Will of Edward Mayne, husbandman, 1565/6
Herts RO 6AR293
In the name of god amen The xvijth daye of Februarye in the yere of oure lorde 1566 I Edward Mayne of Winslowe in the countie of Bucks husbandman beinge of good and p(er)fytt memorye thanks be geven to god do ordayne and make this mye laste will and Testament in maner and forme folowinge fyrst I bequethe my solle unto Allmyghtie god and my bodye to be buryed in the churche yarde of Winslow aforsaide Item I geve to the churche of St Albones ij d Item I geve to the hyghe wayes abought Winslowe ij s Item I geve to Margaret mye daughter Gracis childe a beadsted ij coffres iiij pewter dishes one brasse pott a brasse panne and xl s in monye ij heyfors all wiche legacys I will to be deliv(er)ed unto her at the daye of her maryage Item I geve to Edward Adams & Jone Todd my daughter Jones childerne xx s apece The Residewe of mye goods unbequethid I geve whollye to mye daughter Jone whom I make my soull executrix to see my debts and legacys payde and me honestlye brought to the earthe wittness to this my last Will and Testament are Walter Haukyns Stevens Thickett Richard Edmonds withe other
[Probate granted 17 June 1566 at Winslow to the executrix]
Inventory of Edward Mayne, 1565/6
Herts RO A25/629
The Inventory of the goods and cattle of Edward Mayne deceassed the 22th of february yn the yeare of our lord God 1565 pryced by Nicholas Lamb Nicholas Emerton Walter Howkins & Richard Edmonds
In the house | |
In primis a Table tressels and forme | xij d |
Item ij pannes and ij potts | xiiij s iiij d |
Item viij platters, and a sawcer | v s |
In the chamber | |
Item iij payre of sheetes | v s |
Item a Coverlet & a bolster | ij s |
Item iij old cofers and[?] one locke | iij s |
Item ij bedsteades | ij s 4 d |
Item a sorry cupborde | |
Item iij olde horses & ij colts | xliij s 4 |
Item ij acres of wheat | xiij s iiij d |
Item iij quarter of beanes & pease | xvj s |
Item ix bushels of barley | xij s |
Item iij busshells of wheate | v s |
Item plowgh & plowgh gere | iij s iiij d |
Sum(ma) totalis |
vj li iiij s viij d |
[Latin] Exhibitum per Executricem &c apud probacionem[?] testamenti vicz xvijmo die Junii Anno domini 1566 pro vero et fideli Inventerio omnium &c suprascripti Edwardi Mayne defuncti in virtute[?] Juramenti per eam in hac parte prestiti[?]
J Easte off(icialis)
[translation] Presented by the executrix etc. at the proving of the will, namely on 18 June 1566, as a true and faithful inventory of all, etc., of the above-written Edward Mayne deceased, by virtue of an oath taken by her in this matter.
Edward Mayne was buried at Winslow on 22 Feb 1565/6. Joan his daughter was married at Winslow on 30 Oct 1564 to William Adams, who was buried on 5 Nov 1565, and they were the parents of Edward Adams (bap. 29 Apr 1565). Joan was previously married to John Todd at Winslow on 1 Oct 1562, and Joan Todd was baptised on 15 Feb 1563/4; John must have died in 1564 but his burial is not recorded at Winslow.
Stevens Thickett: does this mean Stephen Thickett (the surname is otherwise unattested at Winslow) or X Stevens and X Thickett?
Click on the picture for an image of the document: | The inventory: |