Will of Elizabeth Todd, spinster, 1857 (proved 1858)
Principal Probate Registry
This is the last Will and Testament of me Elizabeth Todd of Winslow in the County of Bucks, Spinster. I devise unto my Sister Sarah Ann Knighton her heirs and assigns absolutely all the real estate of which I may be seized at the time of my death and I bequeath to my said Sister her executors administrators and assigns absolutely all the Personal Estate of which I may then be possessed except as hereinafter mentioned subject to the payment of my just debts and funeral and testamentary expences and also subject to and charged with the payment of the legacy or sum of fifty pounds each to my Niece Mary Field and my Nephew John Field within twelve Calendar months next after my decease I ratify and confirm the transfer made by me to Joshua Lewin French of Winslow aforesaid Grocer and Ironmonger on or about the twenty eight day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty eight of the policy of assurance effected by me on my life with the Scottish Equitable Assurance Issued on or about the fourteenth day of February One thousand eight hundred and forty five and bequeath unto the said Joshua Lewin French his executors administrators and assigns absolutely all my estate and interest if any in the said policy and the sum thereby assured and all bonuses or other advantages or benefits arising therefrom and I direct my Executrix and Executors to give or join in giving any receipt or other discharge and execute or join in executing any other documents that may be necessary for enabling the said Joshua Lewin French his executors administrators and assigns to receive the same I appoint my said Sister Sarah Ann Knighton and my said Nephew John Field and my friend Grant King of Winslow aforesaid Draper to be Executrix and Executors of my Will I direct that my Executrix and Executors shall be responsible for so much money only as shall come to their own respective hands and that they shall not be answerable for involuntary losses or for the acts or defaults of each other and that they shall be at liberty to claim and allow to each other the costs and expences incurred in the execution of my Will or in relation thereto Lastly I revoke all other Wills In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Todd the Testatrix have hereunto set my hand the third day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven
Elizabeth Todd [signature]
Signed by the said Elizabeth Todd the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the joint presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses
Dav Tho. Willis [signature] Solicitor, Winslow.
Tho Price Willis [signature] his Clerk
Proved at London 22nd December 1858, by the oaths of Sarah Ann Knighton Widow the Sister John Field the Nephew and Grant King the Executors to whom adm(inistrati)on was granted
ON the 22nd day of December 1858, the Will of Elizabeth Todd late of Winslow in the County of Buckingham, Spinster, deceased, who died the 26th day of June 1858, at Winslow aforesaid, was proved at the Principal Registry of Her Majesty’s Court of Probate, by the Oaths of Sarah Ann Knighton of Stony Stratford in the said County of Buckingham Widow the Sister, John Field of Portsea in the County of Southampton, Draper the Nephew of the said deceased and Grant \King/ of Winslow aforesaid Draper the Executors named therein they having been first sworn duly to administer.
Effects under £600.
Elizabeth Todd was the daughter of James Todd, carpenter (d.1838). She was baptised in 1801. She and her sister ran a school at 11 Sheep Street, and then from 1842 at Brook Hall. The sisters bought the premises with a mortgage from Joshua Lewin French.