Will of Agnes Hogson, widow, 1608/9

Herts RO 7AR249

In the name of god amen The xvijth  of Januarie in the sixt yeare of ye
Raigne of our Sov(er)aigne L(ord) James by the grace of god king of England France and
Ireland, And of Scotland the two & Fortieth, I Agnes Hogson of Winslow in the county
of Bucks widow, being sicke in body but in p(er)fect memory (god be thanked for it) do
make this my last will and testament in m(a)n(ne)r and forme following, First I bequeath my
Soule unto Almighty god, who hath made me, and redeemed me by his sonne
Jesus Christ, by whose meritts onely I hope to be saved and my body to bee
decently buried in the churchyard of Winslow aforesaid, Concerning my worldly
goods Also I give unto Henry Norman my grandchild the somme of foure pounds
to be imploied to his use by my Executor within six months after my decease. Item
I give unto Elizabeth Norman another of my grandchildren one coffer and a paire
of sheetes, tow pewter platters and five shillings in money to be d(elivere)d her att the age
of sixteene yeares. Item I give unto Michael Norman another of my grandchildren
the some of five shillings. Item I give unto Will(ia)m Norman my grandchild the
some of five shillings. Item I give unto Thomas Norman my grandchild the
summe of twenty shillings to be paid him att the age of one and twenty yeares.
Also I give unto the three Children of Marke Tranell the some of fourty shillings
apeece, Also I give unto Issabel Parrat my servant the sume of three shillings
foure pence Also I give unto Will(ia)m Clarke the sonn of Will(ia)m Clarke of
Adstock twelve pence, Item I give unto Walther Kirby of Winslow xij d. Item I
give unto the poore of Winslow parish ten shillings to be d(elivere)d them in bread
att my funerall. The rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Marke
Tranell my Sonn in law, whome I make my Executor, And I appointe my
loving friends Henry Wendover, and Will(ia)m Tomlin to be ov(er)seers to see this
my last will and testament p(er)formed And I give either of them for theire
paines xij d. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale
the day and yeare first above written. Annine Hogson her marke, These being
witnesses Robert Mainwaring and Thomas Cox

[Probate at St Albans 30th January 1608 to Mark Tranell  Executor]

Inventory of Agnes Hogson of Shipton, 1608/9

Herts RO A25/2060

The Inventarye of the goods and chattels of Agnes Hogson of Winsloe in the coun(ty) of Bucks widdowe lately deceased taken the xvjth daie of Januarie Anno 1608 praised by Henry Wendover Thomas Overynge Will(ia)m Tomlin and Nicholas Overynge of Wynsloe aforesayde

In the halle
Imprimis twoe tables iiij bench boords a frame w(i)th the paynted clothes and
other lumber
x s
In the chamber next the Streete
Item an olde bedsteede a boorded dresser & iiij olde cofers with other lumber there
vj s viij d
In the chamber next the Yarde
Item twoe olde Table chests j olde Bedsteede a Featherbedd three boulsters one pillowe three cov(er)letts & three blankets w(i)th other lumber
xl s
Item sixe paire of sheetes one paire of pillowebeeres and three table clothes
xxx s
It(e)m the rest of the paynted clothes in all the other rooms
iij s iiij d
In the kytchen
Item twoe troughes one olde hutche with other lumber there
xiij s iiij d
Item Twoe Spitts one paire of cobyrons twoe paiyre of potthangers one paire of tonges one fire shovell w(i)th other stuff
vj s viij d
It(e)m one brasse pott & thre kettles and one Panne
xxxiij s iiij d
Item xij platters xvij other peeces of smale petwer w(i)th disshes and spoons
xiij s iiij d
Item twoe barrells one Tubbe w(i)th other Lumber in the buttery
xiij s iiij d
Item one cherne one cheese presse w(i)th other Lumber in the mylk howse
x s
It(e)m one Lynnen wheele one wollen wheele, one cheese racke w(i)th other lumber in the loftes
x s
It(e)m the hovell w(i)th all the Furniture w(i)th all the scaffolds & wood aboute the yarde
xl s
Item the cowe staulles[?] & table planks
v s
It(e)m one Fatt, one olde kylne, three towen sheets one Fanne, one draughte rake w(i)th Fork twoe Ladders and other Furniture of husbandrye
xxx s
It(e)m the pales on the grownde w(i)th the inwarke[?] gates
xxx s
It(e)m the wheate and rye
iiij li
It(e)m the Barley
iij li
It(e)m the maulte
xlvj s viij d
It(e)m the Beans and pease
iij li vj s viij d
It(e)m the wheate on the grownde w(i)th the tilthe
iij li
It(e)m ij store hogges w(i)th ij flytches of Bacon
xx s
It(e)m in money
v li
It(e)m her wearynge Apparell w(i)th powltry
iij li
Su(m)ma totall
xlij li xv s

Thomas Overings marke
Henry Wendover
Will(ia)m Tomlyns mark
Nicholas Overynge

[signed] Mark Tranell

[Presented at St Albans by Mark Tranell, executor, 30 Jan 1608]


The burial of Anne Hogson is recorded at Winslow on 20 Jan 1608/9. She was the widow of Richard Norman alias Capper, d.1571, and of John Hogson, d.1598. Her original surname was Clarke.

Four of her grandchildren were the children of Michael Norman: Henry bap. 25 Nov 1595, William bap. 2 Aug 1598, Michael bap. 26 Oct 1600, Elizabeth bap. 19 Dec 1602. Michael Norman and his wife Anne were both buried in Jan 1603/4. The other grandson, Thomas, was the son of Thomas Norman, d.1587.

Mark Tranell or Travell the executor married Alice Norman at Adstock on 7 Dec 1602.

Copyright 4 September, 2021