William Lowndes' accounts, 1699-1702

Folger Shakespeare Library, W.a.146-147

William Lowndes kept these account books at the time he was building Winslow Hall ("the new building"), and they are cross-referenced from and to some of his other accounts (see Winslow Hall building accounts). Some of the most informative pages have been transcribed here. The accounts are arranged by person, with what they owed him (or what he had paid them) on the left and how they paid it off on the right. Most of his tenants contributed to his building project in some way.

146. 28 [left]
John Wyat D(ebitu)r
li s d
To ball(anc)e fo.1. . . Nil.
18 7br
To a Bill on S(i)r Francis Child for
pag 94
60 0 0      
To Rent reced of Rob Gibbs 20 0 0      
To Rent reced of Simo Hogson 10 0 0      
20 Aprl Paid John Wyat in money 36 16 126 16
D(itt)o Assigned him upon Ni: Harris for Firewood 10 15 0
Borne forward       137 11
28 [right] C(reditu)r
26 Aug By Entertenimt 6 1 6
17 Nailes for the Garden 0 0 8
Rakes for ditto 0 1 6
31 Nayles for ditto 0 0
20 9br Broom Line & Nailes 0 1
12 Feb Nailes for ditto 0 3 7
Mending a Rake &c 0 0 6 0 7 9
Window tax to Lady day 1700 0 10 0
Bellman to Lady d 1700 3 qu(arte)rs 0 15 0
Scowring Horwood Brook 104 Pole at 3d 1 6 0
Willis & Turnam Carr(iage) 121 ft Chesh(am) 4 12 1
Tomkins 46 ft from thenis[?] 0 19 2
More to those 3 men 0 4 0 5 15 3
Work about the New Building vizt
12 Oct Th(omas) George 3 daies work in ye yard in removing stuff 0 3 0
Lettman hedging the Orch(ar)d 0 4 0
4 Xbr Screen for Mortar 0 5 0
T George 34 d(ay)s levelling backside 1 3 8
12 Feb Ditto 9 daies in ye yard 0 7 6
Ditto 4 more 0 3 4
Nayles for Mortar board 0 1
Mending a wheelbarrow 0 3 0
A Jack to move Timber 1 8 0
Work in pulling down Scotts house 0 3 0
Nails & mending barrows 0 1
Ro Udding for Sawing &c 8 17 9
3 men for work in ye yard 2 9 0
Digging ye foundac(i)on of ye house 8 10 6
4 loads of lime 4 0 0 27 19 10½
Borne forward 42 15
29 [right] Bro(ugh)t Forw(ar)d 42 15
12-Oct Entertenimt 2 12 6
paid John Chenals for 2 Leys 55 0 0
28" post fine for ye Mann(o)r of Winslow 3 0 0
Charges at ye house late Croft vizt
Nailes Whiting & Glue 0 15
Tho(mas) Deelys work there 2 0 4
Rob(ert) Udding work there 2 1 1 4 16
R. Udding Letman Weeding & Scowring 0 4 2
Poor to Easter 1700 2 3 6
Land Tax Anno 1699 3 5 8
Constables tax 0 9 6
Church   13
Cha(rles) Stuart one year for keping the Garden to Mich(aelma)s 1699 10 0 0
Gates & posts in ye field p(er) Eden 0 6 0
Letman for hedging at Ryefurl(ong) &c 0 13 9
Tring ye Heyward to L day 1700 0 0 10
part of an Hog Sent to Londo(n) 1 10 0
Allowd John Wyat for his paines 10 0 0
137 11
We are even this 20th day of Aprill 1700
Wm Lowndes [signature]
Jno Wyatt [signature]
vide fol(io) 45

John Wyatt was William Lowndes' brother-in-law (although Lowndes' sister Rebecca was dead by this time) and acted as his agent in Winslow, overseeing the building work at Winslow Hall and some of the other estate management. He also rented a substantial farm, as indicated by the Land Tax he paid.

30 [left]
Thomas Robson D(ebitu)r
li s d
To a years Rent due at Lady day 1699       6 0 0
To a year at Lady day 1700       6 0 0
30 [right] C(reditu)r      
By the Land tax A(nn)o 1699 0 13
Constables tax 0 1 8
paid W L 20 April 1700 5 4
6 0 0
Kings tax 1700 0 9 7
Constable 0 0 10
paid W L 21 April 1701 5 9 7
6 0 0
31 [left] Benj(amin) Saunders D(ebitu)r       li s d
To a years rent due at La(dy) day 1700       8 10 0
To a years Rent due at La(dy) day 1701       8 10 0
31 [right] C(reditu)r li s d
By the Land tax 0 14 10½
Thatching 0 10 5
For a barne 1 0 0
p(aid) W L 20 April 1700 6 4
8 10 0
By the Kings tax 0 10
Constables rate 0 0 11
The use of ye Barn 1 0 0
p(aid) W L 19 April 1701 6 18
8 10 0

Rob(in)son and Saunders were good tenants who paid their rent within a month of its falling due. Saunders lived next to Scott's house which was demolished, probably at what is now 11 Sheep Street; the use of his barn is mentioned in various other places. Lowndes didn't own it, so Saunders' rent must be for land. He was a baker. The payment for "thatching" probably means straw for thatch.

32 [left]
Peter Lowndes D(ebitu)r li s d      
To Ball(anc)e 15 May 1699 1 18 8
To a years rent due Mich(aelma)s 99 clear of taxes 20 0 0
To a years rent due then for Phips's Land 2 10 0
To 2 years rent due then for 5 acres bot of Robt Sponer 1 13 4
  1 13 4 27 15 4
paid ye Ball(an)ce to Peter Lowndes this 20 Aprl 1700       18 11 5
        46 6 9
I have rec(eiv)ed the s(ai)d ballance this 20 Ap 1700
Peter Lowndes [signature]
Peter Lowndes Juner [signature]
To mo advanced by him p(er) W Giles Jun(io)r fo 36 10 - -
To d(itt)o advance to him p(er) Ditto who drew a bill pd to Mr Salter 16 Ap 1701 10 - -
See his acco(unt) in the next book
32 [right] 1699 C(reditu)r li s d
18 May For Carr(iage) 87 loads dung to Albans piece 2 18 -
Paid Several for Dung brought 2 7 10
4 Jul Repaires on the Farme of Wm Perkins at Shipton 5 0 7
15 7br For cleansing the brook 1 16 2
Letman for quick setting &c 0 8 0
Ditto   8 4
Carr(iage) 2 loads bushes to Smallidels   4 -
Ri: Aston for hedging   2 8
Carr(iage) one load bushes to Phips willows   2 -
Making a pair of Gates at Rose Close 0 2 6
Lettman for hedging 5 daies 0 3 0
For the work of ye new Building vizt
Carr' 7 loads Elme feld 0 6 0
Carr' 2 loads lime fro Stukely 0 10 0
Carr' 8400 bricks fro Deelys 0 12 0
Carr' 13 Sticks cont 731 ft fro Whittlewood 12 3 8      
Carr' 1 load Lath & 4 loads Timber fro Chesham 6 - -
Allow: of 12d p(er) load 2 18 - 22 9 8
Carr' 1 load bushes from Claydon - 4 -
A years Sall(ary) at Lady day 1700 10 0 0
46 6 9

Peter Lowndes (1631-1711) was William's father's cousin. He was paid a salary to act as agent for William's farms, and also provided transport for the building work. He described himself as a yeoman, and must have taken over some of the land which William bought from Richard Phipps jr in 1695.

33 [left]
John Amborow D(ebitu)r       li s d
To a years rent due Lady d. 1700       2 - -
To a years rent due Lady d. 1701       2 - -
To a years rent due Lady d. 1702       2 - -
33 [right] Cr(editur) li s d
By the Land tax   3 -      
Paid W L the 20 Apr 1700 1 17 - 2 - -
By taxes 0 2 -
Making 6½ qu(arte)rs Malt 0 16 3
Mony 10 August 1701 1 1 9 2 - -

John Amborow (his surname is found with many different spellings) was a maltster and lived at Hanging Style House (the predecessor of Lawn House). He must have rented land from Lowndes.

33 [left]
Robt Eden als Udding carp(enter) D(ebitu)r       li s d
To mo p(ai)d him vizt
6 Apr 1700 pag 28.29. & R No 402 11 4 10
29 Jul pag 95 9 18 7
23 Xbr pag 58.77 5 15
21 Apr 1701 pag 76 3 - 11
6 Apr 1702 pag 34 p(er) Peter Lowndes Acco(unt) in Libr D 0 12 2
1 Apr 1703 pag 62. in Libr D p(er) Peter Lowndes's Acco(un)t 0 18 3
2 Oct P(er) Acquitt No 626 0 13 - 32 3
33 [right] P(er) Contra Cr(editur) li s d
1700 Apr 6 By Gates & posts in ye field 0 6 0
By repairs at Crofts house 2 1 1
By Sawing felling Elms &c for new building 8 17 9 11 5 10
July 29 By a Bill for hewing Sawing & other work for ye new building 9 18 7
xbr 23 By Nails fo ye kilne 0 11
By Workmanship on ditto 4 0 8
By hewing & Work at great house 1 3 4 5 15
1701 Apr 21 By a Bill for repaires at Shipton & al 3 - 11
1702 Apr 6 By mending Wheelbarrows for new build(ing) 0 12 2
1703 Ap 1 By his Bill for Carpentry work on ditto 0 18 3
Oct-02 By his bill for ye pumps at new house 0 13 0
    32 3

The Edens were carpenters in Winslow for many generations. Robert (d.1710) lived opposite Winslow Hall.

34 [left]
Wm Townsend D(ebitu)r       li s d
To a years rent due Mich(aelma)s 1699       10 14 7
To ball(an)ce p(er) Contra 3 1 5
To half a years Rent due at Lady day 1700 5 7 8 8
To ½ a year due Mich(aelm)as 1700       5 7
34 [right]
1700 Cr(editur) li s d
20 Ap Paid W L mony 5 7 6      
By the Land tax Ao 1699 1 1 8      
Constables taxes in full   4 -      
R. to C A load of Laths from Chesha(m) 1 - -      
R. to Ball(an)ce 3 1 5 10 14 7
By Carr 2 loads Stone from Hornden 3 - -      
By Carr 1 load Stone from Woolaston 1 10 -      
By Carr 1 load bricks from Tottehall 0 5 -      
By Constables rate to Lady day 1700 0 2 8      
By mony paid W L23 xbr 1700 3 11 8 8
Kings tax 1700   15 4      
Pd W L 20 Ap. 1701 4 11 11½ 5 7

William Townsend of Shipton (d.1714) seems to have been a less reliable payer than the others, with ongoing arrears on his rent. He still had land of his own apart from what he rented from Lowndes.

f.35 = George Elliot; Richard Redel of Stony Stratford Brickmaker.

36 [left]
Wm Giles Jnr D(ebitu)r       li s d
To a years rent due Lady day 1700 for Rose Close       5 10 -
To a bank note dd to him 17 Jun. 1700       100 - -
22 Jun. 1700 To So much p(ai)d by his ord(e)r to Walter Giles for wid(dow) Deeley 10li and for Mr Spratly for bricks 13.11s       23 11 -
To p(ai)d by his Order to John Morton to pay for bricks to John Stutsbery       50 - -
27 7br To mony p(ai)d him p(er) W L fo.76       200 - -
      379 1 -
23 Xbr 1700 W Lowndes [signature]
Will Gyles junr [signature]
36 [right]
1700 Cr(editur) li s d
By Constables rate 0 1 4
Poor 0 6 9
Kings tax Ao 99 0 10 10
4200 Setts 0 12 8
Setting them 0 11 8
Church 0 2 -
Bushes 0 18 -
Work 0 2 -
P(ai)d W L 20 Ap. 1700 2 4 10 5 10 -
17 Jun By John Wright Carp(ente)r 60 - -
By Rich Mapletoft 20 - -
By Wid(dow) Deely pt of 27.15.4 20 - - 100 0 0
19 d(itt)o p(ai)d Wid(dow) Deely on acc(oun)t for bricks to ye hands of Jos. Miller 10 - -
26" p(ai)d Jno Spratly for bricks & lime 13 11 -
18-Jul p(ai)d Jno Stutsbery for bricks 50 - - 73 11 0
23 7br p(ai)d Mr Yeomans Bricklaier fo.12.76.93 50 - -
d(itt)o p(ai)d W L. to pay Jo Wright Carpenter fo.20.76.79 50 - -
d(itt)o p(ai)d Ri: Mapletoft Mason fo 10.76 30 - -
130 - -
29" p(ai)d Peter Lowndes on acco(un)t fo.32 10 - -
21-Oct p(ai)d John Wiat on acco(un)t fo.64 60 - -
319 1 -

William Gyles jr (d.1713) acted like a banker for Lowndes, paying his main contractors (who weren't Winslow men) as well as the bigger local bills.

37 [left] Robert Gibs D(ebitu)r li s d
To a years rent for ye Mann(o)r & Rectory of Winslow
due at Micha(elma)s 1699
220 - -
To a years rent for a Close called Smallidells & 3 acr of
Land Copyh(o)ld due at Lady day 1700
4 10 - 224 10 -
See fo(lio) 50
37 [right]
1699 Cr(editur) li s d
12 Oct Given Tho Sponer by Order 1 - -
1700 25 Mar Paid John Wyat on acco(unt) 20 - -
20 Ap. Jno Stutsbery on acc(oun)t for bricks p(ar)t 130li 100 - -
Land tax (1699) for Winslow 16 14
Greenb(or)o(ugh) 1 1 6
Little hor(woo)d 1 18 -
19 14
Constables levy Anno 1700 2 1 3
Copyhold rents one year end Lady d 1700 7 14 0
3 Carriage Loads Timbr fro Chesha(m) 3 15 0
Carr 2 loads lime fro Stukely 0 8 0
4 3 0
Carr of 3 loads of bushes   12 -
Charges at a Court held ult May 99
Vizt a fine for one acre of Chenals 0 2 0 }
a fine for two acr fro(m) Stutsbery 0 4 0 }
a fine for one acr fro(m) Rob Wiat 0 2 0 } 1 - -
a fine for 6 acres fro(m) Blake 0 12 0 }
Fine of 2 acres Surr By Godwyn 16 Ap 1700   4 -
Wm Sheltons haryot   10 -
A load of hay for John Wiat   18 -
15 doz Straw   5 -
Straw & work on Parsonage barn 1 4 -
Allowed him in con(si)d(eration) of a bad crop 10 - -
R Rests due to WL 21 Apr 1700 55 4
    224 10 -

Robert Gibbs rented the manor and rectory, which meant that he could collect the tithes, quit-rents and the payments at the manor court. His account continues below, p.50.

38 = Thomas Foster & Wm Firth

39 [left] Thomas Deely D(ebitu)r li s d
To a years rent due at Lady day 1700 5 - -
To mony paid him p(er) W Lownds the 22 Apr 1700 8 1 11½ 13 1 11½
I have received this Eight pounds one shill(ing) eleaven pence half penny
Tho Deely [signature]
To a years rent due Lady day 1701 5 - -
To a years rent at Lady d 1702 5 - -
pd him 26 Xbr 1702 1 8 6 8
Tho Deely [signature]      
39 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
By repairing the house 4 6 3
Tax for the king 0 7
Constables rate 0 0 11
4 14
For taking down cleaning & stacking 60000 bricks &
12 ml Tiles of my old house
7 4 0
For pulling down the Ceilings & Partic(i)ons &c 0 12 8
Carp(ent)rs work in taking down the Roof 0 10 8
8 7 4
13 1
By Work abt ye Kilnes & pulling down Scotts house 1 8 0
The kings tax 0 5
Constables rate 0 0
paid W L20 Ap 1701 3 6 1
5 - -
pd Richd Mapletoft 29 Aug 1702 5 - -
Repairs   8 10
Taxes   8
Pitching over of ye Stables   11 8
6 8

Thomas Deeley (d.1714) was a bricklayer and brickmaker.

40 = John Seaton
41 = Henry Hughs
42 = Robt Wyat
43 = Mr Robt Gamsford
44 = The Mortgaged Estate late of Josias Geary at Chesham

45 [left] John Wyat from fo(lio) 29 D(ebitu)r li s d li s d
To Ball(an)ce of last acco(un)t nil
1700 12 May To mo p(ai)d him by a Note
S(i)r Francis Child on acc \pag. 94/
40 - -
15 Jun To p(ai)d him by Wm Lowndes 7 13 47 13
I allow this Acco(un)t 15 Jun. 1700 and am Satisfied ye ballance
Jno. Wyatt [signature]
Vi(de): fo. 55
Transferred to proper acc(oun)ts 41 18 8
5000 bricks at Tattenhal 3 15 0 }
3000   "   "   Stukely 2 14 0 }
3600   "   "   Stratford 5 8 0 } 24 9 0
4000   "   "   Stukely 3 12 0 }
pd John Stutsbery 9 0 0 } ------------------
17 9 8
45 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
Paid charges of ye new building vizt
15 Jan 1699 Falling 10 Trees at Stow &c 2 8 0
25 Ap 1700 For Rending into \4700/ Lath a forest Tree 0 13 0
29 5000 bricks at Tattenhall at 15s 3 15 0
6 May 3000 bricks at Stukely at 18s 2 14 0
Expences at Stukely 0 1 6
9 3600 rubing bricks at Stratford at 30sh for bricks and
5 8 0
10 Hewing of Timber 4 16 9
16 Cross cutting Timber at Stow 0 6 -
17 4000 bricks at Stukely 3 12 -
2 Jun Digging sand 0 9 5
Pd Mr Chaplyn for bark at Stow 8 15 -
15 Pd Jno Stutsbery on acc(oun)t of bricks 9 - -
41 18 8
22 Ap Entertenimt 3 1 6
16 Moletaker to Lady day 1700    
29 Tho Clements for a sheep kild - 5 -
14 Jun The first qu(arte)r of ye Land tax Anno 1700   12 3
d(itt)o Given to ye man that broke his Leg 1 - -
d(itt)o For Lath 1000 & 2 poles used at Perkins's   15 -
continued p.55 47 13

46 = John Stutsbery
47 = Robt Granger; Thomas Hendly
48 = Richd Seaton
49 = Wm Giles Senr

50 [left] Robt Gibs fro(m) fo(lio): 37 D(ebitu)r li s d li s d
To ball(an)ce of 21 Ap. 1700 55 4
To a years rent for ye Manno(r) and Rect(ory) of Winslow due Mich(aelma)s 1700 220 - -
To a years rent for a Close called Smallidels & 3 acr of Coppyhold due at Lady day 1701 4 10 - 224 10 -
I allow the Acco(un)t on the other side
Robt Gibbs [signature]
50 [right] Cr(editur)       li s d
By John Stutsbery full of 130li 30 - -
By John Herne 10 - -
By Carr of 6 Loads of Timber from Stow qt' 422 ft at 4d p(er) ft 7 - 8
By one load brick Carr fro(m) Tatnal   5 -
By 2 loads brick Carr fro(m) Stukely   8 -
By 2 loads timber Carr fro(m) Greenbo   10 -
48 3 8
7 1
55 4
P(ai)d Jno Stutsbery fo(lio) 58 & 89 60 60 - -
Carr 1 load Stone fro(m) Hornden 1 5 0
                                  Woolaston 1 5 0
Carr 1 load Lead at Winslow 0 1 6 2 11 6
Kings tax A(nn)o 1700 for Winslow 12 1
                                 Greenbo 0 14 6
                                 Little horwd 1 5 10
Constables Levy 1 0 15 1 11¾
Copyhold rents one year at Lady d 1701 7 14 -
Ten qu(arter)s barly 7 10 -
Wheat Straw to Thatch 95 doz 1 11 8
Orderd to Jno Spratly for 100 (thousand) bricks fo.90 90 - -
Forgiven for a bad Crop A(nn)o 1699 10 - -
Paid WL. 21 Ap 1701 8 18 6 8 18 6
Orderd to John Stutsbery 21 Ap 1701 21 2
224 10 -
51 [left] Widd(ow) Deely D(ebitu)r            
20 Ap. To p(ai)d her p(er) Oliver Main fo.78 7 4 -
17 Jun. paid herselfe fo : 95 27 15 4
27" To mo p(ai)d her p(er) Wm Giles Junr 10 - -
29 July. To mo pd her p(er) W Lowndes 13 12 - 58 11 4
I allow this acco(un)t
Margret Deely [signature]
21 7br 1700 To mo p(ai)d her p(er) Wm Lowndes 9 1 4 67 12 8
Margret Deely [signature]      
21 Xbr 1700 To money paid her p(er) Wm Lowndes 8 14 8
Margret Deely [signature]
Md their was allowed her in John Wiats acc(oun)t with Acc(oun)t of Peter Lowndes Libr E fo. 43. as paid to her 27 feb 1703 2 8 -
ult Aug 1702 p(ai)d her Libr D.83 1 - 4
23 Xbr 1702. p(ai)d Oliver Main Pag.58.77 2 - 6
2 Ap. 1703 p(ai)d p(er) Wm Townsend Lib D.27   1.12.6
d(itt)o p(ai)d her p(er) WL                             3.3.0} 4 15 6
51 [right] Cr(editur)            
By 8400 bricks d(elivere)d in Apr 1700 7 4 0
By 26400 d(elivere)d in May 23 15 4
By 25 qu(arte)rs of lime 4 - - 27 15 4
By 16000 bricks d(elivere)d in July 1700 at 17sh p(er) (thousand) 13 12 -
By 50 Quarters of lime 10 - - 23 12 -
58 11 4
By 45 qu(arte)rs of lime d(elivere)d in Aug. 1700 9 - -
By 2 bush(els) hair d(elivere)d 2 7br - 1 4
67 12 8
By 16 qu(arte)rs lime d(elivere)d in 8br & Xbr 1700 3 4 -      
By 5500 Tiles d(elievre)d in 8br 1700 4 19 -      
By 500 bricks d(elivere)d 7 Nov 1700   9 -      
By 4 bush' hair d(elivere)d in 8br 1700   2 8      
Margret Deely [signature] 8 14 8
By lime Served p(er) Widd Deely as p(er) Peter Lowndes's Acco(un)t Lib E. fo. 43 2 8 -
By a Bill for Tiles & Lime 1 - 4
By repairing ye Kiln house in Norden p(er) Ol. Main 2 - 6
By a bill for Tiles &c 4 15 6

Margaret Deely was the widow of Anthony Deely (d.1691), and evidently more businesslike than her husband. She died in 1707. Thomas Deely who did the bricklaying work was her brother-in-law.

  Wm Edmonds D(ebitu)r li s d      
52 [left] To a years rent due Mich(aelma)s 1699 13 0 0
Md 17 Jun. 1700. p(ai)d her [sic] for ye charge of 3 Teems from Chesham1.14.6
To a years rent due at Mich(aelma)s 1700 13 0 0
52 [left] Cr(editur)            
By a bill for horse meat July 1699 4 7 -      
By Ditto in Oct 1699 2 6 5      
By Ditto in April 1699 1 18 3      
By the king's Tax Anno 1699 1 2      
By the Constables rate   2 9      
By Carr of 5 loads bush' to Dean hill 1 - -      
By Carr 2 loads brick fro(m) Stukely   8 -      
  "     "   1    "      "    fro(m) Tatnal   5 -      
P(ai)d WL. June 17 1700 1 10 13 - -
For horse meat 4 times (includ(ing) 21 Ap. 1701) 5 9 3      
Carr 2 Loads Stones fro(m) Hornton & Wollaston 2 10 -      
Gardners board   6 -      
Kings tax 15s 9dConstable 1s 6d   17 3      
P(ai)d WL. 21 Ap 1701 3 17 6 13 - -

William Edmonds kept The Angel, which must be where the gardener was lodging. The rent he was paying to Lowndes must be for land.

53 = Nicholas Merwin
54 = Mrs Anne Hopper [William Lowndes' mother-in-law]

55 [left] John Wyat D(ebitu)r li s d      
To ballce. fo.45 nil
1700 July 9 To So much p(ai)d S(i)r Fra: Child by Order of John Wyat for the use of S(i)r Richd Temple to pay for charges of ye Building in Wyats Lre of 17 July 1700. vizt by a Bank note No 124                            50.0.0}
In mo p(er) Chr. Tilson    20.0.0}
70 0 0
To ballance p(ai)d to John Wyat on the 29 July 1700 17 6 8 87 6 8
29 July 1700 I have rec(eiv)ed the Ballance of this Acco(un)t from Mr Lowndes Jno. Wyatt [signature]
2 . 17. 9
55 Cr(editur)       li s d
1700 20 Jun P(ai)d Ri. Redel for 6200 rubing bricks and Carr at 30sh p(er) (thousand) 9 6 0
27" For Falling & cutting 2 sticks at College wood 0 8 -
17" Entertenimt 3 10 6
1 July. P(ai)d Edw. West for 11400 rubing bricks & Carr at 35sh p(er) (thousand) 19 19 -
5" P(ai)d Ri: Snag at Tattenhall for 1000 rub: bricks & Carr 0 18 -
9" P(ai)d Jno Jenkins for 20 firr poles 2 15 -
23" P(ai)d Tho Busby for an Elm butt. 3 - -
24" P(ai)d Jno Durant for 2 Sticks 6 1 1
26" P(ai)d Wm Turnam for 2 Sticks 9 18 -
P(ai)d Wm Chapman for 11 Stick at Stow 21 16 6
Ditto for poundage of 21 Sticks 3 11 6
Ralph Bates for hedging ye Yard 0 1 3
For digging Sand & filling & Digging the Terrace} 2 16 6
For a Stick of John Wiat 3 - -
87 1 4
Bellman for Midsomr qutr 1700 - 5 -
Broom & Rubber for ye garden     4
87 6 8
See fo.64
56 [left] Nicho Plester D(ebitu)r li s d      
To a years rent due at Mich(aelm)as 1699 for one half of Tucky Mead 6 13 4
To mo lent him 16 Xbr 1699 p(er) his Note 10 - -
To mo lent him 19 July 1700 p(er) his Note 10 - - 26 13 4
By the ballce p(er) Contra 8 13 4
To money lent him 19 July 1700 5 7 6
Sign(um) Nic(hola)i NP Plester [his mark]
To a years rent due Micha(elma)s 1700 6 13 4
P(ai)d Nico Plested 28 7br 1700 11 15 32 9
Sign(um) Nici NP Plester [his mark]      
Witness John Lowndes
To So much p(ai)d him 19 Oct 1700 on acc(oun)t 5 7 6
To So much p(ai)d him 30 Nov. 1700 in full 5 7 3 43 4
Witness John Blankly [signature]
Sign(um) Nici NP Plester [his mark]
56 [right] Cr(editur)       li s d
By Carriage from Londo to Winslow between 25 May 1700 incl and 13th July 1700 incl. Vizt 18 - -
360 deales at 6d 9 0 0
180 hewd firrs}
300 putlogs}
15..08 ell balks}
5 Ladders}
9 0 0
Ballce 19 July 1700 8 13 4
the marke of Nick: NP Plester 26 13 4
Witness John Lowndes
By Kings tax for ye Land Ao 1699   6
By the Constables tax Anno 1699     9
By Carr fro(m) London of Sev(era)ll parcells before the 29 July 1700   14 -
By 30 loads of Dung for Albons pitts 1 10 -
Br Carr 13Tons.8C.25lwt Lead fro(m) Mr Roberts in Pauls church yard to Winslow at 2sh p(er) C 26 16 6
By Carr 120 Deales fro(m) Scotl y rd 21 7br 1700 3 - -
By Carr of Small p(ar)cells to Mich(aelma)s 1700 0 2 0
32 9
By Carr 5Tons.7C.1q.15½lwt more at 2sh p(er) C 10 14 9
43 4
vi. 71

Nicholas Plested (as his name was usually written) died in about 1714 but was seems to have moved away from Winslow before then. He must have been a professional carrier between Winslow and London. John Lowndes who witnessed his mark appears to have been Peter Lowndes' brother but is not otherwise recorded at Winslow and perhaps lived in London.

57 [left] John Stutsbery D(ebitu)r li s d li s d
To So much brought from fo. 46       356 12 10
To a years rent due at Lady day 1700 for 4 acr at Dudslow       2 - -
29 July 1700 To So much p(ai)d to John Stutsbery in mo p(er) W Lowndes       50 - -
I have rec(eive)d all ye foregoing sums am(oun)ting to four hundred & eight pounds twelve shill(ing)s ten pence on or before this 29th July 1700
John Stutsbery [signature]       --------------------
Carr(ie)d to fo. 58       408 12 10
57 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
By So much bro(ugh)t fro(m) fo. 46 131 11 5
By 27500 bricks d(elivere)d between 15 Jun & 1 July
By 73300 ditto d(elivere)d fro(m) 1 July to 28 July 1700
at 14sh p(er) 1000 am(oun)ts to 70 11
By 183 quarters of lime d(elivere)d between 15 Jun. and 29th July 1700 at 12d p(er) qu(arte)r for burning 9 3 0
By 83 loads Stone at 4sh p(er) load vizt 12d for stone & 3sh Carriage fetcht Between 15 June & 29 July 1700
p(er) John Kynaston  
11 loads 16 12 0 25 15 -
p(er) John Clark         30  "
p(er) Wm Edmonds 42   "
  83 at 4sh
By allowance for building ye Middle kilne 20 0 0
By the Land tax Anno 1699 0 2
By the Constables rate 0 0 3 0 2
By 6000 bricks dd between 28 July & 1st Aug 1700
By 61000 ditto d(elivere)d in August 1700
By 35500 d(itt)o d(elivere)d untill18 7br 1700 incl(usive)
at 14sh p(er) 1000 am(ount)s to 71 15 -
By 222 qu(arte)rs lime d(elivere)d between 29 July 1700 & 18 7br 1700 at 12d burning p(er) quarter 11 2 -
Carryd to fo.58 330 16 11
58 [left] John Stutsbery D(ebitu)r li s d li s d
To So much brought fro(m) fo. 57 408 12 10
1700 14 7br To mony p(ai)d him at Winslow by Benj(ami)n Dudly for w(hi)ch John Wiat drew a bill on WL. Payable to Mr Dudley 40 - -
11 8br To mony p(ai)d him p(er) WL. p(er) the hands of Mr Tilson forty pounds 40 - -
Do. I have rec(eiv)ed all ye foregoing sums making four hundred eighty eight pounds twelve shill(ing)s ten pence. John Stutsbery [signature]
23 Xbr I have this day rec(eiv)ed more of Mr Lowndes by ye hands of Rob(er)t Gibbs Sixty pounds I say 60 - -
John Stutsbery [signature]
29 Mar 1701 To mony p(ai)d him p(er) a bill on Wm Perkins 40 - - 588 12 10
13 May Orderd him p(er) Wm Giles Junr 20
Ballce p(er) Contra 205
V. fo. 2 next book
58 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
By So much brought fro(m) fo. 57       330 16 11
1700 By Stone brought fro(m) Whitchurch between 29 July & 16 7br 1700
p(er) John Clark 11 loads 2 4 0
p(er) John Cap 1 0 4 0
p(er) Jo Kynaston 19 3 16 0
31 at 4
      6 4 -
By 50500 bricks d(elivere)d fro(m) 23 7br 1700 incl until 21th Xbr 1700 at 14sh       35 7 -
By 84 qu(arte)rs lime d(elivere)d in 7br & 8br 1700 at 12d p(er) quarter for burning       4 4 -
By charges of ye kilne house vizt:
Nailes 0 5 0
Do 0 6
Workmanship 4 - 8
Robt Uding for hewing & work at ye great house 1 3 4
  5 15
Note this 5.15.7¼ is p(ai)d to Robt Udin fo.77
Oliver Main for work & Materials ab(ou)t ye Same p(ai)d to him selfe ibm 2 0 6
By his bill for ashes wood & Carting       6 11 -
      383 2 11
Balla       205 9 11
      588 12 10

59 = Wm Short; Charles Cotes
60 = Edward West of Dunsang(er) [brickmaker]
61 = John Baily of Bletchly [brickmaker]

62 [left] Simo Hogson & Hen Townsend D(ebitu)r      
Md. they have taken the 60 acr lately holden by Wm Sponer dec(eas)ed & Rob(er)t Sponer at 24li p(er) an
They are to pay half a years rent after their time ends
The first ½ year is \was/ payable by them at Lady day 1700       12 - -
To a year ended at Lady day 1701       24 - -
62 [right] Cr(editur)            
By p(ai)d Ri: Mapletoft 14 Aug 1700 10 - -
By Carr of 4 LoadsTimber fro(m) Stow park 2 - -
By a years Land tax 1 9 0
Constables rate 0 2 6
P(ai)d WL. 30 Oct 1701 24 - -
By Simo Hogson 11.4.3
By Hen Townsend 11.4.3 22 8 6

63 = Wm Perkins

64 [left] John Wiat D(ebitu)r li s d
To So much fro(m) fo.55 nil because even
31 July 1700 To So much p(ai)d him by WL. For Charles Stuart Gardner 7 10 -
24 8br P(ai)d Ben: Dudley p(er) Messrs Wollpyet on a bill drawne by John Wyat date 26 Aug 1700 40 - -
8br To So much p(ai)d John Wiat by an Ordr upon Wm Giles Junr 60 - -
14 9br P(ai)d Ben: Dudley p(er) Wm Haysett on a bill drawne by John Wyat 6th Inst 70 - - 177 10 -
19 December 1700
Jno Wyatt [signature]
v. fo.73
64 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
1700 31 July By Entertinmint 3 5 -
12 Aug. p(ai)d T. George 9 d(ay)s work laying up Chips - 10 6
26" p(ai)d John Stutsbery p(er) Mr Dudley 40 - -
p(ai)d Diging Sand for ye Bricklaier 2 7 6
p(ai)d Diging Foundac(i)on of ye Side building 3 5 -
p(ai)d Mr Steward for one year to Mich(aelma)s 1700 10 - -
23 7br p(ai)d Th George 11 d(a)ys laying up Chips   11 -
Entertinmint 3 11 6
Window tax to Mich(aelma)s 1700   5 -
17 8br p(ai)d Ri: Mapletoft stone cutter on acct 20 - -
d(itt)o p(ai)d Ro Web 2100ft board 203 ft Timb & Car at 12sh p(er) 100 for board & 12d p(er)ft Timb 22 15 -
d(itt)o p(ai)d John Joseph for 2407 ft board at 12s 6d 15 - -
Expences & Jurny to buy boards & Timber - 5 -
pd Mr Thomas for 98 ft Timbr & Carr 4 18 -
21 Nov. p(ai)d Mr Rob Adams 51 ft Timbr & Carr 2 11 -
p(ai)d Diging the Draynes 9 2 -
29 Oct. pd Wm Bence for hewing 8½ daies   12 9
30" Tho George 15 d(ay)s Stacking up Chips - 15 -
Bellman to Mich(aelma)s 1700 - 5 -
28 No. p(ai)d Ri: Snagg for 1000 rubing bricks 1 10 -
3 Xbr p(ai)d John Spratly on acct for bricks & lime 20 - -
5 " Tho George 24 d(ay)s work 1 - -
10 " p(ai)d Tomlin & Bence 14 d(ay)s hewing - 18 8
Diging & filling the Draynes 3 11 4
pd for falling & cutting 11 Sticks 1 - 1
21 pd for 9000 Lath (besides fire wood) 1 5 0
21 Xbr pd John Spratly in part for bricks 8 5 8 177 10 0
147.32 [left] Peter Lowndes D(ebitu)r      
To ballce of his last Acco.t 20 Ap. 1700 nil
5 Nov. 1700 To mo p(ai)d him p(er) W Giles Jun 10 - -
17 Ap. 1701 To the like 10 - -
To mo recd of Ph Baily for Grass of Westwell knob   17 -
To a years Rent due at Mich(aelma)s 1699 1700 24 3 4
Borne forwd       45 0 4
32 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
By Carr 26400 bricks in May 1700 fro(m) Wid(dow) Deelys 1 19 8
Carr 25 qurs lime in May 1700 0 3 9
Carr 16m bricks in July" 1 4 -
Carr 50 qurs Lime in Do 0 7 6
Carr 4500 Tiles in Oct" 0 3
Carr 16 qurs lime then 0 2 6
4 -
Carr 2 loads of bricks fro(m) Stukely in May 1700 0 8 0
3 " " " fro(m) Tattenhall 0 15 0
1 " " " fro(m) Blechly 0 6 0
1 load poles from Whaddon 0 5 0
1 14 -
Carr 40600 bricks fro(m) Spratlys in 7br & 8br 1700 at 18d p(er) m 2 10 5
Carr 15 loads lime from Do in Oct 1700 0 11 3
3 1 8
Carr Sand, Floors, Roof. Timber Lead & Joysts 4 2 6
Carr Timber from Greenbo Adington, Parsonage Close, Giles's, College wood 2 14 6
Carr 2 loads Stone fro(m) Hornden 2 10 0
1load from Wollaston 1 5 0
2 loads fro(m) Dinton 1 0 0
3 loads fro(m) of tiles fro(m) Brill 1 10 0
6 5 -
Carr 501 ft Timber fro(m) Stow wood 8 7 -
For 2 Trees of 96 ft 4 16 -
13 3 -
Carr 3 Sticks fro(m) Padbury in Mar 1700/1 1 - -
Borne over 36 1
33 [left] Peter Lowndes D(ebitu)r            
To So much brot forwd 45 - 4
Ballce due to Peter Lowndes 19th Aprill 1701 20 11 65 11
p(ai)d him eod(em) die
v. fo.34
contra 47 10
of wch
R. Redel for 1000 rub bricks 1 10 0
Fagotting 3 15 10
Cutting hedges 4 0 11
9 6 9
38 3
33 [right] Cr(editur) li s d      
Brought forwd 36 1      
22 7br 1700 for diging Gravel 1 11 2      
Fagotting 47½ C faggots 3 15 10      
3 Jan 1700 Carr 3 Sticks fro(m) Parsonage Close 0 3 -      
P(ai)d Redil for 1000 rubing bricks 1 10 -      
P(ai)d Th Blake for Carr 1 l(oa)d bricks fro(m) Tottenhal - 5 -      
Carr 3 loads of boards for ye kill at Norden - 3 -      
Cutting hedges for wood for ye kilne 4 - 11      
47 10
20 Nov 1700 Carr 17 loads Ashes to Nantditch   17 -
For hedging in Shipton field &c   13 -
P(ai)d Ri Letman for Scowring at ye Orchard - 8 4
P(ai)d for scowring ditches in Mar 1700/1 5 19 10
16 Apr 1701 for Sticking bushes in Shipton lane   3 -
A years sallary at Lady day 1701 10 - -
65 11
Md to charge Jno Stutsbery 47½ C Faggots at 8sh p(er) C 19 0 0
2 Loads Ashen Lopp 1 0 0 20 0 0
34 [left] Peter Lowndes D(ebitu)r li s d
To ballce fo.33 nil
19 Aug 1701 To So much p(ai)d him for the Tyler12.0.0 }
                               On acct of Carr10.0.0 }
22 - -
6 Oct. P(ai)d him p(er) WL 5 - -
10 7br P(ai)d him for Lop of Timbr at Lenborow 4 - -
10 Xbr P(ai)d him p(er) Rob(er)t Gibs 30 - -
P(ai)d him p(er) Wm Firth for Elme Tree 3 - -
To a years Rent due Mich(aelma)s 1701 24 3 4
6 Apr 1702 To mony paid him to Balance p(er) Wm Lowndes 20.0.0 }
                                                       Rob(er)t Gibs 53.4.8 }
73 4 8
Borne forward       161 8 0
34 [right] Cr(editur)
Paid p(er) Peter Lowndes between 19 Apr 1701 & 6 Apr 1702 vizt
li s d
To Labourers in New Orchard 47 2 1
To Mr Bo\u/gh Gardnr on acct 4 - -
For Falling Timber at Hilsden 1 10 -
For 4100 Lath 1 17 -
Towards the raysing Dinner 0 10 -
To Gabriel Medly of Padbury for 2 Sticks qt 75 ft at 14d p(er) ft & Carr 4 7 6
For 2 pieces of Ash for rack Staves 0 10 -
For dung for ye new Orchard & Court before ye house as p(er) bill 5 3 -
For mending wheelbarrows. Ro Eden 0 12 2
To Wm Rose for Tiles fo.37 12 0 0
Carriage of Brewhouse roof 0 5 0
Carr of stable floor 0 10 0
Carr Sand & rubish bricks for Foundac(i)on of Orchard Wall 1 5 0
Carr of Milk house Floor 0 5 -
Carr posts to ye Stables & Sand 0 5 -
Carr 1 load Stone fro(m) Helmden in May 0 16 -
Carr 1 Ditto in August 0 16 -
Carr 2 loads Stone fro(m) Hornden in Aug 2 10 -
Carr 19 Oaks fro(m) Hilsden Cont 860 ft at 3d p(er) ft 10 15 -
Carr 10 Stick 2 Strides Oak from Cowly qt 632 ft at 3d p(er) ft 7 18 -
Borne forward       102 16 9
35 [left] Peter Lowndes D(ebitu)r       li s d
To So much brot forward       161 8  
129 19 0
Mr Bough Gardnr on acct   4.0.0
Gabr Medly for Timber   4.7.6
Ro Eden mend wheelbarrows   0.12.2
Wm Rose for Tiles   12.0.0 20 19 8
109 19 4
35 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
Brought forwd 102 16 9 102 16 9
Carr 10 Sticks & a Bough Oak fro(m) Lenbo: qt 361 ft at 3d p(er) ft 4 10 3
Carr 17000 Tiles fro(m) Brill at 10sh p(er) 1000 8 10 -
Carr 1 load pavng Stone fro(m) Bissiter 0 12 -
By 54 days work with a Team to Carry Dung Mold Clay and Turf to & from ye New Orchard 13 10 -
129 19 -
For hedging Ditching Weeding faggotting and for quick setts & fencing at Hawkslow Hollow furrow, ye Cow pasture the old Orchard Kerbys Leys Reveham & Shipton field 6 19 10
By a Coach horse bought of P Lowndes 14 - -
By Rob Eden for repairs at Dan Kerbys   9 2
By a years Sallary at Lady day 1702 10 - -
161 8 -
6 Apr 1702
I allow this accot & have rec(eiv)ed the balance from Mr Lowndes
Peter Lowndes [signature]
Witness Robt Gibbs [signature]
vi: fo 49
36 [left] Wm Giles Junr D(ebitu)r li s d
To ballce 23 Xbr nil
16 Apr 1701 p(ai)d p(er) his Ordr to Mr Salter 10 - -
To a years rent due at Lady day 1701 for Rose Close 5 10 0 15 10 0
Will Gyles junr [signature]
7 July 1701 To a bank bill d(elivere)d to him 100 - -
20 May 1701 To mony paid him p(er) Mr Tilson Test' Jonathan Hethway 20 - -
6 Oct To a Bank bill no 38 50 - -
7 Ap: 1702 To a years rent due at Lady day 1702 for Rose Close 5 10 - 191 0 0
Will Gyles [signature]
Wm Lowndes [signature]
36 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
Ap 1701 By Peter Lowndes fo.32 10 - -      
Kings tax 1701   7 8      
Church   1 4      
Poor   9 4      
Bellmans Coat 1 - -      
pd WL the 19 Ap 1701 3 10 11½      
15 10 -
7 July 1701 By mo p(ai)d W Lowndes 100 - -
By John Stutsbery 20 - -
6 9br By Cha Cotes 16 14 10
By Wm Swanel Carr 6 6 6
By John Smith Carr 9 18 2
By Mapletoft Mason 17 0 6
50 0 0
7 Apr 1702 Hedging Rose Close 1 0 0
Church 0 1 10
Poor 0 8 -
Kings tax 0 11 5
Constables rate 0 0 8
County Stock 0 0 2
P(ai)d 7 Apr 1702 3 7 11
5 10 -
191 - -

f.37 = William Rose [tiles]
f.38 = Rt. Hon. Countess of Orkney
f.40 = Mrs Anne Hopper
ff.41-2 = Mortgaged Estate late of Jonas Geary at Chesham
f.43 = John Hendly, Benjamin Sanders
f.44 = Robert Wiat
f.45 = Thomas Robson
f.46 = John Seaton sr

47 [left] Stephen Big Senr D(ebitu)r li s d
To ballce fo.25 nil
26 Xbr 1702 To So much assigned on Robt Gibs in p(ar)t of rent due at Mich(aelma)s 1702 fo.63 47 13 10½
I allow this acct (arrers of rent excepted) 26 Xbr 1702
Stephen Bigg [signature]
v. fo.67
47 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
By a Bill for Iron work from 24 June 1702 to 24 August 1702 d(elivere)d to Mr Wm Bosworth Joynr 13li.11s.0½d reduced by Sr Christopher Wren to 13 - -
By a Bill for Iron work from 1 Jan: 1701 to 29 August 1702 d(elivere)d to Rich(ar)d Mapletoft Mason 1li.0s.2d reduced by Sr Christ Wren to   18 -
By a Bill for Iron work from 22th May 1702 to 29 August 1702 d(elivere)d to John Wright Carpenter 20 10
By a Bill to 25 May 1702 for Iron Work d(elivere)d to Michael Bough Gardner 2 11 2
By a Bill to 2 June 1702 for Iron Work for ye Gardens 1.2.5¼ reduced by Sr Chr Wren to 1 1  
      38 0
By a Bill for Iron work from 3 7br 1702 to 7 Oct 1702 d(elivere)d to John Wright 5 7
By another Bill for Iron work to 24 Xbr 1702 4 6
      47 13 10½

f.48 = Daniel Kirby

49 [left] Peter Lowndes D(ebitu)r li s d
fro. fo.35
Aug 1702 To a haycock late of Nicho Plested 6 0 0
Born forwd
49 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
paid on acco of ye new building vizt
10 Ap 1702 Carr 1 ld Stone fro(m) Helmden 0 15 0
25 May. Carr 2 lds Elme fro(m) Lenborow 0 10 0
" p(ai)d for sawing the Elme 0 2 0
" pd for digging Sawpitt &c 0 1 0
23 July. Carr 1 ld Stone fro(m) Amersden 0 10 0
11 Ap: p(ai)d Workmen in making the new Garden 0 16 9
18" The like 1 9 3
25" The like 1 3 0
1 May. The like 1 3 3
9" The like 1 4 9
16" The like 1 4 9
23" The like 1 4 9
30" The like 0 7 6
6 June. The like 0 7 6
13" The like 0 7 6
20" The like 0 13 0
27" The like 0 16 0
4 July. The like 0 8 0
11" The like 0 5 0
18" The like 0 5 0
14 Aug. The like 0 2 6
29" The like 0 5 8
12 4 2
pd for digging Course Gravel at Berrys Leys in Apr & May 1 7 10
Digging cours Gravel at Old Mill in Apr & May 1702 1 15 0
Carr of 100 loads of Course Gravel from Berry leys 3 6 8
  ------------------------ ------------------------------
Borne forwd 18 13 8 1 18 0
50 [left] Peter Lowndes D(ebitu)r li s d
Brot Forwd 6 - -
To So much p(ai)d him p(er) Wm Lowndes 31 August 1702 10 15 -
      16 15 0
Ballce due to peter Lowndes this 31st Aug 1702 26 6 6
      43 1 6
Wm Lowndes [signature]
Peter Lowndes [signature]
28 7br 1702 Recd five pounds upon acct
Peter Lowndes [signature]
vi fo:51
Grant Hewet for tiles 1.3.0
Tho Watts for Nailes 0.13.2
50 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
Brot forward18.13.8 18 13 8 1 18 0
Carr 134 loads \fine/ gravel fro(m) old mill 3 7 0 22 0 8
Carr of Mold fro(m) ye yard in July 1702 2 12 6
22 Aug 1702 p(ai)d Tho Watts bill for Nailes 0 13 2
d(itt)o pd Emerton for Garden Seeds 0 3 4
d(itt)o p(ai)g Grant Hewet for Tiles 1 3 0
d(itt)o pd for Sope for ye Shashes 0 0 6
d(itt)o pd Wm King diging post holes 0 2 6
d(itt)o Carr 1 load Stone fro(m) Amersdon 0 10 0
d(itt)o Carr Mold out of Stable yard 0 5 0
d(itt)o Sticks of Timber 91 ft 4 11 0
33 19 8
p(ai)d for hedging & ditching in Apr 1702   15 -
p(ai)d for a Rake Nayles Scythe & Broom for the Garden Apr 1702   7 4
10 Apr 1702 Church rates for the new house   11 11
d(itt)o Constables rate for ye Same   1 1
pd to ye poor for Ap May June & July 1702 at 5sh 5d 1 1 8
p(ai)d ye Bellman for Lad. & Michs 1702 0 10 -
p(ai)d Tho Swift for warning ye Tenants in   2 -
18 Aug 1702 Straw to Litter ye horses   1 6
p(ai)d for filling up kill pitts in Norden in July 1702 2 9 4
p(ai)d 15 Oct 1701 for Scowring Claydon brook 240 poles at 3d & spent 2sh 3 2 0
43 1 6
51 [left] Peter Lowndes from fo.50 D(ebitu)r li s d
28 7br 1702 To mony p(ai)d him 5 0 0
16 Novr. To assigned to him on Rob Gibs rent on acct 30 0 0
29 7br 1702 To a years rent due now 24 3 4
Recd for 4 poles 0 10 0
Carr to fol.62       59 13 4
Wm Rose for 3 ld tiles 3.12.0  
2 brooms 0.0.4  
Making cyder 0.17.6  
Spikes & Nailes 0.0.11  
51 [right] Cr(editur)
li s d li s d
By Ballce 31 Aug 1702 26 6 6
p(ai)d Garden work for ye Kitchen Garden between 5 7br 1702 & 24 Xbr 1702 Vizt
To Labourers 14 10 3
Carr' 205 loads dung 3 10 0
Cost of 205 loads dung & more that way wheeld in fro(m) near places 6 9 9
Md all this dung is p(ai)d for except 40 loads of Rob Gibs
Carr' of Mold 0 5 0
Digging post holes 0 11 0
Diging foundac(i)on of its wall 1 0 3
A Madock 0 3 3
26 9 6
p(ai)d for the Building in the same time vizt
Carr 11 Sticks from Worslys & Wrights 0 10 0
Carr 1 ld Stone from Amersden 0 10 0
Wm Rose for 4 loads tiles 3 12 0
p(ai)d plasterer on acct 0 10 0
5 2 -
p(ai)d for 2 brooms for the house     4
Diging gravel for garden next ye house   6 -
Filling pitts in Norden 10 - 6
Making Cyder - 17 6
For 5 loads of pebles & Carr' - 11 6
For Spikes & Nailes     11
Carr to fol 62 69 14 9

f.52 = Joseph Big Bricklaier
f.53 = Richard Seaton (He rented Bartons Land, Albans Close and Blackthorne Piece)
f.54 = Wm Edmonds
f.55 = John Amborow
f.56 = Wm Short; Joseph Big Bricklaier (who was paid £1 for "making holes to lett ye Iron work into ye stone steps coming up to ye Terrace")
f.57 = Henry Townsend; Henry Townsend & Simon Hogson
f.58 = Richard Mapletoft for work at Chesham

59 [left] John Wiat fro(m) fo.1 D(ebitu)r      
To ballce fo.1 nil
16 Aug 1702 p(ai)d him p(er) WL fo:76 51 4 -
14 Oct. p(ai)d him on his bill to Comr of Excise p(er) Mr Herne 30 - -
28 7br 1702 p(ai)d him by Richd Seaton fol:53 10 - -
2 Apr 1703 p(ai)d him p(er) WL as p(er) John Wiats book Signed by himself 14 16 6
2 Oct 1702 p(ai)d by p(er) WL as p(er) ditto book Signed by him 5 8 4
1 July 1704 paid John Wiats wife in full as p(er) her acqitt' 2 14 10
7 July 1705 Allowed By mee       114 3 8
Jno Jno Wyatt [signature]
59 [right] Cr(editur)
By Entertenimt in Apr & July 1702 2 10 0
Brewing in May 1702 1 11 0
Funeral of Ph(ilip) L(owndes) 0 3 0
By purchase mo of Frenches Tenemt 47 0 0
51 4 -
16 Aug 1702 By Entertenimt 1 0 0
31 " Ditto 1 10 0
28 7br Ditto 2 0 0
27 Xbr Ditto 1 1 6
For 8 bush(el) beans 0 16 0
A Cask for Cyder 0 7 6
11 Jan 1702 Wil Wiats Educac(i)on 5 0 0
11 15 0
11 7br 1702 p(ai)d Tho Wright for 99 ft Timber 4 19 0
D(itt)o p(ai)d Wm Nelson for 547 ft Timber 27 7 0
26 " p(ai)d John Worsly for 212 ft Timber 10 12 0
Expences in buying ye timber 0 3 6
54 16 6
2 Apr 1703 Entertenmt 1 18 8
1 May. Ditto 0 7 6
2 Oct. Ditto 1 13 2
4 1 4
1st May 1703 p(ai)d Tho George for looking to ye yard & house 22 weeks to 22 May 1702 1 2 0
2nd Oct 1702 p(ai)d Window tax 0 5 0
5 8 4
1 July 1704 pd Entertenimt at Xmas 1703 0 16 11
Charges at funeral of J(ohn) L(owndes) 0 4 10
Entertenmt at easter1704 1 8 1
Window tax 0 5 0
2 14 10
114 3 8

f.60 = Grace Sweeter
f.61 = John Wright Carpenter (he was paid £63 10s 3d for work at Winslow and £4 18s 10d for repairs at Westminster)

62 [left] Peter Lowndes D(ebitu)r li s d
Brot from fo.51 59 13 4
Ballce due to Peter Lowndes this 26 Decr 1702 25 15 8
      85 9 -
3li p Sanders
1 p Seaton
1 p Elliot 26 Xbr 1702
12 p Cocks 8.11.8 p(er) WL
I have rec(eiv)ed from Mr William Lowndes this Balance of Twenty five pounds fiftene Shillings eight pence
Peter Lowndes [signature]
26 Xbr 1702 To So much ordrd to be paid to him by Wm Perkins to clear his rent to Mich(aelma)s 1701 12 4
10 Jan 1702 Recd of Ben: Sanders 2 - -
Ballances 1st Apr 1703 9 10
1st Aprill 1703 I have rec(iev)ed this nine pounds ten shills Seaven pence farthing from Mr Lowndes 23 14 8
Peter Lowndes junr [signature]
62 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
Brot fro(m) fo.51 69 14 9
23 7br 1702 Window tax for new house 0 5 -
3 Oct. poors rate 2 months 0 10 11
d(itt)o Land tax 3 6 2      
23 Xbr Church 0 8 2
d(itt)o Bellman to Xmas 1702 0 10 0 5 0 3
Carr' bricks Sand wood & lime to Paradines   4 -
Straw to thatch Sanders's barn   10 -
75 9 -
To a years Sallary to grow due at Lady day 1703 10 0 0      
85 9 -
By the Gardens fro(m) 24 Xbr 1702 to 1st Ap 1703 10 16 -
By making 2 Wells in ye same time 3 7 9
Tending fires to ayre ye house     10
Putty for ye windows   1 2
Carr' of 9 Load pebles to pave   9 -
Tho Watts Ironmongers bill   11 7
Rob Eden Carpenters bill   18 3
16 4 7
Carr' of Timber & bricks fro(m) Simo Hogson   5 0
Bellman Lady day qur 1703   5 0
2 Last qurs Land tax Ao 1702 3 6 2
Poor last qur 1702 2 6 4
Window tax 5sh Constable 9s   14 -
Church Levy   13 7
23 14 8
63 [left] Robt Gibbs D(ebitu)r      
To ball(ance) last acct fo.29 nil
To a years rent for ye Mannr & Rect of Winslow due at Mich(aelma)s 1702 220 - -
To a years rent for Smallidells & 3 acr' Copyhold due Lady day 1703 4 10 -
      224 10 0
vi. fo. 71
63 [right] Cr(editur)            
16 Nov 1702 By Assignet to Peter Lowndes fo.51 30 - -
26 Xbr 1702 By Assignet to Stephen Big fo.47 47 13 10½
The Queens tax Ao 1702 Winslow
25 0
Greenborow 1 9 3
Little Horwood 2 10 0
Constables Levy at Winslow 2 1 3
31 0
Carr' of 3 loads of Stone fro(m) Amorsden 1 10 0
Gravel Cart 3 daies 0 15 0
2 5 -
Thatching the Barn - 16 6
Copy rents one year at Lady day 1703 7 19 1
2 Fines of Frenches house 0 10 0
Fine for Holloways farm 4 5 0
Drink to the Jury men 0 10 0
5 5 -
42 loads dung for the garden 2 - -
Jury men in 1701 0 10 -
Given him 10 - -
p(ai)d WL. 1 Apr 1703 17 9 10¼
R. Ballce due to WL 1st Ap 1703 69 10 -
224 10 -

f.64 = Sir Edw' Seymour
f.66 = Thomas Deely

67 [left] Stephen Big from fo.47 D(ebitu)r li s d
To a years rent due at Mich(aelm)as 1702 for Poors Furrow Leaches Close & 2½ acr' in Demoram 8 10 -
To a years rent due then for one half of Tucky Mead 6 13 4
To half a years rent due for the other half 3 6 8
      18 10 0
Md he leaves poors Furrow from Lady day 1703 for wch he is to be abated 3s p(er) ann(um) for that time
To half a year due at Lady day 1703 for Poors Furrow &c 4.5.0
& Tucky mead 6.13.4
10 18 4
To the price of the Malting Gatehouse and the Stable with little houses adjoyning at Holloways Farm 17 - -
67 [right] Cr(editur) li s d li s d
By the Constables rate 1701 0 1 2
By Ditto 1702 0 1 9
By the Land tax Ao 1702 1 1      
Paid WL. 31 March 1703 17 5 10¼ 18 10 -
By a bill for Iron work for ye pump &c 3 6 11½
pd WL. the 2d Oct 1702 7 11
      11 18 4
26 Xbr 1703 paid Stephen Bigs's bill for Iron work at ye new house 16 18
Given him 0 1
      17 - -

f.68 = Widdow Giles

69 [left] Simon Hogson D(ebitu)r li s d
To one moiety of the half years rent due at Mich(aelma)s 1702 for 60 acres late Sponers 6 0 0
To a years rent due then for his former hold 12 9 3
To one moiety of a years rent due at Mich(aelm)as 1702 for 60 acres late Sponers 12 - -
To a years rent due then for his former hold 25 18 6
To a years rent due then for Land lately held p(er) Thos Robson 6 - -
      43 18 6
To a moiety of half a years rent due at Lady day 1703 for 60 acres late Sponers 6 0 0
To half a years rent due then for his former hold 12 19 3
To half a years rent due then for Land lately held p(er) Thos Robson 3 0 0
      65 17 9
69 [right] Cr(editur)            
Ballce fro fo.17 3 5 3
Paid by Tho Robson 1st Apr 1703 3 - -
Constables Levy for his land 0 1 3
Allowd the Queens tax for his land 1702
Allowd Constables rate Ao 1702 Vizt
for ye moiety of Sponers land 0 2 6
for his former hold 0 4 0      
For land late Robinsons 0 1 8 - 8 2
2 Oct 1703 Paid WL. 7 - -
By Land tax Ao 1702 for 25.18.6 p(er) an(num) 2 16 7
Making a Drayn 0 11 10
Tax for Land late Sponer Ao 1702 1 12 4
Ditto for Robsons Land Ao 1702 1 - 6
Window tax Ao 1702 for ye homestal 0 6 -
Poor Ao 1702 for Ditto   5 8
Church Ao 1702 for Ditto   2 10
pd Peter Lowndes 27 Xbr 1703 10 0 0
Ballce for wch he gives his note to Mr WL. this 2nd May 1704 35 8 7
65 17 9

f.70 = Wm Reding
f.71 = Wm Giles junr; Wm Townsend; Robt Gibs

72 [left] Peter Lowndes from fo. 62 d(ebitu)r
  To paid at Chesha(m) 3 Apr 1703 10 - -
  To Mr Merwyn in repaym(en)t 3 July 1703 32 5 -
  To mony for 5 poles sold 12 6
  To mony for grass sold 6 4 -
  To mony for Com(m)ons sold 1 3 6
  To Wm Perkins for Com(m)ons 5 1 8
     Dan(ie)ll Kirkby for a Com(m)on 0 7 6 5 9 2
  56 4 2
  Balla(nce) 27th Xbr 1703 15 17 6
  27th Xbr 1703 72 1 8
  Rece(ive)d of Mr Wm Lowndes this sum of seaven Fifteene pounds seaventeen shills six pence in full
  Peter Lowndes [signature]
  18 8 7
  6 15 10 25 4 5
  Jos Big for Coping 10 0 0
  Catching 3 moles 0 1 0
  1900 tiles 1 14 4 11 15 4
  13 9 1
72 [right] Cr(editur)
  paid Garden work fro(m) 3 Ap to 25 Xbr 1703 7 14 7
  pd Jos Big for Coping ye wall 26 Ap 1703 10 0 0
  for Carr' 24 loads fine Gravel 2d 0 12 0
  Catching 3 Moles 0 1 0
  A Lock for Kitchen Garden 0 1 0 18 8 7
  Carr' 8 loads Pebles to pave 0 4 0
  Carr' 1000 Brill tiles 0 10 0
  pd for 1900 Brill tiles 24 July 1703 1 14 4
  Work to clear ye Court yards 0 8 4
  Stacking bricks 0 1 8
  Serving the pitchers 0 5 -
  Colouring the Pump 0 1 6
  Diging Gravel at Hawkslow 1 17 8
  Pebles & Carr'    ½ 1.0.0
1 13 4 6 15 10
  paid for half the Cage 5 14 2
  Robert Eden for paling Kerbys Close 0 16 -
  Poor for house & Garden to 26 Nov. 1703 1 13 2
  Queens tax for ditto to Xmas 1703 4 8 6
  Bellman to Mich(aelma)s 1703 10 -
  Hedging & ditching 1 9 9
  Sundry charges on the Farm at Shipton vizt plowing dunging, haymaking, sowing thatching, scowring ye brook, heard, Tithes poor & Queens tax to Xmas 1703 as p(er) acct 32 5 8
  72 1 8


S(i)r Francis Child: founder of Child's Bank, now part of RBS.

Bellman: Presumably Lowndes paid the bellman (equivalent of a town crier) in his capacity as lord of the manor.

paid John Chenals: The entry in the Lowndes Roll says he paid £50.

fine: The records for the October 1699 manor court don't survive, but £3 would be the fine for buying 30 acres of land.

Croft: Dr Thomas Croft is last recorded in Winslow in 1696. He must have rented a house from Lowndes which was repaired after he left.

Poor: This and the following entries refer to the various taxes which tenants paid but deducted from their rents.

Tottehall = Tattenhoe.

John Wright (foreman for Matthew Banks, carpenter) and Richard Mapletoft, mason, along with John Yeomans, were the main contractors from London, and also did work for Sir Christopher Wren.

horse meat = food for horses (OED).

Ph(ilip) L(owndes) was a child of William and Rebecca Lowndes aged 4 months, buried on 28 June 1702. He died at Richmond on 25 June "of a violent Chin Cough".

French's Tenement: William Lowndes' purchase of this (a messuage and 1 acre) from John Wyatt is recorded in the Lowndes Roll but the relevant court rolls are missing. The house appears to have been in Sheep Street.

William Wyatt's education: William Wyatt (1691-1723) was the son of William Lowndes' sister Rebecca (d.1695), John Wyatt's first wife.

J(ohn) L(owndes) was another son of William and Rebecca. He was buried on 7 Oct 1703, having died at Westminster on the 3rd aged 6, "a good Child in every respect".

Holloways farm: William Lowndes' purchase from Rev. William Holloway of a messuage and 42½ acres in Shipton is recorded in the 1703 court rolls, although the fine paid is not specified there.

Com(m)ons: Some property in Shipton came with the right of common to pasture a number of cows in the Cowpasture; Lowndes did not need the "commons" himself so sold them on.

Copyright 24 October, 2018