Court baron and view of frankpledge, 16 April 1700
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/38/1
Originals in Latin unless stated (individual words are sometimes in English, marked with "..."). Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough. The court rolls for 1699 have not survived with the others.
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court of View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Charles Twittey and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 16 April 1700, by James Hayes esq., deputy steward
Complainants: none
Essoins: many
Jurors for the lord king and the homage: William Gyles sr, George Blake, John Seaton, John Shelton, Benjamin Bigg, John Spratley, John Henley, Thomas Henley
Henry Townesend, Arthur Smith, John Willeatt, Robert Norman, William Tharpe, John Ward,
Henry Curtice, William Townsend
John Stevens, John Haynes, John Holland, Thomas Foster, George Thorpe, William Hunt, Richard Seaton, George Elliott
Tenants amerced for default (6d each): Richard Worsley, Roger West, Nicholas Pleastead, Thomas Neele, John Seaton sr, Daniel Seaton, John Shelton
Richard Letman, William Edmonds, John Townesend gent., John Plomer, Thomas Deeley, William Kirby, Benjamin Scott, Henry Tims, Thomas Kirby, William Bence
Thomas Robinson, William Shelton jr, John Goodwin, John Hearne, John Stutsbury, Robert Wyatt, Robert Reddell, Thomas Reddell, Thomas Write, William Bigg
Samuel Norman, Joseph Harding, Samuel Wilston, William Prentice, Grant Hewett, Ralph Bates, Joseph Dandridge, William Elliott, Joseph Meakes
Thomas Hogg, Thomas Smith, Joseph Smallbones, George Elliott, John Wyatt, Robert Elliott, Edward Berkley, Joseph Glenister, William Cooke, Richard North
Christopher Smith, William Vickers, [blank] Bayley, Thomas Adams, William Meade, John Meade, Henry Gascoyne, John Cox, James Woodward, Edward Markham, Thomas
Woodward, Thomas Ward, Richard Faulkner, Henry Curtice, William Richardson, John Hodgekins, Newman Willeatt, John Cooper, Henry Pitkin, Joseph
Cox, John Hawkins, John Varney, Thomas Showler, William Illing, George Illing, Benedict Woorrall, John Wyatt, Joseph Tharpe, John Holland, Richard
Sterman, Robert Holt, William Moorecraft & Hugh Thorpe.
William Miller for overburdening the common: 40s
John Hodgekins for the same: 5s
Robert Good for the same: 5s
Richard Asting for the same: 5s
John Philpott for the same: 1s
Ordinance for Winslowe [in English]
It is ordered that noe person permitt any Colt above Four weekes old to be untyed within the Wheate or Beane Feildes of Winslowe till harvest be home upon Payne to Forfeite One Shilling for every Defaulte
Thomas Urlwin and George Blake elected and sworn constables of Winslowe for the following year in the place of John Shelton and Benjamin Saunders
Philip Bayly: tithingman of Winslowe
Robert Elliott: constable of Shipton in place of William Parkins
Robert Mitchell: tithingman of Shipton in place of Joseph Glenister
George Stevens and Robert Hughes: constables of Grandborough in place of John Mountague and John Holland
On 10 June last Samuel Miller sr surrendered through Robert Eden and Philip Bayley the messuage in which he then lived, to the use of Hugh Miller his son. On condition that Hugh pays:
- Henry his brother £6
- Samuel his brother £6
- Daniel his brother £2
- Ann his sister £6
- Mary his sister 5s
- Elizabeth his sister £5
- Margaret his sister £5
Otherwise the tenement is to be divided in the said proportions between the children of Samuel Miller deceased. Rent [blank], fine 5s. Hugh was admitted tenant.
[This is the cottage in Tinkers End inherited by Samuel's daughter Mildred in 1705 and sold by her in 1726]
Henry Pitkin has died seised of [blank]. Heriot [blank]. Thomas Pitkin the nearest heir was called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
On 22 March 1699/1700 John Greene of Winslowe Chirurgeon and Emma Turner his daughter, now wife of Joseph Turner of Winslowe Chirurgeon, surrendered through William Cherry esq. the chief steward a messuage scituate in Winslowe now in Joseph's occupation. To the use of John Greene and Emma his wife for their lives, then Joseph Turner and Emma his wife and their children, in default of which to the rightful heirs of Emma Turner. John and Emma, Joseph and Emma were called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[This refers to property at the rear of 10-14 High Street]
On 4 Nov 1699 Charles King jr and Katherine his wife surrendered through Nicholas Merwin the deputy steward all the messuage scituate in the Markett place of Winslowe adjoining the messuage of John Greene called the Little Angel [Angellam Parvam] with all appurtenances except the seat in the parish church of Winslowe. To the use of William Gyles jr of Winslowe Woollen-draper [Lanarii] on condition that the surrender will be void if Charles and Katherine pay him the full sum of £86: 40s on 24 April following and £84 on 25 April 1701 at William's domicile in Winslowe. William was called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[Charles and Katherine had already mortgaged the property to William Gyles for £138 in 1698. They acquired it in 1694. It was probably part of the "encroachment" in the Market Square, now nos.12-16.]
[f.1v] On 9 Dec 1699 Charles Coetts and Frances his wife surrendered through Nicholas Merwin the deputy steward all right and title to the messuage now in the occupation of Mr Nicholas Merwin and Thomas Paxton or their assigns, with the entry used with the messuage, excepting only the great chamber over the entry. The messuage of Nicholas Merwin gent. is on the north. Also all right and title to a parcel of land now in the occupation of Robert Gibbs jr lying between the barn or outhouse in the occupation of John Hearne (on the east side) and the stable adjoining the tenement in the occupation of Joseph Ayres and lately John Greene. To the use of Thomas Langley of Kingston on Thames Maulster and Hannah Merwin of Kingston on Thames Spinster, who were called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
On 15 Dec 1699 Thomas Kenwricke surrendered through Nicholas Merwin the deputy steward 2 acres of "Sweard ground" in the Cowe Pasture of Shipton:
- 1 "Ley" in Short Foxton, the land of William Lowndes esq. north
- 1 more there, the land of William Townsend north-east
- 1 acre of uncultivated land within the Cowe Pasture, lately John Shuffeild's
- with common of pasture for 2 cows
To the use of Thomas Langley of Kingston on Thames Maulster and Hannah Merwin of Kingston on Thames Spinster, who were called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
On 21 March 1699/1700 William Hazzlewood of Kettering woollen draper surrendered through Nicholas Merwin the deputy steward the messuage in which Thomas Urlwin now lives, with all barns, stables, outhouses, "Hovells" etc., and liberty of ingress etc. in and through the "Gatehouse" belonging to the Angell Inn in Winslowe, and liberty of ingress etc. to and from the spring or well now scituate in the Angell Yard, to take, use and carry away water, with all other privileges and appurtenances belonging to it (and by Nathaniel Hazzlewood William's late father surrendered), "the Brewhouse" belonging to the Angell Inn only excepted. To the use of Thomas Urlwin of Winslowe and his heirs in perpetuity, who was admitted as tenant. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Afterwards Thomas Urlwin surrendered the premisses to his own use for his life, then his wife Ann for her life, then his heirs and assigns in perpetuity.
Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This seems to be 2A High Street, later the Royal Oak, unless that was part of The Angel, in which case it was 4 High Street]
Thomas Blake, Henry Hughes and John Seaton jr sought to be admitted tenants to 2 cottages which came into the lords' hands on the surrender of Thomas Crosse and Deborah his wife at the court on 24 April 1699. Seisin granted according to the form of the surrender. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
They then surrendered the messuage lately in the occupation of Thomas Crosse deceased called the Greate House with all backyards and appurtenances, "as the same are now Sett forth". To the use of William Brittaine and Elizabeth his wife for their lives, then William's heirs in perpetuity. They were admitted tenants. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Thomas Kenwrick in open court surrendered 3 acres of "Meadowe or Sweard ground" in the common fields of Shipton:
- 2 "leyes" lying together in Blackgrove Feild in Waterfurrowes, the land of William Lowndes esq. south, John Henley north
- 8 ridges in Lambs Leyes, the land of John Henley south, William Townsend north
To the use of John Hollier of Kettleton Bury, Oxon, yeoman, who was admitted as tenant. Rent [blank], fine 3s.
[This was part of the land which Thomas acquired from Henry Townsend in 1696]
[f.2r] Robert Eden sr and Katherine his wife surrendered a cottage scituate in Greate Horne Streete in Winslowe now in the occupation of Robert Smyth, lately of William Cleyton, the messuage of John Chandler lying west, with backyard and all pales, fences, etc. To the use of the said Robert Smith for his life, then Mary his wife for her life, then Robert's rightful heirs in perpetuity. Robert and Mary were admitted as tenants. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
William Benson of Aylesbury gent. and Jane his wife surrendered the messuage scituate in the Cowe Streete of Winslowe now in the occuaption of William Shelton sr, with all trees, fences, etc. To the use of the said William Shelton, leather-dresser [alutarius] for his life, then Ellen his wife for her life, then William's heirs in perpetuity. William was admitted as tenant. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This is the first use we have found so far of the name Cow Street for the southern part of what is now the High Street. The property could be the tannery in Greyhound Lane.]
Thomas Bett and Elizabeth his wife surrendered 4 acres of arable and grass land in the fields of Shipton:
- 1 acre of grassland in the Cowe Pasture in Long Varnham, the land of William Holloway gent. west, with common of pasture for 1 cow
- 1 acre of arable land in Blackgrove Feild in Bewells Deane Furlong, the land late John Chennells' south, late Richard Phipps' north
- 1 acre in Drymeade, land of Robert Elliott east, William Townsend west
- 1 acre in the Redd Feild in Lower Cley Furlong, land of Henry Townsend west, William Lowndes esq. east
To the use of John Wyatt of Winslowe gent. and Ann his wife, who were admitted tenants. Rent [blank], fine 8s.
[There is a copy of this at CBS, D97/104/1/13]
Richard Letman surrendered a piece of land as it is now "staked out" at the Upper End of the yard belonging to Richard's now domicile in Winslowe, 79 feet long on the side which lies next to the stable belonging to the house of William Gyles sr known by the sign of the Crown [Corone], and 66 feet long on the other side, and 45 feet wide., with 2 bays of the structure now scituate on it. To the use of Samuel Norman and Martha his wife who were admitted tenants. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[Richard Letman's house was The Bull, q.v. for a probable map of the property involved]
Francis Dorsett surrendered 2 acres of arable and grass land:
- 1 acre in Coldam Furlong, the land of Mrs Merwin south
- 1 acre in Maracre next to Shipton Feild
To the use of John Spratley of Lillingstone Lovell, Yeoman. On condition that it will be void if Francis pays him the full sum of £30, with half-yearly interest, on 17 April 1703 at the now domicile of John Spratley jr in Winslowe. John was admitted as tenant. Rent [blank], fine 4s.
John Godwin surrendered 2 acres in the common fields of Winslowe:
- 1 acre in New Mill Feild in Dudslowe Furlong, the land of Mr Townesend west
- 1 acre containing 3 lands in Rowe Bridge Furlong, the land of Mr Townesend on each side
To the use of William Lowndes esq. [No more information given]
A second proclamation was made for Daniel Hams, John East and Thomas Spooner to come to court.
End of this court
Nicho: Merwin
Court baron, 22 May 1700
[f.2v] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court Baron of Charles Twittey and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 22 May 12 William III 1700, by Nicholas Merwin, deputy steward
Homage: Thomas Ward, Thomas Adams, William Edmonds, William Hunt, Joseph Glenister
[Business only concerned Little Horwood]
Court baron and view of frankpledge, 18 October 1700
Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/1
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court of View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Charles Twittey and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 18 Oct 1700, by Nicholas Merwin, deputy steward
Complainants: none
Essoins: many
Jurors for the lord king and the homage: William Gyles jr, Peter Lowndes, Joseph Glenister, William Shelton, John Spratley, George Blake, Robert Elliott, Thomas Urlwin
Henry Curtice, Benedict Holland sr, Robert Manwareing, Richard Barton, John Hodgekins, William Illing, William Stevens, Benedict Holland jr
Thomas Ward, Robert Stevens, Richard Lettman, Richard Bigg, Philip Bayly, William Bence, James Woodward, Thomas Whitbee
Residents amerced for default: Richard Bendboe 2d, Christopher Bigg 2d, Thomas George 2d, Robert Grainger 2d
Daniell Kirby 2d, Mark Morris 4d, William Bull 4d, Thomas Watts 4d, Joseph Dandridge 2d, George Dandridge 2d, Joseph Ayres 2d, John Burrall 2d, Thomas
Prentice 4d, Oliver Mayne 3d, Charles King sr 2d, William Fyrth jr 3d, John Stephens 2d, Edward Smith 2d, Squire Emmerton 2d, William Bunce 2d, William Tattam 2d
Joseph Rogers 4d & John Smallbones
Tenants amerced for default: Richard Worsley 2d, Roger West 6d, Edward Reddall 2d, Margaret Deeley 2d, Samuel Wilston 3d
Daniell Seaton 2d, Elizabeth Stutsberry 2d, John Townesend gent. 6d, William Edmonds 6d, John Plomer 6d, Benjamin Scott 2d, Henry Hughes 6d, Thomas
Kirbie 4d, Thomas Rice 2d, John Hogson 4d, John Godwin 6d, Katherine Watts widow 2d, John Keniston 2d, Robert Wyat 6d, Thomas Bett 2d, Christopher Bigg 2d
Ralph Bates 2d, Thomas Smith 4d, Joseph Smallbones gent. 4d, [blank] King widow 4d, Robert Stephens 2d, [blank] Anstee widow 2d, Robert Evens 2d
[blank] Holloway gent. 6d, Joseph Glenister 2d, Richard North 4d, Thomas Kenwricke gent. 4d, John Sims 4d, Jeremy Bird 4d, Thomas Adams 4d, Numan Willeat 2d
Thomas Willis 2d, William Beven 2d, Roger Vaughne 4d, John Hawkins 2d, Robert Grainge sr gent. 6d, Robert Grainge jr gent. 6d
John Markham 4d, John Mountague, 2d, John Holland 2d, Ralph Stephens of Marston 4d, John Thorpe 4d, William Morecraft 4d, Hugh Thorpe 2d
Hester Mantell 2d & John Stephens of Marston 4d
Ordinances for Winslow [in English; only those with names included here]
Richard Reading the elder shall be Scavenger of Winslow for the year ensueing.
At the request of William Fyrth, 7 jurors [named] are to meet at Richard Letman's house on 28 Oct to "viewe the Church Headland".
[This was at Dene Hill according to the 1694 Manor Court]
At the request of William Gyles the elder, 5 jurors [named] are to meet at Richard Letman's house on or before 10 March next to view all the Encroachments and Complaints made by William.
Presentments [in Latin]
"The Pillory" belonging to the vill of Winslowe is out of repair, and the lord of the manor should repair it.
Robert Eden jr died seised of a messuage in Winslowe. Robert Eden is his son and nearest heir and under the age of 14. Heriot [blank]. Robert was called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
William Brittain died seised of a messuage and 3 acres in Winslow. Elizabeth Brittain is his daughter and nearest heir. Heriot 1 cow worth 3s which was seised by the bailiff. Elizabeth Brittain widow of William holds the premisses for her life.
[William acquired "the Greate House" earlier in 1700]
Samuel Miller died seised of a messuage in Winslow. Before his death he made a surrender bearing date 10 June 1699 which was presented at the court on 16 April last. [see above]
On 7 May last Robert Mountague and Martha his wife surrendered through William Cherrey esq., chief steward, all their title and equity of redemption to a messuage in which Thomas Paxton now lives, the great chamber over the entry excepted; the messuage of Nicholas Merwin north. Also all title to a parcel of land between the barn or outhouse in the occupation of John Hearne and the stable adjoining the tenement in the occupation of Joseph Ayres and late of John Green, the said barn on the east side. All the premisses are now in the occupation of Nicholas Merwin, Thomas Paxton and Robert Gibbs jr. To the use of Thomas Langley of Kingston on Thames Maulster and Hannah Merwin of Kingston on Thames Spinster, who were called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[Martha and her sister Frances Coetts inherited this property from Edward Lowndes in 1695; Frances had already sold her part to the same people (see above)]
On 19 Sep last John Keen of Great Horwood and Jane his wife, late Jane Deering a customary tenant, surrendered through Nicholas Merwin the deputy steward all right and title to a cottage in Winslow in which Cicely Deereing widow now lives, expectant on Cicely's death. To the use of John Keen, his heirs and assigns, in perpetuity. John and Jane were admitted tenants. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[f.1v] John Wootton and Alice his wife sought admission to 2/3 acre which came into the lords' hands on the surrender of Edward Hopkins presented at the last court. Fine 1s.
Richard Worsley and Jane his wife and Thomas Allen and Elizabeth his wife surrendered 1 acre of arable land in Winslowe in Old Mill Feild, Stone Furlong, containing 3 ridges, the land of William Lowndes esq. east. To the use of Thomas Blake of Winslowe, gent., who was admitted as tenant. Rent 3d, fine 2s, heriot by composition 1s.
William Bence and Alice his wife surrendered the messuage in which William now lives. To the use of Robert Gibbs jr who sought admission.
A procedure of common recovery followed: John Hopkins brought a plea of land against Richard Gibbs; Richard called to warrant William Bence; William called to warrant Richard Barton. Robert Gibbs sr, minister of the court, was ordered to restore seisin to John Hopkins. Then everyone surrendered the messuage to the use of William and Alice Bence for their lives and William's heirs in perpetuity. They were admitted tenants. Fine [blank].
Robert Gibbs sr surrendered a messuage in the occupation of Joseph Ayres and Robert Gibbs jr. To the use of Robert Gibbs jr and Sarah Sutton spinster his intended wife for their lives, then their joint heirs, or Robert's heirs, provided that the marriage takes place before 18 Jan following.
[The wedding took place on 7 Nov 1700]
Mark Morris and Mary his wife surrendered the title expectant on the decease of William Hunt to a cottage in Winslowe in which Mark now lives. To the use of Mark and Mary for their lives and their joint heirs, provided that if Mary died childless the premisses are to the use of Mark and his heirs. Mark and Mary were admitted as tenants. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[The cottage was entailed to Mary, William's daughter, in 1694 before she was married]
[f.2r] Joseph Gyles and William Gyles sr surrendered a messuage now in Joseph's occupation with all houses, outhouses, etc. And also a messuage with barns and outhouses in the occupation of Robert Gibbs and William Dyer. To the use of William Gyles jr of Winslowe, woollen draper. Provided that it will be void if Joseph pays William jr the full sum of £205 on 25 March following at William's domicile in Winslowe. William jr was admitted as tenant. Rent [blank], fine 10s.
[William sr transferred some property to his son Joseph during his lifetime (see 1690 court); he did not leave him anything in his will]
Robert Wyatt and Thomas Rice and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a piece of "swerd ground" containing 3 acres at Westerne Willowes, the land of John Seaton sr east. To the use of Richard Bigg of Winslowe, gent. Provided that it will be void if Thomas and Elizabeth pay him the full sum of £41 on 18 April following at his domicile in Winslowe. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
[This was a transfer of a mortgage to Robert Wyatt in 1698]
William Gyles jr sought to be admitted to a messuage which came into the lords' hands on the surrender of Charles King jr and Katherine his wife at the court on 16 April 1700. Rent [blank], fine 5s. [see above]
Joseph Turner and Emma his wife sought admission to a messuage expectant on the death of John Green and Emma his wife which came into the lords' hands on the surrender of John Green and Emma his daughter presented at the court on 16 April 1700. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
[See above. Emma was still alive. John had run away after fathering a bastard.]
John East son of David East sought admission to a messuage expectation on the death of Alice East his mother, which came into the lords' hands on the death of David East his father, presented at the court on 24 April 1699. Rent 2d, fine 5s.
Thomas Spooner sought admission to 2 bays of a barn which came into the lords' hands on the death of William Spooner his grandfather, presented at the court on 24 April 1699. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Daniel Hams sought admission to 3 messuages which came into the lords' hands on the death of Zachary Hams his father, presented at the court on 24 April 1699. Rent [blank], fine 15s.
2nd proclamation made for Thomas Pitkin
End of this court
Nicho: Merwin
Court baron, 2 November 1700
[f.3] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court Baron of Charles Twittey and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 2 Nov 12 William III 1700, by Nicholas Merwin, deputy steward
Essoins: none
Complainants: none
Homage: William Gyles jr, Henry Hughes, Thomas Foster, Richard Bigg
John Stutsberry, John Spratley, Joseph Glenister, Joseph Turner
Thomas Urlwin, Thomas Deeley, Charles King jr, William Bigg
John Hearne and Ann his wife and Mary Claver spinster surrendered a messuage and premises now in the occupation of John Hearne scituate in Winslowe called the Kings Head. To the use of Peter Goldsworth of Winslowe, gent.
A procedure of common recovery followed. Thomas Watts brought a plea of land against Peter Goldsworth. Peter called to warrand John and Ann Hearne. They called to warrant Mary Claver. She called to warrant Robert Ridgeway. Robert Gibbs sr, minister of the court, was ordered to deliver seisin to Thomas Watts.
Then they all surrendered half the messuage to the use of Ann Hearne for her life, then Mary Claver for her life, then the heirs of Mary's body, in default of which to Ann's heirs. The other half to Mary for her life, then the heirs of her body, in default of which to Ann's heirs. Rent [blank], fine 5s. They were admitted tenants.
[The beneficiaries of the will of Silvester Cl(e)aver of the King's Head made in 1685 were his wife Ann and daughter Mary. Presumably John Hearne was Ann's second husband, and the common recovery broke the prior claim of Mary and her Claver relatives. See below for her suspiciously rapid death after signing over her rights to her mother. The King's Head at this date was at 10 High Street.]
Court baron, 4 February 1700/1
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/38/2
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court Baron of Charles Twittey and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 4 Feb 12 William III 1700, by Peter Goldsworth gent., deputy steward
Essoins: none
Complainants: none
Homage: Joseph Glenister, Thomas Foster, John Henley, Benjamin Bigg
Thomas Wright, Robert Eden, Robert Wyatt, John Stutsbury
Joseph Turner, William Bigg, John Spratley, Philip Budd
Mary Claver Spinster died seised of half a messuage in the occupation of John Hearne commonly called or known by the sign of the Kings Head (expectant on the death of Ann wife of John Hearne), and also of the other half of the premisses to the use of Mary and the heirs of her body, in default of which to Ann Hearne and her heirs. Ann was admitted as tenant. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
John Hearne and Ann his wife surrendered the messuage in John's occupation called the Kingshead. To the use of Stephen Bigg sr of Winslowe Postmaster and Richard Bigg of Winslowe his son and heir apparent. On condition that the surrender will be void if John and Ann pay them the full sum of £60 15s on 15 May following at Stephen's domicile in Winslowe. Rent [blank], fine 5s. Stephen and Richard were admitted as tenants.
Nicholas Merwin gent. and Elizabeth his wife surrendered the liberty of ingress, way and passage for horses and cows in and from "the Entry" belonging to the domicile of Robert Gibbs, to and from the ground lately Joan Linney's and by her acquired of one Aaron Westley. Also free way and passage by "the straight way" to the spring or well of Robert Gibbs scituate in his yard to take or carry away water. To the use of Robert Gibbs, who was admitted tenant. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
Robert Gibbs sr and Alice his wife surrendered liberty of ingress etc. from the entry belonging to Robert's domicile "overcrosse" his yard, "turning at the North East Corner" of his new structure lately erected there, to and from the ground lately Joan Linney's, through the "Gate Way" or passage there to the stable or woodhouse [lignilem] there (which "Gateway" will be 3 or 4 feet wide), and by the high way or passage "overcrosse" the yard by the door or gate there adjoining "the range" of paling there next to "the Tyled Barne" of Mr Nicholas Merwin, between which passages or gates no structure is to be erected hereafter by Robert or his heirs. Also liberty of ingress etc. to and from the said premisses lately Aaron Westley's in and through "a Chewer" and other parts of Robert's yard to Robert's well or spring in his yard, to take and carry away water without "Lett Denyall Damage or Hindrance" by Robert by any "Eves Dropps" or other impediment. The "Chewer" is to contain 4 feet 5 inches in width of Robert's land between the house lately Joan Linney's and the aforesaid structure of Robert. To the use of Nicholas Merwin of Winslowe gent., who was admitted tenant. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
Memorandum: At this court it was agreed that Nicholas shall have no liberty or passage in or tthrough the east end of Robert's yard.
[See the 1695 court for Nicholas' acquisition of related property and Merwin v Gibbs 1700 for the dispute which led to this agreement]
John Stutsbury and Elizabeth his wife surrendered the messuage now in the occupation of John or his assigns, with all barns, stables, malthouses, etc. To the use of William Gyles jr or Winslowe woollen draper, on condition that the surrender will be void if John and Elizabeth pay him the full sum of £71 15s on 5 Aug following at his dwelling house in Winslowe. William wa admitted as tenant. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Thomas Langley and Hannah Merwin Spinster through Peter Lowndes jr their attorney sought to be admitted as tenants to a messuage and parcel of land which came into the lords' hands on the surrender of Christopher Coetts presented at the court on 9 June 1699, and on the surrender of Charles Coetts and Frances his wife presented at the court on 16 April 1700, and on the surrender of Robert Mountague and Martha his wife presented at the court on 18 Oct 1700. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
And to 2 acres of grassland which came into the lords' hands on the surrender of Thomas Kenwricke presented at the court on 16 April 1700. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
They then surrendered all the above to the use of Nicholas Merwin of Winslowe, gent., who was admitted as tenant. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
End of this court
Peter Goldsworth