View of frankpledge and court baron, 27 April 1688
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/22
Note: only one court roll has been preserved for this year.
Originals in Latin. Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.
[f.1r] Winslow with members. View of frankpledge with court baron of Nicholas Goodwin gent., held on 27 April 4 James II 1688 by James Hayes esq., deputy steward.
John Henley, Richard Seaton, Benjamin Leach, Joseph Glenister, Thomas Bishopp
Nathaniel Haslewood, Thomas Brickill, Phillip Bayley, Ralph Beates [sic], Thomas Mayne
Charles Bowler, Henry Townsend, William Illing, Thomas Ward, John Fuller
Thomas Bartton [sic], Robert Norman, Richard Barton, John Holland John Rutland
Robert Stephens, Stephen Emerton, John Steevens, David Worrall
Default by residents or tenants [amerced 4d each]
John Hewett of Winslow, William Claydon of the same,
Edward Horwood of the same,
Thomas Eding of the same,
Nicolas Plested of the same,
Mayne of the same,
John Seaton jr of the same,
William Willmot of the same,
Thomas Godwin of the same,
Richard Tringe of the same,
John Plomer of the same,
Widow Paradine
of the same, Widow Deareing of the same,
Richard Benboe of the same,
Richard Benson of the same,
William Britten of the same,
Richard Letman of the same,
Thomas Kirby of the same,
William Bence of the same,
Widow Worrall of the same,
William Elliott of the same,
Widow Allin of the same,
John Godwin of the same,
John Hearne of the same,
Thomas Bett
of the same,
Widow Stutsberry of the same,
William Bigg of the same,
William Gyles sr of the same,
Ralph Daggett of the same,
William Short of the same,
Daniel Begells of the same,
Widow Noone of the same,
Samuel Miller of the same,
William Woodcocke of the same,
Thomas Hogg of the same,
John Chenell of the same,
Widow King of the same,
John Maine
of Shipton, Richard North of the same,
Holloway [sic] of the same, William Wyatt of the same,
John Judge of the same,
William Cooke of the same,
Joseph Glenister of the same,
Worrall of Grandborough, Thomas Rutland of the same,
Bennet Holland of the same,
William Tharpe of the same,
Robert Knighs[?] of the same,
Robert Holt of the same,
Ralph Steevens
of the same, Ben' Pitkin of the same,
John Morecroft of the same,
William Morecroft of the same,
Robert Steevens of the same,
Ben' Holland of the same,
Thomas Mountague of the same,
King of the same,
[blank] Hart of the same,
John Hawkins of Little Horwood, John Eeles of the same,
William Richardson of the same,
Hugh Williatt of the same,
Newman Williatt of the same,
John Copper of the same,
Thomas Willis of the same,
Joseph Cox of the same,
John Capp of the same,
John Varney of the same,
John Williatt of the same,
Richard Varney of the same,
Richard Missendon of the same,
William Barton of the same,
Christopher Smith of the same,
William Vickers of the same,
Thomas Adams of the same,
William Meade of the same,
Gaskins of the same,
John Cogge of the same,
James Woodward of the same and [blank] Bampton
Amerced 5s because they did not appear to make their return:
Thomas Rutland, constable of Granborough
John Wyatt, a tithingman of Granborough
Robert Manwaring, another tithingman of Granborough
Antony Godwin, constable of Little Horwood
Benjamin Anstee, tithingman of Shipton
William Smith alias Caves surrendered 1 acre of arrable land in Claydon Worge Furlong in Demmeram Feild, the land of the vicar/age west. To the use of William Lowndes esq., who sought admission through Richard Phipps his attorney. Rent [blank], fine 2s, fealty respited.
On 23 Nov 1687 Dorothy Miller out of court surrendered by William Townsend jr and George Elliott her land in Shipton Feild:
- 1 ridge in Snowte Hale, William Townsend jr east
- 2 butts in Marracre, Henry Townsend west
- In Blackgrove Feild in Five Acre Furlong 1 acre, Charles Bowler west
- 2 virgates in Newell Deane, Charles Bowler east
- 1 Ley in Little Tunn, Charles Bowler east
- In Red Feild 4 virgates in Marys Slade, Charles Bowler west
- 1 Ley with hedge in Lower Cley Furlong, Richard Phipps east
- In Cowpasture 1 acre in Trockwell [=Cockwell] Furlong, William Townsend sr east
- 1 Ley in Now Leane, Henry Townsend east
- a half-acre in Flexton [=Foxton], Charles Bowler east
- 1 acre in Broadmore Furlong, Richard Phipps east
- a half-acre in Broadmore, Thomas Deely west
- 1 piece between us and Richard Phipps, the "brooke" south
To the use of Martha Miller her daughter. Rent [blank], fine 16s. Dorothy also surrendered:
- 1 Ley in Newell Deane, Henry Townsend south
- 1 ridge in New Leane, Henry Townsend west
- 1 Headland in Long Blackgrove, Charles Bowler west
- In the Redd Field 2 ridges, Richard Phipps west
- 1 ridge in Bryars Furlong, Charles Bowler south
- 1 ridge in Clay Furlong, Richard Phipps west
To the use of Joan Miller her daughter who sought admission by the name of Joan Shelton. Rent [blank], fine 6s.
John Kiniston surrendered a close in Winslow feild called Kinnistons Close, abutting Great Horwood highway, John Seaton's close north. To the use of William Dyer, who sought admission. To be void if John pays him 10s on 14 Sep and 14 March 1688 and 1689 and 14 Sep 1690 and £20 10s on 14 March 1690. Fine 4s.
John Stutsberry and Elizabeth his wife surrendered two closes called Bell Closes in Winslow feild containing 3 acres. To the use of Francis Winslow of Lee in the parish of Quainton [=Shipton Lee], who sought admission. To be void if John pays him 20s on 18 July and 18 Jan 1688 and 1689 and 18 July 1690 and £41 on 18 Jan 1690. Rent [blank], fine 6s.
[This is the first clear reference to Bell Closes, now the Recreation Ground, which must already have been separated from The Bell]
[f.1v] William Wyatt and Katherine his wife surrendered 1 acre in Demoram Feild in a furlong called Shortlayes near Claydon highway. To the use of William Gyles and Mary his wife. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
William Gyles and Mary his wife surrendered 4 roods of arable land containing 1 acre in Winslow feild in a furlong called Gores Bush, William Eden north. To the use of William Wyatt. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
Benjamin Leach surrendered a close called Rose Close containing 2 acres and a parcel of arable land at Lower Westall containing 3 acres, the land of Lowndes [sic] east. To the use of Thomas Bishopp of Bott' Claydon who sought admission. To be void if Benjamin pays him £3 on 27 Oct 1688, 27 April and 27 Oct 1689 and 1690 and £63 on 27 April 1691. Rent 15d, fine 10s.
Thomas Mayne surrendered a barn in Winslow with yard adjoining the public road leading to Grandborough containing 3 Bays. To the use of Thomas Norman and Elizabeth his wife. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
John Maine and Alice his wife surrendered a messuage in Shipton, Richard Phipps north, and 33 acres with common of pasture for 9 cows in the Cowpasture. To the use of William Lowndes esq. To be void if John pays him £200 on 27 April 1691 and £10 annually for 3 years in two equal portions of £5 at Michaelmas and Lady Day.
Procedure of common recovery followed: Thomas Brickwell complained against William Lowndes on a plea of land. William called to warranty John and Alice Maine, who called John Steevens. Thomas surrendered the messuage and land to William Lowndes on the said condition. Rent [blank], fine £3 6s, fealty respited.
[See Lowndes Roll for the Maynes' (of Waddesdon) acquisition of this property in 1677; it was granted outright to William Lowndes in 1695]
Thomas Norman and Elizabeth his wife and Susanna his mother surrendered a messuage in Winslow, the land of William Bence west. To the use of Daniel Steevens and Ann his wife for their lives, then to William Bence and his heirs in perpetuity. On condition that if William Bence will have [habebit] the messuage in possession he pays Daniel or Ann 20s annually for the term of their lives (10s at Michaelmas and Lady Day). If the payment is in arrears, the surrender will be to the use of Daniel and Ann. Daniel, Ann and William sought admission. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Thomas Miller sought admission to 6 acres which came into the lord's hands by the death of Hester Henly. Rent [blank], fine 12s.
Windover Lowndes died since the last court seized of one messuage. Edmund Lowndes is the next heir, and sought admission. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[The house was occupied by Thomas Spooner who had mortgaged it; it may be 14 High Street.]
2nd proclamation made for Susanna Noone for the land which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Ralph Noone.
[This was a messuage in Winslow according to the 1687 court]
[f.2r] Thomas Eden surrendered a messuage in which Joan Allen now dwells with part of the yard as now separated. To the use of James Allen and Jane his wife for their lives, then to John Allen their son. James, Jane and John sought admission. Rent [blank], fine 5s, John's fealty respited.
[Jane was Thomas' daughter; see his will]
John Rickford and Elizabeth Tomlyn surrendered a messuage in Winslow late in the occupation of William Frith, as it is now divided with ingress etc. to "the Pump" and half the expense of repairing it, and with the great barn etc. To the use of Joseph Harden and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of their bodies. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
John and Elizabeth surrendered a messuage in Winslow late in the occupation of Elizabeth Glenister as it is now divided, with ingress etc. through the gates. To the use of Daniel Cooley and Sarah his wife. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[The property had been mortgaged by Thomas Tomlyn to William Retchford, Rector of Addington, in 1680 (see 1683 court). It was in The Walk and burned down in the 1697 fire.]
Antony Deeley and Margaret his wife surrendered a messuage now in the occupation of William East and a yard commonly called William Hogsons Close, the Crosse Lane on the north. To the use of Daniel Steevens and Ann his wife, who sought admission. To be void if Antony pays them 50s annually for 3 years in 2 equal portions: £1 5s on 1 Nov next, 1 May and 1 Nov 1689 and 1690, and the full sum of £51 5s on 1 May 1691. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[Ann Stevens left her interest in the property to William Shelton in her will, proved 1708.]