Will of Silvester Stutsberie, draper, 1629

Herts RO 71 AW27

In the name of god amen. The fift day of September anno Dni 1629 I Silvester Stutsberie of Winslow in the County of Bucks Draper being sick in bodie, but in good and p(er)fect remembrance (thanks be to god) do make this my last will & testament in maner and forme following: First I bequeath my soule unto Allmightie god, who hath created me, and redeemed me by his sone Jesus Christ by whose merites onely I trust to be saved, and my body to be decently buried in the Churchyard of Winslow. Item, concerning my worldly goods I give unto my sister Marian Stutsberie ten pounds, to be payd unto my overseers for hir use within one year after my decease. Item I give unto my sister Marie Stutsberie five pounds Item I give unto my sister Alice Stutsberie the sum(m)e of twenty pounds to be payed into the hands of my overseers for hir use Item I give unto my daughter Joan Stutsberie the sum(m)e of fiftie pounds, to be payed hir at the age of one and twenty years. Item I give to the poor of the parish of Winslow thirteen shillings and four pence to be distributed among them at my funerall. All the rest of my goods unbequeathed, my debts & legacies being payd, I give unto Anne my wife, whom I make my sole Executrix, And my loving friends Robert Bendbow and Henry Pym Overseers of this my last will & testament to see the same p(er)formed, And to either of them I give five shillings for their paynes. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my  hand & seale the day & year first above written.
                                                                                          Silvester Stutsberie [signature]
These being witnesses,
Robt Maynwaring [signature]
John [mark] Stutsberie  
Robert Bendbow [signature]

[Latin addendum in smaller font and different handwriting] Probatum fuit huiusmodi testamentum apud villam de Winslow 17o Oct 1629 coram viris Roberto Henthcorke[?] generoso[?] vi(ca)r(i)o de Aston Abbatis et Roberto Mainwaring vi(ca)r(i)o de Wynslow Sunt &c ac per eand' app' datum promissaque fuit Administratio on' &c Executrici &c de bene &c jurat' Salu' &c

[Translation] This will was proved at the town of Winslow on 17 October 1629 before Robert Henthcorke, gentleman, Vicar of Aston Abbots, and Robert Mainwaring, Vicar of Winslow...

Inventory of Silvester Stutsberie, 1629

Herts RO A25/3025

A true Inventory of the goods and Chattells of Silvester Stutsberie of Winslow in the County of Bucks (made the xxvith day of September Anno Dni 1629) by William Lownds, Robert Bendbow, Henry Pym and John Stutsberie

Imprimis in the hall one square table & two chaires    
iiii s
Ite(m)  halfe a dozen of cushins    
ii s vi d
Item spitts, dripping panes, & other implements for the fyre   
xii s
Ite(m) two flitches of bacon    
xvi s
Item four bottells, three brass pannes, with other pottes & posnetts    
iii li x s
Ite(m) vi barrels with some other lumber    
xvi s
Item a hatchett, a hen-pen and other lumber      
v s
Ite a ponding trough & a boulting hutch
xiiii s
Ite(m) viii pewter platters, a flagon, iiii candlesticks, & other small pewter    
xxx s
Ite(m) in the chamber over the hall one little table, a fourme, two chaires, two coffers, and a warming panne    
xii s
Ite(m) in the middle roome over the shoppe a standing beddsteed, a troclebed*, a cubboard and three coffers 
xxx s
Ite(m) one featherbed two bolsters and two pillows     
xxx s
Ite(m) one coverlet and a blanket  
x s
Ite(m) in the other chamber one bedsteed, a featherbed and all furniture belonging unto itt      
iiii li x s
Ite(m) a table & frame, a forme, one chest & two coffers  
xxx s
Ite(m) xiiii payre of sheets, vi pillowbeeres*, two tableclothes and a dozen of napkins
v li
Item wood and timber  
xl s
Ite(m) at the lower house one Cubboard   
xii s
Ite(m) a hovell with some hey and beanes  
l s
Ite(m) his wearing apparell   
v li
Ite(m) waryes in the shoppe as they were p(ar)ticulerly prised       
167 li v s
Item good debts in the shop-books      
xxxii li
Ite(m) owing by Band* from John Rodes    
v li
Item money in the house
105 li

[Latin] Exhibitum fuit huiusmodi Inventarium 17o die mensis Octobris Anno domini 1629 per Annam Stusberie Executricem &c pro vero &c Inventario sub &c si &c

[translation] This inventory was presented on 17 October 1629 by Anne Stusberie, executrix etc., as a true etc. inventory under, etc., if, etc.


Sylvester Stutsburie was buried at Winslow on 19 Sep 1629. Agnes (or Anne) Stutsberie his widow married Daniel Sayre (or Sear) in 1632. The marriage of Silvester Stutsberie and Agnes Graunt is recorded on 6 Feb 1624/5, and Silvester's daughter Joan was baptised on 11 Dec 1625. Joan married Henry Pym jr in 1641; they had a son called Silvester (1650-66). Silvester Stutsburie took over the draper's business from his father Richard, d.1624.

According to the 1656 manor court, Silvester held a messuage, a cottage and 20 acres, which went to his widow Anne for her life.

Troclebed: variation of truckle or trundle bed; a low bed running on castors, usually pushed beneath a high or standing bed when not in use (Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories 1661-1714, p.329).

Pillowbeeres: variation of pillow beares; pillow cases or slips  (Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories 1661-1714, p.326).

Band, i.e. bond

Click on the pictures for full images of the documents:

The will:

Will of Silvester Stutsberie

The inventory

Inventory of Silvester Stutsberie


Copyright 31 October, 2017