Inventory of William Jackson, 1571
Herts RO A25/710
There are three copies in different hands
The invytorye of goodes of Wyll(ia)m Jaxson of Wynslowe Deceased Taken the xiiijth Day of maye An(n)o 1571
in the hawlle |
Item fyrste xxviij platters and pewter dishis |
xx s |
Item xij porringers | vj s |
Item vij pewter potes v sassers iiij saults |
viij s |
Item ix candillstickes | vj s |
Item a frame w(i)th a tabulle a forme a benche v stoles and a cowbbard | xx s |
Item potts hangers a paynted clothe and vi Coosshins | v s |
in the p(ar)ler |
Item a tabull w(i)th a Frame and a forme | v s |
Item a cowbbard and ij coffers | v s |
in the kytchine |
Item iij brasse potts v kettylls and ij pans |
xx s |
Item a furnis pane | v s |
Item iij spites a payre of cobbards a fyer forke ii gridiarns a fryinge pane a trevit |
x s |
Item iiij tubes |
iij s iiij d |
Item a meylle and iij paylles |
xx d |
In the Chamber |
Item iij standing bedes |
x s |
Item ij fether bedes | xxvj s 8 d |
Item ij mattryssys | vj s viij d |
Item iij bolsters & pyllowes | xx s |
Item iiij pilowbers | iiij d |
Item iiij Coverlytts | xx s |
Item a taball and ij chests | v s |
Item iij paynted Clothes ij chambers potts | iij s |
[page 2] | |
The same Chamber |
Item xij payre of shettes | xl s |
Item ij payre of blanckytes | x s |
Item xij napkyns |
iiij s |
Item v towelles |
v s |
in a nother chamber |
Item iij bedstydes a cowenter |
v s |
Item a mattris a quyllt a ij [sic] paynted clothes | v s |
Item a stone and a haulf of thromes | ij s |
Item in bordes Trestles & polles | iij li |
Item in fyer wod | xx s |
Item a brandiarne a payre of tongs a fyer showell | xx d |
Item in haye | xij d |
Item vj henes and ij cooks | ij s |
Item ij dozzen of spones ij dozzen of trenchers ij Irone wedgges |
ij s iiij d |
Som(ma) totalys of this byll is Just |
xviij li viij s iiij d |
Praysed by Anthony Jaxson Anthony Wendilborowe Wyllyam Gylles Robart Bampton
Gylberd Stutbere
William was probably the father of William Jackson, d. 1586, Anthony Jackson, d.1592, and Thomas Jackson, d.1615. He was buried at Winslow on 27 April 1571.
meylle = meal: a tub or bucket (OED)
thromes: probably thrums, i.e. waste wool etc.