Will of Richard Holland of Botolph Claydon, 1550/1 (proved 1551)
Centre for Bucks Studies D/A/We 6/296
In the name of god ame(n) in the yere of our lord god 1550 & in the iiijth yeare in the raigne of kinge Edwarde the vjte, the xviij day of January that I Richarde Hollande of Bottelcleydon in the p(ar)ysh of Est Cleidon beynge sike of body & p(er)fecte of reme(m)braunce make the [sic] my laste will & testame(n)t in the maner following, First I do bequethe my sowle to allmyghtie god & my body to be buried in my p(ar)yshe Churche yarde aforsayde Itim I gyve to the powre mens boxe in my p(ar)ishe churche iiij d Itim to every powre howse w(i)thin my p(ar)yshe iiij d Itim to every one of my god children iiij d Itim to my sister M(a)rgery Holland vj shepe & to my other ij sisters iiij shepe It(em) to M(ar)g(ar)et Bowen my dowghter in law a veyning bullock It(em) to my ma(n) s(er)vaunte & to my woman s(er)vaunt ij shepe Itim the resydue of all my goodis corne & cattell I do gyve & bequethe to Alis my wiffe & my ij Children Benet Hollande & Jane Hollande my sonne & my dowghter after this maner First I will that Alis my wiffe to have my hole tyme that is to say my horsse & carts plowes w(i)th all things therto apartey(n)ing excepte one carte w(i)th the newe shode wheles the w(hi)ch I do gyve to Benet Holland my sonne thus I will that all my goodis Corne & cattale be equally devyded in ij p(ar)ts the one p(ar)te to Alis my wiffe & the other to my ij Children that is to saye Benet Holland & Jone Holland also I will that my father John Holland have my sonne Benet when he is weyned with his p(ar)te of the goods corne & cattell, Itim I will that yf it shall please god that any of my ij children depart this lyffe then I will that one be the others heyre of the forsayde goods corne & cattell & yf they bothe departe this lyffe that then yf that my wife Alis be w(i)th childe of my body begottyne then that Childe to have the forsayde goodis corne & cattell yf not the goods corne & cattell to go to the next of my blude, Itim I do ordeyn & make Alis my wiffe to be my executrix & my father John Holland w(i)th her & my father to have for his paynes a cowe for to see my will truly p(er)formed & my detts payd Also I will that my Children to have the goodis corne & cattell be delyvered unto them at a lawfule age, thes being witness Sir John Holland my curate Thom(a)s Myler Will(ia)m Stevens Richarde Gybbes & Rob(er)t Pilkingtone cum aliis
Total of inventory xxviij li xiij s iiij d
Proved 8 April 1551 at Ailysbery before Mr William Bynsley commissary
It is not yet clear how this Richard Holland was related to the Hollands of Granborough and Winslow who also made much use of the name Benedict. He could be the nephew of Edward Holland (d.1535). The witnesses include the first local occurrence of the surname Gibbs which later became very common.