Will of William Coxill, cooper, 1830 (proved 1831)

Herts RO 267AW1

In the Name of God Amen I William Coxill Cooper of Winslow in the County of Bucks do this Twenty Fifth Day of May in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Thirty being very Poorly but of a perfect sound Memory, I give and Bequeath as Follows: to my Wife Ann Coxill the House werein I now Reside, Likewise the House ajoining in Occupation of Roseman Tombs With all The premises there unto belonging I Likewise give as aforesaid my Goods & Chatles Whatsover and Wheresover I Livewise give My stock in Trade. I Likewise give as aforesaid Thirty pounds in Buckingham Savens Bank, and all my Book Debts It is my Desire that she may peaceably enjoy them Without any Interuption from any of her Children If incase she should be the Longest Liver if not It is my wish for Each of my Children to have All a Equal share Joseph Richard William and Ann Coxill My son Joseph has had to the amount of Twenty Eight Pounds in goods and money therefore it is my Desire To have it taken out of his part, now I Dont Know that I have any thing More to say Only to leave My Blessing amongst you all and to Recomend my Soul to the Almighty God that gave it.

There\fore/ I Leave my hand & seal [signed] William Coxill

1830 May 25 [signed] Joseph King
Roseman Toms

Archdeaconry of Saint Alban The nineteenth day of February 1831
Ann Coxill the widow of the deceaed was duly sworn as Administratrix with the will annexed and that the personal estate of the Testator doth not amount in the whole to the sum of two hunderd pounds to the best of her knowledge and belief
Before me
James Preedy Surrogate

Grant of Administration

Archdeaconry of Saint Alban, 19 Feb 1831. Appeared personally, Ann Coxill of Winslow in the County of Buckingham and alledged that she is the Widow and Relict of William Coxill late of Winslow ... That the said William Coxill departed lthis life on the ninth day of June now last past, having first made and executed his last Will and Testament in Writing but without having appointed any Executor thereto ... she prayed Letters of Administration ... to be committed and granted to her upon her giving sufficient security.

Administration Bond

Ann Coxill, Richard Coxill of Winslow cooper and George Mayne of the same place victualler are bound to the Archdeacon in £400, 19 February 1831.

Ann Coxill, relict and administratrix of William Coxill, late of Winslow, cooper, is to exhibit an inventory on or before the last day of August, and an accompt on or before the last day of February 1832.

Sealed and delivered in the presence of me [signed] James Preedy

The mark of Ann Coxill
[signed] Richard Coxill
George Mayne


In 1818 William and Ann Coxill mortgaged to Mary Robinson spinster late of Winslow and now of Shadwell Lodge, Norfolk, spinster, for £130 "a cottage now divided into 2 tenements in Cow Street, late in the several occupations of William Coxhill and John Fairy, now of Coxhill and Robert Scott.  Coxhill was admitted this 26 Oct on the surrender of George Cross the elder and younger." (D/BASM/376/22/129)

Read more about the property.

The children mentioned in the will were baptised between 1802 (Joseph) and 1809 (Ann). Ann Coxill the widow died in 1864 (see her will). Richard Coxill the son continued to occupy the premises.

Copyright 30 October, 2022