Will of William Costerd of Biggyn, 1575
Herts RO 7AR12 & 16AW6
The text below is a combination of the two versions; whoever transcribed the will into the St Albans register didn't do it very well.
In the name of god amen ye xxiiij daye of december in the xvijth yeare of ye raygne of our soveraygne Ladye Elyzabeth Quene etc I William Costerd of Biggyn in the p(ar)ish of Greneborowe in the dioc(e)s(e) of St Albans in ye countye of Buckyngham yeoman being sore and sick in my bodye but of good and p(er)fett remembrance lawd and prayse be geven unto god therefore doe ordayne and make this my last will & testament in marrner and forme following viz first I bequeath my soule to almighty god my only redemer & savior and my body to be buried w(i)thin the p(ar)ish churchyeard of Greneborowe aforesaid and as concerning all my londs les cattells debtes and dutyes whasoever both moveable and unmoveable w(hi)ch I have or by ryght ought to have (my debtes & funerall expenses discharged & paid) I geve & bequeth them fully & wholly to An my welbeloved wyf whome I do ordeyne & make my full & whole executrixe of this my last will and testament wyllyng her to geve such p(ar)te of the same to my daughter Dorothy as she shall thyncke good and expeidient when it shall please her & at her discretion Witnesses hereof John Pettey gent Edmo(n)d Pettey gent John Lane & others
by me Jhon Pettye
Edmund Pettie
Wyllm Turner[?]
Inventory of William Costerd of Biggyn, 1575/6
Herts RO A25/1543
A Trew and p(er)fect Inventory of all the goodes Cattalls of Will(ia)m Costerd of Byggyn in the p(ar)ishe of Grenborow deceased praysed by Henry Pettey gent Will(ia)m Turner & others the v daie of February & in the xvij yere of the raigne of o(u)r sovereigne ladye Quene Elizabeth etc
Imprimis the lease of the ferme |
xl s |
Itm two hecforthes |
xl s |
Itm two yereling bullocks |
xxxvj s viij d |
Itm one gelding |
iiij li |
Itm three sowes and one bore |
xxvj s viij d |
Itm fower stores |
vj s viij d |
Itm one paier of awndierns & on speete |
iij s |
Itm the lumber in the kytchin |
x s |
Itm Tenn Ducks & a Drake |
iij s iiij d |
Itm xx henns & a Cock |
vj s viij d |
Itm ij candlesticks |
iij s iiij d |
Itm one spyce morter |
xx d |
Itm ij salt sellers |
xx d |
Itm vj sawcers |
ij s |
Itm vj poryngers |
vj s |
Itm xiij platters |
xx s |
Itm one bason and \an/ ewer |
v s |
Itm iiij table clothes w(i)th xij napkins |
xiiij s |
Itm one Dripping pan one chafingdishe one fryeng pann |
iiij s |
Itm two chafers |
iij s iiij d |
Itm two ketles |
vj s viij d |
Itm iiij brasse potts |
xx s |
Itm one cheese presse |
vj s viij d |
Itm twenty meles and on cherne |
xx s |
Itm one cheese rack |
vij d |
Itm two mattresses ij coverletts two blancketts ij bolsters |
xx s |
Itm sixe payer of sheets |
xxvj s viij d |
Itm the paynted clothes in the chamber |
iij s iiij d |
Itm one presse |
ij s |
Itm two pillowes w(i)th ij pillowbers |
vj s viij d |
Itm two fetherbeddes with the furniture |
xxx s |
Itm fyve cofers in the chamber |
xs |
Itm one table with sixe stooles |
v s |
Sum(ma) total(is) |
xxiij li ij s |
[Probate granted to Anne, widow and executrix, 7 March 1575/6]
William Coster was buried at Granborough on 28 Dec 1575.
See: Biggin