View of frankpledge and court baron, 27-28 October 1747
British Library, Add.Ch.53992
Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors which also include Little Horwood and Granborough. The original is in English. Spellings have generally been modernised.
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with Members
View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Richard Lowndes, Tuesday and Wednesday 27 and 28 October 21 George II 1747 before John Duncombe gent. Steward
Francis Collins, Henry Burley, Benjamin Dudley, John Harris, Thomas Sparks
Thomas Budd, William Windmill, John Hicks, William Burrall, John Perkins
John Henley, William Stevens, Thomas Curtis and Thomas Walton
Officers chosen:
John Hawkins and James Morris: <constables> for Winslow in the room of Thomas Hughes and Richard Scott
Henry Sykes: constable for Shipton
John Hicks: headborough
Due to the lord as the common fine from the Inhabitants of Winslow 16s 4d, Shipton 8s 4d, Grandborough 11s 4d, Little Horwood 12s 4d, Ovening and North Marston 26s 8d.
Court Baron
Essoined: William Gyles, Samuel Gyles, Thomas Blake, with many others
The Homage Jury:
John Burrall, William Blake, Henry Stutchbury sr, Thomas Cleaver
John Stevens of Newhouse, Harry Read, John Cox and Joseph Worrall
Defaults only recorded for Grandborough: 19 names, fined 1s each
Robert Shelton of Winslow Cordwainer, eldest son and heir of Robert Shelton, prayed to be admitted to a messuage in Cowstreet in the possession of Joseph Ayres Taylor (near his brother Richard Shelton's), which came into the lord's hands on the death of his father presented at the last general court on 27-28 Oct 1746. Rent 3d, fine 5s, heriot by composition [blank].
Robert Shelton and Ann Shelton, widow of Robert deceased, then surrendered the messuage to the use of Benjamin Ingram of Winslow Chapman. Rent 3d, fine 5s, heriot 2s.
[This probably refers to 26 High Street, later the King's Head, which was in Benjamin Ingram's possession by 1753.]
Daniel Gyles died seised to himself and the heirs of his body by Beatrix his late wife of:
- one ancient messuage divided into 5 tenements in Winslow adjoining the Bell Inn, now in the several occupations of Samuel Gyles, Dorothy Haynes, Catherine Snow, Richard Gibbs and Mary Holmes
- a close of pasture called Home Close containing 3 acres
- a close of ley ground called Hanging Style Close containing 2 acres
- a close of ley ground or pasture called Millers Leys containing 5 acres
William Gyles of Tingwick gent. is the eldest son and heir of Daniel by Beatrix, and prayed to be admitted. Rent [blank], fine 20s.
[The property was transferred to Daniel Gyles by his father William in 1692.]
Daniel Gyles was also seised of:
- a close of pasture containing 4 acres now in the occupation of John Bailey, abutting on the land of Nicholas Merwin gent. on the west and the house and yard of John Burrall butcher on the east
- a piece of pasture ground called Little Pightles adjoining the said close, the land of Richard Lowndes esq. north and Buckingham Road east
- a piece of arable land containing 4 acres abutting on the land of Mr Lowndes north, Mr Alexander Markham west
- two closes of pasture ground lying together called Cross Lands [=Lanes] containing 4 acres, now in the occupation of Richard Gibbs, abutting on the land of Mr Lowndes north, Mr Markham east.
- a half-acre of pasture in Demoram Field abutting on Tent Hedge, the land of Daniel Gyles north, Mr Lowndes west
On 1 Nov last he surrendered by William Goodman and Peter Goldsworth the elder all his copyhold lands and tenements to the use of his last will. He made his will on 1 Nov [recites will], leaving them all to Samuel Gyles his son, who prayed to be admitted. Rent [blank], fine 1s 9d.
George Barrett Glover died seised of:
- 2 messuages in Cow Street now in the occupation of Stephen Gibbs Glover, the messuage of Thomas Ives south, messuage of [blank] Fowler north
- a messuage in Great Horn Street in the occupation of Thomas Day, the vicaridge [sic] house west
- a messuage divided into 2 tenements in the occupation of Widow Hinton and Joseph Norman, with barn, yard and backsides
- a cottage adjoining in the occupation of William Goodman jr
- a close of pasture ground adjoining formerly in the occupation of William Windmill, now of Ferdinando Southam gent.
- a little garden, formerly part of the close
Heriot: a clock, taken to the lord's use. On 17 Jan last he surrendered through Ferdinando Southam and William Hobbs all his copyhold lands and tenements to the use of his last will. He made his will on 3 March [recites will; executors were Francis Collins grocer and Stephen Gibbs grocer].
[f.2r] Francis Collins and Stephen Gibbs prayed to be admitted to the copyhold property [as above]. Rent [blank], fine £1 5s, heriot by composition [blank]
[The messuages in Cow Street were probably at the rear of 22 High Street. The messuage in Horn Street was the future Old Homestead / Abbot's House in Church Street where George Barrett's initials and the date 1726 can still be seen. The close later became part of the new churchyard.]
Stephen Gibbs grocer, Francis Collins grocer and Elizabeth Barrett, widow of George, surrendered a messuage in Great Horn Street now in the occupation of Thomas Day, adjoining the cottage in the occupation of Joseph Norman on the east, the Vicaridge house and garden on the west, with free liberty of the yard and pump or well. To the use of William Verney of Winslow, glazier. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Stephen, Francis and Elizabeth surrendered a close called Peter Lowndes Close (that is to say) one part of the south end of the close shooting quite down to the Eave drops of on Thomas Morecroft's slaughter <house>, and the other part of the south end shooting quite down to the Eave drops of the Barn late George Barrett's, with buildings erected thereon. And three gardens thereto adjoining now in the several occupations of George Clark, William Goodman sr and jr and Elizabeth Hinton or their undertenants. With all timber, trees, woods or underwoods, and with liberty of ingress etc. for Ferdinando Southam gent., his undertenants or workmen with horses, carts, waggons and carriages to pass through the yard, and with use of the well or pump in the yard. To the use of Ferdinando Southam. Rent [blank], fine 2s.
[f.2v] Stephen, Francis and Elizabeth surrendered two messuages in the Cow Street in the occupation of Stephen Gibbs Glover, the messuage of Thomas Ives south, the messuage in the occupation of John Bailey north, with barns, stables, outhouses, yards, backsides, etc. To the use of Stephen Gibbs Glover. Rent [blank], fine 4s.
Joseph Mansfield of Heath, Oxon., Mason and Hester his wife (one of the daughters of John Clarke and Hester his wife, who was one of the 3 daughters of Hugh Hart Clerke heretofore of East Claydon deceased) (Hester Mansfield being a customary tenant, examined by John Duncombe the steward) surrendered their undivided sixth part of a messuage in Grandborough now in the occupation of William Reading Butcher. To the use of John Deverell of Winslow Ironmonger. Rent [blank], fine 10d.
Robert Stevens, eldest son of Robert Stevens of Grandborough Farmer deceased, since the last court died seised of:
- a Mill in Newmill field in Winslow with stable and outhouses with all Clothes, Stones, Troughs, Easements and appurtenances, and 2 acres of land on which the Mill stands
- 2 lands lying at Tent Hedge
- 2 acres near Gores Bush
Heriot compounded at £5 5s. Richard Stevens is his only brother and next heir of full age, and prayed to be admitted to the premisses [as above], to which Robert Stevens the father was admitted on the surrender of Richard Bettam and Joseph Bigg (both since deceased) at the court on 26 Oct 1722 subject to the payment of £100 and interest on 30 April then following. Seisin granted, subject as aforesaid. Rent [blank], fine 10s.
[f.3r] John Grange of Winslow Cordwainer surrendered 1 acre of arable land in Upper Western Furlong, the land now of late Samuel Norman's west, land now or late Benjamin Saunders' east. To the use of Richard Lowndes esq., Lord of the Manor.
Richard Mayne of Winslow Malster, customary tenant, and Elizabeth his wife surrendered his half part of a messuage in Market Street of Winslow now in the occupation of Stephen Gibbs of Winslow Tallow Chandler. To the use of the said Stephen Gibbs. Rent [blank], fine 2s 6d.
John Gibbs of Winslow Tallow Chandler surrendered his half part of a messuage in Market Street of Winslow now in the occupation of Stephen Gibbs of Winslow Tallow Chandler. To the use of the said Stephen Gibbs his father. Rent [blank], fine 2s 6d.
[This probably refers to 2A High Street, later the Royal Oak]
Sarah Cooly of Winslow Spinster surrendered a messuage in Winslow now in the occupation of James Hall and John Parker, and the outhouses. To the use of James Hall late of Tingwick gent. and Rosamund his wife, subject to payment of £10 unto James Cooly son of Nehemiah Cooly in case Sarah shall ever happen to marry, according to the directions of her brother Zacharias Cooly's will. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This refers to 3 or 5 The Walk]
Mathew Deely of Winslow Bricklayer and Daniel Gyles of Abbotts Field Berks Malster surrendered a parcel of ground heretofore parcel of a Close called the Home Close late belonging to Daniel Gyles late of Winslow Linnen Draper, which was divided from the close by William Gyles deceased father of Daniel Gyles deceased, to erect thereupon a House or Building (called a Meeting House for such people who are or shall be called or distinguished by the name or Names of Baptists dissenting from the way and Communion of the Church of England and Presibitery to meet in for to worship and serve God). And also the House and Building since erected thereupon called the Meeting House ... The said Peice or Parcel of Ground extends from the ground of Mr Norman (allowed for the Eaves drops of his Barn) forty three feet and an half southward and from the Garden late Joseph Hardings twenty five feet eastward. And also free liberty of ingress egress and regress way and passage at all times to and from the said Building called the Meeting House and parcel of Ground thereunto belonging in and through the Backsides yards and Gateways late belonging to the said Daniel Gyles deceased leading to and from the said Meeting House into the Street near a pool there called Pillers Ditch. To the use and behoof of the said Mathew Deely, Daniel Gyles of Abbotts feild, Samuel Gyles of Winslow aforesaid Linnen Draper, James Hall of Tingwick [sic] ... gentleman, John Hall of Tingwick ... son of the said James Hall, Edward Howlett of Long Crendon ... Gentleman, William Gyles of Tingewick aforesaid Gentleman and William Coates of Bow Brickhill ... Yeoman and their heirs forever. In trust nevertheless ... that they ... and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs of the survivor of them shall and will forever hereafter permit and suffer the said House or Building called the Meeting House and Ground thereunto belonging ... to be continued and set apart for a place of publick worship to be made use of by such person or persons who are
[f.3v] or shall be distinguished or called by the name or names of Baptists ... They prayed to be admitted tenants. Seisin granted. Rent [blank]. And they give to the Lord for a fine for such their Estate and Entry so to be had (by favour of the Lord for this time only) two shillings. Heriot by composition 1s. Admitted tenants, fealty respited.