Will of Elizabeth Seaton, 1758

Herts RO 196AW10

In the Name of God Amen   I Elizabeth Seaton of Winslow in the County of Bucks Widow being Sick and weak of Body but of Sound Mind Memory and Understanding (praised be God for the Same) Do make this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following (that is to Say) First and Principally I recommend My Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping through the Merits of Jesus Christ to Obtain Pardon and Remission of all my Sins and to Inherit Everlasting Life and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executrix’s hereafter Named And as touching Such Wordly Goods and Temporal Estate which God hath given me I devise and dispose thereof as followeth  First I will that my Debts and Funeral Expenses shall be paid and discharged I Give and bequeath unto My Sister Mary Collins and to My Neece Anne Bailey All that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Situate in Winslow aforesaid And now in the Occupation of me the Said Elizabeth Seaton and of my Sister Mary Collins Together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Yards Gardens Orchards and Backsides with their and every of their Appurtenances thereunto belonging To hold to them the Said Mary Collins and Anne Bailey their Heirs and Assigns for Ever And also all the rest Residue and remainder of My Goods Chattels and Personal Estate whatsoever and whereosoever I do give and bequeath unto My \s(ai)d/ Sister Mary Collins and to My Neece Anne Bailey And I do Nominate Constitute and Appoint My said Sister Mary Collins and My said Neece Anne Bailey Executrix’s of this My last Will and Testament In Trust that they will pay My Just Debts and Funeral Expenses as aforesaid and the Overplus (if any there be) to be Equally Divided between my said Sister Mary Collins and My said Neece Anne Bailey Share and Share alike And Lastly I do hereby Revoke disannul and Make Void all other Wills bequests and Legacies by Me at any time heretofore Made bequeathed or given and do Make and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament and none other In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Seaton have Set my hand and Seal this Twenty Second day of February In the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Eight.

The Mark of Elizabeth Seaton

Signed Sealed Published and declared to be the last
Will and Testament of the said Testatrix Elizabeth
Seaton in the presence of us who have hereunto
Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereunto in the
Presence of the said Testatrix and at her Request and
in the Presence of Each other

Robert Gibbs
Francis Cox
Joseph Hunt

Inventory of Elizabeth Seaton, 1758

Herts RO 196AW10

[p.1] A True and Perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattells rights and Creditts of Elizabeth Seaton late of Winslow in the County of Bucks Widow deceased which since her death have come to the hands possession or knowledge of Ann Bailey and Mary Collins joint Executrixes of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased as the same were Appraised and Sold by us whose names are hereunder subscribed as follows to wit
The deceaseds waring Apparell
One bedstead and Curtains two Blankettes one rugg one Glass one brass pann and Skimmer one Tea kettle one Candlestick one brass Drudge three Candlesticks one Lanthern one brass pepper Box 5 pewter plates two joint Stools one Glass decanter two pewter dishes one pair of Iron Dogs One Copper Saucepann one pewter Quart and half pint and one Tub
Four Tubbs two skilletts two Scuttles one Baskett two bucketts two Flat Irons one pewter Tunnell one Kiver Six Delph Plates two Glasses one Iron Stand One pair of Dogirons One small Looking Glass one Teaboard and one brass warming pann
One Box Iron and pads one tin Cover one Tobacco dish twelve Earthen platters two small Fire shovells One Gridiron three Muggs five Glasses three Earthen dishes one Toasting Iron one Barrell one Fork one brush three Earthen Cups one wooden Sugar Hammer and Seven Trenchers
One Lanthern two earthen panns two Hatchetts one Glass one Barrell one Earthen Decanter one more Glass one old Sheet Six knives and forks One brass porridge pott One Table one Chair One Fire Iron a wooden Jack Eight pictures One Meash Tubb two Dozen and a half of Glass bottles three wooden bowles Eight Chairs one Sieve one brush and Six Trenchers
One Buckett one Candlestick two joint Stools two wooden bowles one pewter dish two Earthen muggs three pictures Seven plates one pair of Sheets one old D(itt)o., Two spitts one old Bushell One Barrel One Teapot One potlink one hook a Piece of Flannell One Jack and weights One Tin Dripping pan and one pewter pint
Two pair of old sheets 5 pillowbeers One Corner Cupboard one potlink one brush a pair of Dogirons two Barrells three tubs one ladder 13 odd chairs one baskett three pewter dishes one Delph pott Six trenchers One old Flock bed and Bedstead Sixty Four pound of old pewter One Teaboard one Table and one Mugg a parcell of Dung
Carried over
[p.2] One little kettle One Looking Glass One poker Two pillows Three Decanters One Matt Six Glasses One brass Ladle two plates one tin pott Two brass Cocks two Tobacco Dishes Six old knives and Forks three Earthen plates one D(itt)o Pitcher one Basen one old Cloak four coarse hand Towells and one Feather Bed
Two Napkins three Basketts one Tin Dripping pann Four Table Cloths four fine Napkins one Pitcher one Hand bowle Two wooden bottles One Table one Earthen dish a pair of Hand Irons One Barrell two pieces of old Flannell one Box One Bobbin wheel one wooden Bottle two pair of Window Curtains two Candlesticks two Glasses and one brass kettle
One Table one Curtain rod one Hour Glass three brass Candlesticks One Sieve one Glass one little Table One old Shovel one Fork one Buckett One Fryingpann two Iron Candlesticks one Teapott one wooden Bottle one Rolling pin one wooden Ladle one Baskett one Spitt twenty three pound weight of brass Seventy pound weight of Ion [sic] and one old Barrow
One Fireshovell one chop one Ladle one knife one old chair a parcell of poles one pair of Bellows One Chest of drawers One Dresser and shelves one Iron rake two Halters One potlid one Flesh Fork one Table one Skillett One wooden Rail one Curtain rod and one Hand bowle
One Barrell two Earthen punch bowles One iron Cuckold One leaden Tobacco Dish one Candlestick One Fork one baskett with Corks one paddle a parcell of Turf one brush one Lock Iron and pads One wooden bowle one wooden Tunnell Two pillows One Cloaths brush One Potlink one chair a parcell of String one old wooden Chair one pair of Tongs and a Bacon Rack
Carried up
[p.3] Bro(ugh)t up
Three Earthen panns one Candlestick one Iron barr one Flower drudge one Trencher Rack one Nutmeg Grater One Book one Box a parcell of Coal one more Box Two Chairs one Ladder one pair of Scale Beams a parcell of old Iron and one Scuttle
One Feather Bolster one Corner Cupboard one Chest a parcell of Wood One Table One Lock Iron One Barrell a Sett of Role poles some old Brass One Tubbe a Nest of Drawers one Cleaver One Glass and other Lumber
Rec(eiv)ed for Ale Sold since the Death of the Testatrix & one barrel
Appraised by us
Francis Cox
James Burnham
This Thirtieth day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Eight
This Inventory was produced by Anne Bailey One of the Executixes named in the Last Will and Testament of the within named Elizabeth Seaton Deceased who at the same time made Oath that the same is a true and perfect Inventory of All and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased Come to her hands possession or Knowledge and that if any other Effects shall come to her hands possession or knowledge she will add the same hereto
Sworn before me
Ann Bailey
James Ibbitson
Archdeacon of St Alban


Elizabeth Seaton kept an alehouse called the Butchers Arms, which disappears from the alehouse recognizances after her death. That explains the prevalence of chairs and bottles in her house. The inventory, whose survival is very unusual for this period, suggests a remarkable amount of chaos in the house.

She was bap. 9 Oct 1686, the daughter of Philip Bayly, collar-maker (d.1721) (q.v. for more information about her sister Mary). Anne Bailey was probably the daughter of her brother John, bap. 27 July 1733.

Elizabeth Bayly married John Seaton at Quainton on 9 Jan 1721/2. He was John Seaton, butcher (d.1737), whose will mentions three children, not found in Elizabeth's will. John's will was proved at the same time as Elizabeth's, 21 years after he died. He left her only a life-interest in his cottage in Great Horn Street, which was then to go to his son John. Presumably it was different from the messuage which Elizabeth bequeathed to her sister and niece.

Drudge: utensil used to sprinkle or drudge powder over food, also called a dredging-box (Dictionary of Traded Goods and Commodities, 1550-1820). Flower drudge = flour dredger.

Tunnell = funnel (OED, s.v. tunnel n., 3)

Delph = Delft

Tobacco dish or plate: either a shallow receptacle on which one could stand the tobacco pipe and the other paraphernalia required for smoking, or one in which the tobacco was placed for guests to use (Dictionary of Traded Goods and Commodities, 1550-1820).

potlink: uncertain - perhaps using "link" in the sense of "torch"

Cocks = taps (OED, s.v. cock n.1, 12)

Bobbin wheel: probably the same as a bobbin-winder used in lacemaking

iron Cuckold: not identified

Seaton Papers

Herts RO ASA 27/1

These papers from the Archdeaconry Court records concern the attempt of John Seaton jr, now of Dunstable, to get his father's will proved after his mother's death. Presumably he had not acted before because Elizabeth had a life interest in the property. The papers are given here in the order in which they have been filed, which is not entirely chronological. They cast light on dealings between Winslow and St Albans, issues caused by Stamp Duty, and much else.

ASA 27/1/115

[address]  To
Mr James Archer Notary Publick
at St Albans
One Elizabeth Seaton \widow/ late of Winslow dec(eas)ed was left Ex(ecu)trix of the last Will and Testament of John Seaton late of Winslow afo(resai)d in the said County of Bucks Butcher dec(eas)ed who dyed about 22 years ago which Will was never proved in the Life time of s(ai)d Elizabeth Seaton by reason she Mortgaged part of the prem(iss)es devised in the Will for 50L & deliver(e)d the Original Will \with/ the rest of the Title Deeds to the Mortgagee – And about a fortnight ago the s(ai)d Elizabeth Seaton dyed having made a Will & left Ann Bailey Spinster and Mary Collins Widow both of Winslow afo(resai)d Ex(ecu)trixes thereof – Therefore please to send out a Citation at the promotion of John Seaton of Dunstable in the County of Hertford – Victualler ag(ains)t the said Ann Bailey & Mary Collins to prove the Will of the s(ai)d John Seaton dec(eas)ed as also the Will of the said Elizabeth Seaton Widow dec(eas)ed as my Client the said John Seaton is Heir at Law to the s(ai)d John Seaton dec(eas)ed and has also an Interest [deletion] in his Will. But as the same is very likely to be now in the hands of one Rich(ar)d West of Winslow afo(resai)d Grocer to whom the s(ai)d Elizabeth Seaton dec(eas)ed Mortgaged the prem(iss)es  please to Cite him also with the s(ai)d Ann Bailey & Mary Collins as he will not deliver the Will to them and I’ll Satisfy and pay all Charges attend(in)g this Affair 

I am Sir yours in haste
Ferd(inand)o  Southam  
Winslow March 15 1758
P S please to direct the Citation to me & ad it forthwith

                rec(eive)d 18 March 1758
                  J Archer

ASA 27/1/116

The Twenty Fourth day of March 1758

                Appeared personally James Burnham of Winslow in the County of Bucks Gentleman and alledged and made oath that he this Deponent did on the said Twenty Fourth day of March instant at Winslow aforesaid personally Serve Ann Bailey and Mary Collins named in the Citation hereunto annexed with the said Citation by shewing them respectively the said Citation under Seal and leaving with each of them an English Note of the Contents thereof

[signed] James Burnham

Sworn at Winslow aforesaid before me 
John Rawbone Surrogate                            

[endorsed] Seaton ag(ains)t Bailey & Ano(the)r 
Citation Date 20 March 1758

[citation letter]
James Ibbetson Doctor in Divinity Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of St Alban in the Diocese of London Lawfully constituted To All and Singular Clerks and Literate persons in and throughout our whole Archdeaconry aforesaid Greeting Whereas John Seaton late of Winslow in the County of Buckingham Butcher Deceased Did (as is alledged) in his life time make and Execute his last Will and Testament in Writing And thereof Did appoint Elizabeth Seaton of Winslow aforesaid Executrix who after his Decease Intermeddled in the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased without proving his said Will or taking [deletion] Administration thereto And Whereas the said Elizabeth Seaton as is also alledged hath since Departed this Life having also made her last Will and Testament in Writing And thereof Appointed Ann Bailey of Winslow aforesaid Spinster and Mary Collins of the same place Widow Executrixes To ye therefore Jointly and Severally we commit and firmly Enjoyning Command that ye peremptorily Cite or Cause to be Cited the said Ann Bailey and Mary Collins that they and each of them personally be and Appear before Us or our Surrogate Lawfully Appointed or some other Competent Judge in this Behalf whomsoever in the Parish Church of St Alban in the Town of St Albans and County of Hertford in the Accustomed place of Judicature there On Thursday the Thirtieth day of March Instant between the Hours of Nine and Twelve in the Forenoon of the same day Then and There to Exhibit and leave in the Registry of our said Archdeaconry the Original Last Will and Testament of the said Elizabeth Seaton and to Accept or refuse the Execution thereof And Also at the same time to Exhibit and leave in our said Registry the Original Last Will and Testament of the said John Seaton Deceased so omitted to be proved by the said Elizabeth Seaton as aforesaid and further to do and receive as unto Law and Justice shall appertain under pain of the Law and Contempt thereof at the Promotion of John Seaton of Dunstable in the County of Bedford the heir at law  and next of Kin to the said John Seaton Deceased And What ye shall do in the premisses ye shall duly certfie us our Surrogate Lawfully Appointed or some other Competent Judge in this Behalf together with these presents Given under the Seal of our Officiality this Twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Eight

Will Stubbs Register

ASA 27/1/117(a)

To Ann Bailey and Mary Collins Executrixes named in the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Seaton late of Winslow in the County of Buckingham Widow Deceased who was the Executrix named in the last Will and Testament of John Seaton late of Winslow aforesaid Butcher Deceased

By Virtue of a Process under the Seal of the Archdeaconry of St Alban \and herewith shewn/ You \and each of you/ are Cited personally to be and appear before the Reverend James Ibbetson Doctor in Divinity Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of St Alban in the County Diocese of London Lawfully Constituted his Lawful Surrogate or some other Competent Judge in this Behalf whomsoever in the Parish Church of St Alban in the Town of St Albans and County of Hertford and in the Accustomed place of Judicature there On Thursday the Thirtieth day of March 1758 between the Hours of Nine and Twelve in the Forenoon of the same day Then and There to Exhibit and leave in the Registry of the Archdeaconry of St Alban the Original Last Will and Testament of the said Elizabeth Seaton and to Accept or refuse the Execution thereof And Also at the same time to Exhibit and leave in the Registry aforesaid the Original Last Will and Testament of the said John Seaton Deceased which was  \omitted to be/ not  proved by the said Elizabeth Seaton* And further to Do and receive as unto Law and Justice shall appertain under pain of the Law and Contempt thereof

* at the Promotion of John Seaton of Dunstable in the County of Bedford the heir at law  and next of Kin to the said John Seaton Deceased
The                        day of March 1758
James B
Appeared personally James Burnham of Winslow in the County of Buckingham and Gent and Alledged and Made Oath that he this Deponent did on the                   day of March instant \at Winslow aforesaid/ personally Serve Ann Bailey and Mary Collins named in the Citation hereunto Annexed with the said Citation by shewing them \respectively/ the said Citation under Seal and leaving with \each of/ them each an English Note of the Contents thereof   


Sworn at Winslow aforesaid before me
JR surr(ogate)

ASA 27/1/117(b)

I rec(eiv)ed yours on Saturday last at which time I was so Ill as not to be Capable of doing any Business tho(ugh) I thank God am now much Better And as our visitation is so near tho(ugh)t it best to bring this matter on at that time – Herewith you receive the Process which as I am quite out of Eighteen penny Stamps and Since the late Act there is no such thing to be got here have wrote on a Blank Bond which lay Useless by me which is the same thing – You’l please to let Mr Burnham make 2 Copys of the Note on the other Side and Serve the Same on Ann Bailey and Mary Collins which is all that can be done at present for we Cannot Cite West in the first Instance but the Judge will Decree process ag(ains)t him upon hearing the Matter However I think if he were Applyed to by you he woud not refuse to Deliver it as it will not be to his Disadvantage to have it Lodged in the proper Office You will take care to return the Citation again the Court day \with the Affidavit of Service Annexed/ and let Mr Seaton the promoter before
March 21
I would not have Sent by post
but was fearful of being to
late by the Carrier as it is no
matter how soon it is served

ASA 27/1/117(c)

James Ibbetson Doctor in Divinity Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Saint Alban in the Diocese of London Lawfully constituted To All Clerks and Literate persons in and throughout our whole Archdeaconry aforesaid Greeting Whereas we rightly and duly Proceeding in a Certain Cause or Business of bringing into and Leaving in the Registry of our said Archdeaconry the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Seaton late of Winslow in the County of Bucks Widow deceased who whilst living was Executrix named in the Last Will and Testament of John Seaton late of Winslow aforesaid also Deceased and also of Bringing and Leaving in the Registry of our Archdeaconry aforesaid the Last Will and Testament of the said John Seaton which was omitted to \be/ proved by the said Elizabeth Seaton against Ann Bailey and Mary Collins Executrixes named in the Last Will and Testament of the said Elizabeth Seaton at the Promotion of John Seaton of Dunstable in the County of Bedford the next of Kin to the said John Seaton Deceased And Whereas Ann Bailey one of the Executrixes of the said Elizabeth Seaton Deceased hath alledged that the Original Last Will and Testament of the said John Seaton Deceased is in the Custody of Richard West of Winslow aforesaid And that he refuses to Deliver the same We have at the Petition of the said John Seaton the next of kin \to the said John Seaton Deceased/ Decreed the said Richard West to be Cited to Appear in Judgement On the day and at the time and to the effect hereunder written and in manner and form hereinafter Described \Justice so requiring/ We do therefore Authorise Impower and Strictly Enjoyn and Command Ye Jointly and Severally Peremptorily to Cite or cause to be Cited the said Richard West to Appear before Us or our Lawfull Surrogate or some other Competent Judge in this Behalf in the Parish Church of St Alban \in the Town of St Albans/ in the County of Hertford and Diocese of London On Saturday the fifteenth day of April next Ensuing  Between the Hours of Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon of the same day then and there to Exhibit and Leave in the Registry of our said Archdeaconry the said Last Will and Testament of \the said/  John Seaton deceased in order that Administration with the Will Annexed of All and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased  may be granted to such person or persons as shall appear to be entituled thereto  And further to do  and receive as unto Law and Justice shall appertain under pain of the Law and Contempt thereof and what Ye shall do in the Premisses Ye shall duly Certfy to Us or our Surrogate aforesaid or some other Competent Judge in this Behalf together with these Presents Given under the Seal of our Officiality this Thirteeth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Eight 

Will Stubbs Register

ASA 27/1/117(d)

The Tenth Day of April 1758
Appeared personally James Burnham of Winslow in the County of Bucks Gentleman ........................... and alledged and made Oath that he this Deponent did on the  said Tenth day of April instant at Winslow aforesaid personally Serve the within named Richard West with this Decree by Shewing unto him the said Decree under Seal and leaving with him an English Note of the Contents thereof   

James Burnham

Sworn at Winslow aforesaid Before me
                                John Rawbone Surrogate                            

ASA 27/1/119(a)

[draft of summons of Richard West, not given here]

By going out and walking too much the Visi(ta)c(i)on day & day after I was again obliged to keep my Room & have not Stird out Since I had a Relapse of my Disorder so violent that I coud not do any Business till today otherwise woud not have put this off so long. Herewith you receive the Decree please to let Mr Burnham copy the Note and Serve it as soon as may be and take Care I have the Decree returned me in due time I shoud \think/ that West on your Making a copy of the Will for him & promising him an Office Copy when it had passed the Office might be prevailed with to part with it which might Save both partys Expence And if so you might send me a copy of the Will and I woud make out the proper Instruments for the Ad(ministra)con I \have/ wrote the Affidavit on the Back of the p(ro)cess w(hi)ch please to fill up with the Name of the person who serves the Decree & let him Sign & Swear the Same I am &c

5th April

ASA 27/1/119(b)

Mr Rawbone 5 April 1758
Rev(eren)d S(i)r. Please to procure me the Act of Guard(iansh)ip from the Adm(inistrat)ors In the Goods of John Weston Dec(eas)ed as soon as you Can for I can do Noth(in)g further in that matter till I have it I will pay the post of this & am y(ours)

Mr Anthony
Pray let this parcel be Delivered as Directed to Morrow with(out) fail together with £1-1-4 which I have sent you with 8d for the Carr(iage) & post You will bring me a parcel from Mrs Lanes to Morrow Night w(hi)ch I will Send to the Saracens Head for

  JA 7th April 1758

pray give a strict Ch(ar)ge   
that the p(ar)cel be D(elivere)d
to Morrow

[This seems to be about a different case concerning John Weston of Little Horwood.]

ASA 27/1/120

[endorsed] 17th April 1758
Copy to Mr Southam
and Mr Rawbone

[to Mr Rawbone]

Mr Southam will wait on you with Miss Ann Bailey in Order for Ad(ministra)con with the Will Annexed in the Goods Annexed of John Seaton Deceased You will please to Swear her to the Facts Contained in the Warrant w(hi)ch Mr Southham will Deliver to you And that she will duly Administer All and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said John Seaton Deceased  according to which shall come to her hands possession or knowledge According to the Tenor and Effect of his Will And that she will make a true and perfect Inventory and pass a Just Account of her Ad(ministra)con when she shall be thereto required

I am y(ou)r very h(um)ble serv(an)t
Pray send me Weston Act of
Guard(iansh)ip if you have got it
in Mr Southams p(ar)cel who
will send to me soon

[to Mr Southam]    

Inclosed you have the Bond and Warrant for Miss Baileys Ad(ministra)con with the Will Annexed in the Goods of John Seaton Dec(eas)ed youl please to fill up the Bond with the Names of her two securitys and Let her be Sworn before Mr Rawbone And on Your returning me the Orig(inal) Will together with the Bond And Warrant duly Executed and Attested you may depend on my sending you the probate and Administration with All Speed I am just now going a journey & shall not return till Thursday next therefore Mus postpone making out the Bill till I send to you again I am in real haste

JA 17 April 58

If Miss Bailey can make Oath
that the personal Estate that
will come to her hands of John Seaton
will not Amount to 20l let Mr
Rawbone Add to the Warrant \before he signs it/ immediately
After the words The said Ann Bailey was duly
sworn  - And that the Goods Chattels and
Credits of the said Deceased does not Amount
to the sum of 20£ This will save 10s Stamp

ASA 27/1/121

Mr Southam rec(eiv)ed yours with the Bond and Warrant and has herewith returned the same tog(ether) with the Original Will therefore begs you’l send the probate and Ad(ministra)con as soon as possible together with your Bill of Fees and to whom you’l have the same paid. I am Sir
Your h(um)ble Serv(an)t
James Burnham

April 27 1758

P.S. Please to separate the Fees that we may know what the Ex(ecu)trixes of Mr Seaton are to pay & what the promoter of the Suit is to pay

ASA 27/1/122

[address] To Mr James Archer Proctor
St Albans

These [sic]


Inclosed you receive the Decree with my Cl(ients) affid(avi)ts  of ye Service thereof as also a Copy of J(oh)n Seatons Will which Originall he \West/ has this day delivered into my hands therefore be pleased to make out ye proper Instrum(e)nts for Administration & send forthwith And am yo(ur)s in haste

Ferd(inand)o Southam

11 Aprill [sic]

[enclosed: copy of John Seaton’s will]

[endorsed] 11 April 1758
Mr Southams Lre

Copyright 5 October, 2015