Court baron, 9 May 1709

Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/19

Originals in Latin unless stated (individual words are sometimes in English, marked with "..."). Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.

[f.1r] Manor of Winslow with members. Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 9 May 8 Anne 1709 by Nicholas Merwin, gent, steward.

Essoins: William Bull, Daniell Seaton, Squier Emerton with many others

Jurors for the Lady Queen:
Peter Lowndes sr, Simon Hogson, Robert Grainge gent., Augustine Seaton
Robert Stevens jr, Richard Barton jr, Joseph Turner, John Willeat
John Westley, William Illing, Benedict Holland at Pound, Robert Huges

Default by residents [amerced 3d each]:
Richard Pitkin, John Phillipps, William Norman, John Crockett, Oliver Mayne, Thomas
Spratley, John Markham gent., Thomas Herbert, Daniell Kirby, John Pitkin, Peter Goldsworth gent., Philip Bayley jr, Richard Allen, Christopher
Bigg, Richard Benboe, Philip Webster, Francis Robinson, Francis Ambras, Joseph Rogers, John Allen, Robert Brincklew, Daniell
Hogson jr, John Worsley, Daniell Hogson sr, Thomas Taylor, Richard Bull, Richard Worsley, William Bunce, Edward Smith, Joseph Gyles, Emer
Firth, John Smallbones Tayler, Robert Newman, Benjamin Dudley, William Firth, Roger Adams gent., John Pitkin, John
Philipot, Charles Inwood, Stephen Bigg, David Cox, Joseph Parrett, Edmund Mead, John Osborne, Richard Cox, Joseph Glenister & Richard Tegell

William Burrall of Winslow Butcher on 1 May 8 Anne and on various days before and after at the parish of Winslow by force and arms placed his dunghill [stercorium] in the common queen's highway there leading from Winslow to Great Horwood, to the grave loss and common nuisance of all the inhabitants of Winslow and of all other lieges and subjects of the queen crossing by the same way, and against the queen's peace. Therefore amerced 12d.
Thomas Ping of Winslow Labourer (same offence).
Daniel Hams of Winslow Labourer (same offence).
John Crockett of Winslow Labourer & Thomas Wright of the same Wheelwright (same offence) [road not specified].
Joseph Gyles of Winslow Linnen Drapper, William Gyles of the same Woollen Drapper, Thomas Tayler of the same Butcher & Richard Gibbs of the same Yeoman (same offence), amerced 3s 4d separately [road not specified].
John Seaton of Winslow Yeoman (same offence), amerced 12d [road not specified].
Joseph Glenister jr of Winslow Grocer & Charles Bowler of the same Shoemaker (same offence), amerced 2s 6d separately [road not specified].

Officers chosen:
Robert Manwairing & John Thorpe: constables of Granborough in place of Robert Hughes & George Stevens.
John Willeat & John Ward: constables of Little Horwood in place of William Elling & Thomas Pitkin
Edward Mead: tithingman of Little Horwood in place of Robert Gascoyne.
Edward Mead: heyward [custos agrorum] of Little Horwood in place of Michael Tims.

Thomas Watts of Winslow Ironmonger, being legally summoned and present here in court being required to be sworn to an inquest for the queen within the precincts of this view of frankpledge, in contempt of court withdrew. Amerced 12d.

Order made at this court [English]:
Whereas diverse persons have often times for their own proper Gaine not only placed Dunghills in the Comon Streets within the town of Winslow being the Queens highway whereby very many Nautious and unwholsom Smells are often brought and continued in the same Comon Streets to the Great and Comon Nuisances and Damage as well of her Majestyes Leidge People Inhabiting within the precinct of this Leet as other her Majestyes Leidge People passing through the same Streets, But alsoe doe shoul up Dirt in the said Comon Streets whereby is occasioned great Damage to the said Inhabitants, It is therefore ordered that noe person whatsoever shall Lay any Dunghill nor shoul up any Dirt in any of the Comons Streets of Winslow aforesaid to the annoyance of the Highwayes Upon Pain to forfeit to the Lord of this Mannor six pence for every Load of Dung or Dirt that shall be layd shoulded up or carryed away out of the Said Streets, provided that it shall be Lawfull for the Scavenger to Clean the Streets in the said Town of Winslow and lay the dirt on heaps, be that he cause the same to be carryed away within three weeks at the most.

Court Baron

Essoins: Philip Budd, Daniel Cowley, Mathew Hobbs, Catherine Watts widow, Henry Curtice, John
Markham, John Bowden, Benedict Holland, Charles Bowler, William Elliot with many others.

Thomas Blake, Joseph Meakes, Thomas Pitkin, John Holland jr, Edward Tomlin
Thomas Deely, Pownall Short, Thomas Short[?], John Rutland, John Hodgekins
William Hogg, George Illing, Henry Emerton, John Stevens, John Henly

Default by tenants [amerced 3d unless stated]:
James Allen, Richard Bigg, Philip Bayley, William Bence, John Ballard
John Chandler, John Chennells, Thomas Deely sr 1s, Philip Egerton, Thomas Foster, Robert Gibbs jr, William Gibbs Labourer
Joseph Gyles, Daniell Gyles, William Gent, Richard Gibbs, John Hogson, William Hunt, Graunt Huett, John Haines
William Lowndes esq. 1s, Henry King 1s, Richard Letman, Morris [sic], William Norman, John Plomer, Thomas Roe, Mary Seaton
widow, Jane Spratley widow, Robert Smith, Thomas Smith sr of Cleydon, Thomas Smith jr, William Smith jr[?]
[f.1v] John Stevens, John Townesend gent., Edward Turnham, Robert Tims, Thomas Urlwin, Hugh Willis, Roger West 1s, Robert
Wyatt 1s, John Wyatt, Robert Adams, Jeremy Bird, William Bevin, Richard Barton sr, Thomas Barton, John Faulkners
John Gascoyne, Anthony George, James[?] Hether[?], Henry Kemp, John Mead, Robert Mead gent., William Richarson, Christopher
Smith, Roger Vaughan gent., Robert Emerton, John Ward sr, Newman Willeat, Thomas Willis, William Willis
Joseph Weston, Robert Bowden of Adstock, Robert Bowden of Granborough, Henry Emerton, Thomas Gibbs, Thomas
Henly, John Holland, Benedict Holland jr at Elm, Simon Hoy[?], William Morecroft, John Mountague, William Stevens of Tyled
House, Sarah Sturman widow, Ralph Stevens of Marston, John Stevens of Bottle Cleydon, John Thorpe sr 1s, Hugh Thorpe, John
Wyatt, Thomas Worrall, William Cooke, Robert Evans, Robert Elliott, William Glenister, Robert Hale & William Townesend

John Seaton of Winslow Butcher being required to serve on the homage refused and withdrew from court; amerced 1s.

Thomas Urlwin on 8 May 1708 surrendered the messuage in which he now lives, with privileges and appurtenances. To the use of Robert Grainge jr of Little Horwood gent. on the condition containined in the surrender which was presented at the special court on 3 Jan last and by adjournment the 17th and 20th. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This concerns 2B High Street]

At the court held on 3 April 1676 Thomas Bishop, John Shelton and Joan his wife surrendered a messuage in which John then lived with outhouses, buildings, orchards and garden. To the use of Henry King of Middle Cleydon and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies and the rightful heirs of Henry. Henry King died 20 years and more ago. Joan died since the last court. Henry King is the heir of the bodies of Henry and Joan. Heriot arises on the death of Henry King his father, but the jurors do not know if it was paid. Henry King the son seeks to be admitted to the premisses. Rent 1s, fine 5s.
[Henry's death was reported in 1683.]

John Chennells on 28 Jan last surrendered by the steward a messuage in Winslow called The Black Bull in which John Crockett now lived, the messuage of William Lowndes esq. in the occupation of William Norman lying north, with all barns, stables, yards, garden, orchards, backyards, and all these pieces of land in the common fields of Winslow:

To the use of Mary Bigg of Winslow widow, on condition that the surrender is to be void if John pays her £51 5s on 29 July following at her domicile in Winslow. Mary was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[This seems to be the messuage which John Chennells' father bought from Silvester Claver in 1687 but it hasn't been located yet; it wasn't The Bull.]

Hugh Willis on 19 Nov last surrendered a cottage in Great Horne Street in which he now lives. To the use of Joseph Bigg of Winslow Bricklayer, on condition that the surrender is to be void if Hugh pays him £15 15s on 18 Nov 1709 at Joseph's domicile in Winslow. Joseph was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.

John Seaton of Winslow Butcher and Rebecca his wife on 15 Oct last surrendered the messuage in which he then lived with yards, garden, backyards, outhouses, and 3 acres of arable and meadow in Demorum Feild in Western Furlong, the land of Mr Lowndes in the occupation of Simon Hogson east. To the use of Ann King of Nash widow, on condition that the surrender is to be void if John pays her £1 10s 6d on 16 April next and £61 10s 6d on 16 Oct next at her domicile in Nash. Ann was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.

[f.2r] Robert Eden jr, customary tenant, and Joyce his wife and Margaret Eden widow surrendered on 26 Oct last by the steward all his estate and equity of redemption in 3 acres of arable land in the common fields of Winslow:

And the other lands mentioned here:

To the use of Robert Eden sr of Winslow carpenter. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s.

Thomas Foster and Elizabeth his wife, customary tenants, on 11 April last surrendered by the steward all estate and equity of redemption in a messuage in Sheepstreet adjoining the house of Thomas Deely to the east, (the house) late Benjamin Bigg's west, the close of Joseph Glenister south, the common street north, with all houses, outhouses, buildings, barns, stables, yards, garden, with the privilege of going "through" the "gateway" between the messuage now surrendered and the messuage late Benjamin's with carts, horses and "Cattle" ("hostry" horses and sheep only excepted). Also excepting liberty for Benjamin's heirs to draw water and use the well within the premisses. To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster esq. On condition that the surrender is to be void if Thomas and Elizabeth pay him £51 5s on 13 Oct next at his domicile in Westminster. William sought to be admitted tenant through Peter Lowndes his attorney. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This was a renewal of a mortgage from the previous year. The property was east of The Bell, probably demolished by William Lowndes later.]

[f.2v] Thomas Bett by Thomas Hornsby gent. his attorney sought to be admitted to all that messuage called by the name of The Windmill with barns, stables, orchards, backyards and all other buildings and structures which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Antony Deely deceased dated 17 Dec 1692 [=1690] and presented at the next court, as appears in the rolls. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This must refer to the Windmill Inn]

Thomas Deely jr, William Hall & Margaret Hall widow, William Shelton sr & Ellen his wife, customary tenants, surrendered a messuage in Winslow lately erected in the close called Hogsons Close with all outhouses, yards, gardens, backyards. To the use of Thomas Whiteaves and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and for default of such offspring to Thomas' rightful heirs. Rent [blank], fine 5s.

Thomas Bett, customary tenant, by Thomas Hornsby gent. his attorney, surrendered the messuage called The Windmill with barns, stables, orchards, backyards, now in the occupation of Thomas Galley. To the use of Thomas Deely jr, son of Antony Deely deceased. Rent [blank], fine 5s.

Robert Reddall and Ellen his wife and Thomas Wainwright, a customary tenant, surrendered a cottage now in Robert's occupation. To the use of Daniel Gyles of Winslow Linnen draper, on condition that the surrender is to be void if Robert and Ellen pay him £18 on 9 Nov next with 5% interest at Daniel's domicile in Winslow. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This was probably in Greyhound Lane]

John Seaton sr Butcher, customary tenant, and Rebecca his wife surrendered a parcel of pasture or grassland called Orrell Hill in New Mill Feild adjoining Addington feild on the west; the hedge, ditches and "Freeboard" to the banks [ripis] of John Seaton lying south; and the close of pasture of the said [sic] William Gyles, once the land of John Seaton deceased, east. To the use of Thomas Hornsby, gent. Thomas Short complained against him on a plea of land. Procedure of common recovery: John Seaton called Abraham Day; Robert Gibbs, minister of the court, delivered seisin. All surrendered to John Seaton who surrendered to William Gyles. Rent 7½d, fine 5s.

[f.3r] William Gent, customary tenant, and Catherine his wife surrendered a messuage or cottage in Winslow now in the occupation of Mathew King with all houses, outhouses, buildings, barns, stables, yards, orchards, garden, backyards. To the use of Robert Wyat of Winslow Butcher and Diana his wife for their lives, then to the use of Robert's heirs and assigns. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[Presumably this was the cottage which William mortgaged to Robert in 1707. It was probably in Greyhound Lane; see Robert Wyatt's will.]

Thomas Short surrendered 3 acres of land:

To the use of Pownal Short and Mary his wife for their lives, then to the heirs of their two bodies, and for default of such issue to the heirs of Pownall Short. Rent 9d, fine 6s.

Thomas Short surrendered 2 acres of uncultivated and grassland in New Mill Feild being one of the Norden Closes, Mr Richard Bigg east, Mr Daniel Gyles west. To the use of Daniel Gyles. Rent 6d, fine 4s.

To this court came Edward Tomerlin and Mary his wife and Edward Hicks, customary tenants. Edward Tomerlin and Mary his wife surrendered:

To the uses following. And Edward Hicks, Edward Tomerlin and Mary surrendered in the said manner and form the acre at Liddington. To the use of John Wyatt of Shipton gent. and Ann his wife and the heirs of their bodies and for default of such heirs to the rightful heirs of John. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
[This entry is also preserved with other Tomlyn family documents as a separate deed]

Samuel Wilston surrendered part of a bay of structure in Tinkers End in the occupation of Thomas Goodier with the way or passage on the west side of the bay (reserving always to William Gibbs free passage over and through the said passage).
[f.3v] To the use of Thomas Blake gent., Richard Bigg gent., John Henley and Augustine Seaton on special trust that they permit the vicar and churchwardens and overseers of Winslow to expend and disburse the rent and revenue of the premisses for the use and benefit of the poor inhabitants of the parish of Winslowe in perpetuity. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[This refers to part of Tinkers End Cottage]

Mary Seaton widow surrendered a messuage at Hanging Stile in Winslow with all houses, outhouses, bakehouses [pistrinis], structures, barns, stables, yards, backyards. To the use of Rebecca Hughs and Jane Hughs spinsters (two of the daughters of Henry Hughs deceased) to be equally divided between them, on condition that the surrender is to be void if Mary pays them £50 with interest on 10 Nov following at Thomas Foster's domicile in Winslow. Rebecca and Jane were called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.

Thomas Wainwright and Mary his wife, Deborah Wainwright and Sarah Wainwright sought to be admitted to a messuage in the occupation of Thomas and of one Thomas Grape with all maltings, yards, gardens, backyards. To hold to Thomas and Mary for their lives, then to be equally divided between Deborah and Sarah. Fine 5s, heriot by composition 12s 6d.
[This concerns 9 Horn Street; the arrangements were made at the 1708 court]

2nd proclamation for John Bond, son and heir of John Bond deceased.

3rd proclamation for Daniel Seaton and John Seaton.


The jurors are to "sett out all Encroachments & Complaints made to them between the Lands and Tenements of John Holland & [blank] and the Land of William Gyles & [blank] at Hawkslow & Berry Leys ... and the Land of Richard Bigg & [blank] at the Mill And the Lands of Daniell Gyles late Shorts & the Angell Close & between the Lands of the said Daniell Gyles called the Pickles & the Lands of the said Richard Bigg late Blakes and between the said Daniell Gyles in Demorum at a Plott of Meadow ground called the Hamms & the Ground of Mr Thomas Blake."

End of this court
Nicho: Merwin

View of Frankpledge with court baron, 30 September 1709

Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/20

Court of View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq. held 30 Sep and by adjournment 10 Oct 8 Anne 1709 by Nicholas Merwin gent. steward.

Essoins: Robert Newman, William Bunce and Francis Robinson

Jurors for the lady queen:
Daniel Gyles, Benjamin Dudley, Oliver Mayne, John Longbridge, Hugh Seaton
John Wyatt, Thomas Foster, Robert Gibbs jr, Mathew Hobbs, John Shelton sr
Thomas Wainwright, Charles Bowler and John Bollard

Default by residents [amerced 2d unless stated]:
Richard Pitkin, John Philipps, William Norman, Thomas Spratley, Thomas Herbert, Daniell Kirby, William Bull 4d
Phi;ip Bayley jr, Richard Allen, Christopher Bigg, John Toe 3d, Philip Webster, Joseph Rogers 3d, John Allen, Squier Emerton 3d, Edward Smith 3d, John Smallbones Tayler & William Firth 3d

Thomas Swift of Winslow Labourer on 1 Oct 8 Anne by force and arms at the parish of Winslow dug a "saw pitt" [puteum serrar'] near the road there at a place called Betts[?] barne and did not refill it. Amerced 1s.

Ralph Hall of Winslow Labourer on 1 Oct 8 Anne by force and arms at the parish of Winslow dug a "Sandpitt" [Arenariam] near the "feild way" [viam campat'] at the end of the orchard of Robert Lowndes esq. and did not refill it. Amerced 3s 4d.

The common queen's highway in the common street of Winslow near the Close called Kirbys Close on 1 Oct 8 Anne was, and to this day namely 10 Oct is, in great ruin & decay so that the lieges and subjects of the queen with horses and carriages cannot cross as they should and are accustomed to from time out of memory. The road became so ruinous and in decay for lack of clearing and cleaning of a ditch belonging to a close then and to this day in the occupation of one Daniel Kirby of Winslow farmer, by reason of which lack of cleaning and clearing of the ditch the water in the ditch could not flow as it is accustomed and ought to, but from the ditch flows out and runs into the road, to the great loss and common nuisance of all the lieges of the queen crossing by the same road. Daniel Kirby ought to clean and clear the ditch, but refused and neglected and still refuses and neglects it. Amerced 3s 4d.

Lockers Lane [as above] because of a ditch belonging to a close in the occupation of one Robert Bowden of Winslow farmer. Amerced 2s 6d.

Officers chosen

Thomas Whiteaves & Charles Bowler: constables of Winslow in place of John Longbridge & John Worsley.
William Townsend: constable of Shipton in place of John Henley.

Common fine paid: Winslow 16s 4d, Shipton 8s 4d, Grandborough 9s 4d, Little Horwood 12s 4d, certain inhabitants of Oveing & North Marston 16s 8d.

Court Baron

Essoins: Philip Bayley, Philip Budd, Stephen Bigg, Joseph Bigg, Thomas Bate, Daniel Cowley, John Chennells
William Eden, Philip Egerton, Joseph Gyles & William Hunt with many others

Thomas Blake, William Shelton sr, Thomas Watts, Robert Eden jr, Joseph Harding
John Short, Thomas Wright, Thomas Mountague, William Stevens att Tyld house, John Stevens of Bottle Cleydon
John Thorpe, Thomas Henly, Henry Curtice, Thomas Ward and John Hodgekins

Default by tenants [amerced 2d unless stated]
Thomas Bett, William Bence, Joseph Glenister 3d, Graunt Hewet, William Hogg, John Haines, Henry King 3d, Richard
Lettman, Thomas Rowe jr in his wife's right, Robert Spooner, John Seaton jr yeoman 3d, Mary Seaton widow, Robert Seaton, Robert Smith, Thomas Smith sr of Cleydon
Thomas Smith jr & wife, Poundall Short, John Stevens, John Townesend gent. 4d, Edward Turnham in his wife's right, Robert Times, Thomas Urlwin, Hugh Willis, William Elliott 3d
Thomas Miller, Henry Townesend sr 3d, Jeremy Bird & wife 3d, Richard Barton sr, Robert Grainge gent. 6d, James Horstler, Robert Mead gent. 3d, William Smith
Roger Vaughan gent. & wife 3d, Thomas Willis, Robert Bowden of Adstock, John Bence, Thomas Gibbs, Joyce Holland, William Morecroft 3d, John Rutland
sr, John Rutland jr, Ralph Stevens of Marston 3d & John Stevens of Marston

John Short and Sarah his wife, customary tenants, on 30 Sep last surrendered by the steward 3 acres of arable land:

To the use of Pounnall Short and Mary his wife and Pounall's heirs. Rent 9d, fine 6s.

Charles Coetts and Frances his wife on 6 July last surrendered by the steward all estate and equity of redemption in <a messuage> in Winslow, late the estate of one Ann Atwood widow, with all houses and outhouses, now in the occupation of John Stutsbury and John East or either of them. To the use of Edward Parker of St John Wappin, London, Distiller and Elizabeth his wife. They were called and did not come; 1st proclamation.
[Charles and Frances bought this from Ann Atwood in 1701, when it was occupied by William Warr. They mortgaged it to John Rogers of Tower Hill in 1704.]

Jane Spratley widow on 18 July last surrendered by the steward a messuage in Winslow then in the several occupations of herself, James Smith and William Norris, her own messuage north-east and the common street of Winslow on all other sides. And all other holdings lately acquired from Frances Leech widow. To the use of Richard Bigg, on condition that the surrender is to be void if she pays him £82 on 19 Jan following at his domicile in Winslow. Richard was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[This concerns 3-5 Market Square. Jane Spratley was Richard Bigg's sister.]

[f.1r] Thomas Foster, customary tenant, and Elizabeth his wife on 27 July last surrendered a messuage in Sheepstreet now in the occupation of Richard Benboe, the messuage of Thomas Deely east and the messuage late Benjamin Bigg's west, and the common street north. And also the cottage lately erected in the Backside belonging to the messuage now in the occupation of Widow Hodgekins, with all houses, outhouses, buildings, barns, stables, yards, orchard, garden, in the occupation of Richard Bendboe and Widow Hodgekins and of Thomas Foster and the assigns of any of them. With privilege of going through the "gateway" between the messuage now surrendered and Benjamin Bigg's messuage with carts, horses and cattle ("hostry horses" and sheep only excepted). Excepting liberty for Benjamin's heirs to draw water and use the well within the premisses. To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster esq. who, present in court, sought to be admitted tenant. Rent 4d, fine 5s.
[The property was already mortgaged to William Lowndes, who presumably acquired it in order to demolish it to improve his view.]

John Hogson and Richard Bigg, customary tenants, and Elizabeth wife of Richard Bigg surrendered a messuage in Winslow with orchard and close now in the occupation of Mary Hogson widow and William Glenister or the assigns of either of them. And a close called Cleydon Close in Demeram feild near the common queen's highway there, and all other closes, lands and hereditaments belonging to or used with the messuage, held or enjoyed by the said William Glenister or his assigns and lying dispersed in the fields or precincts of Winslow and Shipton, all which premisses contain 40 acres. And all other lands and hereditaments of John Hogson held of the manor. To the use of William Lowndes of Chesham esq. On condition that if John Hogson pays him £231: £5 10s on 1 April next and £225 10s on 1 Oct 1710, the surrender will be to the use of the said John Hogson. But if he defaults it will be to the use of William Lowndes. Fine 80s.
[John Hogs(t)on mortgaged most of this property to Richard Bigg in 1705, soon after he came of age. According to the Lowndes notebook, William Lowndes acquired full ownership in 1717, and he recorded various earlier transactions. There seems to be no indication of where in Winslow the messuage was.]

Thomas Mountague and Ellen his wife, customary tenants, surrendered Ellen's reversion expectant on the death of Elizabeth Holland her mother of a messuage and half-virgate in Granborough. To the use of Thomas for his life, then to the use of Ellen for her life, then to the use of William Gyles and Robert Stevens for the uses declared in a writing dated 10 Oct 1709.

Mary Bigg widow sought to be admitted to a messuage in Winslow called the Black Bull in which John Crocket now lives, the messuage of William Lowndes esq. in the occupation of William Norman north, with barns, stables, yards, garden, orchard, backyards. And all the separate pieces of land in the common fields of Winslow containing 4 acres which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of John Chennells
[f.2r] at the court on 9 May last. Seisin granted under the condition in the surrender. Rent [blank], fine [blank].


Copyright 30 August, 2019