Will of Stephen Gibbs, shopkeeper, 1764 (proved 1767)
Herts RO 191AW13 and 205AW9
In the name of God, Amen, This is the last Will and Testament of me Stephen Gibbs the elder of Winslow in the County of Bucks Shopkeeper made in good health sound mind memory and understanding the eigth day of November in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty four in manner and form following First I give and bequeath unto my Son John Gibbs of Aylesbury the Sum of Eighty pounds lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to him by my Executor herein after named within Six months next after my decease I also give unto my Son Richard the full Sum of Sixty pounds lawful money of Great Britain to be paid unto my said Son Richard Gibbs by my Executor herein after named within Six months next after my Decease I also give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Richard Gibbs All that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement situate standing and being in a Lane called Western Lane in the Occupation of the Widow Beech lately bought of Robert Eden, Carpenter with two leys of sweard ground adjoining and lying South of the s(ai)d Messuage To Hold the s(ai)d Messuages Tenement and two leys of Sweard ground with their & every of their appurtenances unto my said Son Richard Gibbs his Heirs and Assigns forever I also Give Devise and bequeath unto my Son Stephen Gibbs of Tring in the County of Hertford Shopkeeper All those Seven Acres and an half of Freehold Land Arable Ley Meadows and Pasture ground lying at Great Berryleys in Demmeram common field in the Parish of Winslow aforesaid And also all those three Acres of Copyhold Land (surrendred to the Use of this my Will) Arable Ley Meadows and Pasture ground lately bought by me of William Blake And also three other lands bought of the said William Blake at Orrill hill furlong And also one land or Pict at Tent hedge furlong And also ten Leys with one head ley joining the Sweard ground at Nantage in the Windmill field in the said Parish of Winslow with all and every the appurtenances to the s(ai)d Freehold and Copyhold premises belonging or in any wise appertaining To Hold the same unto my said Son Stephen Gibbs his Heirs and Assigns forever, freed and discharged of all Incumbrances I also Give & bequeath unto my said Son Stephen Gibbs the full sum of Thirty pounds lawful money of Great Britain to be paid him by my Executor hereafter named within six months next after my decease I also Give devise & bequeath unto my Son Robert Gibbs of Winslow aforesaid Shopkeeper All that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement in Winslow af(oresai)d wherein I now dwell together with the Barns Stables Outhouses Yards and appurtenances thereunto belonging To Hold the same unto my said Son Robert Gibbs his Heirs and Assigns forever All the rest residue and remainder of my real and personal estate of any nature or kind whatsoever or wheresoever not herein before by me given devised or bequeathed I do give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Robert Gibbs And I do expressly hereby charge the said Copy hold Messuage or Tenement and Premises and all other my real and personal Estate so given to the said Robert Gibbs with the true and just payment of the said three several Legacys of Eighty pounds, Sixty pounds, and Thirty pounds to the said John Gibbs, Richard Gibbs, and Stephen Gibbs & also with the payment of all my just Debts & Funeral Expences I do constitute and appoint my said Son Robert Gibbs sole Executor of this my last Will & testament hereby revoking all others by me at any time heretofore made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed Delivered published and Declared by the said
Testator as and for his last Will and testament in the
presence of us, who at his request & in his presence & the
presence of each other have subscribed our names as
Witnessses hereto
Stephen Gibbs
The Mark of
Margaret Jones
Bridget Yeates
Sam(ue)l Yeates
Proved at Saint Albans the 23rd day of
February 1767 Before the reverend Benjamin
Preedy Surrogate by Robert Gibbs the
Ex(ecute)d by Jos(eph) Bembroke
Notary Public
There were several people called Stephen Gibbs at the same time but this seems to be the one sometimes described as a tallow-chandler or grocer whose premises were at 2A High Street, later the Royal Oak. He was probably the son of Robert and Alice Gibbs, bap. 23 Feb 1695/6. His wife was called Jane (nee Mayne, married at Winslow 11 Sep 1720), and the sons mentioned in the will were:
- Robert: baptism not recorded at Winslow
- John: bap. 11 Nov 1722
- Richard: bap. 1 May 1724
- Stephen: bap. 17 Sep 1727
Stephen made his will while the open-field system was still working, but he was named as one of the proprietors in the Enclosure Act of 1766, and by the time of the Enclosure Award in 1777 his land had passed to his son Stephen of Tring, who sold at least some of it.