Will of Walter Hawkins, 1582

Herts RO 23AW10

In the name off God amen the vijth day of October A(nn)o Do(mini) 1582 I Walter Hawkins [being] sycke in Bodye but whole in Sowle thanks be to god, do make this my last will & testament in man(er) and Forme Folowing. First I bequeath my Sowle into the hands of almighty god my maker and my Bodye to be Buried in the Churchyard of Wynslow Item I gyve [unto the] mother Church of St Albans iiij d It(e)m I gyve to the church of Wynslow iij s iiij d Item I gyve to the powre of Wynslow iij s iiij d Item I gyve unto Edward Cowp(er) my wifes sonne Fyve pounds of Lawfull monye of England to be paid him after my deasease at the ende of the Terme of Thre yeres It(e)m I gyve unto Dowrytye Cowp(er) my wifes Dawghter Fyve pounds of Currant monye to be paid unto her at the ende and Terme of Thre yeres after my Desease  It(e)m I gyve unto Elizabeth Hawkins my Eldest daughter my howse at Shypton that one Thomas Shepard did lately Dwell in with all the Cu(m)odities and profits ther unto belonging, Excepting and reaseaving one acar in a Fylde of the Best Land It(e)m I gyve unto Elizabeth my Dawghter the table that standeth in my howse at Wynslowe It(e)m I gyve unto Ellyn my dawghter my other howse (tha)t I have in Shypton that one Thom(a)s Graunt dothe dwell in and the said thre Acars (tha)t is to say in ev(er)y Fyld an Acar befor excepted from my said
other Dawghter That is to say one halfe Acar upon ov(er) Clay Furlong next to Robart Elliatt one halfe Acar in nether Clay Furlong, next to Robart Elliott It(e)m one halfe acar upon Long Blackgrove It(e)m one other halfe acar upon Hogson Forde next to Robart Elliott It(e)m one halfe acar lying on Snowte hole, And one halfe acar lying one nether knole w(i)th Comon For two Beasts Being in Shypton and Wynslow Felds It(e)m I gyve unto Ellyn my dawghter xij Acars of Land lying and being in Shypton and Winslow Fylds which I purchased of Thom(a)s Cowper my Sone in Lawe Condytionallye That is to saye That if my Sone Thomas Cowp(er) do paye unto the said Ellyn my Dawghter the Sume of Twentye pounds of good and Lawfull mony of Ingland at the end and Terme of Thre yeres after mye deasease That then the said Thom(a)s Cowp(er) shall have the said xij Acars of Lande againe to use as in his owne possession It(e)m I gyve unto Ellyn my dawghter the b[arn] that Thomas Myller hath w(i)thin my howse at Shipton It(e)m I gyve unto Ellyn my Daughter too kyne It(e)m I gyve unto Elyzabeth my Dawghter two kyne at the Descression of my ov(er)seers It(e)m I gyve unto either of my Dawghters Elizabeth and Ellyn a bede w(i)th all that there unto belongethe at the Descression of my wife It(e)m I gyve to Thomas Overing one of the best shepe I have. It(e)m I gyve to ev(er)ye one of my
wyves Childers Children a shepe. It(e)m I gyve unto Anne my wife my howse at Shipton that my Dawghter Elizabeth shall have for the Terme of Thre yeres with all the Cu(m)odities their unto app(er)teyning and at the Ende and terme of Thre yeres that then my Dawghter Elizabeth shall pay unto her mother xx s a yere During her liffe. It(e)m I gyve unto Thom(a)s Myller alijs Graunt my Sone in Lawe my other howse (tha)t my Dawghter Ellyn shuld have for the Terme of Thre yeres, paing to my Dawghter Ellyn
xij d yerelye and no more w(hi)ch said xij d the said Ellyn my Dawghter shall after the said Terme of Thre yeres shall pay to my Dawghter Elizabeth the said xij d yerlye for Ever It(e)m I make Anne my wife my Executrix, and I make my ov(er)seers Thom(a)s Myller alijs Graunte my sone in Law And Thom(a)s Myller alijs Graunte ye Elder my ov(er)seers and each to have for their payns v s a pece In wytness wherof I set my hand the day and yere above said In the presence of 

Willyam Glenister
Thom(a)s Myller the alijs Graunte
Thom(a)s Myller alijs Graunte
Thom(a)s Cowp(er)
Robart Daunce Vicar

[Probate granted at Cheping Barnet 5 Nov 1582 to Anne Hawkins, widow.]

Inventory of Walter Hawkins, 1582

Herts RO A25/1036

The true and perfitt inventarye of all and singular the goods debts and cattells of Walter Hawkins late of Wynslo in the Countie of Bucks deceased made and praysed by William Glenyster Rob(er)t Michell John Shelton Thom(a)s Miller al(ia)s Graunte Junior & Thom(a)s Miller al(ia)s Graunte Senior and Thom(a)s Cowp(er) - the xvj[?]th daye of October in the yeare of our lord god
1582 as follows

In the hall
In primis a long table w(i)th a frame vj Joyned stoles and an old cupbord
x s
Item a dozen and half of pewter a lattern Bason a Baking pane a chafingdishe iiij candlesticks of brasse and the paynted clothes
vj s viij d
In the chamber
Item five flockbeds two mattresses one fetherbed bolsters v cov(er)letts v oth(er) Bedsteds of bords and two pillowes
xl s
Item x payre of sheets
xx s
Item iiij tablecloths and sixe napkins
viij s
Item iij towells
xx d
Item iij chestes and a Joyned fourme
viij s
Item an oth(er) table a fourme and a Benche
ij s
In the kytchen
Item vj latten & brasse pottes two posnetts and a pane
x s
Item ij spitts ij pothangers a trevet a fireshovell and a frieing pane
v s
Item a payre of Andirons a dripping panne a powdring trough and a planck over it v tubbes w(i)th other lu(m)ber
vj s viij d
Item his apparrel
x s
In the yard
Item the wood
xv s
Item two hovels of Pease
liij s iiij d
Item two cartes and a dunge carte
xxvj s viij d
In the Stable
Item iiij horses and mares with their harnesse and a young colte
iij li
Item the haye ov(er) the stable
ij s vj d
In the Barne
Item the wheate
xl s
Item the Barlye
l s
Item a Querne and a ladder
vj s
In the Barne at Shipton
Item the wheate
iiij li
Item the Barlye
iiij li xiij s iiij d
Item the hovell and all the pease
xxvj s viij d
Item the haye
xxv s
Item the woode and a ladder
xij d
Item x beastes and a calfe
viij li
Item xx shepe
xl s

Item the hogges about the yarde

xxx s
Summa totalis
xlij li
Debts owing by the said deceased at the tyme of his death
In Primis to William Glenister for rent after j d ob the yeare for xv years
xxij d
Item to Rob(er)t Ellyett for rent for three years after vj d a year
xviij d
Item to Richard Wright
x s
Item to Shipton for my fathers debt that he ought for a bull
xij s
Item to John Holland of Brickell
xl s
Item to William Saunders of Shenley
iij li iiij d
Item to Rob(er)t Higate of London
iij li vij s
Item to Christopher Helyman
x li

[Presented by Thomas Cowp(er) proxy of Anne Hawkins the executrix, 5 Nov 1582.]


Walter Hawkins was buried at Winslow on 2 Oct 1583. He married his second wife Ann Cooper at Winslow on 29 May 1564. She may have been the widow of John Cooper, d.1563. Elizabeth Haukins married John Glenister at Winslow on 30 April 1583 and Ellen Hawkins married William Tomlyn on 28 Nov 1587. Ellen was baptised on 21 Oct 1567; Elizabeth was probably the daughter of his first marriage.

Walter Hawkins was listed as an alehouse keeper in 1577, which perhaps explains the quantity of beds and bedding, although farming was clearly his main occupation.

Hogson = Hoggeston

Sone in Lawe: i.e. stepson. Thomas Graunte married Agnes Cooper on 14 May 1577, so he was actually Walter's stepson-in-law.

Condytionallye: this was a type of mortgage.

powdring trough (or tub) was used for salting meat (Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories 1661-1714).

ob = halfpenny

Copyright 26 January, 2020