then proceeded with and resulted as follows:-
1 | Monk Geo. Arthur | 20 votes |
2 | Varney John | 20 |
3 | Ingram John William | 19 |
4 | Gowin Edward | 18 |
5 | White Josiah | 16 |
6 | Walker Thomas | 16 |
7 | Coxill Richard John | 15 |
8 | Stevens William Hall | 14 |
9 | Monk William Redman | 9 |
10 | Osborn Charles | 9 |
Mr. Charles Osborn having withdrawn his w candidature the Chairman declared the first 9 names elected.
The accounts for the past year for the Winslow Charities were presented to the Meeting by the Secretary (Mr. Geo Ash)
Herbert Bullock [signature]
15 April 1897
1897 April 15 The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Thursday the 15th April 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq. (Chairman) Messrs. R. J. Coxill, J. W. Ingram, G. A. Monk, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, T. Walker & J. White.
The minutes of the last meeting of the late Parish Council were read and confirmed.
[p.99] Chairman Mr. G. A. Monk proposed that Mr. Herbert Bullock be re elected Chairman of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr. J. W. Ingram and carried unanimously, and a vote of thanks for his past services in that capacity were accorded to him on the proposition of Mr. Walker seconded by Mr. Varney.
Overseers Mr. G. A. Monk proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that Mr. John Buckingham be appointed Overseer for the ensuing year. Mr. J. W. Ingram proposed and Mr. T. Walker seconded that Messrs. Joseph Colgrove Senr. Richard J. Matthews and William Wise be appointed Overseers and those Four gentlemen were unanimously appointed to that office.
Lighting & Watching & Fire Brigade Committee Mr. J. White proposed that the following members Messrs. Gowin, Ingram, G. A. Monk, Varney, & Walker be appointed the Committee for carrying out the provisions of the Lighting & Watching Act including the management of the Fire Brigade. Three to be a quorum.
Mr. Ingram proposed and Mr. Varney seconded that the Committee be increased by two in order to add Messrs. Coxill & White. this was carried unanimously, and the Committee as proposed by Mr. White with the additions of Messrs. Coxill & White were then unanimously chosen.
[p.100] Technical Educn Committee Mr. Varney proposed that Messrs. Coxill, Gowin, Ingram, Varney and Walker from the Parish Council and Mrs. Newcombe, Mr. George Pass, Revd. H. K. Byard and Messrs. A. J. Clear, James East and T. Higgins be appointed a joint Committee to act as a Local Committee for the Parish to carry out the work of Technical Education. This was seconded by Mr. J. W. Ingram and carried nem. con. Messrs. G. A. Monk, Coxill & White not voting.
Declaration of Office Mr. J. W. Ingram proposed that Mr. E. Gowin be allowed to sign his declaration accepting office at the next meeting of the Council. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unan:
Herbert Bullock [signature]
3 May 1897
1897 May 3 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 3rd of May 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. E. Gowin, G. A. Monk, J. W. Ingram, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, T. Walker & J. White.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
[p.101] Day of Meeting of Council Mr. G. A. Monk proposed in accordance with his notice, that the day of the monthly meeting of the Parish Council be changed from the First Monday to the first Wednesday. This was seconded by Mr. J. W. Ingram and carried unanimously.
Technical Education Committee Mr. Varney proposed in accordance with his notice that the Revd. W. F. Armstrong be added to the Local Committee for Technical Education. This was seconded by Mr. E. Gowin and carried nem. con. Mr. Walker not voting.
Precept on Overseers On the Motion of Mr. G. A. Monk seconded by Mr. J. Varney, a Precept for £10 on the Overseers for the purposes of the Parish Council was signed.
Stiles leading to Shipton Allotments Mr. J. White mentioned the state of the Stiles leading to the Allotments at Shipton and it was unanimously agreed that Messrs. G. A. Monk & J. White be deputed to meet Mr. Wigley with a view to arranging some improvements.
Cheque A cheque was drawn for £1-4-6 to pay Fire Insurance 4/6 and Audit stamp £1.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
2 June 1897
[p.102] 1897 June 2 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 2nd of June 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. R. J. Coxill, J. W. Ingram, G. A. Monk, W. Monk, J. Varney, T. Walker & J. White.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Stiles at Shipton Allotments Mr. J. White informed the Council that Mr. Wigley had caused the improvements to be carried out that were desired with respect to the Stiles at the Allotments at Shipton.
Charities Mr. Walker proposed that a list of the recipients of the Dole Charities be printed and published by being posted in the same manner as the Voters Lists are posted for publication. This was seconded by Mr. Varney and carried unan:
Churchyard Paths Mr. Walker proposed that the Chairman be asked to write to Mr. Weston to request him to mention at the next meeting of the Highway Committee of the County Council the matter of the Rural District Council’s decision not to repair the Churchyard Paths. This was seconded by Mr. Ingram and carried unanimously.
Fire Brigade & Subscriptions After some discussion with respect to the status of the Fire Brigade Mr. Walker proposed that
[p.103] the Secretary write to those Parishes who had subscribed to the Brigade that the Auditors having taken exception to the Subscriptions made to the Winslow Fire Brigade these annual payments would not in future be asked for. This was seconded by Mr. Varney and carried nem. con. Mr. Ingram not voting.
Fire Brigade & Mr. Midgley’s fire The Chairman proposed that the Secretary be authorised to accept from the Fire Insurance Office the sum of £4-11-0 the actual amount of the payments in respect of Mr. Midgley’s fire. This was seconded by Mr. Coxill and carried nem. con. Messrs. Varney & Walker not voting.
Fire Brigade Inventory Mr. Varney reported that he and Mr. Coxill had gone through the Inventory of the apparatus of the Fire Brigade and had corrected it up to date and that they found a few repairs and two new hand lamps were required.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
7 July 1897
[p.104] 1897 July 7 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 7th of July 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. R. Coxill, E. Gowin, J. W. Ingram & W. H. Stevens.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Churchyard & Market Square Paths Correspondence relating to the Churchyard & Market Square Paths between the Chairman and Mr. Crouch the Clerk of the County Council was submitted to the meeting and thereupon the Chairman proposed “That this Parish Council formally complain to the County Council that the Rural District Council still neglect to repair the Paths around the Churchyard and around the Market Square and which Paths are in a state requiring repair, and beg them to take steps under S.16 of the Local Government Act 1894 to cause the necessary repairs to be done.”
This was seconded by Mr. J. W. Ingram and carried unanimously.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
1 Sep 1897
[p.105] 1897 Sep. 1 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 1st of September 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. R. J. Coxill, E. Gowin, J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, J. Varney, T. Walker & J. White.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Winslow Paths A letter from Mr. Crouch with the information that a Local enquiry had been directed by the County Council to be held on the question of Winslow Paths and stating that the 11th of October had been provisionally suggested for the date & asking to be informed whether this date would be locally suitable was read & the Chairman was requested to reply that the proposed date would be a suitable one.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
6 Oct 1897
1897 October 6 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 6th of October 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. R. J. Coxill, J. W. Ingram, J. Varney, W. H. Stevens, T. Walker & J. White.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read
[p.106] and confirmed.
Winslow Paths The Enquiry by the County Council was mentioned and the Chairman undertook to attend the Enquiry and several other members of the Parish Council expressed their intentions of attending also.
Lighting Park Road A Letter signed by various Householders in Park Road requesting that a Lamp be erected in that Road was read and the matter was referred to the Lighting Committee.
Cheque A cheque was drawn to the Clerk for £2-16-6 to pay for the following accounts:-
T. P. Willis Returning Officer 13-0
E. J. French. Stationer 2-3-6
Herbert Bullock [signature]
Buckingham Advertiser, 16 Oct 1897 Buckingham Advertiser, 4 Nov 1897 Bucks Herald, 13 Nov 1897: Bucks County Council |
3 Nov 1897
1897 Novemr. 3 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 3rd of November 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. E. Gowin, J. W. Ingram, G. A. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, T. Walker & J. White.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read
[p.107] and confirmed.
Lighting Park Road With reference to the application for a Lamp to be placed in Park Road which was referred to the Lighting Committee, the Clerk stated that by direction of the Lighting Committee, he had written the following reply to the application.
October 6th 1897
I am requested by the Winslow Parish Council to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 27 September 1897 requesting that a Lamp be placed in the Park Road & to state that as the Road is not yet taken over by the District Council, they are unable to entertain your application.
I am, Gentlemen,
Yours truly,
Thos. D. Curtis (Clerk)
Mr. Walker proposed that the Council approve the decision of the Lighting Committee and that the letter be placed upon the minutes. This was seconded by Mr. W. H. Stevens and carried unanimously.
Winslow Charities Mr. G. A. Monk proposed that Mr. J. W. Ingram be appointed a Trustee of the Winslow Charities in the place of Mr. E. J. French who retires.
Mr. Ingram having expressed a wish not to serve Mr. White proposed and Mr. W. H. Stevens seconded
[p.108] that Mr. Thomas Walker be appointed a Trustee of the Winslow Charities in the place of Mr. E. J. French. This was carried unanimously.
Footplank Tuckey Farm A letter was read from the Clerk to the Rural District Council asking the Parish Council to join with the Grandborough Parish Council in the expense of repairing the Plank or in placing new Planks over the Brook leading from Grandborough to Tuckey Farm.
Certain of the members of the Parish Council stated that they understood that the District Auditor reported to have said that he should not allow expenditure of this nature in Parish Council accounts.
The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council reply to the District Council, that they are willing to share the expense of placing a New Footbridge or Plank at the place referred to, if such expenditure will be passed by the Auditor. This was seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
Parish meeting (lighting)
1897 Novr. 18 A Parish Meeting called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 Willm. IV and for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act in the current year in this Parish was held in the Boys National Schoolroom on Thursday 18th November 1897.
Present H. Bullock Esq. (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear & John Varney
The Notice calling for the Meeting was read.
The Minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr. Varney proposed & Mr. A. J. Clear seconded that a sum not exceeding £140 be raised for the purposes of the Lighting & Watching Act for the ensuing year.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
1 Dec 1897
1897 Decr. 1 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 1st of December 1897. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. R. J. Coxil, W. Monk, J. Varney, T. Walker and J. White.
[p.109] The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Footplank between Tuckey Farm and Grandborough Mr. Varney proposed that the Clerk enquire of the Auditor whether the proposed expenditure for Plank between Tuckey Farm and Grandborough would be allowed in the Parish Council accounts & if so, that Messrs. J. W. Ingram and W. R. Monk be appointed to meet the representatives of the Grandborough Parish Council & arrange for the work to be done.
This was seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously.
Cheques The Clerk presented an account from the County Council for the expenses of the enquiry held on the 11th October, amounting to £2-12-7 & on the motion of Mr. Walker seconded by Mr. Varney a cheque was drawn for the amount.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
- Back to Parish Council