12 High Street
The building which is now 12 High Street (Mercy in Action in 2020) seems to have shared one of the 13th-century burgage plots with 14 High Street, running in a narrow strip between the roads now called High Street and Greyhound Lane. It has probably been rebuilt many times, and the shop facade was changed completely in the 1970s when it became the National Westminster Bank. It was listed Grade II in 1952, but this description must be from the 1970s:
Bank with house above. Early C19, altered. Concrete arcade to ground floor, red brick above, boarded eaves, slate roof. 3 storeys, 2 bays. Ground floor has 5 arches, 2 to left with doors, remainder partially glazed. First floor left-hand bay has canted oriel with barred sashes and hipped slate roof. Right-hand bay and second floor have 4-pane sash windows with gauged brick heads. Included for group value.
An elaborate late Victorian shop front was replaced when a butcher's was converted to a bank in the 1970s. Behind the arch and doorway on the left there is pedestrian access to the rear.
When John and Joan Paxton sold no.14 in 1656 it was described as having "the said John Paxton south", so the Paxtons were probably responsible for dividing up what had previously been one house. By 1690 the two were back in the same ownership: Christopher and Alice Coates, who lived in no.14, mortgaged to Mary Clarke for £20 "a messuage in the occupation of Joseph Dandridge". In 1697 Christopher entailed no.12 to his two daughters:
1697: manor court, 29 May
Christopher Coates and Mary Clarke widow surrendered all their right and interest in a messuage now in the occupation of Joseph Ayres, the tenement now in the tenure of John Herne [=no.10] lying on the south side, the common street on the west. To the use of Christopher for his life, then Mary wife of Thomas Edmonds and Ann Coates Spinster. Christopher, Mary and Ann were admitted as tenants. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
In 1699, the Coates family (Ann was now married to Thomas Dadford) sold to Robert Gibbs sr, yeoman, and his son Robert jr:
the messuage now in the occupation of Joseph Ayres with the great Chamber belonging to it, part of which is over "the Entry" in the occupation of Thomas Paxton [no.14], with all fronts, privileges, outhouses and appurtenances to the watercourse there, with freedom of ingress etc. and passage for horses with carts and carriages at all "seasonable tymes" to the premisses by the usual cart ways.
In 1700 Robert Gibbs sr made a marriage settlement for his son Robert and daughter-in-law Sarah Sutton in which he transferred ownership of no.12 to them. The next phase of the building's history is unclear: it must have been affected by the fire of 1748, and the "great chamber" mentioned above was apparently incorporated permanently. Robert and Sarah Gibbs had a daughter named Rose or Rosamund who married the butcher Augustine Seaton, and Augustine became owner of no.12.
1765: will of Augustine Seaton, butcher
I Give and bequeath unto my Loving Wife Rosamund Seaton ... my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Situate Standing and being in Winslow aforesaid and now in the Occupation of Thomas Capp ... for and during the Term of her Natural Life and from and Immediately after my said Wife’s Decease ... I Give and bequeath unto my Son Richard Seaton after the Decease of my said Wife as aforesaid All that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Situate in Winslow aforesaid and now in the Occupation of the said Thomas Capp
1781: manor court
Augustine Seaton the Elder late of Winslow Butcher who held by rent of [blank] amongst other things a messuage in Winslow then in the occupation of Thomas Capp died some time since having published his will dated 6 Jan 1765 and thereby devised to his son Richard Seaton after the decease of his wife Rosamond Seaton the said messuage. Rosamond is also some time since dead. Now to this court comes the said Richard Seaton by Augustine Seaton the younger of Winslow Butcher his attorney and desires to be admitted. Fine [blank]. Richard immediately surrenders to use of his will.
Richard Seaton wasn't living in Winslow at the time. Land Tax records show that no.12 was occupied by William Mobbs (1786) and George West (1795). It probably served as a private house then, but became a butcher's around 1800.
1803: manor court
Surrender: Richard Seaton of Winslow victualler & Elizabeth his wife
Admission: Richard Walker of Winslow butcher
All that messuage or tenement in Cow Street formerly in the occupation of Thomas Capp now of Richard Walker
Richard Walker also bought from William Ward, owner of no.10:
A piece of ground in length 23 feet in breadth 9 feet standing at the back part of the house of Richard Walker butcher in Cow Street.
The 1925 OS map shows that no.14 became physically separate from no.12, and that the land behind them providing access from Greyhound Lane was subdivided. The piece of ground which Richard Walker reunited with no.12 in 1803 is the narrow white strip almost surrounded by buildings.
1824: Will of Richard Walker, butcher and dairyman (proved 1833)
I give and devise unto my friends John Morecraft of Winslow aforesaid butcher and Daniel Grace of the same place Schoolmaster all and every my freehold and copyhold messuages ... [to hold in trust during the life of Richard's widow Elizabeth and then to sell]
1834: manor court
John Morecraft and Daniel Grace admitted as trustees to:
... A messuage in Cow Street heretofore in the occupation of Thomas Capp, afterwards Richard Walker decd, now James Morecraft ... A piece of ground in length 23 feet in breadth 9 feet at the back of the house now in occupation of James Morecraft ...
James Morecraft (1800-1844) married Catherine, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Walker. In 1837 he acquired ownership from Richard Walker's trustees of no.12, the ground behind it and of no.10. He mortgaged them to David Thomas Willis in 1838.
1841: Census
James Morecraft, butcher, his wife Catherine and nine children.
1844: Will of James Morecraft, butcher (proved 1845)
I give and devise all the real estate to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease ... to my Brothers in Law George King of Winslow aforesaid Grocer and John Turney of Thornton in the same County Dairyman ... Upon Trust to sell ...
1851: Census
High Street
Catherine | Morecraft | Head | widow | 46 | Butcher | b. Winslow |
George | Morecraft | Son | 9 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Henry | Simmons | Lodger | unm | 30 | Officer of Inland Revenue | b. Greenwich |
The shop was run by Thomas Turnham, who in 1851 seems to have bought the premises and moved in.
1851: Bucks Herald, 25 Oct
On WEDNESDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 29th 1851, on the Premises, in the occupation of Mrs. James Morecraft, WINSLOW, Bucks, who is leaving;
COMPRISING Four-post, Tester and Stump Bedsteads, Feather and Flock Beds, Bolsters and pillows, mattresses, blankets, and quilts, chests of drawers, washstands, dressing tables, pier and swing glasses, linen chests, mahogany sideboard, mahogany and oak folding and round tables, painted cane-seat chairs, capital eight-day clock in oak case, fenders and fire irons, carpets, barometer, glazed prints, quantity of books, china, glass, and earthenware, pair of large standard meat scales and brass weights, salting lead, butchers’ blocks and forms, steelyards, leavers, baskets, trays, set of gig harness, cart ditto, kitchen requisites, six-dozen churn and stand, five iron-bound ale casks and tubs, and a variety of other useful effects.
→ The Sale will commence at Eleven.
Catalogues may be had at the Inns in the Neighbourhood, and of Messrs. Dudley and Son, Auctioneers and Land Agents, Winslow.
1861: Census
Buckingham Road
Thomas | Turnham | Head | married | 42 | Butcher | b. Winslow |
Ann | do | Wife | do | 31 | do | |
Fanny | do | Sister | unm | 27 | do | |
George | Ingram | Nephew | unm | 19 | Butcher's assistant | do |
George | Black | Lodger | unm | 28 | Officer of Inland Revenue | b. Scotland |
1866: Will of Thomas Turnham, butcher (proved 1868)
I devise all that my Messuage or tenement, shop, and premises in which I now reside with the outbuildings thereto belonging, situate and being in Winslow aforesaid, unto my Nephew George Ingram, his heirs and assigns absolutely. I bequeath unto my said Nephew George Ingram all the implements and tools pertaining to my butchering business.
George Ingram married Jane Woolhouse Saunders at Winslow in 1868.
1871: Census
High Street
George | Ingram | Head | married | 29 | Butcher | b. Winslow |
Jane W. | do | Wife | do | 28 | b. Thame | |
Henry | do | Brother | unm | 24 | Butcher | b. Winslow |
William | do | do | unm | 18 | Apprentice | do |
Eliza | Hailey | 14 | General servant domestic | b. Lt Horwood |
1881: Census
High Street
George | Ingram | Head | married | 38 | Butcher emp. 2 men, 2 boys | b. Winslow |
Jane | do | Wife | do | 36 | b. Thame | |
Ellen | Saunders | Sister | unm | 19 | Dressmaker | do |
Laura | Stone | Servant | unm | 16 | Servant domestic | b. Drayton, Bucks |
According to his obituary (Buckingham Advertiser, 7 March 1914) George Ingram then retired, "leaving Winslow and residing at Alwyn Lawn, near Aylesbury, for a while, and eventually coming back to his native town". The business was taken over by his brother William, who married Sarah Grace in 1881.
This view of no.14 (marked with white arrow) and Ingram's (far right) was taken from the church tower c.1883.
1891: Census
High Street
William | Ingram | Head | married | 37 | Butcher | b. Winslow |
Sarah | do | Wife | do | 36 | do | |
Muriel | do | Daughter | 9 | Scholar | do | |
George | do | Son | 8 | do | do | |
Bessie | do | Daughter | 4 | do | do | |
Mary E. | Fairman | Servant | unm | 16 | General domestic servant | b. Lt Horwood |
Ellen | Holton | Servant | unm | 15 | Nurse do | do |
This photo is from c.1900. Note that the chimney on the left side of no.12 (now removed altogether) has been moved since the earlier photo and the first-floor left-hand window altered. There is also a much more elaborate shop front, seen clearly in the photo below.
1891: Buckingham Advertiser, 19 Dec
Mr. William Ingram’s large display consists of the first prize ox, fed by Lord Addington, three other prime beasts, also fed by Lord Addington; a very nice fat ox, fed by T. P. Willis, Esq.; also some prime beef from Fenny Stratford Market; the two first prize sheep, fed by Mr. C. Warr, of Padbury; and a quantity of other prime wether mutton; and also pork.
Billhead of William Ingram, 1896. He gave the address as Market Square.
1897: purchase of yard and garden (presumably adjoining Greyhound Lane); see below
1901: Census
High Street
William | Ingram | Head | married | 48 | Butcher | b. Winslow |
Sarah | do | Wife | do | 46 | do | |
Muriel | do | Daughter | unm | 19 | do | |
George | do | Son | unm | 18 | Butcher | do |
Bessie | do | Daughter | 14 | do |
Fronts of Hilton's shoe shop and Ingram's butcher's shop, early 1900s. Presumably the man in the doorway with the white apron is William Ingram. Between the two shops, there was (and still is, behind a door) pedestrian access to the rear of Ingram's (no.12); see map above.
1911: Census
High Street, 7 rooms
William | Ingram | Head | married | 57 | Butcher | b. Winslow |
Sarah | do | Wife | do | 56 | 4 children, 3 living | do |
Bessie | do | Daughter | unm | 24 | Butcher's bookkeeper | do |
George Ingram the son was living at Staniford House with his wife and three children. The business became known as W. Ingram & Son, usually "Purveyors of High-Class Meats".
1914: Assessment (TNA, IR58/2347 no.128)
Situation Market Square Winslow
Description House & Shop
Gross Value: Buildings £28
Rateable Value: Buildings £22 – 10
Occupier & Owner Wm Ingram
Interest of Owner Freehold
Estimated Rent £28
Outgoings – Land Tax, £ 9s/-d (½ full charge) Paid by Owner
Former Sales Dates No sale within the period except of the Yard & Garden purchased on 22 April 1897 for £150
[stamp] SEP 30 1914
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
Brick & Slate House & Shop
Shop, office, sitting room, kitchen, scullery
passage at side
4 bedrooms
Slaughter house
2 sheds & loft over
18½ poles
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition Say £600
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land
25’ front @ £4 5000 ft £100
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £500
1921: Census
High Street, 5 rooms
William | Ingram | Head | married | 67y 11m | Butcher | b. Winslow |
Sarah | do | Wife | do | 66y 5m | do |
1928: death of William Ingram, butcher, aged 74, 28 Feb
See his will. Effects £1,731 6s 7d.
I DEVISE my house shop buildings yard garden and premises adjoining the High Street in Winslow aforesaid now in my occupation and the first yard Coach houses stabling harness-room loose box and buildings and the loft above the buildings and also the second yard and cowsheds all at the back of Staniford House in Winslow aforesaid and also my field known as Cowpasture situate in the Swanbourne Road To the use of my said son George Ingram his heirs and assigns subject and charged with the payment to my said Wife Sarah Ingram of an annuity of Sixty eight Pounds during her widowhood to commence from my death and be payable weekly
1939: Hillier's Almanack
12 High Street: G. Ingram
The 1939 Register shows that George Ingram (b.1883), his wife Agnes (b.1878) and daughter Sheila (b.1905) lived there.
The butcher's business continued as Ingram's until the 1960s, and was then taken over by Clay's of Buckingham who are listed in the 1969 Phone Directory. The National Westminster Bank moved in during the 1970s (they are in the 1974 Phone Directory; closed 1997), followed by Hayward & White Estate Agents, then Mercy in Action charity shop.