8 High Street
Listing description (1952)
Shop with house above. C17 timber frame partly exposed to rear and
with one beam and brace to front. Refronted late C18. Colourwashed
brick with partial band courses at first and second floor levels.
Hipped roof, slate to front pitch, remainder tiled. Brick stack
to right. 3 storeys, one bay. Shop front with door to left. Upper
floors have barred sash windows with cambered heads. Passage to
1664 | Manor Court: Michael Norman surrendered the south part of the messuage in Winslow in which he now lives from "the entry" towards the south containing "A Bay of building" next to the street, and 3 "Bayes of building" adjoining on "the yard side", with the south part of the yard as now divided, containing in width 13½ feet at the west side, 6½ feet at the east side, with free ingress etc. in and through "the entry" and in and through the "gatewaies" belonging to the east part of Michael's yard with horses, carts and carriages at all opportune times. To the use of John Blechly gent. and Emma his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and for want of such heirs to the use of the survivor's heirs in perpetuity. Rent 8d, fine 5s. |
1683 | Manor Court: John Greene and Emma his wife surrendered a messuage in Winslow in which John now lives, with privileges of ingress etc. It was surrendered by Michael Norman deceased to the use of John Bletchley gent. deceased, Emma's late husband, as by copy of court roll bearing date 19 April 1664 appears. To the use of John Duncombe of East Claydon, who sought to be admitted tenant. Fine 5s. Procedure of common recovery. All surrendered the messuage to the use of John and Emma Greene. Rent [blank], fine 5s. They then surrendered it to John Duncombe on condition that if they pay him £42 on 27 Oct 1684 the surrender will be void. |
1684 | Manor Court: John Duncumbe esq. sought to be admitted to a messuage in Winslow in which John Greene now lives, with such privileges of ingress etc. as appears in a surrender by Michael Norman deceased to the use of John Blechly deceased, late husband of Emma Greene now wife of John Greene. They came into the lord's hands by surrender of John and Emma Greene enrolled at the court on 26 Oct 1683. Seisin was granted to John on condition mentioned in the surrender. Rent [blank], fine 5s. |
1693 | Manor Court: John Green & Emma his wife and John Stutsbury & Elizabeth his wife surrendered a messuage in the occupation of John Greene, containing one bay from the entrance in the occupation of John Hearne [10 High St.] fronting the common street, and 3 bays adjoining on the yard side and the south part of the yard belonging to the bays, as it is now walled, with entry for horses, carts and carriages through the entrance and the Gatewayes on the east side of the yard in the occupation of the said John Hearne. To Joseph Dandridge of London, Merchant Taylor, and Martha his wife, and Joseph's heirs. Joseph's attorney Joseph Dandridge of Winslow, Barber Chirurgeon, sought to be admitted tenant. Rent 8d. Fine 5s. Lowndes Roll 1 m.17: Joseph Dandridge built a new brick house on the premisses which (with the Purchase of the old) cost him £457 13s 1d. [previous transactions also recited] |
1699 | A manor court entry refers to this as "the tenement in the occupation of Joseph Ayres and lately John Greene" |
1710 | Manor Court: Joseph Dandridge and Martha his wife, John Strutsbury and Elizabeth his wife surrendered the messuage newly built by John now in the occupation of William Shelton or his assigns, abutting on The Kings head on the north side, the common street of Winslow on the west, with free ingress etc. in and through the "gatewaye" at the east end of the yard of the Kings head and once Michael Norman deceased's with horses, carts and carriages at all convenient times. The messuage was formerly acquird by Joseph and Martha from John Green and Emma his wife, John Stutsbury and Elizabeth his wife, Emma's daughter and heir. Procedure of common recovery followed. Rent 8<d>, fine 5s. Joseph and Martha then surrendered (with other property) to the trustees of William and Robert Lowndes. |
1730 | In a manor court entry concerning the adjacent property, this site is described as "the structure and ground in the occupation of James Budd and Benjamin Saunders" |
1841 | Census: Thomas Viccars, plumber, wife Ann (nee King) and children |
1851 | Census, Market Square Grant King, 43, draper, b. Great Horwood |
1861 | Census, Buckingham Road John Corkett, 41, boot & shoemaker, b. Soulbury |
1863 | Oxfordshire Telegraph, 2 Dec The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in the Neighbourhood. J. CORKETT, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, Market Square, Winslow. J. C. has on hand T E N T H O U S A N D PAIRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES TO SELECT FROM. Also a Large Stock of Goloshes and Gaiters of Every Description. |
1871 | Census, High Street: George Kennings, 56, saddler |
1881 | Census, High Street: George Kennings, 66, saddler, b. Whitchurch |
1883 & 1887 | Directory: Kennings, George, saddler & harness maker, High Street |
1887, 31 Aug | Death of George Kennings, saddler and harness maker, aged 74, deacon of the Congregational Church. Administration of his will was granted on 5 Jan 1888 to his son Frederick Kennings of Winslow, saddler and harness maker. Personal estate £290. |
Gravestone, now removed: In Sacred Memory of GEORGE KENNINGS who died August 1st 1887 aged 74 years His end was peace |
1887, 10 Sep | Buckingham Advertiser The old tradesmen of Winslow are getting extremely few in number. Mr. Geo. Kennings, whose death we announced last week, had, we believe, been in business from 1844, previous to which he resided in Whitchurch. In the 1851 and 1861 Censuses, he was living in Horn Street. |
1890 | ![]() Valuation of Fixtures in House & Shop Market Square Winslow Bucks To be sold at auction July 14 1890 Front Shop 2 Roller blinds & fittings Gas pendant & globe Back Shop Stove & piping 2 gas brackets Workroom Roller blind fittings Gas bracket Gas [?]metre Passage Gas bracket & globe Sitting Room Gas bracket & globe Roller blind & fittings Curtain pole & rings Bedroom Gasalin 2 light & globe 2 blinds Overmantle Attic 3 blinds Gas bracket Pole & rings ________ £5 – 19 - 0 |
1891 | Census, 1 Market Square: Frederick Kennings 30 saddler & harness maker b. Winslow |
1891 | Directory: Kennings, Frederick, saddler & harness maker, High Street |
1900 | Photo (Victorian & Edwardian Buckinghamshire): Kennings |
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1901 | Census, Market Square: Mary Kennings, wife, 43, saddler & harness maker, b. Thornborough Frederick Kennings was a patient at St John's Hospital, Stone |
1903 | Directory Kennings, Frederick, saddler & harness maker, High Street |
1910 | Valuation no.165: Kennings, Mrs Clark, Sidmouth: House & Shop, High Street |
1911 | Census, High Street, 6 rooms Mary Kennings, wife, 51, saddler & harness maker, b. Thornborough, married 19 years, no children |
1911 | Parish Council decided to put an enamel "High Street" sign on Mrs Kennings' shop. |
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The sign is still there, although the business had changed its name by the time this photo was taken on 21 Nov 1911. | |
1914 | Assessment (TNA, IR58/2347 no.165) |
Situation High Street Description House & Shop Gross Value: Buildings £18 Rateable Value: Buildings £14 - 10 Occupier Mrs Stemmings [sic] Owner Sarah Clark, 6 Liime Park Villas Sidmouth Interest of Owner Freehold Occupier’s tenancy, Term Quarterly Actual Rent £18 – 0 - 0 Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance a) T (b) L Who is liable for repairs L Former Sales Dates No Sales [stamp] SEP 30 1914 Particulars, description and note made on inspection Brick & Slate House & Shop Shop, sitting room & kitchen 2 store barns W.C. & rubbish hole 4 bedrooms 3 poles 9 yds Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition £300 Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land 12’ front 900 sq ft £50 Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £250 |
Sarah Clark was the wife of James Thomas Clark, draper (married at Exeter in 1890); she had previously been married to Harry Lee, then Edward Dent. She died in 1921. She was the daughter of James King the surveyor (d.1894). Her father left his property in trust, expecting it to be sold after his widow died; perhaps Sarah bought out her siblings. | |
1921 | Census: Market Square, 6 rooms |
George Muston Housley, Head, 55y 1m, married, b. Swineshead, Lincs, saddler | |
Emma Martha Francis [sic] Jane Housley, Wife, 56y 2m, b. Nuneaton | |
1924 | Kelly's Directory Housley, George Muston, saddler, Market Square |
1939 | Directory: Willison, Dennis saddler 8 High Street |
After the Second World War the shop was run by the Newman family of Granborough, and was Newman's Delicatessen in the 1960s and 70s.
7 October, 2024