Will of Gilbert Stutsbury, mercer, 1594/5
Herts RO 35 AW 23
In the name of god Amen. The xiiith day of February in the year of our Lord God 1594 & in the xxxvii year of the raigne of our Sovraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god &c. I Gilbert Stutsbury mercer inhabiting in the Towne of Winslowe beinge sicke in bodie & in good & perfect (re)memebrance (thanks be to god) make & ordayne this my last will & testament in maner & forme following, that is to say, first I comitt my soule unto the almighty god my maker and redeemer & my bodie to be buried in the churchyard of Winsloe. Item I bequeath unto the reparation(n) of the same Church ii s. Item I will that all debtors & dutyes as I owe to living p(er)son or persons be well & truly Confirmed & payd by myne Executor herein named Elizabeth my wife who I do appoint full executor of these my goodes w(hi)ch god bestowed upo(n) me. Item I give to the poore of the Town of Winsloe x s. Item I will that my sonne John shall give unto his sisters child William Buttler when the child is xxiiii yeares of age in money xx s.
In witnes hereof we that are p(r)esent have sette our hands the xiiith day of February.
By me Henry[?] Stusbery
and Richard Stusberry
[Latin] Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testamentum Gilberti Stuttesbery dum vixit de Wynslo defuncti
suprascriptum apud villam divi Albani coram magistro Jacobo Rolfe Officiale &c
xxiiijto die mensis marcij Anno domini iuxta cursum &c 1594
ac per dominum Officialem
approbat' &c commissaque fuit administratio omnium &c Elizabethe Stuttesbery relicte dicti
defuncti & Executrici in huiusmodi testamento nominate &c de bene &c de vero Inventario
omnium [bonorum] deque fideli comput' &c reddendo ad Sanctam dei Evangelia
in persona Richardi East legitimi ac sufficientis procuratoris sui primitus jurat' &c
Salvo jure &c
[translation] This will written above of Gilbert Stuttesbery deceased, while he lived of Winslow, was proved at the town of St Albans before Master James Rolfe the official etc., on 24 March in the year 1594 by the course etc., and approved by the lord official, etc., and administration of all etc. was entrusted to Elizabeth Stuttesbery, widow of the said deceased and executrix named in this will, etc., for well, etc., and rendering a true inventory of all the goods and a faithful account, sworn first on God's holy gospels in the person of Richard East her legitimate and sufficient proxy, etc., preserving the right, etc.
[signed] Tho Rokitt
Inventory of Gilbert Stutsbury, 1594/5
Herts RO A25/1499
An Inventory of the goodes and chattels of Gilbert Stutsbury, late of Winslowe in the County of Bucks Mercer deceased Prised by Peter Fige, Bernard Hogge, Thomas Overinge and Nicholas Overinge the third day of March Anno Regni d(omi)ne n(ost)re Elizabethe Regine &c xxxviio | |
Imprimis in the hall, i table ii formes i chair & iii stooles |
viii s |
Item one payre of andirons a payre of tongues i fyre shovell i spitt a payre of potthangers i payre of bellowes & i gridyron |
v s |
Item vi cushions | ii s |
In the Parlour | |
Imprimis i bedstead ii coverlyds i blanket iii Bolsters i pillow & i featherbed |
xxx s |
Item i truckle bed i bolster i blanket i chayre & & i coffer |
viii s |
Item his apparell | xxx s |
In the Loft | |
Imprimis one truckle bed i blanket ii flock beds & one pillowe |
xvi s |
Item a boulting whytch i mouldinge trough and certayne lumber |
viii s |
Item viii payres of sheetes iii tableclothes vi napkins iiii pillowberes one towelle |
x s |
In the Buttery | |
Imprimis iiii ketteles i brasse pott i posnet i chafyng dish & ii candlsticks |
xxx s |
Item i dossen and a half of pewter with dishes spoons & trenchers |
xv s |
Item ii tubbes i table i barrell i chyrn i frying pan i drippinge pan i trefoot & i iro(n) barre |
x s |
In the little Roome by the Buttery | |
Imprimis i table with a frame iii wheeles ii formes & ii bucketts |
vi s viii d |
In the Barne | |
Imprimis barley threshed & unthreshed & Malt |
v li |
Item i bushell i fan i skypp strawe a longe Cart and i payre of wheeles |
xxxiii s iiii d |
Item Wood & Hurdles | xx s |
Item v hennes & a cock | iii s |
Item a hogge | viii s |
Item strawe | iiii s |
Sum(m)a totalis | xix li vii s |
[Latin text in another hand]
Exhibitum fuit huiusmodi inventarium per Richardum
East nomine procuratorio ac ut procurator legitimus
Elizabethe Stutsbery relicte et executricis
xxiiijto die mensis marcii Anno domine nostre Elizabethe[?]
&c 1594 pro vero pleno & integro com[?] &c sub
protestacione de addend’ si &c
[translation] This inventory was presented by Richard East by right of proxy and as the legal proxy of Elizabeth Stutsbury widow and executrix on 24 March 1594 as a true, full and complete account(?) on condition of adding if, etc.
(Signature) Tho. Rakett[?] off(icialis)[?]
Gilbert Stutsbury died in 1595 (the burial records are missing). He first occurs in Winslow records in 1571, and his children's baptisms are not recorded, but Richard Stutsbury (d.1625) was probably his son and took over the business. Elizabeth Stutsburie, probably his wife, was buried on 9 April 1614.
Boulting whytch: a bolting hutch for sifting flour.
Moulding trough: for making bread.
Skypp strawe: straw skep for bees.
Click on the pictures for images of the documents: | The will: |
The inventory: |