Accounts of the estate of Richard Stutsbury, 1625

Herts RO A25/2862

The true and perfect Accompte of Silvester [deletion] Stutsbury the naturall & lawfull sonne and Administrator of all & sing(u)ler the Goods Debtes Chattles Rights and Creditts of Richard Stutsbury late of the parishe of Winslowe in the County of Hertfordshire Buck(ingha)m Archdeaconry of St Albans deceased Intestate made & declared aswell of & upon all and sing(u)ler such Goods Debts Chattles Rights & Creditts of the saide deceased W(hi)ch since his death are come to the hands and possession of this Accomptante. As alsoe of & upon all and sing(u)ler such payments expences & som(m)es of money W(hi)ch this saide Accomptante hath paide expended & laide out in the payment of the Debts and other duties owinge & belonginge by & to the saide deceased And to the Administrac(i)on of his Goods necessarilie incident & apperteyning as hereafter is plainlie specified and declared, Vi(delice)t:

The Charge
Imprimis: this Accomptante Chargeth himselfe w(i)th the somme of One hundred [and] Fortie one Pounds sixteene shillings five pence of lawful Englishe money for the true price & value of all & sing(u)ler the Goods Debts Chattles Rights & Creditts of the saide deceased menc(i)oned & conteyned in an Inventary thereof made & exhibited into this Courte A true Copie whereof was shewed to the Judge at the tyme of the passinge of this Accompte for havinge done his best endeavo(ur) to gett in divers debts due to the saide deceased mentioned in the saide Inventary, he alleadgeth that he cannott gett in anie of them except the som(m)e of Tenn Pounds and fyndeth the rest to be altogether desperate therefore he subducteth the same and praieth the same to be subducted and onlie Chargeth himselfe in toto with the som(m)e.
Cxlj li xvj s v d
Summa on(er)is vi(delicet)
Whereof this Accomptante desireth to be allowed these p(ar)ticuler som(m)es by him laid forth as followeth
The Discharge
Imprimis this Accomptante praieth allowance of the som(m)e of Fiftie shillings w(hi)ch he hath laide out in & about the necessarie Charges of the Buryall of the saide deceased.
L s
It(e)m he hath paide to the Minister for Mortuary
x s
It(e)m this Accomptante hath paide for L(ett)res of Adm(ini)strac(i)on, bond entringe, Inventaries ingrossinge, Apparrito's fee and Charges in travaile in & about the same both for himselfe and his suertie
xxv s
It(e)m this Accomptante Craveth Allowance of the som(m)e of Twenty one pounds w(hi)ch he standeth bound to paye to one Dorothie Fellowes wife of Rowland Fellowes of Chearslye in the County of Bucks for the debte of the saide deceased due upon Obligac(i)on
xxj li
It(e)m this Accomptante hath paide to Mr Jeffary Elder of the Citie of London for the debte of the saide deceased due upon Obligacion for wares upon Booke
xxxix li
It(e)m this Accomptante hath paide for the Debte of the saide deceased due for Wares upon booke to Mr \Thomas/ Hopkins of London
iiij li x s
It(e)m this Accomptante hath paide for Wares taken by the saide deceased of Mr Michael Warde of London due by his booke
xxvij li
It(e)m this Accomptante hath paide to one Mr Henry Rowland of London for the Debte of the saide deceased due for wares by booke
vj li xix s
It(e)m he hath paide to sundrie persons for the Debts of the saide deceased
vj li ix s
It(e)m paide for wood to Mr John Rodes of Cleydon in the Countye of Bucks for the debte of the saide deceased
L s
It(e)m this Accomptante hath paide to Mr Willia(m) Bridges & Mr Vallentine of London Linnen Drapers for the debte of the saide deceased
viij li
It(e)m this Accomptante desireth to be allowed the som(m)e of Eight Pounds w(hi)ch he intendeth to paye to the saide Mr Bridges & Mr Vallentine in satisfaction of a greater debte due by the saide deceased unto them for wares
viij li
It(e)m this Accomptante prieth Allowance of Eight Pounds Fower shillings w(hi)ch he intendeth to paye to Leonard Tillatt of London Linnen Draper in satisfaction of a greater debte to him by the saide deceased
viij li iiij s
It(e)m this Accomptante praieth allowance of Three Pounds w(hi)ch he intendeth to paye to Mr Randall Brettwood of London habberdasher in full satisfaction of London a more debte due unto him by the saide deceased
iij li
It(e)m this Accomptante hath paide for the p(ro)ces to Calle him to passe this Accompte
xij d
It(e)m for servinge thereof to the Apparritor
iij s viij d
It(e)m for Drawinge this Accompte into paper to remaine for the Recorde of the Courte
iij s iiij d
It(e)m for the Procurator's fee & p(ro)xie & admission of the same
iiij s
It(e)m for veiwing examininge & allowinge of this Accompte to the Judge
iij s iiij d
It(e)m for ingrossinge this Accompte into p(ar)tchment
v s
It(e)m for the Quietus est w(i)th the Seale of Office
xiij s x d
Summa Expo[si]tor[um]
Cxxxviij li xj s vij d
Soe remaineth in the hands of this Accomptante
iij li iiij s ix d

Which sayde som(m)es the Judge hath Allotted to this Accomptant towardes the payment of the lawfull debts of the saide deceased if anie more happen, but if there be none the Judge hath allowed the same to this Accomptante.

I am Contente & thinke it meete that the bond be delivered to this Accomptante Wherein he stood bound for true Administrac(i)on &c
[signed] Edw(ard) Rolfe

[Sworn at St Albans 11 April 1625]


Richard Stutsburie was buried at Winslow on 13 June 1624. The inventory mentioned in the accounts does not seem to have survived. His first child baptised at Winslow was Elizabeth on 13 Feb 1595/6; Silvester may have been born elsewhere earlier. He probably took over the mercer's business of Gilbert Stutsbury, d. 1595, presumably his father, and passed it on to Silvester, who was described as draper when he died in 1629. According to the 1610 schedule Richard held 10 acres of land, but no shop or messuage is mentioned.

Copyright 25 September, 2018