View of frankpledge with court baron, 26 April 1717
Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/35
Originals in Latin unless stated (individual words are sometimes in English, marked with "..."). Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.
Manor of Winslowe with members. View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 26 April 3 George 1717 by Nicholas Merwin, gent, steward.
Essoins: none
Jurors for the lord King:
Augustine Seaton, Richard Benboe, Thomas Deely, Joseph Gyles
Henry Stusbury, William Shelton sr, William Perkins, John Hodgekins
John Bond, John Denchfeild, John Holland tailor, William Morecraft
Court baron
Thomas Foster, Thomas Watts, Thomas Whiteaves, Thomas Henley
Thomas Mountague, Charles Bowler, Edward Berkeley jr, William Elliott
William Illing, George Illing, John Ward, Benedict Holland jr att Elm
Complaints: none
John Bence acknowledged himself satisfied of £35 on 25 March according to a conditional surrender made at the last court by George Thorpe sr.
Ralph Stevens died since the last court seised of a messuage and a quarter-virgate of land. Ralph Stevens is his son and next heir, and did not come. Heriot [blank]. 1st proclamation made.
In 1675 William Gyles and Mary his wife in open court surrendered a messuage or cottage in Great Horne Street (towards "the pound" [septum]), now in the occupation of Thomas Goodier, to the use of Martha Ward and her heirs. On 25 March 1684 Martha surrendered the premisses to the use of Nicholas Plested her husband and Martha's infant and her heirs. The jurors present that the surrender was not according to the custom of the manor. The infant died an infant without issue. Thomas Ward (eldest son and heir of Thomas Ward of Addington, Martha's brother) is her "nephew" and next heir. Heriot is due. Thomas sought admission. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
Nicholas Plaisted died since the last court seised of his toft on which a cottage lately stood, mortgaged to Thomas Blake deceased. Nicholas Plaisted is his son and heir, of full age, and did not come. Heriot [blank]. 1st proclamation made. Thomas Blake gent. died before the last court. Thomas Blake is his son and heir, of full age, and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[f.2] Joseph Gyles and Ann his wife, Sarah Gyles widow, Henry Langley gent. and Jane his wife, Thomas Aldridge and Grace his wife and Sarah Gyles spinster (Grace, Jane and Sarah being sisters and co-heirs of William Gyles jr deceased, son and heir of William Gyles their father deceased) on 28 Dec 1716 surrendered a messuage with stable and "the slaughter house" [laniena] containing 2 "bays of building" [contignationes] with the yard adjoining, now in the occupation of John Allen. To the use of Sarah King of Winslow widow and her heirs (seats in church reserved). Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Daniel Seaton and John Seaton "the Grandson" of John Seaton deceased on 19 Jan last surrendered 2 acres of meadow called Orrellslad in New Mill Feild, Robert Lowndes esq. south-east, John Seaton west, late William Gyles deceased north. To the use of Joseph Meakes and Ann his wife. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Daniel Seaton and John Seaton his son, customary tenants, on 4 Feb last surrendered 4 acres of land at Bradford in Demoram Feild: 7 lands lying together, Mr Merwin east and William Lowndes esq. west, and a half-acre, John Seaton east and west. To the use of Thomas Grime of Middle Claydon, Grazier. Rent 1s, fine 8d.
Daniel Seaton and John Seaton his son, "Grandson" of John Seaton sr deceased, on 7 Feb last surrendered the messuage in which John Seaton deceased lately lived in Winslowe with all houses
[f.3] outhouses, buildings, barns, stables, yards, orchards, gardens. To the use of John Shelton of Winslowe Blacksmith and Robert Gibbs jr of Winslowe Cooper to the trusts hereafter mentioned: on special trust that they permit Daniel and his assigns to hold the premisses for the term of his life. After his decease, by mortgage or "demise" of the premisses to raise and pay the sum of £5 to all the brothers and sisters of John surviving at Daniel's death in "discharge" of the sums burdened on the premisses among other lands (viz. 4 acres lately surrendered to Mr Richard Bigg and 1 acre lately surrendered to Benjamin Saunders and 4 acres lately surrendered to Thomas Grime) by surrender of John Seaton deceased presented at the court on 30 Sep 1709. In default of such payment, on trust for the brothers and sisters and their heirs, indemnifying Richard Bigg, Benjamin Saunders and Thomas Grime. John Shelton and Robert Gibbs did not come. 1st proclamation made.
Sarah Gyles widow, customary tenant, Henry Langley gent. and Jane his wife, Thomas Aldridge and Grace his wife, and Sarah Gyles spinster (Sarah, Grace and Jane being sisters and co-heirs of William Gyles jr deceased who was son and heir of William Gyles his father deceased) (The premisses hereafter mentioned were formerly surrendered by Charles King and Catherine his wife) on 17 Dec last after adjournment of the court held the same day surrendered a messuage in the Markett Place of Winslowe adjoining the messuage of Turner on the east, the common street on the north and west. To the use of William Francklin of Winslowe Grocer and Hester his wife for their lives, then to the heirs of the body of Hester, or her rightful heirs. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
John Markham gent. and Thomas Urlwin and Ann his wife, customary tenants, on 17 April inst. surrendered a messuage in the Markett Place of Winslowe (the tenement of John Foster south, the tenement in the occupation of Thomas Spratley north). To the use of Dorothy Playdell of Buckingham spinster, provided that if Thomas and Ann pay her £102 10s on 18 Oct next at her domicile in Buckingham
[f.4] the surrender is to be to the use of Richard Smith of Padbury esq. and John Egerton of Bissister gent., on trust for such uses as Thomas and Ann and their heirs appoint. Dorothy did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[This refers to 2A High Street, later the Royal Oak]
Joseph Meakes and Ann his wife sought admission to 2 acres of meadow called Orrell Slad in New Mill Feild, Robert Lowndes esq. south-east, John Seaton west, late William Gyles deceased north, which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Daniel Seaton sr and John Seaton presented at the court on 26 April last [sic]. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Richard Bigg gent, Edward Turnham and Mary his wife, John Robinson and Elizabeth his wife, customary tenants, surrendered a barn and orchard situate in Winslowe in a lane called Hobhouching lane, the messuage of Robert Tims south, the land of Simon Hogson north. To the use of Thomas Foster. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Edward Turnham and Mary his wife and John Robinson and Elizabeth his wife, customary tenants, surrendered
[f.5] the messuage in which John Robinson lately lived and George Dandridge now lives, with the stable belonging to it, and the messuage in which Edward Footman now lives with all "Shopps" [officinis]. To the use of Richard Bigg gent., on condition that the surrender to be void if John pays him £30 and interest on 30 Oct next. If John defaults, the surrender is to be to the use of Mary and her heirs, paying Richard the £30 and interest. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[This refers to 2 Horn Street]
John Chennells surrenderd all his lands and holdings to the use of Thomas Gibbs. On condition to be void if John pays him £120 and interest on 27 Oct next at Thomas' domicile in Winslow. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[f.6] Jeremiah Bird of London Joyner and Bersheba his wife surrendered ¾ virgate in Little Horwood. Procedure of common recovery.
[f.7] John Henley, Henry Townsend and John Wyatt surrendered a messuage or cottage in Winslow in which Robert Hopkins and Thomas George now live and a "Pightle of sweard ground" in John Wyatt's occupation "near" adjoining the cottage, from the pales towards the west and to the hedge there near the Sawpitt, the house of John Wyatt north. To the use of John Wyatt and Ann his wife for their lives, and to the heirs of their two bodies, or John's rightful heirs. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[This was in Shipton; see 1716 court]
Richard Bigg gent., Edward Turnham and Mary his wife, John Robinson and Elizabeth his wife, customary tenants, surrendered the pieces of arable land in the common fields of Shipton hereafter mentioned:
- in Licehill Feild 2 lands in Snout Furlong, Robert Lowndes esq. between them
- in the Redd Feild, 2 lands in Bryer Furlong, William Elliott between them, the common king's highway north
- in Blackgrove Feild in Bean hill Furlong 1 land, Robert Lowndes esq. east, the Redd Feild north-west
- 1 land in Five acres Furlong, the lord's land east
- all other lands of Edward and Mary, John and Elizabeth in Shipton
To the use of William Lowndes esq. and his assigns in perpetuity. William did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[William Lowndes paid £30 for this land]
Richard Bigg and Elizabeth his wife, customary tenants, surrendered a close of "sweard ground" called Western Close containing 4 acres. To their own use for their lives, then to the use of such of their sons or
[f.8] daughters as Elizabeth directs, and for default of such direction to the use of their daughter Susanna Bigg spinster and her heirs in perpetuity. Rent [blank], fine 8s.
Philip Budd sr, Elizabeth his wife and John Budd sought admission to 1 acre of land in Great Hawkslowe which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Philip Budd jr deceased presented at the court on 6 April 1716. Seisin granted to Philip and Elizabeth for their lives, then to John. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
Philip Budd sr, Elizabeth his wife and James Budd sought admission to 1 acre of arable land lying together in Long Mead Leys Furlong which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Philip Budd jr deceased presented at the court on 6 April 1716. Seisin granted to Philip and Elizabeth for their lives, then to James. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
Philip Budd sr, Elizabeth his wife and Andrew Budd sought admission to land lying in Breach Furlong and in Orrell hill Furlong which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Philip Budd jr deceased presented at the court on 6 April 1716. Seisin granted to Philip and Elizabeth for their lives, then to Andrew. Rent 3d, fine 2s. Andrew's fealty respited.
Philip Budd sr, Elizabeth his wife and Thomas Budd sought admission to 1 acre of grassland and hedge in Great Hawkslowe which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Philip Budd jr deceased presented at the court on 6 April 1716. Seisin granted to Philip and Elizabeth for their lives, then to Thomas. Rent 3d,
[f.9] fine 2s. Thomas' fealty respited.
11th proclamation for John Simson
6th proclamation for William Lowndes esq. and other trustees
13th proclamation for Samuel Norman
9th proclamation for Thomas Barton and Richard Barton
End of this court
Nicho: Merwin Steward
Court baron, 24 September 1717
Manor of Winslowe with members. Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 24 Sep 1717 by Nicholas Merwin, gent, steward.
Matthew Hobbs, John Shelton, John Seaton
Thomas Whiteaves, Stephen Bigg, Joseph Turner & Daniel Seaton
Essoins: none. Complaints: none.
Dorothy Playdell spinster acknowledged herself satisfied of £100 and interest mentioned in a conditional surrender dated 17 April last by John Markham gent., Thomas Urlwin and Ann his wife presented at the court on 26 April last.
Richard Smith esq. and John Egerton gent. sought admission to a messuage in the Markett Place of Winslowe (the tenement of Thomas Foster south, the tenement in the occupation of Thomas Spratley north) which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of John Markham gent., Thomas Urlwin and Ann his wife. Rent [blank], heriot by composition 5s, fine 5s.
Richard Smith esq., John Egerton gent., Thomas Urlwin and Ann his wife, customary tenants, surrendered a messuage in Winslowe in Thomas' occupation with yards, gardens, stables, outhouses, and one undivided third of a piece of land called the Gateway belonging to the tenement lately called the Angell Inn, and of a piece of land called the Yard lately belonging to the Angell Inn. Thomas Urlwin, Richard Bigg and Thomas Foster hold the separate pieces of land in common. To the use of John Adams of Swanbourn Woollen draper. Rent 2d, fine 5s.
[This all refers to the future Royal Oak, 2A Market Square]
End of this court
Nicho: Merwin Steward
View of frankpledge with court baron, 14 October 1717
Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/36
Manor of Winslowe with members. View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 14 Oct 4 George 1717 by Nicholas Merwin, gent, steward.
Essoins: none
Jurors for the lord king:
John Seaton sr, John Chandler, Joseph Meakes, Thomas Wright
William Smith, John Seaton son of Daniel, John Bollard, Thomas Willis
John Montague, Francis Mead, Thomas Wilks, Samuel Missenden
Common fine: 16s 8d from the inhabitants of Winslowe, 13s [sic] 4d Shipton, 9s 4d Grandborough, 12s 4d Little Horwood, £1 6s 4d Oveing and North Marston.
Robert Bowden and William Glenister: constables of Winslowe in place of Stephen Bigg and Oliver Mayn
John Budd: tithingman of Winslowe in place of Thomas Worrall
John Bollard: assessor of Winslow [sic] in place of Richard Benbbow
John Coles: tithingman of Shipton in place of Henry Townsend sr
John Cox: hayward [custos agrorum] for the same in place of Thomas Miller
Court Baron
Essoins: William Shelton, Henry Stutsbury, John Thorpe sr with many others
Thomas Foster, William Franklin, Simon Hogson, Daniel Gyles
William Stevens, John Woodward, Joseph White, William Sear
George Thorpe, Henry Curtis, Thomas Pitkin, Thomas Rutland
Thomas Mountague, [blank], [blank], William Shelton jr
John Hogson, customary tenant, and Tabitha his wife on 24 Aug last surrendered:
- a messuage in Winslow now in the occupation of William Glenister or his assigns with yards, orchards, barns, stables, buildings, backsides
- a close adjoining called the Home Close containing 1½ acres
- a close near adjoining called New Close containing 3 acres
- 1 acre in Licehill Feild being 3 ridges extending in Saltstreet Way
- 1 acre in The Cowpasture of Shipton being 3 uncultivated lands, viz. "an Headley"extending to The Lair Pond; 1 uncultivated land extending in Broadmore Mead; 1 uncultivated land in The Upper Furlong of The Cowpasture; and common of pasture for 1 cow
- and the following lands in the fields of Winslowe
- [f.1v] In Old Mill Feild at Adderswell 1 acre of "Sward Ground" and 1 acre of arable land
- at Grandborough Brooke Furlong 2 acres being 5 ridges
- In Demoram Feild a close of pasture containing 6 acres called Claydon Close
- in the same field 2 acres being 1 uncultivated land and 4 ridges of arable land
- in the same field at Short Bradford 6 ridges containing 2 acres
- a piece of meadow in the same field containing [illegible] extending to Tent Hedge
- In New Mill Feild 1 acre of arable land at Amers Land extending to Palmers Leys
- 1 acre near the windmill there
- 2 closes of land called Furzen Hill Closes containing 8 acres
- The Brooke Close adjoining Great Horwood Brooke on the north containing 9 acres
All then in the occupation of William Glenister or his assigns. And all John's other holdings in Winslowe and Shipton. To the use of William Lowndes sr of Westminster esq. who sought admission by William Shelton his attorney. Rent 3s 9d, fine 80s, heriot by composition [illegible].
[William Lowndes paid £503, half of which was already due to him on a mortgage.]
[f.2v] John Seaton, a customary tenant, and Elizabeth his wife, James Dodson of London gent. and Arthur Crab of Aylesbury gent. surrendered the reversion expectant on the death of Mary Seaton widow of a messuage in Winslowe late in the occupation of Richard Gibbs, then of the said John Seaton, with houses, outhouses, buildings, structures, orchards, gardens. And separate pieces of arable land, meadow and pasture dispersed in the fields of Winslowe and Shipton containing 22 acres, which John holds for the term of his life. To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster esq., on condition that if John pays £82 on 5 Jan next at William's domicile in Westminster, the surrender is to be to the following uses: the reversion of the messuage to John and his heirs in perpetuity; the 22 acres to John for his life. Seisin was granted to William through John Markham gent. and William Shelton his attorneys. Rent 9d, fine 6s [sic].
Robert Wyatt of Winslowe Butcher died since the last court seised of certain customary holdings. On 24 May last he surrendered them to his will through William Shelton and John Chandler. He made his will in the presence of William, John and Thomas Gataker [recites will]. Elizabeth Wyatt, John Wyatt and John Wyatt jr were called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[f.2r] Philip Budd and Elizabeth his wife, customary tenants, surrendered 2½ acres of land: 1½ acres lately acquired from Thomas Miller; 1 acre in Nether Astmead, Sarah Gyles widow east. To their own use for their lives, then to James Budd, one of their sons. Rent 7½d, fine 5s.
Henry King and Charles Challoner gent., customary tenants, and Henry's wife Mary surrendered a messuage in which Henry lately lived in Great Horne Street, the messuage of Daniel Seaton west, the messuage in the occupation of Roger West east, with outhouses, orchards, gardens. To the use of Thomas Urlwin of Winslow gent. and Ann his wife for their lives, then to Thomas' heirs in perpetuity. Thomas and Ann did not come; 1st proclamation made.
Charles Chaloner was steward to Lord Fermanagh of Claydon House, and the property had been surrendered to him acting on Fermanagh's behalf to cover rent which Henry King owed for land on the Claydon estate. The transaction is mentioned in the Verney Papers (CBS, M11/56):
31 March 1717: John Verney, Viscount Fermanagh to his son Ralph Verney
...Harry King oweth me £180, but I have seazed his cattle and secured a House he hath at Winslow, and so he goes on, but how I shall gett the groweing rent (which is £83 per annum) I know not.
22 Sep 1717: Charles Chaloner to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh [who inherited the title after his father's death]
Henry King yr Lordships tenant hath sold ye houses and orchards at Winslowe which was made to your honor for arears of rent I think ye some was ?thirty three pounds and he hath –i—d to pay that ?sume of ye ?great cort which will be about ye 10 of October next I and Joseph Eyres was putt in trust so that ----
29 Sep 1717: Charles Chaloner to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh
Mr Merwin of Winslow says that ye surrender of Henry Kings house may be dun any day now if your Lordship gives me orders to surrender and receive ye money for Mr Merwin will take Joseph Eyress surrender in London at some other time
6 Oct 1717: Charles Chaloner to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh
I will press Henry King to cleare all his rent for it tis sold for more money then it tis mortgaged for I designe to goe to Mr Merwin this week and surrender and receive your Lordships money
10 Oct 1717: Charles Chaloner to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh
Ye coart is kept next Munday at Winslow where Henry King surrenders his house upon paying your Lordships money. I belive he hath sold for six scoare and ten pounds but he is to pay his brouther Wilson thirty pounds and eleven pounds to on ?Locke of Winslow but I tell Henry King I will not surrender unless he pays twenty pounds princable besides what his house is tyd for or else he shall pay interest but I belive he will raither pay the twenty pounds then pay use
15 Oct 1717: Charles Chaloner to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh
Isterday I was at Winslow where I reced of Henry King one hundred and eighteen pounds ten shillings towards rent and surrenderd ye house to Mr Urlin and Mr Merwin will take Joseph Eyres surrender at London some other time
21 Feb 1717[/18]: Nicholas Merwin, Thavies Inn, to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh
I want to speake with your Lordships servant one Eyres to take a surrender from him of a coppyhold surrendered by Henry King on condicion for payment of money which is paid. If Mr Eyres should come to London Mr Urlwin who has bought the coppyhold desires your Lordship will direct Eyres to come to me for that purpose.
- in Demoram Field 1 acre at Tuckey Hill, Samuel Norman west
- in New Mill Field 1 acre together at Orrell Hill, Mr Thomas Blake north
- a half-acre more there, Mr Thomas Blake north
To the use of Samuel Norman of Winslow Grocer, on condition that the surrender is to be void if Robert pays him £20 and interest on 16 April next. Samuel did not come; 1st proclamation made.
William Lowndes esquire by William Shelton his attorney sought admission to the following land in Shipton:
- in Licehill Feild 2 acres in Snout Furlong, Robert Lowndes esq. between them
- in the Redd Feild, 2 lands in Bryer Furlong, William Elliott between them, the common king's highway north
- in Blackgrove Feild in Bean Furlong 1 land, Robert Lowndes esq. east, the Red Feild north-west
- 1 land in Five Acres Furlong, the lord's land east
- all other lands of John Robinson and Elizabeth his wife, Edward Turnham and Mary his wife in Shipton
They came into the lord's hands at the court on 26 April last. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
Philip Budd sr and Elizabeth his wife and Francis Budd sought admission to 1 acre in Old Mill Feild in West Cotmore Furlong which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Philip Budd jr deceased at the court on 26 April last according to his will. Seisin was granted to Philip and Elizabeth for their lives, then to Francis. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
[f.2v] Henry Eeles and Sarah his wife, customary tenants, surrendered an undivided half of a messuage in Winslow with brewhouse [brasiatorio], yard, garden, backsides, in the occupation of Henry Stutsbury. To the use of Henry and Sarah Eeles for their lives, then to Sarah's heirs. Rent [blank], fine 2s 6d, heriot by composition 2s 6d.
[This refers to 9 Horn Street. Sarah was the daughter of Thomas Wainwright.]
John Seaton the survivor of Thomas Blake deceased and Henry Hughs deceased, customary tenants, and Katherine his wife surrendered a cottage called The Litlehouse in Winslow, which was surrendered to them on trust by Thomas Crosse and Deborah his wife, presented at the court on 24 April 1699. To the use of Deborah Crosse, spinster. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
2nd proclamation for Nicholas Pleasted according to the presentation in April 1717.
2nd proclamation for John Shelton and Robert Gibbs jr on the surrender of Daniel and John Seaton, April 1717.
2nd proclamation for Thomas Blake on the death of his father, presented April 1717.
12th proclamation for John Simpson.
10th proclamation for Thomas and Richard Barton.
2nd proclamation for Abiel Benson on the surrender of John Woodward.
14th proclamation for Samuel Norman.
12th proclamation for William Lowndes esq. and others.
[English] It is ordered at this Court that all Former Orders made att his Court for regulation of the Fields and Township of Winslow be revived and continued for three years and untill the Further Order of this Court. And that Samuell Norman the Younger, William Glenester and Richard Gibbs be added to the Fieldsmen or Overseers of the said Orders.
End of this court
Nicho: Merwin Steward