Red Hall Farm

Red Hall Farm in Shipton is approached by a long private road from the Winslow to Swanbourne Road. It was built either by Richard Lowndes or his son Wiliam Lowndes soon after the inclosure of Shipton under a private Act of Parliament of 1745. The new farmhouse was positioned in the centre of their allotment for the convenience of routine farming operations.

A recent photo of Redhall Farm

1745 Enclosure Award
Richard Lowndes
Shipton Cowpasture containing 93a 3r 18p adjoining to the Red Field of Shipton on the south, to Swanbourne Common Field south east, to Little Horwood Common Field north and to Licehill Field west .... and all the rest residue and remainder of the Common Fields not hereinbefore awarded to others containing 309a 1 r 6p.

1781 Land Tax.
William Lowndes Esq: Edward Hillyer £12 8s 0d

1782 Land Tax.
William Lowndes Esq: Edward Hillyer £13 8s 8d

1783 Land Tax.
William Lowndes Esq: Edward Hillyer £13 8s 10d

1785 Land Tax.
William Selby Esq: Edward Hillier £13 8s 10d

1786 Fire insurance: house valued at £80, barn and stable at £60

1790 Land Tax.
Willm Selby Esq: Edward Hillyer £13 8s l0d

1792 Administration of Edward Hyllier, farmer, Winslow

1795 Land Tax.
Wm Selby Esq: Mrs Hillyer £13 8s 10d

1798 Posse Comitatus
Widow Hillyer: 4 horses, 1 waggon, 2 carts.

1800 Land Tax.
Wm Selby Esq: Widow Hillyer £13 8s l0d

1805 Land Tax
Wm Selby Esq: Widow Hillyer £13 8s 10d

1809, 25 March: Northampton Mercury

To be S O L D  by  A U C T I O N,
On Monday the 3d Day of April, 1809, on the Premises of Mr. JONAS JOHNSON, at Red-Hall, in the Parish of Winslow, Bucks.

PART of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and other EFFECTS, of the said Mr. JOHNSON, who is leaving the Farm; comprising six useful Dairy Cows, one Nag Horse (rising five Years old), 60 Ewes and Lambs, one Six-inch-wheel Cart, seven Milk-Leads, and seven Hives of Bees. - Also Part of the Household-Furniture, and other Effects.
→ The Sale will begin at Eleven o’Clock, under the usual Conditions.

1810 Land Tax
Wm Selby Esq: Thos Richardson £13 8s 10d

1813 map of Winslow
1813: Redhall farm shown on Ordnance Survey map

1815 Land Tax
Wm Lowndes Selby Esq: Thos Richardson £13 8s 10d

1816 Baptism 5 Jan. Jane dau. Thomas & Ann Richardson Red Hall Farmer

1816, 23 March: Northampton Mercury

Sheep, Dairy Vessels, Household Furniture, &c.
To be SOLD  by  AUCTION,

On Wednesday the 3d Day of April, 1816, on the Premises of Mr. THOS. RICHARDSON, at Red Hall Farm, in the Parish of WINSLOW, Bucks, who is leaving the same;
COMPRISING upwards of 50 Couple of Southdown Ewes and Lambs, capital winnowing Machine, Scuffler, Drill, double and single Ploughs, land Roll and Frame, Sieves, Kneefan, bushel Strike and Shovel, Forks and Rakes, draining Tackle, odd Harness, working Tools, long Ladder, two short Ditto, sheep and cow Cribs, pig Troughs, hen Pens, Carpenters’ Bench and Vice, Saw, and Ash Timber, about 4,000 forge Fagots, and a Quantity of fire Wood; dairy Vessels, as 14 milk Leads, cream Cistern, butter Kivers, Scales, Weights, and Trenchers, cream Tins and Pans, four pair milk Buckets and Yokes;  household Furniture, as stump Bedsteads, flock Beds, kitchen and stove Grates, and smoke Jack, four wood Chairs,  dough Trough, 40-gallon Copper, 20-gallon Ditto, oven Lid and Frame, four large sweet iron-bound beer Casks, and smaller Ditto, with numerous other Articles.
The sale will commence at Eleven o’Clock precisely

1820 Land Tax
Wm Lowndes Selby Esq: Willm Judge £13 8s 10d

1825 Land Tax
Wm Lowndes Selby Esq: Wm Judge £13 8s 10d

1828 Land Tax
Wm Lowndes Selby Esq: Wm Judge House & Land £13 8s 10d

1831, 29 Oct: Northampton Mercury

Respectfully announces, That he is instructed to SELL  BY  AUCTION,
In the Early Part of November next, the Entire and
Dairy Vessels,  and Effects, on the premises of
(By order of the Executors.) – Particulars next week.

1831, 5 Nov: Northampton Mercury

By S. Dudley,

On  Monday and Tuesday, the 14th and 15th November, 1831, on the premises of the late Mr. JUDGE, at SHIPTON, in the parish of WINSLOW (by order of the Executors),
THE entire and valuable FARMING STOCK; comprising 37 useful dairy cows, heifers, sturks, and bull;  eight cart horses and mares; 34 in-lamb Leicester ewes, 17 shearhogs, 23 tegs, 17 fat ewes, and one ram;  six fat pigs, six porkets, gander, and two geese;  rick of beans, hovel of ditto, 130 acres of sound keeping, nine acres of turnips, 90 tons of hay, 80 fleeces of long wool, stout narrow-wheel wagon, two six inch-wheel carts, two narrow-wheel ditto, two ploughs, two pair of harrows, drag harrow, six-stone staddle, six post ditto, cart hovel, ladders, sheep and pig troughs, seven sets of horse harness, saddles and bridles, barn tackle in general, chaff-box, wheelbarrow, grindstone, forks, rakes, and working tools, 14 milk leads, double cream cistern, kivers, cream tins, nine milk buckets, four yokes, scales and weights;  also, several lots of Household Furniture, quantity of pewter, brewing utensils, ale casks, coppers, and various other effects.
The whole will be expressed in catalogues, and may be had at the Inns in the Neighbourhood; Place of Sale; and at the Auctioneer’s Office, Winslow.
The Sale will commence each morning at Half-past Ten o’clock precisely.
Order of Sale :- Implements, Cows, Heifers and Sturks, Bull, Horses, Hay, Turnips, and Keeping, on the 1st day; Dairy Vessels, Sheep, Pigs, Geese, Brewing Utensils, and Household Furniture, on the second day.

Will of William Judge of Shipton, dairyman, 1830 (proved 1832)

1832 Land Tax
Wm Lowndes Selby Esq: John Brise House & Land £13 8s 10d

1833 Baptism 16 June
Margaret Helen dau. John & Elizabeth Brise, Winslow, Farmer

1834 Baptism 10 July
Mary Henrietta dau. John & Elizabeth Brise, Winslow, Farmer

1836 Baptism 25 May
Mary Barbara dau. John & Elizabeth Brise, Winslow, Farmer

1838 Baptism 6 Feb
John Samuel son John & Elizabeth Brise, Winslow, Farmer

1838 Rate Book
Brice, John: Farm House & Land £3 15s 10d

1839 Baptism 8 Jan
Elizabeth Catherine dau. John & Catherine Elizabeth Brise, Winslow, Farmer

1839: Oxford Chronicle, 30 Nov
Before the same Coroner [J.W. Cowley], at Winslow, on the 13th inst., on view of the body of Mr. John Brise, aged 40, a highly respectable farmer, who came by his death under the following distressing circumstances:- about 12 o’clock on the previous Monday he mounted a spirited horse, for the purpose of breaking him in;  after rearing and plunging for some time, he started off, and proceeded about 50 yards, when one of the stirrup-leathers gave way, and deceased was thrown against a post, which produced a violent concussion of the brain.  Surgical assistance was immediately procured, but every effort proved unavailing, as he died in a state of insensibility a few hours afterwards. – Verdict, “Accidental Death, with a deodand of 1s. on the horse.”  We regret to add the unfortunate deceased has left a widow and five children to deplore their loss;  he was brother to the wife of Mr. Joseph Ivatt, of Aylesbury.

1839: Bucks Herald, 30 Nov

Red Hall Farm, Winslow, BUCKS
To be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Dudley & Son,
On WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1839, by direction of the Executors of the late Mr. JOHN BRISE, on the Premises, at the Red Hall Farm;

The Valuable Stock, COMPRISING
250 Half-bred Down and Leicester SHEEP,
20 VALUABLE YOUNG DAIRY COWS, Alderney cow, long-horned bull, 4 stout cart horses and mares, useful bay hackney, handsome brown nag horse, (by OTHO), six fat porkets, 8 store pigs.

80 Tons of Hay and Clover, (PART TO GO OFF,)
140 ACRES of very SOUND KEEPING till the 25th of March next, 10 acres of Sweed [sic] turnips, &c. &c.

The usual credit will be given for the hay, corn, and keeping. The purchasers of the hay and corn will be accommodated with the yards, barns, and cow-houses for thrashing and spending the same.

The Sale will commence at Ten o’clock. Catalogues will be prepared, and may be had at the Inns in the Neighbourhood, and at Messrs. Dudley & Son’s Office, Winslow. The farming implements, dairy vessels, &., will be sold on a future day.

1839: Bucks Herald, 14 Dec
ALL Persons who have any Claim or Demand against the Estate and Effects of Mr. JOHN BRISE, the elder, late of Swanbourne, Bucks, Dairyman, or of his Son, Mr. JOHN BRISE, the younger, late of Red Hall, in the Parish of Winslow, Bucks, Dairyman, respectively, deceased, are requested to deliver particulars thereof, and of the securities, if any, which they hold for the same, to Mr. JOHN MORECRAFT, of Winslow, aforesaid, the surviving Executor of the said John Brise, the elder, or to us as his Solicitors, within a month from the date hereof, in order that the same may be examined, and, if correct, discharged.
And all Persons who stood indebted to either of the said deceased at the time of his death, are required to pay the amount of their respective debts to Mr. Morecraft, or us, within the above period.
Winslow, 10th December, 1839.

1840: Bucks Herald, 4 Jan

Waggons, Carts, Stout-built Gig, Goat,
Dudley and Son,
On FRIDAY next, JANUARY 10th, 1840, on the Premises
of the late Mr. John Brise, at Red Hall Farm,
Winslow, Bucks,

COMPRISING two strong narrow-wheel Waggons, two stout 6-inch wheel Carts, narrow wheel cart, chaise-cart and harness, stout-built gig with lamps, three pair of harrows, three Ransome ploughs, (complete), two swing do., land roll, turnip-cutting machine, twenty doz. of hurdles, double corn bin, lead horse-trough, grindstone and stand, four sets of horse-harness, three sets of thill do.,  saddle and bridle, chaff-box and knife, 30-round ladder, cow cribs, sheep racks and troughs, twenty-four corn sacks, bushel, strike, and shovel, six corn sieves, drag rakes, forks and rakes, draining and working tools, handsome she-goat, fourteen large milk leads, cream cistern with brass tap, kivers, three pair of milk buckets and yokes, water cart on wheels, and other effects.
The Sale will commence at 11 o’clock.
Catalogues may be had at the Inns in the Neighbourhood and at the Auctioneers Office, Winslow.

1841: Census, Red Hall Farm

John Woodward 25 Farmer b. in county
Ann do 20   b. in county
Eliza do 15   b. in county
George Anstee 20 male servant b. in county

1844: Bucks Herald, 24 Feb
ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY valuable Maiden Ash, Abele, and Beech Timber Trees, Quantity of Useful Tops, and Fire Wood, at WINSLOW, Bucks.
To be Sold by Auction, by DUDLEY and SON, On Wednesday next, February 28th, 1844, now lying (blazed and numbered), on the land in the occupation of Mr. John Woodward, at Red Hall Farm, in the Parish of Winslow. The usual Credit will be given.
The Timber is of large dimensions, very sound and clear, and particularly adapted for the use of wheelwrights and the trade generally. The Timber lies close to good Roads.
The company are requested to meet the Auctioneers at Guy’s Field, at 12 o’Clock, at which time the Sale will commence.
Catalogues may be had at the Inns in the Neighbourhood;  and of Messrs. Dudley and Son, Auctioneers and Land Agents, Winslow.

1848 Directory
Woodward, John, Farmer, Shipton

1851: Census, Red Hall Farm

John Woodward Head unm 39 Farmer of 193 acres employing 7 labourers b. Drayton Parslow
Ann do Sister unm 36 House keeper b. Swanbourne
Charles Alderman Servant unm 17 Agricultural servant b. Swanbourne
Mary Hadland Servant unm 16 House servant b. Ardley, Oxon
David Henry Servant unm 44 Agricultural labourer b. Swinsford, Mayo

1861: Census, Red Hall

John Woodward Head unm 49 Farmer of 185 acres employing 4 labourers & 3 boys b. Drayton Parslow
Ann do Sister unm 45 Housekeeper b. Swanbourne
Sarah Cater Servant unm 19 Dairymaid b. Charndon

1871: Census, Red Hall

John Woodward Head unm 59 Farmer of 172 acres employing 6 men & 2 boys b. Drayton Parslow
Ann do Sister unm 55 Housekeeper b. Swanbourne
Ellen Watson - unm 17 General servant domestic b. Water Stratford

1879 Death of John Woodward, 28 Feb.
Property left to brothers Francis and Thomas.

1881: Census, Shipton

Thomas Woodward Head mar 61 Farmer of 160 acres employing 4 men & 1 boy b. Swanbourne
Martha do Wife do 52   b. Shenley
Sarah Ann do Dau unm 15 Scholar b. Mursley
Ann do Sister unm 65 Dairy maid b. Swanbourne
Ann M. Beckett Servant unm 14 Farm servant b. Steeple Claydon

1886: Buckingham Advertiser, 9 Oct
146 Capital Half-bred SHEEP & LAMBS
14 EWES and 72 lambs.
5 Two-and-a-half-years Old Very Fresh Shorthorn STEERS,
20 Two-years-old Shorthorn and Hereford STEERS,
4 Six month old DITTO,
Eighteen-months old HEIFER,
3 Powerful CART MARES,
2 Two-years-old CART COLTS,
1 Yearling DITTO,
2 In-pig SOWS, 3 GEESE.
            Up to Lady-day Next.  Together with
6 STACKS of Excellent OLD and NEW HAY.
6 ACRES of SWEDES, and
3 COCKS of PRIME NEW HAY, to go off.
On WEDNESDAY, October 13th, 1886, on the premises, at Red Hall Farm, Winslow, by direction of Mr. Thomas Woodward, who, in consequence of ill health is relinquishing business.

Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/16 (Nov 1886-April 1887): valuation of Red Hall Farm (Woodward to Dancer)

1887: wedding at Maids Moreton church on 8 Dec
Miss Gough, youngest daughter of Mr John Gough, farmer, Maids Moreton, and Mr F.W. Dancer, Red Hall Farm, youngest son of Mr F. Dancer of Hogston

1890 Death of Francis Woodward, 26 Feb.

1891: Census, Red Hall Farm

Frederick W. Dancer Head mar 30 Farmer b. Granborough
Rose H. do Wife mar 29   b. Buckingham
Phoebe Pittam Servant single 18 General domestic servant b. Helmdon, Northants

1891 Directory. Dancer, Frederick William, Farmer, Red Hall Farm.

1893 Death of Thomas Woodward, 10 March. Read his will.

1894: Buckingham Advertiser, 4 Aug
Messrs. HART & SON ARE instructed, by Mr. F. W. Dancer, to Sell by Auction, at the Land’s End, on WEDNESDAY, 15th August, 1894, at Three o’clock in the afternoon,
consisting of about 12 Acres of Wheat, 4½ Acres of Barley, 12½ Acres of Oats, and 6 Acres of Beans.
  The company is requested to meet the Auctioneer at the Farm House, at the appointed time.  Credit will be given on complying with the usual conditions.
  Catalogues may be obtained at the principal Inns in the neighbourhood, of the man in charge at the farm (who will show the Lots on application), and of the Auctioneers, Leighton Buzzard, Beds.

Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/28 (Nov 1894-Aug 1895): valuation (Dancer to George)

Red Hall Farm in 1897 sale catalogue
1897 sale catalogue (click for larger version)

1897 Sale of Winslow Hall Estate. Red Hall Farm, 135 acres, in occupation of Silvanus Jones. Sold to Mr G R Greaves £4,000 (see right)

1901: Census, Red Hall Farm

William C. Cowell Head mar 44 Farmer b. Beckingham, Essex
Sarah do Wife mar 45   b. Wardley, Rutland
Mary E. do Dau   14   b. Nash
Henry do Son   12   do
Lucy do Dau   11   do
John G. do Son   8   do
William C. do Son   7   do
Emma R. do Dau   4   do

1902: Bucks Herald, 22 March
A FARMER RECOMMENDS thorough good, respectable Young Married Man, age 30, as WORKING FOREMAN; good manager of stock and plough land; present situation ten years.- Apply, W. C. COWELL, Red Hall Farm, Winslow,

1902: Bucks Herald, 12 April.
Sale of stock and furniture of Mr W C Cowell, Red Hall Farm, who is leaving the district.

1903: Kelly's Directory
Fitt, William, farmer, Redhall

1905: Buckingham Advertiser, 15 July: Petty Sessions
  Emma Holt, a girl of about 11, was charged with stealing a toy horse, value 2s. 6d., the property of Mr. W. Fitt.  Prosecutor, a farmer living at Red Hall, Winslow, stated the toy belonged to his child and had been given to her as a present.  He last saw it in a shed close to her house; that was on Wednesday a week ago.  He had not missed it until the police brought it on Saturday.
  Louisa Walker, a girl of 11, said defendant was a companion of hers, and she went with her to Mr. Fitt’s fields to play.  They saw Mr. and Mrs. Fitt drive out in the cart.  Defendant then said, “Lou, shall I take this horse?” Witness said, “No, Emma; you’ll get summoned if you do.”  They were coming away, and then defendant went and fetched the horse.  It was under a shed.  They met Mr. and Mrs. Fitt coming back, and Holt laid the horse down on the ground and sat on it.  Defendant afterwards took the horse home; witness saw her do it. ... [Emma was let off by the magistrates because of her age but came before them again a few months later]

1907: Bucks Herald, 28 Sep

Within 1 mile of Winslow Station, L. & N.-W. Railway.
18 HEAD of Well-bred DAIRY CATTLE, comprising 3 Down-calving Cows, 12 In-calf Cows and 3 Barren Cows, a capital COB, quiet to ride and drive;  and a small Collection of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, including 6-furrow Drill, Fork Elevator, 2 Horse Rakes, 2 Rick Poles, Horse Power Gearing, &c.,
On THURSDAY Next 3rd OCTOBER, 1907,
By direction of Mr. William Fitt, who is leaving.
Sale to commence at 3.30 punctually.
→ Catalogues may be obtained at the principal Inns in the District; and of H. P. Stace, Auctioneer, Valuer, and Land Agent, Brackley.

Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/48 (Oct 1907 - April 1908): valuation (William Fitt to E.A. Illing)

1911: Census, Red Hall Farm (7 rooms)

Norman Phillips Head mar 67 Farm labourer b. Adstock
Ellen Phillips Wife mar 56 married 16 years, no children b. Hitchin

1913: Assessment (TNA, IR58/2347 no.147)
Situation              Red Hall Farm & Chain Furlong
Description         Agricultural Land with Farm Buildings
Extent   AC 139 - 2 - 32
Gross Value: Land           £133
Rateable Value: Land     £124 - 17 - 6
Occupier              Ebenezer Alfred Illing
Owner                  Mrs EM Greaves Western House Winslow
Interest of Owner            Tenant for Life
Occupier’s tenancy, Term             Yearly                    from      Mich(aelma)s 1907
Actual Rent                         £144
Outgoings Land Tax £4 – 17 – 11 (including property in return 85)             paid by                                 Owner
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance       (a)          T              (b)          L
Who is liable for repairs                                 Landlord finds materials & Tenant Labour
Fixed Charges, Easements, Common Rights & Restrictions           
Footpath to Swanbourne
Former Sales  Dates                        No separate sale within period
Site Value Deductions claimed    Yes
[red] PV served 31/5/13
Particulars, description and note made on inspection      2/5/13
Brick & Tile house in fair order
2 Bedrooms & Bathroom 2 attics      
2 Rooms & Kitchen & Brewhouse                                
Dairy & Cellar                                                 AC 143 - 2R -  6P
Charges, Easements and Restrictions affecting Market Value of Fee Simple
50 chains         Footpath
[red] V.15095  Greaves to Lambton @ £6000  27/2/19 with 83
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition       £3150
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land                                                                                       £2395
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c.                £755
Divided as follows:-
Buildings and structures                                                                                                        £600
Timber                                                                                                                                  £55
Other things growing on land                                                                                                £100
Market Value of Fee Simple of Whole in in its present condition (as before)                           £3150
Add for Additional Value represented by any of the following for which any
Deduction may have been made when arriving at Market Value :-
Restrictions                                                                                                                             £20
GROSS VALUE                                                                                                                       £3170
Description of Buildings
                                                                                         Condition            Remarks
Wood & Iron                      Barn                                       V. old                    C
Wood & Thatch                 (5) Cowshed }
                                          (15) Cowshed }                   “                            “
Wood & Iron                      Open hovel                          “                            “
Wood & Tile                       Stable, loft over                       old                        B
Wood & Thatch                 Boxes                                       “                           C
Wood & Thatch                 Coach house                        “                            “
Wood & Tile                       Open hovel                          “                            C
Brick & Slate                       Piggery                                 Good                     A
H. No     Area                                      H. No     Area
139         4.958     Pasture                    179         .276
155         16.387                                   172         3.650
141         10.937                                   173         4.202
145         13.456                                   174         3.974
150         9.892                                     176         2.502
153         0.670                                     175         1.089
146         9.717                                     178         1.312
151         0.486                                     182         3.021
152         3.280                                     183         9.032
149         5.091                                     189         15.660
177         9.274
[Total]   128.866
190           14.673 Arable
74 Elm                   = 980’
10 Oak                  = 250’
13 Beech              = 350
Timber                  = £55
Say 7/6 per acre
GROSS VALUE                                                                                                                               £3170
Less value attributable to Structures, timber &c. (as before)                                                         £  755
FULL SITE VALUE                                                                                                                           £2415
Gross Value (as before)                                                                                                                  £3170

Public Right of Way or User                         £20
Restrictions                                                                                                                                    £  20
                TOTAL VALUE                                                                                                                £3150
 Less value attributable to Structures, timber &c. (as before)                        £755
Expense of clearing site                                                                                                                  £755
Value of Sporting Rights                                                                                                                 £  70

1919: sold by Mrs Greaves to Captain Lambton (see above)

1920 Directory
Illing, Ebenezer Alfred, grocer Horn Street and Farmer, Red Hall

Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/71 (Dec 1919 - May 1920): valuation of fixtures (E.A. Illing to Capt. Lambton)

1921: Census, Red Hall Farm (8 rooms)

William Deacon Head mar 70 Farm bailiff for Captain Lambton b. Little Houghton, Northants
Mary Ann Deacon Wife mar 62 Household duties b. Gt Easton, Essex
Annie Ethel Lester Dau widow 41 Household duties b. Winslow

D/WIG/2/1/88 (Nov 1926 - March 1927): valuation of tenant right at Redhall Farm and Roddimore, Capt. Lambton to H.G. Beckett

1939 Directory
Beckett, Herbert Gaius, Farmer, Red Hall.

1941-42: Farm Survey
H.G. Beckett was farming 132 acres owned by Captain H.G. Lambton. Another 69 acres was farmed by A.E. Perkins of Roddimore Farm.

1950: Sale of the Lambton estate
The freehold agricultural holding Red Hall Farm, Winslow, approached from the Swanbourne-Leighton Buzzard road, with frontage to the Little Horwood road, the whole comprising an area of 172a. 2r. 2p., and including the “Canada,” “Spring Corner” and “Sun Hill” coverts, was bought for £6,300 by Mr. H. G. Beckett, the tenant. 

1953 Telephone Directory
Beckett, H. G, Red Hall Farm.

1961 Telephone Directory. May, John, Red Hall Farm

Copyright 6 August, 2024