Will of Ursula Pleasteed, widow, 1659 (proved 1661)

Herts RO 97AW33

In the name of God Amen. the twentieth day of May Anno Dom(ini) one thousand six hundred fifty nine I Urslia Pleasteed of Winslow in the County of Bucks widdowe beinge Aged sickly and weake of Body but of p(er)fect minde and memory I prayse Almighty God therfore knowyng the certainety of Death and the uncertaynty of the time and hower thereof doe therefore make ordaine and declare this my last will and testament in Mannor and forme following

First I [deletion] Commit and Commend my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my body I Commit to the Earth to be decently buried, and as touching and Concerneinge my worldly Estate I doe heare by declare this my last will and Testament in mannor and forme Followinge First I give and bequeath unto Urslia Smalbones one of my Grand children, my best feather bed, one pewter platter, one payr of hempen sheets two holland pillowbeeres which pillowbeeres shee hath all ready in poscetion, ans the second best coverlett

Item I give and bequeath unto William Hogson one other of my Grand children one bedsteed in the parler one flockbed one blancket, my best coverlet one payre of sheets, my second best feather bolster one table one forme in the parler one cuburd in the hall and one furnace

Item I give and bequeath unto Edward Hogson one other of my Grand children one bedsteed in the chamber over the hall one round table one cofefer one feather bolster, one feather pillow one payre of sheets one blanckett one coverlett and one great kettle.

Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Hogson one other of my Grandchildren my second best featherbed one large box, one payre of sheets, one greene rugg, one holland sheet one pewter platter my best brass pott one brass pann one chest and my second best kettle, and tenn pounds of English money to be paied when she shall accomplish the full age of sixteen yeares with the interest for the said tenn pounds from the day of my decease, unto the time of payment

Item I give and bequeath unto Martha Hogson one other of my Grandchildren one featherbed one payre of sheets, one pewter platter one cofefer, one holland sheet my second best brass pott one kettle and ten pounds of English money to be payed to her att the age of sixteene yeares with the interest for the said tenn pounds from the day of my decease, unto the time of payment

Item I give and bequeath unto Daniell Hogson one other of my Grandchildren the some of tenn pounds of English money to be payed to him att the age of eighteene years with the interest for the said tenn pounds from the day of my decease, unto the time of payment.

Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Hogson one other of my Grand children the some of tenn pounds of English money to be payed to him at the age of eighteene yeares with the interest for the said [ten pounds from the] day of my decease, unto the time of payment

Item I give and bequeath unto Marke Hogson one other of my Grand children the some of tenne pounds of English [sic] to be payed to him att the age of eighteene years with the interest for the said tenn pounds from the day of my decease unto the time of payment.

Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Hogson one other of my Grandchildren the some of tenne pounds of English money to be paied to him at the age of eighteen yeares with the interest for the said tenn pounds from the day of my decease unto the time of payment. And my will is that (if either of these six to whome I have bequeathed tenn pounds apeece shall happen to depart this naturall life before they come to the age appoynted, for them to receive it) the money soe bequeathed shalbe equally devided betweene the survivors of them

Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Smalbones the son of my Grand child Urslia Smalbones the some of five pounds to be payed to him att the age of eighteene yeares if he shall soe Longe live or otherwise to be payed to Urslia mother to the said Richard

Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Coop(er) the daughter of Thomas Cooper the some of five pounds to be paied to her at the age of sixteen years if she shall soe longe live, otherwise my will is that it should be paied to Richard Smalbones the sonne of Richard and Urslia Smalbones

Item I give and bequeath unto Annis Gates twenty shillings to be payed at my decease and my worser sute

Item I give and bequeath unto Bridgett Spooner the wife of Tho(mas) Spooner one platter

Item I give and bequeath unto Bridgett Spooner and Kartherine Spooner the some of five pounds to be payed at my decease and equally devided betweene them. All and singuler other my goods cattles and chattles my debts and legacies payed and funerall charges defraid I wholely give and bequeath unto William Hogson the elder whome I make full and soule executor of this my last will and testament and I the said Urslia doe renounce revocke and repeale all former wills by me made and doe pronounce this to be my last will and testament In witnes wheare of I the said Urslia Pleasteed have heare unto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above wrighten

Signed sealed published and declared in the p(re)sence of
Mathew Bishop
Beniamin Leache

Urslia Pleasteed her marke

[Probate 3 May 1661 to William Hogson]

Inventory of Ursula Pleasted, widow, 1659

Herts RO A25/3637

A true Inventorie of the goodes \and Chattells/ of Ursula Pleasted widdowe late of Winslowe in the Countie of Buck deceased praysed by Beniamin Leach and John Hogson dated the 27th daye of Maye in the yeere of o(ur) Lord 1659

Inprimis In the Halle two Tablles w(i)th the frames One Cubbeart, One ioyned
forme, Sixe ioyned Stooles Three Chayres
1 li
It(e)m more in the Halle Thirteene pewter platters One Flaggon, One pewter basen,
one pynte pott, two Chamber potts, one porenger, two spoones, two salts, One
dripping pan, three Candlesticks
1 li
It(e)m in the Kitchen One furnace, Fowre Kettlles, Two brasse pottage potts, One
brasse Skillett, One brase sky(m)mer[?], One brasse pan
2 li
It(e)m in the Chamber over the Kitchen One halfe headed bedsted, one featherbed,
two fether bowlsters, one Coverlett
2 li
It(e)m in the Chamber over the Halle One Bedsted, One trundlle bedsted, Two
Tablles, w(i)th frames, One forme, Sixe ioyned stooles, One ioyned Chayre, Three
Chests, Three Coufers, One Boxe
2 li
It(e)m more in the Chamber over the Halle One fetherbed One fether bowlster,
Three fether pilloes, One Rugg, Three blanketts, Five Curtaines, One payre of Hollan
sheetts, Eight payre of other sheets, Five pillowbeers, One dozen & halfe of Napkins,
Fowre Tablle clothes
6 li
It(e)m more in the Chamber over the Halle, One potthanger One payre of tonges,
one fire showle, one payre of bellowes, Two payre of Andirons, One Iron Chafingdishe, One hanginge hooke, One fire Iron
One warminge pan
It(e)m in the Chamber over the Entry, Two halfe bedstedds, One fetherbed, One
flockbed, One woolbed, One fether bowlster, One fether pillowe, one woole pillowe,
One Coverlett, One Arke, One cort cubbeard, One olde Cover, one boxe
2 li
It(e)m in the Parloure One joyned bedsteed, One Tablle w(i)th the frame, One forme,
One ioyned chayre, Two Coafers, One fetherbed, one fether bowlster, fowre fether
pillows, Five Curtains, One blankett
2 li
It(e)m five cushins
It(e)m In the Seller One working fatt, Two hogshades, Sixe barrells, two tubbs, three
other tubbs
1 li
It(e)m for woode in the backside
2 li
It(e)m due in Mortgage of Land & uppon bonde
88 li
More in desperate debts
26 li
It(e)m for Apparell
2 li
Sum(m)a Totalis
140 li
[Latin:] Presented 3 May 1661 by William Hogson executor


Ursula was the widow of Edward Pleasted, d.1645. They were married at Winslow on 8 June 1612; her original name was Silverside. She was bur. 24 May 1659. They had these children:

Copyright 17 April, 2018