Will of Sir John Busby of Addington, 1684 (proved 1700/1)
National Archives, PROB 11/459/341
In the name of God, Amen On the fifth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God according to the Computations of the Church of England one thousand Six hundred eighty and four I S(i)r John Busby of Addington in the County of Buckingham Knight being of good and perfect health mind and memory my thanks I render to the Almighty and ever mercifull God for the same considering the uncertaine Estate of this transitory life And that all Flesh must yeild unto death when it shall please God to call us Doe make ordaine and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to Say First and principally I commend my Soul unto Almighty God my Creator assuredly beleiveing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my Sinns and be saved by the precious death and merrits of my Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus And my body I bequeath unto the Earth to be buryed in such decent and Christian manner and in such place as to my Executor hereafter named shall be thought meet and convenient neverthelesse my desire is that the same should be buryed in the Church of
[p.2] Addington aforesaid if I shall dye in the Kingdome of England Provided that my Funerall Expences doe not exceed the Sum(m)e of forty pounds Now for the making some provision for my younger Children and for such Daughters of mine as shall not be disposed of in marriage at the time of my decease my will and mind is that such Sonn of mine which shall be my Heir shall from and after my decease by two equal payments yearely from time to time pay unto each and every of my younger Sonns forty pounds a yeare of lawfull English money during the natural life respectively of every one of my younger Sonns [A similar monetary bequest is made to his daughters for as long as they remain unmarried, at which point the annuity would cease. Funding was to be raised from his ‘messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments’ in Addington] . . . concerning my goods and chattels reall and personall I dispose thereof as followeth In the first place my will and mind is that Dame Mary my wife shall have the use of all my goods and household stuff (excepting my writings and books) within my dwelling house yards and gardens at Addington aforesaid dureing her widdowhood And in case she doth not marry again dureing her natural life Item I give unto the said Dame Mary for ever All her Jewells Rings and wearing Apparell my Coach and harnesse and two of my best Coach horses which she shall choose And because I am confident that her motherly care and love to our Children shall never be wanting I doe constitute and appoint her to be Guardian of \all/ my Children dureing their respective minorityes [the Will goes on to confirm the distribution of his silver collection, including their christening gifts, and his broad gold, to his children] . . . Item my will and mind is that all my liveing Cattle vizt Horses, Cowes and Sheep shall be forthwith after my decease
[p.3] sold and the money thereby ariseing shall be equally distrib\ut/ed amongst my all my younger Sonns and daughters that are unmarried And lastly my will is that all those Debts as I owe in right or Conscience to any person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly paid and satisfyed And therefore of this my last Will and Testament I doe make ordaine and constitute my oldest Sonn Thomas Busby full and sole Executor And in case that he shall dye before he shall accomplish the age of one and twenty yeares that his next Heire shall then succeed him in the Executorshipp of the same In Witness whereof I the said Sir John Busby have written this my last Will and Testament with my owne hand in two Sheetes of Paper and have to each Sheete set my hand and Seal the day and yeare first above written J Busby [signature] signed sealed declared and published before us whose names are hereunder subscribed and in the presence of the Testator was subscribed by us John Freeman [signature] John Russell [signature] Thomas Mayne [signature] Michael Wallis [signature] John Busby [signature]
[Proved at London 10 March 1700/1 on the oath of Thomas Busby esq., son and executor.]
Will of Dame Mary Busby of Addington, 1712 (proved 1714/15)
Centre for Bucks Studies, D/A/Wf/67/82
In the name of God Amen, I Dame Mary Busby the Widdow and Relict of S(i)r John Busby late of Addington in the County of Bucks Knight deceased being under some Indisposition of body but of sound and perfect minde and memory (Praised be God) and being minded desireous and willing to make my last Will and Testament and to dispose of my Estate herein after menc(i)oned I doe hereby dispose thereof in manner following (That is to say) First I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Susannah Busby the Sum(m)e of Fifteene Pounds of lawfull money of Greate Britaine for to buy her Mourneing withall to be paid unto her by my Executrix herein after named Imediately after my decease Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Mary Busby All the Rest and Residue of my Readie mony Jewells Goods Chattells debts and Personall Estate whatsoever and I doe hereby make Constitute and appoint her sole and full Executrix of this my last Will and Testament desireing her to bury me in the Parish Church of Addington aforesaid in the night Season as privately as far as decencie will permitt and not to Expend more than Tenn Pounds Concerneing my Funerall And thus Revoakeing and makeing Voide all former and other Wills by me heretofore made I doe make Publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale the Seaventeenth day of September in the Eleaventh yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Queen Anne over England &c. Annoque D(omi)ni (Christ)i 1712
[signed] Mary Busby
Signed Sealed and Published in the Presence of us whose names are hereunto subscribed who subscribed the same together in the Presence of the Testatrix
Francis Winton [signature]
Elizabeth Cooke [signature]
Peter Goldworth [signature]
[Probate 11 March 1714/15 before Isaac Lodington MA, official of the Archdeacon of Bucks, to Mary Busby, daughter and executrix. No inventory exhibited.]
Sir John Busby was baptised at Addington in 1635 and buried on 10 Jan 1701. He has a memorial in Addington church possibly by Nicholas Bigee (see image). He was the son of Robert (d.1653) and Abigail Busby. He was probably the John Busby esq. who was a student at Queen's College, Oxford, in 1654. He married Mary Dormer of Lee Grange at Addington in 1662. He had some property interests in Winslow as a mortgagee, and was also the nearest justice of the peace. He was succeeded as lord of the manor of Addington by his eldest son Thomas Busby (1667-1725). He and Mary had 11 other children, of whom at least six died young. Mary was buried on 16 Nov 1714.
Sir John Busby's Memoranda Book, 1676
Centre for Bucks Studies, D-X/358/3
Sir John Busby bought a printed almanack for 1676 with blank pages on which he kept notes about his activities as a JP and some of his personal business. Most of the justicing material, which covers an area from Oakley to Edgcott to Tingewick, is in Latin. There are also some notes in Greek characters. The entries below are the ones of possible relevance to Winslow.
[Latin] 23 March 1675/6
William Gyles of Winslow linen draper bound in £40 if he fails in the following condition:
[English] to prosecute his appeall with effect ye next quarter sessions
[Same condition for John Coles of Swanburn stromatarius]
This could be connected to Gyles' dispute with the Duke of Buckingham, or his Baptist activities.
[Latin] 1 May 1676
Richard Worsley of Winslow carpenter and
George Higins of Adstocke lab. each bound separately in £5 on condition:
yt John Walker[?] being licenced to keep a common Ale house in Westbury shall keep order according to law.
[Latin] 15 May 1676
[Latin] Thomas Heydon of Cottesford bound in £10 on condition:
[English] to preferre a bill of indictment against Richard Bodily for taking away his mare in
a forcible manner \and deteyning the same/ the 15th of this instant
[Latin] Richard Amburrow of Winslow farmer bound in £10 on condition: [English]
to give evidence against Richard Bodily
Richard Bodily of Whaddon bound in £40 on condition: [English] to be of good behaviour and to appear at the next sessions of the peace
his sureties Francis Glenister of Winslow grocer and
John Amburow of the same malster in £20 a piece
Richard Bodily was the Duke of Buckingham's steward in Winslow and Whaddon.
[Latin] 9 June 1676
William Townesend of Winslow farmer bound in £10 on condition:
[English] to keep the peace toward Charles Bowler of Shipton Husbandman and his sonne Charles Bowler
[on blank pages in the calendar]
January 31 Received of Thomas Miller of Shipton nine pounds for one yeares Interest of one hundred and fivety pounds
January 31 [entry crossed through] Lent unto Thomas Miller of Shipton in the Parish of Winslow Husbandman and to William Townesend of Shipton aforesaid Husbandman 20 pounds they being both bound
Feb 2d Sold unto Peter Stutsbury of Winslow Shoomaker all my Barley yt is in my Barn excepting what I reserve for seed after the Rate of 18 shillings and 6 pence a quarter. Received six pence in earnest [deletion] the Day of payment for this Barley at or Before the 10th August next
fifth of Aprill Eliz. Deeley first came to my service
Probably the daughter of Thomas Deeley, bap. 1655.
Aprill 14 paid the carrier Mathew Janes for coach Harnesse eight pds 15 shillings. pd him also then for wine bought of Mr Walbanke foure pounds and something more. paid him in full upon all accounts whatsoever thirteen pounds nine shillings and six pence.
Aprill the 14 paid Mathew Janes to pay unto Mr Hickes the Taylor twenty pounds
the 10th paid Worsley for framing Harrups house three pds thirteen shillings.
Tuesday the 2d of January 1676/7 Received of Thom Miller nine pounds for interest money of £150 due the first day of July last