Will of Francis Woodcock of Great Horwood, gentleman, 1683

National Archives, PROB 11/372/519

Francis Woodcock owned property all over North Bucks and most of his will is not relevant to Winslow, so only the codicil has been transcribed.

Aprill the Eleaventh 1683.
Whereas I Francis Woodcocke of Great Horewood in the County of Bucks gent have about Twelve moneths since made and ordeyned my last will and Testament which said will I left in the hands and Custody of Edmund Shurrock of Great Horwood aforesaid Clerke Now Memorandum That I the said Francis Woodcocke upon Further Considerac(i)on me hereunto moving Doe hereby make this as a Codicell to be annexed to that my Last will and Testament above menc(i)oned  And doe hereby give and bequeath as followeth (viz) I doe give devise and bequeath unto Frances Woodcocke my daughter All that house and Land with Th'appurten(a)nces thereto belonging which I lately purchased of one Thomas Coles of Leckamsted in the said County of Bucks which said house and Land is scituate and Lying in Leckhamsted aforesaid to make up her porc(i)on which I have given her in my said Will  Item  whereas my sonne Thomas Woodcocke hath entred into Two Bonds or obligac(i)ons unto me for the payment of Two hundred pounds  And that I doe acknowledge my selfe to have had and Received of him one hundred pounds part thereof or thereabouts  And that he hath nothing under my hand for the Receipt thereof  Now my will and meaning is That my said son Thomas shall deduct to himselfe soe much money out of the said Two Bonds as appeareth to be received by me  Item whereas I lately purchased Thirteene Acres of Land be the same more or lesse lying in Wenslow Feild in the County aforesaid of Mr William Ritchford now Minister of Addington  My will is That my Executors in my will above named doe sell the said Lands  And That my son William Woodcocke Joyne with them in the sale thereof  And that the moneys soe raised thereby shall goe Towards the payment of Legacies (Excepting Fifty pounds part thereof which I doe give unto Francis Woodcocke my Godson and Son of my said Son Thomas Woodcocke  Item I give devise and bequeath unto my son William Woodcocke All those Five acres of Coppyhold land and Two acres of Freehold land lying and being in Princes Risborow in the said County of Bucks and which I purchased of one Edward Barnaby.  Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Godson Francis Woodcocke son of my son William Woodcocke the Sum(m)e of Fifty pounds to be paid by my Executors after he shall have served his Apprentiship to such a Trade as the Executors shall think fitt to put him to But in case I have before given him Forty or Fifty pounds in my said will Then this Fifty pounds last menc(i)oned not to be paid  In witnes whereof I the said Francis Woodcocke have to

[p.2] this writing or Codecill put my hand and seale the day and yeare First above written  And in the Five and Thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles the Second King of England etc. 

Francis Woodcock.

Signed Sealed Published and declared in the presence of
Rich(ard) Griffin sen. John Godwin John Linnell William Randolph.

Probate given at London 28th April 1683 on the oath of Thomas Woodcock son and one of the executors with power reserved to John Woodcock also son of the deceased and William Lawley the other executors.


Francis Woodcock bought the land in 1682. It had passed to William Woodcock by 1691, and was sold to Joseph Dandridge in 1692. Francis is mentioned in the 1660 court of survey as one of the "reputed lords of the manor" before the 2nd Duke of Buckingham recovered his estates.

Copyright 17 January, 2017