Court baron and view of frankpledge, 25 May 1705
Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/12
Originals in Latin unless stated (individual words are sometimes in English, marked with "..."). Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 25 May 1705 4 Anne by Nicolas Merwin gent., steward.
Essoins: Roger Adams gent., Edward Pytkin and Thomas Watson
Jurors: Joseph Turner, Philip Bayley, Henry Hughes, John Rutland
Joseph White, Richard Smith, Charles King jr, Samuell Willston
William Thorpe, Benedict Holland at Pound, William Glenister, William Gibbs
Officers elected:
Joseph Glenister and Joseph Harding: constables of Winslowe in place of William Shelton and Simon Hogston
Henry Townsend: constable of Shipton in place of William Glenister
Robert Evans: tithingman of Shipton
Court Baron
Essoins: George Blake, Philip Budd, Thomas Urlwin, John Faulkner, John Gascoyn, John Bence and Henry Emerton with many others
The Homage:
Thomas Blake gent., John Spratley, John Shelton sr, Simon Hogston, Hugh Seaton, Peter Lowndes jr
Thomas Henly, Augustine Seaton, John Hodgekins, John Bence, Robert Manwareing, William Stevens at Tildhouse
William Townesend, Thomas Barton, John Ward, Grant Hewett & William Eden
Default by tenants and amercements: Thomas Bett 2d, John Brown 2d, Charles Coates 2d, John Haines 2d, Sarah Hobcroft 2d
Daniel Hams 2d, John Plomer 4d, William Prentice & Jane his wife 2d, Henry King 2d, Thomas Robinson 2d, Pownall Short 2d, Mary Seaton widow 2d
John Townesend gent. 4d, Henry Townesend 2d, William Morecroft 2d, John Stevens 2d, Jeremy Bird 2d, Robert Meade gent. 4d, John Sims 2d, Roger
Vaughan gent. 2d, Thomas Willice [no figure]
John Hogston and Tabitha his wife on 3 May inst. surrendered by the steward all their copyhold holdings (except a messuage, orchard, backyard and adjoining close inclosed from the common field, and a close called Cleydon Close in Demoram Feild near the common queen's highway) containing 33 acres, with all trees, woods, etc. To the use of Richard Bigg of Winslowe, gent. On condition that it will be void if they pay him £153 15s on 4 Nov next at his dwelling house in Winslowe. If interest for 1 year is unpaid for the principal sum of £150, then Richard will receive it at 6%. Richard sought admission. Rent [blank], fine [blank], heriot [blank].
[f.1v] Robert Mountague on 27 April last surrendered by the steward a messuage in Winslowe in which John Hearne now lives, with all yards, backyards, barns, stables, outhouses, etc., with all Robert's right and equity of redemption. To the use of Thomas Langley of Kingston on Thames Maulster and Hannah Merwin Spinster. On condition that it will be void if John Hearne and Ann his wife pay Thomas and Hannah £50 and interest as mentioned in the surrender they made to Robert dated 23 Dec 1704. Thomas and Ann [sic] were called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[This is a transfer of the mortgage of 10 High Street, then the King's Head]
John Seaton Yeoman and Elizabeth his wife on 29 March last surrendered by the steward a toft or piece of land in which a cottage late in the occupation of one George Dandridge lately stood, situate in Shipton near the dwelling late William Wyatt sr deceased's, and a close and backyard adjoining containing ¾ acre, with all trees, woods, etc. To the use of William Lowndes esq., who sought admission by Peter Lowndes his attorney. Rent [blank], fine 4s 6d, fealty respited. See the surrender of the "Pew" in the Church of Winslowe.
f.2 only contains Little Horwood and Granborough transactions
[f.3r] Thomas Smith surrendered 2 acres of arable land lying together in Demoram Feild in Cleydon Brooke Furlong, the lord's land north. To the use of Thomas for his life, then to Thomas Smith jr and Abigail his wife for their lives, then to the heirs of their bodies, or for want of such to Thomas jr's rightful heirs. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Hugh Seaton and Joan his wife surrendered 2 closes containing 8 acres extending to Horwood Brooke, lying in Old Mill Feild next to the queen's highway on the west. To the use of William Gyles, on condition that it will be void if they pay him £82 on 26 Nov next at his dwelling house in Winslowe. Rent [blank], fine 16s.
[Hugh inherited this land from his father John Seaton, carrier, in 1694; the highway referred to was Great Horwood Road]
[f.3v] Mildred Miller, an infant of 5 years, sought admission to a messuage in Winslowe which came into the lord's hands on the death of Hugh Miller her father. Rent 1s, fine 5s, heriot by composition 8s, fealty respited.
[This was in Tinkers End; Mildred, as Mildred Tanner, surrendered it to her uncle Henry Miller in 1726]
Daniel Gyles surrendered a messuage in Winslowe now in the occupation of Alice East widow. To the use of the said Alice. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[Alice mortgaged the house to Daniel in 1702]
2nd proclamation made for Elizabeth Eden widow
Proclamation made for John Chennells
[signed] Nicho: Merwin
Court baron and view of frankpledge, 25 October 1705
Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/13
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 22 October 4 Anne 1705 by Nicolas Merwin gent., steward.
Essoins: Joseph Ayres, Benjamin Dudley, William Firth and Francis Robinson with many others.
Jurors: Thomas Watts, Mark Morris, Mathew Deverell, Joseph Harding
Joseph Gyles, Joseph Turner, Thomas Wright, Charles Bowler
John Markham, Robert Stevens sr, Joseph Bigg, Thomas Deeley
John Chennells on 1 Aug 4 Anne at Winslowe permitted a "Chimney" in his house to be very dangerous for want of repair, so the neighbours were in great danger of being burned, a nuisance continuing from 1 Aug to the day of the taking of this inquest, so not only John's house but also all houses in the town [Oppido] of Winslowe were in great danger of being burned. Amerced 10s/£10 [s and li both written after numeral]
Court Baron
Essoins: Philip Bayley, Alice East widow, John Henley, Richard Seaton, Edward Reddall with many others.
Ordinances [English]
Orders Made at this Court for the better regulac(i)on and Improvement of the Com(m)on Fields of Winslowe for three years or untill New Orders shall be made
Impr(i)mis itt is Ordered at this Court That every Person Occupyer of any Lands in the Com(m)on Fields of Winslow shall on eight days Notice to them to be given open the furrowes at the end of their plowed Lands soe as to let the Water out from the said Lands that they do not p(re)judice the Occupyer of the Land thereto adjoyning on paine for every One that shall make default to forfeite and pay to the Lord of this Manno(r) for every Neglect four pence
Item it is Ordered att this Court that noe person shall Lett or Take any horse Com(m)on after the nine and twentyeth Day of September yearly which hath been Layed in that year on paine to forfeite for ev(e)ry offence three shillings and four pence
Item it is Ordered att this Court that noe person whatsoever shall bash or break any other persons Hedges to beate of the hawes for hoggs and piggs & that if any Drover or person who makes it his business to buy hoggs or any other person shall keep a greater Number of Hoggs in the Com(m)on Fields of Winslowe then he has Occasion to keep for his own Use shall forfeite for every Hogg 4d and 2d for every Pigg for ev(e)ry time offending One third of which said penalty shall be for the Fieldesmen and One Third for the heyward for the time being
John Parradine died since the last court seised of a messuage. William Parradine is his son and nearest heir. 1st proclamation made.
Richard Bendboe sought admission to a messuage now in his own occupation which came into the lord's hands on the death of Richard Bendboe his father. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[The death of Richard sr was reported in 1696; Richard jr must now have come of age]
William Gent, son and heir of Mary Hatton deceased, late wife of Edward Gent deceased, sought admission to a cottage in Winslowe which came into the lord's hands on Mary's death. Rent [blank], fine 5s, heriot [blank].
George Elliot died since the last court seised of 44 acres in Shipton and Winslowe. William Elliot is his son and nearest heir, of full age. On 25 Aug last George surrendered through Henry Townesend sr and Thomas Henley all those separate pieces of arable land, "Sweard" and "Ley ground" in Shipton in two of the common fields called Redfeild and Licehill Feild containing 22 acres. To the uses mentioned in his last will whose tenor follows. [Will quoted in full; see the copy filed at St Albans]
William Elliot sought admission to the premisses. Rent [blank], fine 88s.
[There is a copy of the will and admission at CBS, D97/104/1/15]
Henry Hughs on 22 June last surrendered by the steward a messuage in the Market Place of Winslow now in his own occupation, the messuage called the Angell Inn north and east, with all ways, watercourses, lights and easements. To the use of Ann Hill of Old Stratford spinster. On condition that it will be void if Henry pays her £82 on 23 Dec next at the dwelling hosue of William Porter in Old Stratford. Ann sought admission. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
John Henley a customary tenant and Katherine his wife, William Perkins Yeoman and Mary his wife on 4 Sep last surrendered by the steward the lands in the common fields of Shipton hereafter mentioned:
- in the Redd Feild at Swanbourne Stile Furlong 2 ridges of arable extending over Swanbourne Stile and adjoining the land of Henry Townesend west and Mr John Townesend east containing 1 acre 20 perches
- at Low Furlong 1 ridge of arable called a "foreshooter" next to the land of Mr John Townesend east and the hedge of Mr Robert Lowndes partly west containing a half-acre and 22 perches
- at Peas Furlong 2 ridges of arable extending to the Cowpasture north, next to the land of Widow Townesend west and Mr Robert Lowndes east containing 3 roods 13 perches, and the hades belonging to the 2 ridges which extend <to?> the Cowpasture
- at Clay Furlong 3 ridges of arable between the land of Mr Robert Lowndes east and the land now or late Henry Townesend's west extending on the headland of Widow Tomerlin north and the common queen's highway south containing 1 acre 19 perches
- in Licehill Feild at Snouth Furlong 2 ridges of arable next to the land of Mr Robert Lowndes west and extending on the land late William Wyatt's south, adjoining the land nor or late Widow Miller's extending on the ditch [scrobem] called Licehill Ditch towards the north, containing 1 acre 34 perches
- at Snout Hale Furlong 2 ridges of arable between the land late William Wyatt's east and William Townesend's west, extending on Woodway Furlong south and Licehill north, containing 3 roods 15 perches
- at Dry Meade Furlong 2 ridges of arable with hades at both ends and lyres extending on the road leading from Winslowe to Little Horwood towards the south, on a stream called Little Horwood Brooke north, on the land of Henry Townesend east, on the land of William Townesend west, containing 1 acre 1 rood 28 perches
- at Langland Furlong 2 ridges of arable with hades extending on the land of Mr Robert Lowndes east and George Elliot west, extending in Woodway Furlong south and on Rush Meade north, containing 1 acre 1 rood 25 perches
- in the same furlong 4 ridges of arable with hades between the land of Mr Robert Lowndes west and Joseph Glenister east, extending on Woodway Furlong south and on Rush Meade north, containing 2 acres 2 roods 16 perches
- in the same furlong 2 ridges more of arable with hades between the land of Mr Robert Lowndes east and Mr William Lowndes west, extending in Woodway Furlong south and on Rush Meade north, containing 1 acre 11 perches
- in Makegrove [sic] Feild at Red Linch Furlong 2 ridges of arable with hades at both ends and a short hedge growing on or near the west end of the 2 ridges, which extend on William Ashfeild's orchard towards the west and abutting on the Bulls Land towards the north and on William Townesend's close and Henry Townesend's land towards the south and extending on Househam towards the east, containing 1 acre 18 perches.
- at Hogston Ford Furlong 1 ridge of arable with hade extending on the stream running between the fields of Shipton and Swanbourne towards the south-west and abutting on the land late Robert Stevens' towards the north and west, on the land late Joseph Glenister's towards the south-east and on the land of Mr Robert Lowndes towards the north-east, containing 2 roods 13 perches
- [f.2r] at Long Blackgrove Furlong 1 ridge of arable with short hade extending on the land of William Townesend south, on the "Headland" of Robert Hale north, and adjoining the land of Mr William Lowndes east and George Elliot west, containing 2 roods 13 perches.
- in the same furlong 2 ridges of arable with short hades extending on the "Headland" of Robert Hale north and on New Land Furlong south, and adjoining the land of Widow Townesend west and Widow Tomerlin east, containing 1 acre 3 perches
- at Gravill Pitts Furlong otherwise called Littleton Furlong 4 ridges of arable with hades extending on Henry Townesend's headland north, on the said stream south, adjoining the land of William Townesend west and Mr William Lowndes east, containing 2 acres 1 rood 1 perch.
All of which lands (except such hades as lie in Shipton Cowpasture) contain 17 acres 3 roods 11 perches. And all those lands containing 3 acres lying with the Cowpasture of Shipton afterwards described with common of pasture for 3 cows within the Cowpasture, namely:
- 3 lands of "Leys" lying together in Cookewell Furlong within the Cowpasture between the land of Widow Townesend west and Mr Robert Lowndes east
- 1 rood in Over Breach Furlong within the Cowpasture lying next to the land of Mr William Lowndes north
- another rood in Nether Breach Furlong within the Cowpasture between the land of Mr William Lowndes both sides
- 1 acre more lying dispersed with the Cowpasture
- and all those lands being 6 lands of "Leys" lying within the Cowpasture containing 3 acres to which no common for cows pertains, together with the "Furze" growing on the 6 uncultivated lands which extend to the Close called Pease Furlong south, 4 of which lands lie next to the land of William Townesend east and Joseph Dundridge west; the 2 others lie next to the land of Joseph Dandridge east and Widow Townesend west
To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster esq. who sought admission by Peter Lowndes his attorney. Rent [blank], fine [blank], fealty respited.
[William Parkins married John Henley's daughter Mary on 6 Jan 1696/7]
[f.2v] Ann Stevens widow surrendered a messuage once in the occupation of [William] East deceased and the "Backside" once called Hogstons Close on which premises a cottage was lately erected. All the premisses are now in the occupation of Margaret Deely widow, her subtenants or assigns. To the use of William Hall and Magarett [sic] Hall widow. On condition that it will be void if Ann's heirs, executors or administrators within 6 months after her decease pay them half the principal sum of £50 for which the premisses were once "Mortgaged" by Anthony Deely deceased and Margaret his wife, Daniel Stevens deceased and Ann Stevens his wife. William and Margaret sought admission. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[See Ann Stevens' will for more on this property]
Robert Gibbs jr surrendered a messuage in Winslow now in his own occupation with all outhouses. To the use of Robert himself and Sarah his wife for their lives, then to the heirs of their bodies, or for want of such to Robert's rightful heirs. Robert and Sarah were called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[Robert Gibbs jr married Sarah Sutton in 1700]
Robert Reddall surrendered all his dwelling situate in Winslowe except a small barn adjoining the now dwelling of Thomas Bigg. To the use of Thomas Wainwright another customary tenant. On condition that it will be void if Robert pays him £23: 20s on 29 Sep next and 29 Sep 1707, £21 on 29 Sep 1708.
[This was probably in Greyhound Lane]
Michal [sic] Tims and Ann his wife surrendered the reversion expectant on the death of Mary Tims widow of and in a cottage in which Mary now lives, with outhouses. To the use of Robert Tims of Salden, Labourer, on condition that Robert pays Henry Tims and John Tims, Elizabeth Higgs and Ann Cockrill his brothers and sisters 40s each within 12 months of Mary's decease. But if he neglects or refuses the payments, the surrender is to be to the use of Henry, John, Elizabeth and Ann, to be equally divided between them. Robert sought admission. Rent ¾d, fine 5s, heriot 2s 6d.
[Henry Tims the father was buried on 6 Sep 1702; he does not appear to have left a will but this arrangement must have been made instead; the cottage was in Hobhouchin Lane]
William Hogg and Sarah his wife surrendered 1 acre of "sweard ground" in New Mill Feild next to Vicars Mead, the land of John Seaton west, William Gyles east. To the use of the said William Gyles. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
[f.3r] John Amborough surrendered all title and equity of redemption in a messuage now in his own occupation in Winslowe with all outhouses, malthouses, "Furnaces" [caldariis], "Kilnes" [furnacibus], "Cisterns", yards, backyards. To the use of Daniel Gyles. Rent [blank], fine 5s, heriot by composition 10s.
[John, a maltster, had already mortgaged these premises in 1698 and 1701. The messuage was called Hanging Stile House when he acquired it in 1672. He was buried on 31 Dec 1705.]
2nd proclamation made for William Brampton and Peter Hughs.
[signed] Nicho: Merwin