Will of Michael Norman, 1603/4
National Archives PROB/11/103 f.21
In the name of god amen: The fourthe daie of Januarie Anno D(o)m(ini) One thousand sixe hundred and three I Michaell Norman of Winslowe in the Countie of Buck beinge sicke in bodye but in perfect memorie (god be thanked) doe make this my laste will and testament in manner and fourme followinge First I bequeathe my Sowle unto god whoe hathe made me and redeemed me by his Sonne Jhesus Christe my onlye Savio(ur) and my Body to be decentlie buried in the Churcheyarde of Winslowe beforenamed Concerninge my worldlie goodes. Firste I give unto Michaell Norman my Sonne the Summe of Twentie poundes to be paide him at the age of one and twentie Yeeres Item I give unto Elizabeth Norman my Daughter the like Som(m)e of Twentie poundes to be payde hir at the age of twentie yeeres or at the daye of hir Marriadge whither of the twoe shall fall owt soonest. Item I give unto the Poore of the Parrishe of Winslowe five shillings Alsoe I give and bequeathe all the rest of my goodes not before bequeathed unto Ellys Seer and Nicholas Seer of Adstock whome I make my Executors and they to ymploye the saide goodes bequeathed unto them towardes the bringinge up of the Children and whatsoever shall remayne to be equally divided amongest all my Children And if it falls owte that my wief doe recover of this sicknes wherew(i)th shee is nowe visitted Then shee to take into hir owne handes all the goodes before given and comytted unto my saide Executors and to see to the bringinge upp of hir Children hir self provided that my saide Executors be not any waye damnified but to be saved harmeles from all necessarie charges. Alsoe yf it fortune any of my Children to whome I have given Legacies to die before they are to receave the same then it to be equallie divided amongst the rest of my Children. In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hande and marke the daie & yere firste above written Michaell Norman his marke Theis beinge witnesses Thomas Overinge William Tomlin Nicholas Overinge
[Probate granted at London 31 Jan 1603 to Ellis [Latin: Elizei] Seer and Nicholas Seer]
Michael Norman's will was proved at the PCC rather than St Albans, suggesting that he had substantial property. He was buried at Winslow on 14 Jan 1603/4 followed by his wife Anne on 27 Jan. Their son Michael was baptised on 26 Oct 1600 and their daughter Elizabeth on 19 Dec 1602. Some other baptisms of children of Michael Norman are recorded: Henry on 25 Nov 1595 and William on 2 Aug 1598. Although they are not mentioned in Michael's will, they received bequests from their grandmother Agnes Hogson, d.1608/9.
Michael Norman was bap. 23 Aug 1570. He was the son of Richard Norman alias Capper, butcher, d.1571, and brother of Thomas Norman, butcher, d.1588. His mother was Agnes Hogson, d.1609. He was executor of Elizabeth Hogson, d.1600, presumably as her stepbrother or half-brother (her will calls him "brother"). He married Agnes, daughter of Thomas Seare (bap. 1 Nov 1566 at Adstock) at Adstock on 20 Nov 1592. Ellis (bap. 1568) and Nicholas (bap. 1571) Seare/Seer were her brothers. The will of Ellis Seare of Adstock, husbandman, was proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Buckingham in 1622.
Michael Norman the son may have been the man who became one of the joint lords of the manor c.1656.