Will of Robert Mychell, baker, 1587

Herts RO 7AR121

In the name of God Amen I Robert Mychell of Wynslo in the Cou(n)tye of Bucks baker beinge sycke of body but whole of mynde and in p(er)fit remembrance I thanke my lorde god, howe be it knowinge that in goddes visitac(i)on by sickness there is no better medicyne than the good disposic(i)on of a mans sowle and body, and also of those goods w(hi)ch god hath lent me, for the quittans of my conscience whereby I maye be readyer to god when it shall please him to call me Therefore I now make my Testament and this my last will in maner and forme followinge. First I will and bequeathe my sowle into the hands of Almighty god by whome I looke most assuredly to be saved, and my body to be buryed in the Churchyarde of  Wynslo afroresaid Item I bequeathe to the Churche of Wynslo iij s iiij d Item I owe to Mr Thomas Fidge x li. I owe to one Cowlan v li. Item after my debts paid I geve all the rest of my goods unto Alyce Mychell my wyfe unto her for the bringinge up of my Children. Item I make Alyce Mychell my wyfe my full executrix to this my last will; And overseers Mr Rycharde Edmonds parson of Shenley and Mr Will(ia)m Pigott of Wynslo gent. Robert Mychell his mark.  In witness wherof I have sett my mark the xxijth daye of November 1587 in the presence of us whose names are under written. Will(ia)m Pigott gent Robert Daunce vicar Robert Lownes Gilbert Stutbery Robert Gregory and others

[Probate granted 4 Dec 1587 to Alice Mychell, widow]

Inventory of Robert Mychell, baker, 1587

Herts RO A25/1203

The True and perfitt Inventary of all and singuler the goods debts and Cattells of Robert Mychell late of Wynslo in the Cowntye of Bucks deceased made and praysed the xxiijth daye of November in the yeare of our lord 1587 by John Shelton Gilbert Stuttesbury and Henry Forman as followeth

In primis in the hall a Table w(i)th a frame and two Forms x s
Item in the same hall a Cupborde
x s
Item a litle table and two stooles w(i)th a paynted clothe
ij s vj d
Item xiij platters and a bason, ix disshes and fower salts, vj porringe disshes and fower sawcers, a quart pott all of pewter
xviij s
Item fowr candlesticks of laten and an Ewer of latten
xviij d
Item thre potthangings a payer of Tonges a fyer shovel a payer of bellows and an andiron
ij s vj d
Item in the Parlor a Table and a frame w(i)th two settles a ioyned bed and a ioyned Cofer
xvj s
Item two Fetherbeddes
xxiiij s
Item thre mattresses of woll and a flocke bed
xiij s iiij d
Item vj Fether bolsters and thre pillows of Fethers
xiiij s
Item v Coverlets and two payer and half of blancketts
xxv s
Item xvij payer of sheetes
l s
Item seaven Tables clothes and a dosen of napkyns
x s
Item fyve kettles and a panne thre potts two posnetts a chafinge disshe, a steamer[?] and a furnace all of brasse
xl s
Item three spitts a trevet a dripping panne a gridiron a payer of Rackes all of iron
vij s vj d
Item five bedsteds, fyve Cofers and a Chayer
x s
Item fowr Tubbes, two kevers and thre barrells
xij s
Item two troughes a mouldinge board and a moulding boulting hutch x s
Item a malting fatte a garner and certeyne boardes
xvj s
Item two hovells with certeyne wood and Tymber
viij li
Item five kyen
x li
Item a gelding a mare and a Colte
xl s
Item fower hogges
xxx s
Item three sheepe
x s
Item nyne Quarters of malte and in the barne and in the howse Ten Quarters of barley by estimacon
viij li
Item certeyne pease in the Barne
xx s
Item certeyne haye
xx s
Item seaven Riges of wheate sowed
xxx s
Item all his wearing Apparell
xl s
Item seaven stockes of bees
xx s
Summa Totalis bonorum lj li ij s iiij d
Debts owing by the said deceased at the tyme of his death
In primis Oweing to Mr Rychard Edmondes
vj li x s
Item oweing to Mr Thomas Fedge
x li
Item oweing to Thomas Cowlan
v li
Summa debitorum xxj li x s

[signed] Edwarde Mychell

[Presented on 4 Dec 1587 by Edward Mitchell proxy of Alice Mitchell the executrix]

Will of Alice Mychell, 1597

Herts RO 7AR177-8

The top left corner of the second page is illegible on the microfilm

xvth day of June 1597

In the Name of god Amen I Alyce Mychell of Wynslo widowe beinge
deseased in body but in good and perfitt memory god be thanked do make this my last will and
Testament in maner and forme following First I bequeathe my Sowle into the hands of
Almighty god, and his sonne Jesus Christ my Redemer by whose merits only I trust to be saved
[page 2]
[- - - - - - - - and my body to be buried in the] Churchyard of Wynslow. Item I give
[to Silvester Mychell my sonne x li ] to Rafe Mychell my sonne xxx li
[ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to Robert my sonne] xl li Item to Olyver my sonne xxx li
[ - - - - - - to James my sonne xxxx li] and he to have his legacye w(i)thin
[ - - - - - of my decease - - - - to my grandson] Edward Mychell and Mary and Anne
his sisters beinge the children of my sonne Edward Mychell v li apece Item I give unto
Briget and Anne the daughters of Will(ia)m Spooner v li apece to be payed also w(i)thin one yeare
after my decease. And if it shall happen any of my sonnes that become under age to dye before
they come to full age, Then my will is that his or their legacyes shalbe equally divyded amongest
all my Children then lyvinge. Also if any of the Children of my sonne Edward Mychell
before named do chau(n)ce to dye before they come to age, Then  their porcons to be equally devyded
amongest the rest then lyvinge, and also if either of the two daughters of William Spooner
before named shall happen to dye under age, Then her legacy to  remayne to the other sister
Item I give unto the poore of this p(ar)ishe xx s to be distributed at the time of my buriall Item
I give unto the Churche of Wynslo iij s iiij d. Item I Ordeyne and appoynte my sonne Nicholas
Mychell my sole Executor and my loving Brother Robert Sheen and my sonne Edward
Mychell Overseers, to see this my will p(er)formed. In witness wherof I have herunto set my
marke the daye and yeare above written. In presence of us Robert Maynwaringe,
Will(ia)m Spooner  Alyce Mychell her mark

Also my will is that the porcon geven to my sonne James shalbe delivered w(i)thin one yeare after my decease unto my loving Brother Robert Sheen and my sonne Edward Mychell by them to be used to his behalf until he come to full age.

[Probate granted 27 June 1597 to Nicholas Mychell, natural son and executor]

Inventory of Alice Mychell, 1597

Herts RO A25/1633

An Inventorie of the goods of Alice Michell widow taken the xvth day of June anno D(omi)ni 1597

Inprimis six beasts valued at
xvj li
Ite(m) thirtie sheepe
x li
It(e)m eight Acres and a halfe of wheate & barly
xvij li
It(e)m eight acres and a halfe of pulse
viij li x s
Ite(m) mowing grass in the feilde
iiij li
It(e)m two Closes
iij li vj s viij d
Ite(m) two mares
vj li vij s
It(e)m nine hoggs
iij li
It(e)m for wood
xvj li
Ite(m) wheate and Rie in the house
xvj li
It(e)m for malte
xiiij li xiij s iiij d
It(e)m two scaffolds, one in the barne and the other in the malte house
xx s
Ite(m) two garners and a fatt
xx s
Ite(m) a Cheese presse & certain boards
vj s viij d
Ite(m) a beame w(i)th a paire of scales & weights
xiij s iiij d
Ite(m) tubbs and Cevers
xx s
Ite(m) a garner & a mill
xxxiij s iiij d
It(e)m lathes for a kill
v s iiij d
It(e)m certain boards
xxx s iiij d
It(e)m in brasse
l s
Ite(m) a furnace
xxvj s iiij d
It(e)m spitts gobirons and racks
xviij s
It(e)m xxxiij peeces of pewter
xxx s
It(e)m six pottingers
ij s
Ite(m) v pewter potts and iiij salts
vi s iiij d
It(e)m in the haule two tables and a frame, two formes, a cupboard, & vj ioyned stooles
l s
It(e)m in the shoppe a trough and settles
xiij s iiij d
It(e)m in the parlor two bedds, a frame & a table, a forme, & certaine bedding
xl s
Ite(m) two trowghs, a boulting whitch, & a table
xiij s iiij d
It(e)m in the parlor a feather bedd, two bolsters, two blanketts, & a Coverlet
xxx s
Ite(m) bedding in the servants chamber
xx s
It(e)m a new fether bedd & boulster
xxxiij s iiij d
It(e)m sacks
xx s
It(e)m the mooveables in the stable
xx s
[page 2]  
It(e)m two bedsteeds, &a truckle bed & ij tables and two frames in the chamber over the haule
xx s
It(e)m two cheares, and three coffers
x s
It(e)m three coverlettes
x s
It(e)m two mattresses and a wooll bed with a fether bedde & three blankets
xxx s
Ite(m) three boulsters and three pillows
xx s
Ite(m) xxij paire of sheets
vij li vj s viij d
It(e)m eighte table clothes, & two dozen of napkins
l s
Ite(m) her weari(n)ge clothes
l s
[another hand]
The partition in the shop
ij s
The partition in the boulting house
ij s
1 drog rake, & a harrowe
ij s viij d
a partitio(n) in the milk house
j s
ij pair saddles & two hampers
viij s
a tree
xx s
4 hennes & a cocke
xvj d
ij flitches of bacon
xiij s
1 hogs sty
iiij s
2 ladders
iiij s
S(u)m(ma) Cxlix li xvj s iiij d
Her debtes due to her
William Spooner oweth
v li
Silvester Michell oweth
x li
Richard Allen
liiij s vj d
Mr Smith
xix s
Goodwife Miller
xxxv s
12 li 8 s 6 d
Sum total Clxij li iiij s x d

[signed] Nicholas Michell

[Presented by Nicholas Michell the executor 27 June 1597]

Accounts of the estate of Alice Mychell, 1597

Herts RO A25/4760

Roman numerals are used in the original document.

The true and perfitt Accompte of Nicholas Mychell Executor of the Testament or last will of Alyce Mychell late while she lyved of Wynslo in the Cowntie of Bucks deceased,wherin are specified and conteyned as well the Some Totall of the Inventary of the goods debts and Cattells of the sayd deceased and the iust value of the same, according to the iust and equal praisement therof made w(hi)ch came to the hands and possession of this Accomptant. As also the maner howe and in what sorte the said Accomptant hath expended satisfied payd and layd out of the same goods as followeth
In Primis the sayd Accomptant doth Accompte for and Chargeth hymself w(i)th the Some of One hundred thre score and two pounds Fowr shillings and Ten pence of Current money of England as the iust Some of the Inventary of the goods debts and Cattells of the sayd Alyce Mychell deceased as appeareth by the Inventary therof made and exhibited by this Accomptant remayninge upon Recorde in the Regestrye of this Courte
     Wherof expended satisfied payd and layd out by this Accomptant w(hi)ch he desireth  to be allowed unto hym the particular Somes followinge
In Primis he asketh allowance of suche Charges as he was at about the Buriall of the said Alyce Mychell deceased and Charges therunto incident w(i)th such other charges as this Accomptant was at and bestowed upon the neighbors which accompanyed the said deceased to her buriall the Some of
Item payd and layd out by this Accomptant for the draweinge of the will of the said deceased and for the making of the Inventary of her goods for  proveinge the same will, for the engrossinge the said will and Inventary duplicate in Parchment and for the Apparitors fee due for the same
Item payd to the vicar of Wynslo for a mortuary due unto him out of the goods of the said deceased
Item he desireth to be allowed the Some of Ten pounds of current money of England w(hi)ch he hath satisfied and payd unto Silvester Mychell his brother for the legacy geven and bequeathed unto hym in the said Testament or last will of the foresaid Alyce Mychell deceased as by the said Testament, and by an acquitance therof but the foresaid this Accomptant made bearing date the sixth day of October in the xxxixth year of the reygne of the Queen ma(jes)tie that now is Doth manifestly appear
Item he asketh allowance of the Some of xxx li of the lik money w(hi)ch he hath satisfiedand payd unto Rafe Mychell his brother for a legacy geven and bequeathed unto the said Rafe in the said testament of the foresaid Alice Mychell deceased and by form and an acquitance therof unto this Accomptant made bearing date the xixth daye of October on the xxxixth year of the reign of the Queen ma(jes)tie that now is doth appear
Item he asketh allowance of the Some of xxx li of the lik money w(hi)ch he hath satisfied and paid unto Rob(er)t  Mychell his brother for a legacy geven and bequeathed unto him in the Testament aforesaid as by the same Testament and an acquitance therof unto this Accomptant made bearing date the xxth daye of August in the xlijth year of the reigne of the Queen ma(jes)tie that now is doth appear
Item he asketh allowance of the Some of xv li of the lik money w(hi)ch he hath satisfied and paid unto Edward Mychell his brother for a legacy geven and bequeathed unto the thre children of the said Edward five pounds apiece in the Testament aforesaid and by the devise therof doth appear, and further as by a band wherin the said Edward standeth bounde unto this Accomptant for his indemnityand saving harmelesse from further pay(men)t of the said legacy in the penall Sumof xxx li bearing date the vijth of September in the xlth yeare of the reyneof the Queen ma(jes)tie that now is doth appear
Item he desireth to be allowed xxx li w(hi)ch he is yet to satisfy and paye unto Olyver Mychell his brother, and xl li w(hi)ch he is yet to satisfy and paye unto James Mychell his brother for their several legacyes unto them in the foresaid Testament geven and bequeathed, and are yet unpaid, as by the said last will and Testa ment doth appeare and wherunto this Accomptant referreth himself
Item he prayeth to be allowed all such charges w(hi)ch he is now at about the passage of this accompt viz for the Processe wherby he is called therunto for thexecuting therof and acte of the courte
Item for draweing this Accompt into paper to remayne upon recorde in the R(e)gestrye of this Courte
Item for thexaminacon and allowance of this Accompte
Item for engrossinge this Accompte in Parchment  to passe under the seale of the Office
Item for the Quietus est or letters of Aquitance
Item for the Seale
Item he desireth to be allowed the Some of xx s distributed by him to the poor of the p(ar)ish at the tyme of the bureall of the said deceased and iii s iiij d paid to the Church wardens to the use of the Churche according to the devise of the said will
Summa totalis

[Latin] We James Rolf MA etc., legitimately deputed official, inform everyone by the present documents that on 19 July 1602 at St Albans of the said archidiaconal jurisdiction, the account having been heard and received by us of Nicholas Mychell, executor of the testament or last will of Alice Mychell, lately while she lived of Wynslo, his deceased mother, concerning and on the execution of the will of the said deceased and administration of the goods, rights, credits and chattels of the same deceased.  Whereas from this above-written account we have found the said Nicholas Mychell well and truly to have administered these goods and to have rendered a true and faithful account of them, therefore we have discharged, acquitted and exonerated Nicholas Mychell the executor, having first been sworn in due form of law on God’s holy gospels concerning  the above in the person of Richard Stuttesbery his legitimate and sufficient proxy, from making any further account, not infringing anyone’s right and provided there is no contest about deceit or fraud in this matter hereafter,  and by the present documents we discharged, acquit and exonerate her. 
In testimony of which, given the year, day, month and place aforesaid.
[signed] Thomas Rokett


Robert Mychell was buried at Winslow on 24 Nov 1587; the burials for 1597 are missing. He seems to have kept The Bull. He and Alice were not married at Winslow but the following children were baptised there (only the first has his father's name stated):

Edward the son (d.1600) lived at Stony Stratford.

William Spooner (b.1569) married Anne Michel at Winslow on 5 July 1591; his children Bridget and Anne were Robert and Alice's granddaughters, but were not baptised at Winslow, and the accounts do not mention the payment of their bequests.

See also: Mitchell family

Mr Thomas Fidge: this must mean Thomas Fige the younger, who did not live in Winslow but would have been managing the affairs of his younger brother Peter at this date. Richard Edmonds' daughter married Peter Fige.

tree: presumably an axle-tree.

Copyright 7 June, 2018