Administration of Richard Evans, 1651
Herts RO 93AW3
the Allegac(i)on of Robert Stevens of Grand[?] Winslowe of \in/ the County of Buckingha(m) made the 23th day of June 1651 before Mr John Browne Clerke surrogate &c
The saide Robert Stevens doth alleadge that Richard Evans of W\n/slowe above saide widdower deceased on satterday last the 21th day of June abovesaide and hee veryly beleveth in his Conscience hee died intestate (That is to saie without any will made by him. And allsoe alleadgeth that hee the saide Richard Evans hath not any person allied to him which is now livinge & in full life, and the rather \hee beleveth the same/ for that hee hath often heard the said deceased in his life tyme to saie and affirme the trueth thereof, and Allsoe that for debts owinge by the saide Richard Evans to the saide Robert Stevens, \hee/ saith that the saide Richard Evans was endebted to him wh(i)ch in for his houserent and Repayres w(hi)ch together with his disbursements \for the funerall of the saide deceased/ doe amounte to fower powndes ten shillings & v pacowds [sic].
[signed] Roberte Stevens
Robert Stevens was sworne upon this allegac(i)on the day & yeare above written
In the p(re)sence of Nicholas Rolfe Register
[page 2]
[Latin] noverint universi per presentes nos Robertum Stevens de parochia de Winslowe in comitatu Bucks husbandman et Gulielmum Arnold parochie Sancti Michaelis in comitatu Herteford Inholder teneri et firmiter obligari Thome Goad legum doctori officiali Archidiaconatus Sancti Albani in octoginta libris bone et legalis monete Anglie solvend’ eidem Thome Goad aut suo certo attornato executoribus administratoribus vel assignatis suis Ad quam quidem solucionem bene et fideliter faciendam obligamus nos et utrumque nostrum per se pro toto et in solido heredes executores et administratores nostros firmiter per presentes sigillis nostris sigillat’ dat’ 23tio die Junii anno domini 1651
[translation] May everyone know through the present (documents) that we, Robert Stevens of the parish of Winslow in the county of Bucks, husbandman, and William Albans of the parish of St Michael [St Albans] in the county of Herts, innholder, are held and firmly bound to Thomas Goad LLD, official of the archdeaconry of St Albans, for £80 of good and legal money of England, to be paid to the same Thomas Goad or his certain attorney, executors, administrators or assigns. For the making of which payment well and faithfully we bind ourselves and each of us separately fully and wholly, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by the present (documents) sealed with our seal. Dated 23 June 1651.
The Condic(i)on of this obligac(i)on is such That whereas the A(lle)g(a)tion of all & singular y(e) goodes debts chattells Rights & Creditts of Robert Stevens Richard Evans late whilest hee lived of the p(ar)ish of Winslow in the Countie of Bucks deceased intestate is Com(m)itted & granted to Robert Stevens a principall Creditor of the saide deceased if therefore the saide Robert Stevens doth & shall well & truly administer of & in the saide goodes debts & Chattells of the saide deceased That is to saie pay or cause to bee payde the true & lawfull debts of the saide deceased for hence forth as the goodes debts & Chattells of the saide deceased will extend & the law chardge him and likewise exhibite into the Register of St. Albans archdeaconry a True & p(er)fect Inventory of All & Singuler the goodes debts & chattels of the deceased att or before the Feast daie of St. James the Apostle [25 July] next ensuing the date above written & allsoe give a true & Full Accounte upon his saide Ad(ministra)tion as hee shall bee thereto lawfully required & such parte of the saide goodes as shall remayne in his handes upon his saide Accounte be made & allowed hee doth distribute & pay to such p(er)son & p(er)sons use & uses as to the s(ai)d Tho(mas) Goad or any other Judge Competent in that behalf shall bee assigned That then this obligac(i)on to bee voyde.
[signed] Robert Stevens
Sigillat' et Probat';
in p(re)sentiis
[signed] Willi(am) Fynell
Richard Evans was buried on 22 June 1651. His wife Elizabeth was buried on 22 March 1647/8.
Robert Stevens died a few months later.