Court baron with view of frankpledge, 20-22 April 1713
Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/28
Originals in Latin unless stated (individual words are sometimes in English, marked with "..."). Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.
Manor of Winslowe with members. Court Baron with View of Frankpledge of Robert Lowndes esq., 20 April 12 Anne 1713 and by adjournment 21 and 22 April, by Nicholas Merwin, gent, steward.
Essoins: Daniel Kurby, resident
Jurors for the lady Queen:
Daniell Gyles, Joseph Turner, Philip Bayly
Richard Benboe, William Illing, John Woodward
Robert Stevens, Robert Gascoyn, Thomas Deely
Thomas Wainwright, Edward Pitkin, Thomas Henley and John Mead
Default by residents (amerced 3d each): Mr Markham, Henry Timms, Thomas George, Ralph Hall, William Green, William Bull, Thomas Rice, Christopher Bigg, Philip Webster
William Dancer, Francis Ambrough, Hugh Seaton, Philip Bayly, William Ridgeway, Richard Worsley, Thomas Wilston, William Tatham, Joseph Norman, John Worsley, Daniell Hogson, William
Fennimore, Richard Bull, Nathan Emerton, Emer Firth, Mathew Clerk, George Blake, Richard Allen, Benjamin Dudley, William Firth, Thomas Hazzard, Thomas Spratley, Oliver Mayne
William Norman, Thomas Hamp, Thomas Holdam, Edward Mead, Daniel Nicholls, Michael Tims, William Wise, Edward Showler, Thomas Cox, Thomas Bennet, Charles Inwood, Antony Scott
George Illing, Daniel Payn, Henry Pitkin, Robert Tompkins, Thomas Smith, Benjamin Fowler, John Wilson, John Parker
John Chennells and John Ashby each amerced 12d because they did not appear at this court to serve on the jury.
Court Baron
Essoins: William Bence, John Chandler, Robert Dorsett, Thomas Deely jr, Simon Hogson, John Longbridge with many other tenants.
Homage: Thomas Foster, Richard Gibbs, Henry Stutsbury, John Shelton sr
William Shelton jr, Roger West, Thomas Watts, Robert Wyatt
William Elliott, John Henley, William Townsend, Henry Curtis
George Illing, Benedict Holland att Elm, John Holland jr, Thomas Rutland sr and John Thorp
Default by tenants (each amerced 3d): Thomas Blake gent., Thomas Bett, Stephen Bigg, Joseph Bigg
Jane Kirby widow on 29 Dec surrendered by the steward these pieces of arable land in the common fields of Winslowe:
- in New Mill Feild in Hawkeslow Furlong extending towards Addington Hedge, Robert Lowndes esq. north: 4 butts lying together containing 1 acre
- 1 land in Anchor land Furlong extending towards the west and east in Palmers Leys, Joseph Glenister south
To the use of Benjamin Saunders of Winslowe Baker and Elizabeth his wife for their lives, then to Benjamin's heirs. Rent [blank], fine 3s.
John Chennells on 29 Dec surrendered:
- all right, title and equity of redemption in 2 acres in New Mill Feild, the land late William Spooner's south.
- "a Windmill" on or next to the two pieces of land, with all the land on which the windmill stood and was used with it, with free way and passage to and from the windmill.
- an outhouse adjoining the windmill
- all "sails sail cloaths", stones, boxes [cistis], bread-baskets [panariis], "troughs" [lacis], star-wheels[?] [rotis starris], "cogs" [balliis], "braces" [arib'] and material
To the use of Thomas Gibbs of Winslowe Baker, on condition that if John pays him £20 with 6% interest on 30 June following the surrender at Thomas' domicile in Winslowe, the surrender is to be void. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
Edward Tomlin died since the last court. On 10 April last he surrendered by John Henley and Henry Townsend 2 acres of arable land and pasture in the common fields and parish of Winslowe cum Shipton:
- 1 acre in Foxden in the Shipton Cowpasture, John Wyatt west
- 1 acre abutting on Snout[?] Highway, William Townsend north
- his domicile and 1 acre adjoining
[f.1v] To the use of Mary Tomlin his wife on trust that {if} she sells and assigns 2 acres to the payment of Edward's just debts, and on the further condition that {if} she sells and assigns the domicile and 1 acre for the best price she can get and with the money "ariseing" feeds and educates all Edward's children. But if Mary does not live to sell the land and educate the children and pay the debts, the land and domicile are to revert to the use of John Henley and Henry Townsend on trust to sell and assign the premisses for the education, benefit, provision and sustenance of all Edward's children after payment of his just debts. Mary was called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[Edward inherited some land in Shipton from his mother Mary in 1708, most of which he had already sold. In 1707 he was described as a carpenter of Shipton. He married Mary Crook of Winslow in 1699 and had numerous children. See below for Mary's admission.]
Pownall Short and Mary his wife, customary tenants, on 5 Jan last surrendered by the steward a messuage in Winslowe, late the estate of Thomas Tomlins, now in the several occupations of Pownall Short, Joseph Norman and John Stevens, containing 3 bays [contignaciones] in the "Front" and 2 towards the rear, the house of Sarah Shaw east, the house of Richard Bigg in the occupation of Nicholas Spooner west. With all yards and backyards, excepting liberty of ingress etc. in and through the gate [Januam] to and from the barn and stable and parcel of land late in the occupation of William Short and Elizabeth Herbert widow now belonging to the messuage; which liberties were lately surrendered by Pownall and Mary to Mr Richard Bigg. To the use of Thomas Miller of Winslowe Currier and Priscilla his wife for their lives, then to Thomas' heirs, on trust that {if} Thomas and Priscilla from the profits of the premisses "find, provide and allow" for Joseph Short, a son of William Short late of Winslowe Baker deceased, suitable food, drink, washing, lodging and apparel during his life. If they do not find for Joseph as above, or if they do not honestly and justly perform the trust in the opinion of Thomas Short of Great Horwood Baker and William Firth of Winslowe Brazier, then on this trust: that Thomas and Priscilla will pay to Thomas Short and William Firth £4 p.a. for the use of Joseph Short. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[This refers to 8-10 Horn Street]
[f.2r] William Gyles sr died since the last court. On 18 Feb last he surrendered by Daniel Gyles and Thomas Wainwright all his customary lands and tenements to the use of his will, or if no such will should appear to the use of his rightful heirs. The heirs were called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
Joseph Glenister died since the last court. On 14 Feb last he surrendered by Mathew Hobbs and Joseph Turner the messuage in Winslowe in which he then lived and all his arable land, ley, meadow and pasture in the common fields of Winslowe and Shipton containing 23 acres to the use of his will. It is not known if he made a will. 1st proclamation made for his heirs.
[The messuage was 14 Market Square]
[f.2v] Mary Worrall died since the last court seised of a messuage at Houtchen Tree. Heriot arises. Eleanor daughter of George Nutkins is her daughter and next heir, of full age, and sought admission. Rent 2d, fine [blank].
[This property was entailed to Mary in 1669, when it was called "Huthintree" and said to be on the south side of Winslow. George Nutkins married Ellen Worrell in 1694.]
Robert Evans of Shipton died since the last court seised of a messuage and 1 acre in The Cowpasture of Shipton. Heriot "an apple Tree". William Evans is his son and heir, of full age. He was called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[The burial is recorded on 6 Oct 1712]
Mary Seaton widow and Robert Seaton surrendered these pieces of arable land in the common fields of Winslowe:
- 4 ridges in New Mill Field in Mill Furlong, Mr Richard Bigg north, Robert Wyatt south
- another land in the same furlong, John Wyatt north, Mr Townsend south
containing 1½ acres. To the use of Richard Bigg of Winslowe, gent. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
Robert Gibbs and Richard Bigg surrendered all their estate, title and equity of redemption in a messuage in Winslowe lately in the occupation of John Hearne and now of Thomas Spratley called The Kings Head with all outhouses (lately surrendered to them on trust as set out by copy of court rolls of 20 Oct 1706). To the use of Hannah Merwin of London Spinster. Hannah was called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[The King's Head was 10 High Street. Hannah Merwin was the sister of the Winslow lawyer Nicholas Merwin.]
Daniel Gyles and John Shelton surrendered a cottage now in the occupation of John Shelton in Winslowe with yard, garden, backyards. To the use of Thomas Wright, John Henley and Thomas Whiteeaves on trust that from the premisses they "shall save harmlesse" the inhabitants of the parish of Winslowe from all costs which they expend on behalf of the said John Shelton, Ann Shelton his daughter and the infant with which Ann is now pregnant (and also such costs already spent), permitting Ann Shelton to occupy and enjoy the premisses during her life. After her decease and the payment of the costs, to the use of John Shelton and his heirs forever, provided that Thomas, John and Thomas reimburse themselves of all just costs which are expended concerning the trust. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[This was a precaution to prevent an illegitimate child becoming a burden on the parish; John Henley and Thomas Whiteaves were the current overseers of the poor. Elizabeth, illegitimate daughter of Ann Shelton, was baptised on 24 July 1713. Ann Shelton married John Burrall on 8 Sep 1714. The cottage, which was mortgaged to Daniel Gyles, was in the High Street north of Vicarage Road.]
[f.3r] William Kirby sought admission to the reversion expectant on the death of Jane Kirby his mother of a messuage or cottage which came into the lord's hands on the death of William Kirby his father. Rent [blank], fine 16s [sic].
Thomas Bett surrendered 4 acres in the common fields of Winslowe:
- 1 acre in Great Hawkslow Furlong, Robert Lowndes esq. north, Mr Townsend south
- 1 acre in the same furlong next to Parsonage Plank Highway, Richard Bigg south
- 1 land in New Mill Feild in a furlong called Orrell hill, Robert Lowndes esq. south, Viccaridge land north
- 1 land in New Mill Feild in Breach Furlong, Robert Lowndes esq. east and west
- 1 acre in Old Mill Feild in Westcote Moore Furlong, Mr Townsend north, Robert Lowndes south
To the use of Philip Budd of Winslowe Lacebuyer. Rent 1s, fine 8s.
John Shelton jr, son of John Shelton, blacksmith, customary tenant and Jane his wife surrendered 2 acres of land lying together in Old Mill Feild in Marracre Furlong, Thomas Blake north, [....] Wyatt south. To the use of William Shelton and Sarah his wife and William's heirs, on condition that if William does not pay John within 1 month after William reaches 21
[f.3v] or if William [2 lines illegible] ... Sarah pays the full sum of £10 within 1 month of William's death, the surrender is to be void. William and Sarah sought admission. Rent [blank], fine 4s.
[William Shelton married Sarah Franklyn on 7 April 1713; he was bap. 13 Feb 1692/3.].
Peter Lowndes sought admission to a messuage and 5½ acres of land which came into the lord's hands on the death of Peter Lowndes his father. Rent 1s 10½d, fine 11s.
He also sought admission to the reversion of a cottage now or late in the occupation of Sarah and Katherine Mitchell in Winslowe expectant on the death of Dorothy Lowndes widow which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Peter Lowndes his father deceased presented on 21 April 1712. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
He also sought admission to a close of meadow or pasture at the Townsend of Winslowe containing 3 acres which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Peter Lowndes his father deceased presented on 21 April 1712. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
Robert Lowndes lord of the manor gave to Joseph Bigg and Mary his wife and Joseph's heirs liberty to dig and build "a vault" under the ground on the south side of Joseph's house lately erected only[?] near the Markett Place of Winslowe, Joseph and Mary paving ["kitching"] and maintaining the ground over the vault in good repair and paying Robert Lowndes annually 1d rent.
[This refers to 25-27 Market Square; special permission must have been needed because the cellar ran under the Market Square (and still does).]
2nd proclamation for William Holt on the death of Robert Holt his father.
2nd proclamation for John Thorpe on the surrender of Edward Bate, May 1712.
2nd proclamation for Joan Church on the surrender of Joan Markham, May 1712.
3rd proclamation for John Simpson on the surrender of John Mountague.
4th proclamation for Edward Insley on the surrender of Daniel Hamms.
4th proclamation for Richard Betham, John Denchfeild and John Tatham on the surrender of John Stevens, Oct 1711.
5th proclamation for Charles Inwood.
6th proclamation for John Ward on the death of Thomas Ward.
6th proclamation for Samuel Norman on the surrender of Augustine Seaton and wife, Michaelmas 1710.
[blank] for Langley and Merwin on the surrender of Yeomans at the court in 1708.
End of this court
Nicho: Merwin
View of frankpledge with court baron, 14 & 19 October 1713
Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/29
Manor of Winslowe with members. Court of View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 14 Oct 12 Anne 1713 and by adjournment 19 Oct, by Nicholas Merwin, gent, steward.
Essoins: none.
Jurors for the lady Queen:
Thomas Miller, Henry Townsend, John Chandler
Robert Dorsett, William Shelton sr, Robert Smith
John Stevens, William Perkins, John Bowden
John Mountague, William Stevens butcher, William Thorpe
Common fine: 16s 8d from the inhabitants of Winslowe, 8s 4d Shipton, 9s 4d Grandborough, 12s 4d Little Horwood, £1 6s 4d Oveing and North Marston.
Newman Willeatt of Little Horwood Yeoman, being proprietor and occupier of a cottage in Little Horwood, on 1 Sep 12 Anne offered [?] [voluntare] a cottage to his family / dependents [familiam suam] and illegally by force and arms settled and allowed (them) in a cottage at Little Horwood, and [they occupied?] the cottage with the family from 1 Sep 12 Anne up to the date of the taking of this inquisition, that is for the space of 1 month and more. And he permitted and caused (them) to reside with the same Newman Willeatt and then and there to dwell illegally. And the Jurors present that [blank] has now and for the space of the last month abided in the said cottage (and) has been "a Inmate" against the form of the statue issued and provided in such a case, and also against the Queen's peace now her crown and dignity etc.
[The same entry is repeated with Edmund Pitkin of Little Horwood Yeoman and John Markham of Little Horwood Yeoman as offenders, and the name of the resident left blank in both cases. The statute was presumably the Vagrancy Act 1713, "An Act for reducing the Laws relating to Rogues, Vagabonds, Sturdy Beggars, and Vagrants, into One Act of Parliament".]
Court Baron
Essoins: Philip Budd, Thomas Deely sr, Samuel Norman, Augustine Seaton, John Ashfield, William Elliott, Henry Curtis, John Woodward, John Holland sr and Robert Manwaring with many others.
Homage: Thomas Foster, Charles Bowler, Mathew Hobbs, Thomas Wright
John Chennells, William Glenester, Thomas Henley, Thomas Curtis
William Illing, Newman Willeatt, Henry Emerton, Benedict Holland jr at Elme
George Thorpe, John Whitmill and Benedict Holland jr Shepherd
Default by tenants (pardoned by the lord's grace): William Edden, Simon Hogson, Richard Phipps, Thomas Urlwin, John Gascoyne, Antony George, William Cooke, William Glenister, William Morecroft and Joseph Worrall with many others.
John Chennells, Thomas Gibbs, Joseph Meakes, Augustine Seaton, John Seaton butcher, Benjamin Saunders, Thomas Woodward and John Wyatt of Grandborough, being tenants duly summoned to serve on the homage, committed default; each amerced 12d.
Jane Deverell (wife of Mathew Deverell) died since the last court seised of a messuage. John Spratley is her son and under age. Heriot [blank]. John was called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[Jane, nee Bigg, was previously married to John Spratley (d.1708). The messuage was part of 3-5 Market Square.]
Joan Pitkin died since the last court seised of certain lands. Heriot [blank]. Her heirs did not come. 1st proclamation made.
John Stevens of Newhouse died since the last court seised of certain lands. Heriot [blank]. John Stevens is his son and heir, of full age. He did not come. 1st proclamation made.
Robert Eden out of court on 28 May last surrendered 1 acre of arable land at Long Mead Leys in New Mill Feild, Mr Townsend east. to the use of Joseph Bigg of Winslowe Bricklayer and Mary his wife for their lives, then to Joseph's heirs, on condition that if Robert pays Joseph £10 on 28 Nov next with 5% interest the surrender is to be void. Joseph and Mary did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[f.1v] Joseph Glenister deceased made his will in the presence of 3 credible witnesses: Mathew Hobbs, Joseph Turner and John Markham. [Quotes will in English]. Jane Glenister his widow sought admission to the messuage [14 Market Square]. Rent 2d, fine 5s.
Joan Church sought admission to a cottage late in the occupation of Joan Markham which came into the lord's hands on Joan Markham's surrender presented at the court on 3 Oct 1712. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[Joan Church married Ralph Worstly at Winslow in 1713; see below]
William Gyles senior deceased made his will in the presence of 3 credible witnesses: Samuel Norman, William Simes and John Markham. [Text of will given at the foot of the roll]. William Gyles jr his son and heir sought admission to:
- 1 acre of land late in the occupation of William Edmonds
- 2½ acres late in the occupation of John Seaton
- 2½ acres late in the occupation of Daniel Seaton
- 2 acres late in the occupation of William Gyles his grandfather deceased
- 1 acre of grassland late in the occupation of William Hogg
- a barn late in the occupation of John Seaton
Rent 2s 3d, fine 18s.
Joseph Glenester [sic] deceased made his will [as above]. Ann Glenester his daughter sought admission to 23 acres of land. Rent 45s 9d, fine 46s.
[f.2r] William Perkins and Elizabeth his wife surrendered:
- all that part of a close of grassland called Lamas Close, being the north part of a close adjoining the backside or orchard now in William's occupation
- 1 acre of land in Shipton: 1 land in Hogson ford, John Henley east
- another land in New Lane, John Henly east
To the use of John Chandler, on condition that if William and Elizabeth pay him £20 10s on 20 April next the surrender is to be void. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
Mary Tomlin widow sought admission to 2 acres of arable land and pasture in the common fields and parish of Winslow cum Shipton, and a dwelling and 1 acre of land adjoining, which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Edward Tomlin presented at the court on 20 April 1713. To hold on the trusts mentioned in the surrender. Rent 9d, fine 6s. [See above for the surrender; see below for the sale of (presumably) this land.]
[f.2v] John Allen surrendered the reversion after the death of Joan Allen widow of a messuage now in Joan's occupation. To the use of Robert Bowden, on condition that if John pays him £5 13s 6d with 5% interest on 22 Oct 1715 the surrender is to be void. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[John Allen was admitted tenant of the messuage in 1730, when the mortgage was still outstanding.]
Mary Bigg widow sought admission to a messuage and 4 acres of land which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of John Chennells presented at the court on 9 May 1709 on condition of paying to Mary £51 5s on 29 July following. Rent 1s, fine 8s. [See further below]
Mary Tomlin widow surrendered these pieces of land in the common fields of Shipton:
- 3 ridges containing 1 acre in Redfeild in Snout furlong, William Townesend north
- 1 acre in Dean Close, Mr Wyat north, Thomas Miller south
- 1 acre in the Cow Pasture in Foxdon furlong with common of pasture for 1 cow
To the use of John Wyat and Ann his wife and the heirs of their bodies, or John's heirs. They did not come. 1st proclamation made.
Ralph Worselly and Joan his wife, customary tenants, surrendered a cottage now in Ralph's occupation. To the use of Ralph and Joan and their heirs forever. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[Joan was previously Joan Church; see above.]
Mary Bigg widow and John Chennells surrendered:
- a messuage in Winslow called lately by the name of Black Bull, now in the occupation of Robert Hamp, the messuage of William Lowndes esq. in the occupation of William Norman north, with barns, stables, yards, gardens, orchards, backsides
- 4 acres of arable land, ley and pasture in the common fields of Winslow:
- in Old Mill Feild 1 acre between Buckingham Highway and the Boweling Leys, the land now or late Thomas Blake's west
- 2 acres in New Mill Feild, the land late Robert Lowndes esq.'s south
- 1 acre on Aurell hill, the land now or late William Lowndes esq.'s north
To the use of Thomas Gibbs baker, on condition that if John Chennells pays him £20 and 5% interest on 30 Dec next mentioned in a surrender by John dated 29 Dec last, and a further sum of £80 with the same interest on the same day, then the surrender is to the use of John Chennells. Rent [black], fine 8s.
[Mary Bigg had been mortgagee since 1709.]
Robert Gibbs surrendered 4 ridges of arable land containing 2 acres in Old Mill Feild extending in Hallow Furroe, Robert Lowndes esq. east and west. To the use of Sarah Gyles widow. Rent 1s, fine 4s.
[f.3r; written in another hand] Hannah Merwin Spinster by Peter Lowndes her attorney sought admission to a messuage in Winslow lately in the occupation of John Hearn called The Kings Head with yards, backsides, barns, stables, outhouses, which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of John Yeomans presented at the court on 21-24 April 1708 to the use of Thomas Langley now deceased and of Hannah, and of the surrender of the same premisses of Robert Gibbs and Richard Bigg made at the last court. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This refers to 10 High Street; see above.]
[f.4r] Joseph Bigg and Mary his wife and William Gyles, son and heir of William Gyles deceased, surrendered a messuage now or late in the occupation of Joseph and the "Partion [=partition] Wall" which Stephen Bigg lately newly built on the west side of the messuage. To the use of Joseph and Mary and Joseph's heirs. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[The wall was between 21-23 and 25-27 Market Square, and William Gyles was the mortgagee of 25-27.]
2nd proclamation for William Gyles, son and heir of William Gyles deceased, for the house in which William the father lately lived, on the father's death presented on 20 April 1713.
2nd proclamation for Richard and Thomas Barton on the surrender of Richard Barton presented 20 April 1713.
2nd proclamation for John Willison and Ann his wife on the surrender of John Stevens deceased presented 20 April 1713.
2nd proclamation for Thomas Curtis on the surrender of John Hodgekins presented 20 April 1713.
2nd proclamation for William Evans on the death of Robert Evans his father presented 20 April 1713.
3rd proclamation for William Holt on the death of Robert Holt his father presented 8 Oct 1712.
4th proclamation for John Simpson on the surrender of John Mountague presented 20 April 1712.
5th proclamation for Richard Betham, John Denchfield and John Tatham on the surrender of John Stevens, presented 17 Oct 1711.
5th proclamation for Edward Insley on the surrender of Daniel Hames presented 17 Oct 1711.
6th proclamation for Charles Inwood.
7th proclamation for Samuel Norman on the surrender of Augustine Seaton and wife, presented 18 Oct 1710.
End of this court
Nicho: Merwin