Will of John Taylor, 1616

Herts RO 57AW19

In the name of god amen. The xviijth day of August anno d(omi)ni 1616 I John Tayler of Winslow in the County of Bucks being sicke in body but in p(er)fect memorie (god be praysed for it) do make this my last will & testament in maner & forme following First I bequeath my soule unto allmightie god, who created me and redeemed me by his sone Jesus Christ by whose merits onely I trust to be saved, and my body to be decently buried in the Church yard of Winslow. Concerning my worldly goods I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Tayler two shillings sixpence, to be payd her at the age of one & twentie years. Item I give unto my daughter Marie Taylor my best Cupboard, my table in the hall w(i)th the frame and my bedd in the loft wherin I used to lie redie furnished The rest of my goods unbequeathed I leave unto my wyfe Alice whom I make my sole executrix and my loving brothers Edmund Tayler & John Deverell, my overseers of this my last will and testament. In witness wherof I have herunto set my hand the day and year first above written

John Tayler his mark

These being witnesses

Rob(er)t Maynwaring
Peter Fyge
Thomas Overinge

[Probate at Wynslow before Mr Fulk Owen, Vicar of Granborow, 7 Nov 1616, to Alice Taylor]

Inventory of John Taylor, 1616

Herts RO A25/2486

Please note: the original document uses Roman numerals for the values.

The True and perfect inventary of all and singular the goodes debts and Cattells of John Taylor late of Wynslo in the Countye of Bucks deceased made and praysed the xxxth daye of August 1616 by Peter Fige Henry Wendover and Thomas Overinge

In Primis in the hall a Table with a frame a chayre fowar ioyned stooles and fowar formes
Item fowar Cusshyons and a paynted clothe
Item in the Parlo(u)r a ioyned Bedstede a mattresse a coverlet a Blancket a bolster and twopillowes
Item in the loft over the Parlo(u)r two Tablebourdes thre formes and a Chayer
Item in the loft over the hall a ioyned Bedestede a flockbed thre Coverletts two Blancketts two bolsters and fowar pillowes
Item seven payer of sheetes fowar Table clothes and three pillowberes
Item a cupboard and fyve Cofers
Item in the Butterye sixe Barrells two fatts and two Tubbes
Item fowar kettles two posnetts a Scummer a morter a Chafinge dissh and a Candelsticke
Item Ten platters a Bason a Candelsticke with other small Pewter
Item in the kitchen two spitts a fryinge pane a payer of Andirons a gridiron and other Lumber
Item in the yarde Eightene hurdells a hovel with certeyne Wood a Racke and a maunger
Item thre Store hogges and fowar pigges
Items haye and poultrye
Item his Apparell

[Presented by Alina Taylor widow & executrix 7 Nov 1616]


John Tayler was buried at Winslow on 28 Aug 1616. He was baptised on 18 May 1581, the son of Robert. He held two cottages according to the schedule of 1610. His children were:

Scummer = Skimmer, either of iron to take ash from the hearth, or of some other metal for use as a skimmer for milk (Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories 1661-1714 glossary).

Summa: the total should be £19 10s.