Accounts of the adminstrator of George Ellyot, 1597
Herts RO A25/1609
The inventory of George Elyott, shoemaker, was taken in 1580. It took his brother Thomas 17 years to settle the estate.
The Accompte of Thomas Ellyot Administrator of all and singlar the goodes debts and Cattalls of George Ellyot late whyle he lyved of Wynslo in the Cownty of Bucks deceased wherin are conteyned and specified as well the Some Totall of the Inventary of the goods debts and Cattells of the said deceased and the iust value of the same according to the iust and equall praysment therof made w(hi)ch came to the hands and possessions of this Accomptant, As also the maner and form how and in what p(ar)ticuler sorte the said Accomptant hath satisfied expended and paid out of the saide goods as followeth
In primis the said Accomptant doth Accompt for and chargeth him self w(i)th the Som(m)e of xv li vj s x d of current money of England and the iust Som(m)e of the Inventary of the goods Debts and Cattells of the foresaid George Ellyot deceased as appeareth by the Inventary therof made and exhibited by this Accomptant remayning upon record in the regestry of this Courte | xv li vj s x d |
wherof expended satisfied and payd out by this Accomptant w(hi)ch he asketh to be allowed unto him the p(ar)ticuler Som(m)es followinge |
In primis for the charges of the burial of the said George Ellyot deceased paid to the Vicar of Wynslo the Clark and Sexton for their severall Dutyes | xiiij d |
Item for a sheete wherin the said deceased was buried |
ij s vj d |
Item for a drinking bestowed upon those neighbors w(hi)ch accompanyed the said deceased to his burial and bestowed upon the Ringers | xiij s iiij d |
Item paid by this Accomptant for the letters of Administracon of the goods of the said deceased for the bond entered unto this Courte for his faithfull Administring those goods for writing the Inventary therof for engrossing the said Invenntary for the Apparit(ors) fee and for this Accomptants charges in travelling to St Albans for the obteyning the said letters of Administracon. | xij s |
Item this Accomptant desireth to be allowed the Som(m)e of xiij s iiij d w(hi)ch he hath paid unto one Will(ia)m Batteye sithence the death of the said deceased and the debt of the said deceased in his life tyme for a boowe and certayne arrows | xiij s iiij d |
Item he desireth allowance of xx s w(hi)ch he hath paid sithence the
death of the foresaid George Ellyot deceased unto Will(ia)m Gyles of
Wynslo w(hi)ch was the due debt of the said deceased for certeyn
xx s |
Item he desireth allowance of vij s w(hi)ch he hath paid sithence the
death of the said deceased unto Robert Tomlyn of Wynslo aforesaid to
likewise for lynnen cloth w(hi)ch was the due debt of the said deceased
in his life tyme |
vij s |
Item he desireth to be allowed the Som(m)e of xl s s w(hi)ch he hath
paid sithence the death of the foresaid deceased and as the due debt of
the said deceased unto Robert Shad of Hempstede one of the Executors
of the last will and Testament of Roger Shad of St Albans, for certeyne
leather as by the Acquitance of the said Rob(er)t bearing date the first
of July in the xxiijth yeare of the Reigne of o(u)r sovereyne lady the
Queenes ma(jes)tie that ever is doth appeare |
xl s |
Item he asketh allowance of xiij s iiij d paid and delivered by this Accomptant sithence the decease of the said George Ellyot unto Agnes Brinsell al(ia)s Ellyot one of the Sisters of the said deceased for her p(ar)t and porcon in the goods of the said deceased, as by the Acquitance of the said Agnes and Frances her husband dated the xxvjth daye of November in the yeare of o(u)r lord god 1581 doth appear | xiij s iiij d |
Item he asketh allowance of xiij s iiij d paid and delivered by this Accomptant sithence the death of the said deceased unto Isabell Knackstone al(ia)s Ellyot one other of the Sisters of the said deceased for her p(ar)t and porcon in the goods of the said deceased as by the Acquitance of the said Isabell and Thomas her husband dated the xiijth daye of Aprill 1586 doth appear | xiij s iiij d |
[Page 2] Item he asketh allowance of xiij s iiij d paid by this Accomptant unto Christian Grace al(ia)s Ellyott one other of the Sisters of the said deceased for her p(ar)t and porcon in the foresaid goods as by the Acquitance of the said Christine and Richard Grace her husband dated the viijth day of July 1585 doth appeare | xiij s iiij d |
Item he desireth also to be allowed the Som(m)e of xxx s w(hi)ch was set down in Inventary of the goods of the said deceased for the iust value of all the Apparell of the said deceased w(hi)ch was likewise geven and delivered to the foresaid thre Sisters of the said deceased towards the decreasing of there porcons in the said goods of the foresaid deceased | xxx s |
Item he desireth to be allowed the Som(m)e of liij s iiij d w(hi)ch he hath paid the foresaid Frances Brynsell as the due debt of the said deceased in his life tyme for his bourde and keping long before his death and in his sickness | liij s iiij d |
Item he desireth to be allowed the Som(m)e of iij li v s wherewith he
hath charged him self in the said Inventary under the title of desperate
debts w(hi)ch he could never come by because he was not able to prove
those debts |
iij li v s |
Item he desireth to be allowed the Som(m)e of x s being p(ar)cell of the debt of Will(ia)m Webster wherewith he hath charged him self in the whole Som(m)e of xx s as in the foresaid Inventary doth appear, but because he could not prove that whole debt, and that the said Webster did sweare that he ought the said deceased but x s was therfore constreyned to accept only x s | x s |
Item he desireth to be allowed the Charges of the p(ro)cess wherby he is used now to mak this his Accompt and for the proving therof | x s |
Item he desireth to be allowed his owne charges for himself and for his horse comeing hether to mak this his Accompt | ij s vj d |
Item he desireth to be allowed his Charges for draweng this his Accompt and for engrosing the same into Parchment to passe under the Seale of the Office | viij s |
Item he desireth to be allowed his Charges paid for paying and allowing of this his Accompt and for the letters of Acquitantance or Quietus est under the Seale of this Office | xxj s viij d |
Summa Totalis |
xvj li xvx s x d |
So remaynith on this Accomptants handes For he sath in surplusing as here above appeareth by this his Accompt the Som(m)e of |
xxxiij s ij d |
The will of Robert Eliot of Shipton (d.1598) shows that he was George's father, and Thomas the administrator was George's eldest brother.