Will of John Glenester of Shipton, 1536

Herts RO 2AR236

In the name of God Amen the year of o(ur) Lord God MDxxxv the xiijth day of November I John Glene[ster] of Shypton in the p(ar)ish of Wynslow of hole memory and mynd & sycke in body thankid be go[d do] make and ordeyn my last wyll in this man(ner) and forme folowyng First I bequeth my soule to almy[ghty] god and to his moder o(ur) blessed lady saint Mary and to all the holy company of hevyn and my body [to be] buryed in the churchyard of Saint Laurence in Wynslow In primis I bequethe my house that I dw[ell in] and the land longyng to it and the Bery meyd to William my son at xxiiij yere of age Itm I beque[th all] my goods and chattell movable and unmovable and the house that was Lanys w(i)t(h) the lands longing [to it] to Agnes my wyffe Itm I bequethe to Florance my moder xl s if she will goo away and if [she] will abyde to have hir lyvyng with my wyff Itm I will that half a trentall shalbe sayde [for] the welth of my soule and all christen soules Itm I bequethe to Elisabeth my daughter xx s Itm I bequethe to Jone my daughter xx s Itm I bequeath to the high awt(er) iiij d Itm I bequethe to the roode lyght iiij d Itm I bequethe to ev(er)y other awter in the church ij d Itm I bequethe to the torches a busshell of malt Itm to the bells a busshell of malt I make myn Executors Agnes my wyff and Will(ia)m my son and William Glenest(er) my brother to be supervisour of this my last will to be obs(er)vyd and kept These be wytness Walt(er) Mylnar Tho(ma)s Eliatt Will(ia)m Elliatt William Brackeley Humphrey Beckynsaw w(i)t(h) div(er)se others and Thomas Raynar

[Probate 27 April 1536 to Agnes the executrix with power reserved of granting administration to William when he comes to legitimate age]


John was the son of Thomas Glenister, d.1532.


Copyright 6 October, 2012