The Swan Inn (2 Buckingham Road)

The Swan and Buckingham RoadThe present Swan is probably the fourth pub to use that name in Winslow. It was built in 1850-51 as part of the development of Station Road and the arrival of the railway. It's not listed in the 1851 Census (30 March), and was apparently only occupied later in the year. Its original builder and owner has not yet been identified (the Buckinghamshire Railway Company only owned the road, not the land beside it), but it was leased and then owned by various breweries. George Robinson, a tenant of the Aylesbury Brewery Company, took over as landlord in 1879 and stayed until he died aged 84 in 1933.

1851/2: Church rate book: John Ash, half year             

1852: Winslow Petty Sessions, 26 Aug
John Ash, of the Swan beerhouse, Winslow, three unjust half-pint measures. – Fined 10s., and 12s. 6d. costs.
Mrs. Ash, of the Swan beer-house, Winslow, applied for a liquor license, which was not granted.

1852/3-1861: Church rate book: James Brooks
James Brooks ran the King's Head until going bankrupt in 1850.

Carriage passing through arch in front of The Swan
This photo from 1888 (celebrating a wedding of the Hubbard family of Addington) shows the original square layout of The Swan with three bays on each front

1856, 21st May, Bucks Chronicle:

To Brewers, Maltsters, and Parties requiring a good Investment.
The very convenient and eligibly situate PUBLIC-HOUSE called “THE SWAN”
With a frontage to the Station-road and the Buckingham-road;
ALL Freehold, and free from Land-Tax,
On Wednesday 28th May, 1856, At 5 o’Clock in the Afternoon, IN THREE LOTS,
Subject to Conditions to be produced at the time of Sale.

Two very convenient DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in the Buckingham-road, Winslow, occupied respectively by Mrs. Gent and Mr. T. H. Brown, at rents amounting to £16 per annum. [=4-6 Buckingham Road]
That very convenient and well situate Public-House called “THE SWAN,” with a double frontage to the Buckingham-road and the Station-road, Winslow, occupied by Mr. James Brooks: let on lease to Mr. Charles Shillingford for fourteen years, from 21st August 1851, at the annual rent of £25.  Also a convenient HOUSE adjoining; let to Mrs. Morecraft, at the rent of £5 per annum.  This lot is very substantially-built, and fitted up with every convenience. The Public-House is doing a good trade, and is in a good situation for catching the traffic to and from the Railway-Station. [Charles Shillingford was a brewer of Bicester; Shillingford & Co. continued in business until 1893]
Seven newly and substantially-built HOUSES, with Barn and Garden to each, situate in the Station-road, Winslow, in the respective occupations of William Mobbs, George Scott, John Buley Field, Joseph Seaton, Charles Barrett, John Braggins, and Emanuel Carter, all good and punctual tenants, at rents amounting to £43:10 per annum.  The Houses have been recently painted and papered throughout, and are replete with every convenience: they are of that medium size, and in that situation, to ensure good tenants.  [This certainly includes 41-45 Station Road]
  The Property is all Freehold; and free from all, except parochial outgoings.
  To view the Properties, apply to the respective Tenants: and for particulars, to D. T. Willis, Esq., solicitor, or to the Auctioneer, Winslow.

This was probably when Wroughton & Threlfall of Aylesbury bought The Swan.

1861: Census
Buckingham Road, Swan Inn

James Brooks Head mar 45 Cow dealer b. Weedon
Elizabeth M.A. do Wife mar 44   b. Chipping Warden
Louisa E. do Dau   11   b. Winslow
James Thorpe Lodger   15 Drover b. Aylesbury


1863: Church rate book: Saul Saull [he was landlord of The Bull in 1861]

1864: Post Office Directory
Saull Saul, Swan, Station road

1865: Bucks Chronicle, 11 Feb
SAUL SAULL, FORMERLY OF WINSLOW, in the County of Buckingham, Publican, Horse Clipper, and Singer [i.e. someone who singes horses]; and now of WINSLOW, aforesaid, Public-house Manager, Horse Clipper, and Singer, having been adjudged Bankrupt on the SIXTEENTH day of JANUARY, 1865, a Public Sitting for the said Bankrupt to pass his Last Examination and make application for his Discharge, will be held at the said COURT at BUCKINGHAM, on the TENTH day of MARCH, 1865, at One o’Clock in the Afternoon precisely, the Day last aforesaid being the Day limited for the said Bankrupt to surrender.
  The REGISTAR of the COURT is the Official Assignee; and Mr. H. SMALL of BUCKINGHAM, is the Solicitor acting in the Bankruptcy.
                                                                                F. W. BAKER, High Bailiff.

1866: Buckingham Advertiser, 6 Oct
Horses clipped and singed by Saul Saull, Winslow, Bucks

1868: Buckingham Advertiser, 18 April
Advert for the services of a stallion (£1 5s each mare + groom's fee 5s): The Milkman, at the Swan Inn, Winslow.
Also advertised in 1869 at £2 each mare.
North Briton was advertised in 1870 and 1871 (5 guineas for a thoroughbred mare).

1871: Census
Buckingham Road

Saul Saull Head mar 37 Publican b. Gayton, Northants
Elizabeth do Wife mar 35 [nee Clare] b. Granborough
Arthur do Son   11 Scholar b. Addington
Elizabeth C. do Dau   6 do b. Winslow
Rose do Dau   2   do
Clara E. do Dau   1 mo   do
Ellen Holton   unm 18 General servant Not known
Adam Philips   unm 24 Hostler b. Adstock

1872: Return of Public Houses
Swan: licensed 1850; occupier Saul Saull; owner Wroughton & Threlfall, Aylesbury

1873: sale of the adjacent cottages; one of these must have been bought back before 1876 and was later merged with The Swan.

1876: Harrods Directory
Saul Saul, "Swan Inn", Station road

1876: Winslow Petty Sessions, 27 Dec
Transfer of the licence of the Swan Inn from Saul Saull to Gaius Stevens.
Saul Saull moved to Pilch Farm, Adstock, before taking over the Royal Oak in Winslow where he died in 1880.

1877: events involving Gaius Stevens and Dr Denne of 8 Buckingham Road

1879: Winslow Petty Sessions, 22 Jan
George Robinson, late of Bletchley, was granted a temporary transfer of the licence of the Swan Inn.

1881: Census
Buckingham Road, "The Swan"

George Robinson Head mar 31 Licensed victualler b. Welford, Northants
Lucy do Wife mar 30 [nee Tompkins] b. Gt Horwood
Frederick do Son   1   b. Winslow
Louisa Clark Servant   11 Servant (domestic) b. Adstock

1881: Death of Lucy Robinson aged 31

1882: Marriage of George Robinson and Frances Gray, Ampthill Registration District

Maps of The Swan 1879 and 1899
The Swan was altered in about 1890 to incorporate the adjacent cottage. The upper map is the 1879 25 inch OS, and the lower one is 1899.

1886: Bucks Herald, 3 April
Inquest on John Jordan of Tingewick, who drowned at "the second bridge, mid-way between Winslow and [Great] Horwood", held at The Swan.

1891: Census
Buckingham Road, The Swan

George Robinson Head mar 41 Licensed victualler b. Welford, Northants
Frances do Wife mar 46   b. Bushmead, Hunts
Frederick do Son   11 Scholar b. Winslow
Maud K. do Dau   9 do do
Frances E. do Dau   6 do do
Florence M. do Dau   2   do
Elizabeth Weston Servant unm 17 General domestic servant do
Robert Spurway Lodger unm 28 Plumber b. South Lambeth
James McKensie Lodger mar 31 Carpenter b. Scotland

1895: Kelly's Directory
Robinson George, Swan P.H. Station road

1901: Census
Buckingham Road, Swan Inn

George Robinson Head mar 51 Licensed victualler b. Welford, Northants
Frances do Wife mar 56   b. Lt Houghton, Beds
Maud K. do Dau   19   b. Winslow
Frances E. do Dau   16   do
Florence M. do Dau   2   do

1903: Kelly's Directory
Robinson George, Swan P.H. Station road

The Swan showing both fronts
This card, postmarked 1904, shows the expanded Swan without its original symmetry

1904: Bucks Herald, 17 December
PETTY SESSIONS, WEDNESDAY, DEC 14. – PRESENT: Mr M. Selby-Lowndes and Mr. Thomas Biggs.
The Aylesbury Brewery applied for and were granted leave to erect a porch over the door-way to the Swan Inn, Winslow.

1905: Bucks Herald, 11 Feb: Bucks Assizes
  Mr. George Robinson, landlord of the Swan Inn, Winslow, the defendant in the case, said he had been accustomed to let out traps and waggonettes.  He bought the waggonette as a second-hand one fifteen years ago, paying £22:10 for it.  In October 1901, he had it thoroughly repaired by Mr. James Sear, carriage builder, of Winslow costing £5:17:6.  After that, so far as he knew, the waggonette was in good, sound repair.  He usually attended to the cleaning of his conveyances himself.  He left home for a few days in August, but when he last saw the waggonette it was in sound condition, so far as he could judge.  It was kept under cover.
  Cross-examined- A new waggonette would, perhaps, cost £35.  His son Frederick was looking after the business during his absence.  If a man said he was going for a drive he should charge him at the rate of 2s. per hour, or, as an alternative, ask the party where they had been… [Mr Robinson was found to have hired out a waggonette in an unsafe condition and fined.]

1907: marriage of Maud Kate Robinson and Hugh Ray

1907: Bucks Advertiser & Aylesbury News, 14 Sep
  George Robinson, landlord of the Swan Inn, was charged with using four conveyances, while holding licences only for two.  Defendant admitted that he had four traps, but said he only used two at once, and so thought he was not liable.
  Supervisor Clarke, of Banbury, said defendant admitted using the four traps indiscruninately, and as he had taken out licences for years, he ought to have known.  They sent him a notice calling attention to the fact that he was not taking out his usual number of licences.
  Defendant said it was only a matter of 7d. a week, and he should have taken out the licences if he had thought they were required.  As it was, if one of his traps broke down what was he to do, he could not go and borrow a licenced one. ...

1910: marriage of Frances Emily Robinson and Charles Cripps

1910 Survey:
Swan Inn: owner Aylesbury Brewery Company, occupier George Robinson
Gubblesgore: land & agricultural buildings, owner & occupier George Robinson
Mill Knob & The Slipe: land & agricultural buildings, owner Miss Jones, occupier George Robinson
Land in Buckingham Road: owner F.J.M. Coates, occupier George Robinson

1911: Census
Buckingham Road, Swan Inn (8 rooms)

George Robinson Head mar 61 Licensed victualler b. Welford, Northants
Frances do Wife mar 66 Assisting in business b. Lt Houghton, Beds
Married 29 years, 3 children (2 living)
Florence M. do Dau   22 Assisting in business do

1914: Assessment (TNA, IR 58/2348 no.243)
Situation              The“Swan” Inn
Description         Public House & premises
Gross Value: Buildings   £24 - 10                 Rateable Value: Buildings             £20
Occupier                              George Robinson
Owner                                 Geoff Sampson Sec. Walton Brewery Aylesbury
Interest of owner             Freehold
Occupier’s tenancy, Term             Quarterly
Actual (or Estimated) Rent,                         £18
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance       (a)          T              (b)          TL           
Who is liable for repairs                                                 TL           
Former Sales                                                      No separate sale
[red] COPY TO FLECK      31 3 15  [stamp] 31 MAR 1915   
Particulars, description and note made on inspection                     
Brick & Slate Public House “The Swan”
4 bedrooms Bath & W.C.
4 rooms down Scullery
Brick & Slate stable (4) shed
Coalbarn & yard
40’ x 65’ = 2600 288 sq yds 33 poles 3 yds                                                                                    
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition       £800
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land                                                                                       £30
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c.               £770   
GROSS VALUE                                                                                                                             800

1918: marriage of Florence Robinson and Bernard Garrett

1921 Census
Station Road, 6 rooms

George Robinson Head mar 72 Licensed victualler b. Welford, Northants
Frances do Wife mar 76y 9m   b. Bushmead, Beds
Frances E. Cripps Dau widow 35y 8m Home duties b. Winslow
Florence C. Cripps Granddau   5y 8m school b. Reading
William Robinson Visitor mar 79y 11m Retired licensed victualler b. Welford

1933: Probate
Robinson, George of the Swan Inn Winslow died 2 July 1933.  Probate Oxford 23 August to Frederick Robinson retired innkeeper and Bernard Smeeton Garrett innkeeper.  Effects £2882 6s 6d.  Resworn £2538 11s 2d.

1933: CBS, D/WIG/2/9/672
Valuations of Swan Inn Public House, grass land called Gubblesgore, Mill Knob and The Slipe on Buckingham  Road, ground leased to Winslow Sports Club, all in Winslow, for probate of G. Robinson, including valuation of furniture and livestock and letter

1934: death of Frances Robinson aged 89 (she lived with her daughter Mrs Cripps at 34 Station Road)

1934: Bucks Herald, 9 Feb: Winslow Licensing Sessions
The Swan Inn, Winslow, had been transferred twice, the first owing to the death of the licensee.

1939: Kelly's Directory
Swan P.H.: Frank Culling Gaze, 2 Buckingham Road

The Swan from the south
The Station Road front hasn't really changed but on the Buckingham Road side the door was moved and one of the bay windows removed. This photo is from c.1989 when the building was painted dark green.

Copyright 18 November, 2024