Post Office Directory of Buckinghamshire, 1864
WINSLOW-cum-SHIPTON is a parish and small market town in Cottesloe hundred, Winslow union, Buckingham county court district and archdeaconry, rural deanery of Claydon, and diocese of Oxford, 48¾ miles north-west from London, 52 by London and North-Western Railway from Euston station, 10½ miles north-west from Aylesbury, 6¾ south-east from Buckingham, and 12 north-west from Leighton Buzzard. The church of St Laurence is a venerable structure, with square embattled tower containing 6 bells and a clock. The living is a vicarage, annual value £220, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held by the Rev. A. M. Preston M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge. The market is held on Wednesday, for corn, pigs, &c.; and annual fairs are held February 18th, March 20th, April 20th, Holy Thursday, August 21st, September 22nd, November 20th, and 2nd Wednesday on December, for cattle &c.; and on the Wednesday before the 11th October and the Wednesday afterwards, for hiring servants. The town stands on the brow of a hill, overlooking a fertile vale, and is of very remote antiquity, said to have been given by King Offa to St Albans Abbey. The houses are chiefly of brick, and neatly arranged in three principal streets, and a square market-place in the centre. The Manor House (now vacant), a stately mansion, late the seat of W. Selby-Lowndes, Esq., since occupied as a school by Dr. Lovell, was built by Sir Christopher Wren. Claydon House, the seat of Sir Harry Verney, Bart., stands in the valley, 4½ miles west of the town. E. W. Selby-Lowndes and P. Dauncey, Esqs., have each mansions near the town. W. Selby-Lowndes, Esq., is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The inhabitants are chiefly agriculturalists and lace makers. The town has been lighted with gas since 1843. Petty sessions are held every alternate Wednesday at the Bell Inn. The Independents and the Baptists have each a chapel here; and there is a National school, incorporated with a Free school, for the education of boys. The Oxford, Banbury and Bletchley branch railway passes through the parish, and a convenient station has been erected here. The union comprises the following places:- Claydon (East), Drayton Parslow, Dunton, Grandborough, Hoggeston, Hogshaw, Marston (North), Mursley, Nash, Shenley Brook End, Singleborough, Stewkley, Swanbourne, Tattenhoe, Whaddon, Winslow. The population in 1861 was 1,800.
Parish Clerk, Edward Abbott.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c.
POST OFFICE, MONEY ORDER OFFICE & POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK. – Grant King, postmaster, Market square. Letters are delivered at 7 a.m. in summer & 7.30 a.m. in the winter, and at 11.50 a.m. throughout the year. Letters are dispatched for London, Bicester & Oxford, & the South, 10.35 a.m.; Buckingham, Brackley and Banbury, 12.15 p.m.; West of England, 5.30 p.m.; North of Bletchley, 7.40 p.m.; London & South, 9.45 p.m. Letters can be registered 30 minutes previously to the closing box for each mail
Eagle, George Treadaway
General Life & Fire, Thomas Rayner Brown, Market square
Liverpool & London, J Grace
Midland Counties, Jas. King, Cowley’s walk. (fire & hail only)
Norwich Union Fire & Life, Cross & Hathaway
Pelican Life, John King, Cowley’s walk
Phoenix Fire, John King, Cowley’s walk
Protector Life, James King Cowley’s walk
Railway Passengers’, Rev. J Fogg
Royal, George Dunkley, Horn street (fire only)
Royal Exchange Fire & Life, Willis & Willis, Horn street
Union, J. Smith (fire only)
Excise Office, Bell inn, Market square
Police Station, Railway Station Road
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Depot, Thomas Simons, Market square
Stamp Office, High street, William George, distributor
Winslow Gas Company; works, High street, James King, esq. secretary; Edward Sturman, foreman
Winslow Union Poor House, Buckingham road, William Minter, master; Mrs Mary Ann Minter, mistress; Edward Smith, porter; Miss Lucy Christmas, school mistress; John Denne esq. John street [sic]; Thomas Wynter esq. & Thomas Newham, esq. medical officers
Clerk to Magistrates for Winslow & Quainton Divisions, David Thomas Willis, esq. Horn street
Clerk to Guardians of Winslow Union, David Thomas Willis, esq. Horn street
Coroner, Davis Porter King esq. Buckingham
Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages for Winslow Union, David Thomas Willis, esq. Horn street
Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages for Winslow Union, John Denne, esq. Market square
Registrar (deputy) of Births, Deaths & Marriages for Winslow Union, Thomas Newham esq.
Relieving Officer, Mr. William Minter, Buckingham road
Secretary to Gas Company, James King, esq. Cowley’s walk
Steward of the Manor of Winslow, Charles Appleyard esq. of Lincoln’s inn, London W.C.
Steward (Deputy) of the Manor of Winslow, David Thomas Willis, esq
St. Laurence Church, Rev. A. M. Preston, M.A. vicar
Baptist Chapel, Cowley’s walk, ministers various
Independent Chapel, Horn street, ministers various
New Baptist Chapel, Union street, ministers various
PUBLIC SCHOOLS.- National, Buckingham road, - Bush, master; Mrs. Sarah Treadaway, mistress
Infants, Churchyard, mistress, Mrs. Mary Bellow
CARRIERS.- TO ADSTOCK, PADBURY & BUCKINGHAM- Geo. Yeulet, wednesday & saturday, returning same days
AYLESBURY- William Willmore, wednesday & saturday returning same days
Bennett Mrs. High street
Brise Misses, Station road
Denne John, esq. Market square
Dockray Mrs. Station road
Dudley Samuel Burnham, esq. Horn Street
Edwin Mr. Edmund, Sheep street
Gent Miss, Horn street
Horn Miss, Market square
Kerr Rev. Charles William John, B.A. Station road
King James, esq. Cowley’s walk
King John, esq. High street
Mayne Miss, High street
Morecraft Mrs. Station road
Morgan Mrs. Sheep street
Newham Thomas, esq. Western house
Preston Rev. Alfred Matthew, M.A. [vicar]. Buckingham road
Pursell Mrs. S. Station road
Sheppard Mr. Thomas, Buckingham road
West Miss, Market square
Willis David Thomas, esq. Horn street
Willis Thomas Price, esq. Horn street
Wynter John St. Thomas, esq. High street
Allen John, Ship, & shoe maker, Horn street
Allen Richard, builder, plasterer, slater & stone mason, Sheep street
Allen Thomas, builder & brick & tile maker, High street
Archard, Caroline (Mrs.), straw hat & bonnet maker, High street
Barton Alfred, George inn, Market square
Bathe John, tailor, Market square
Benbow Frederick, baker & confectioner, High street
Bond J. & S. bakers & confectioners, Market square
Bonham Thomas, butcher, Church alley
Brise John, Royal Oak, Market square
Brise Newman, farmer, Cowley’s walk
Brown Ann (Mrs.) fancy repository, Market square
Brown Thomas Rayner, accountant, Market square
Bucks & Oxon Union Bank (H. H. Waddington, manager) (open on wednesdays, saturdays & fair days), Market square; draw on Jones Loyd & Co. London
Clarke George Odell, coal, brick, tile & slate & timber merchant, Railway wharf
Clarke Lewis, currier & leather seller, High street
Colgrove Joseph, beer retailer & butcher, High street
Corkett John, boot & shoe maker, High street
Cort George, birmingham & staffordshire warehouse, gas fitter & photographer, High street
Coxhill Richard, cooper &c. High street
Curtis John, farmer, Sheep street
Denne John, surgeon, Market square
Dudley Samuel Burnham (Dudley & Son), auctioneer, appraiser, land, house & estate agent, Horn street
East Henrietta (Mrs.), tailor & woollen draper, High street
Edwin (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Horn street
Elley John, baker & mealman, High street
Elliott Edward L. tanner & currier, High street
Fenn Edward, grocer & provision dealer, High street
Fogg John, photographer, High street
French Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker, Horn street
French Joshua Lewin, general ironmonger, grocer & provision dealer, Horn street
French Samuel William, tinman & brazier, High street
Fulks Matthew, linen draper, silk mercer, hosier, haberdasher &c. Market square
Grace John, boarding & day school for young gentlemen, High street
Grace John, coal merchant, Railway wharf
Grace Joseph, blacksmith & shoeing smith, Horn street
Grace William, Rose & Crown, Market square
George William, stationer, fancy repository & toy warehouse, High street
Gibbs Richard, bricklayer, plasterer & slater, High street
Gray John, blacksmith & shoeing smith, High street
Harrup & Sellar, plumbers, glaziers & painters, Market square
Hawley James, grocer & provision dealer, High street
Hearn Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, High street
Hinton Mary (Mrs.), china, glass & earthenware dealer, High street
Hooton Charlotte (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, Sheep street
Howard John, coal merchant, Railway wharf
Howes Eliza (Miss), milliner & dress maker, Market square
Ingram Henry, plumber, painter, glazier & paper hanger, High street
Ingram John, grocer, provision dealer, dealer in british wines & builder & farmer, High street
Janaway William, Bull, Horn street
Johnston James, drill sergeant major of yeomanry cavalry, Buckingham road
Jones Robert Williatt, yeoman, Horn street
Jones Silvanus, cattle dealer, Horn street
Jones William, Crooked Billet & dairyman, Horn street
Jones William John, cattle dealer, High street
Kennings, George, saddler & harness maker, Horn street
Keys Charles, beer retailer & boot & shoe maker, High street
Keys John, Plough, Horn street
Keys William, coal merchant, Railway wharf
King John & James, auctioneers, appraisers, house, land & estate agents & valuers, Cowley’s walk
King George, grocer & provisions dealer, Market square
King Grant, silk mercer, woolen & linen draper, hosier, haberdasher & postmaster, Market square
King James, gamekeeper to W. Selby-Lowndes, esq. Sheep street
King John, land surveyor, Cowley’s walk
King Joseph, Windmill & wheelwright, High street
Kirby Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Buckingham road
Lee Joseph, saddler & harness maker, Sheep street
Lee Thomas, saddler & harness maker, Market square
Loffler Joseph & Ferdinand, watch & clock makers & birmingham & sheffield warehouse, High street
Lomath Richard, Chandos Arms, High street
Lomath William Henry, boot & shoe maker, High street
Matthews Wm. Builder, paper hanger & decorator, Horn street
Maydon George, maltster & hop merchant, High street
Mayne Charles, coal merchant, Railway wharf
Mayne George, hay dealer, High street
Meadows George, hair dresser & perfumer, Market square
Monk Elizabeth (Miss), grocer & provision dlr., Market square
Monk Henry, farmer, Tuckey farm
Morecraft Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Church alley
Newham Thomas, M.D., M.R.C.S. surgeon, deputy registrar of births & deaths for Winslow district, & medical officer to the Winslow union, Western house
Rawlins Thomas, Station inn, Station road
Ray Thomas, shopkeeper, High street
Read John, tailor &c. High street
Rivett Thomas, watch maker, High street
Roads Emanuel, boot & shoe maker, High street
Roads Frederick, King’s Head, & carpenter & builder, High street
Roads George, carpenter, High street
Rowe Samuel, Boot, Tinker’s end
Saull Saul, Swan, Station road
Scott John, corn, hay & straw dealer, High street
Sear Ann (Mrs.), straw hat & bonnet maker, High street
Sear Edward, coach maker & wheelwright, High street
Sharp Susannah & Mercy (Misses) milliners & dress makers, Market square
Sharp William, Old Crown, Market square
Simons Thomas, hair dresser, perfumer & fancy repository, Market square
Stone George William, attorney & solicitor, registrar of the Bicester county court & commissioner for affidavits in all the courts, solicitor & correspondent to the London & Provincial Registry & Trade Protection Offices, 97 New street, London, & to the United Kingdom Trade & Shipping Protection Co. (limited); head office, London, & 82 St. Anne street, Liverpool & at Bicester
Thomas John railway station master, London & North Western Railway
Thorpe William, shopkeeper, Sheep street
Todd Benjamin, farmer, Sheep street
Todd Mary (Mrs.), young ladies’ boarding school & day school, Sheep street
Tofield Jeremiah George, plumber, glazier, painter, paper hanger & decorator & furniture broker, High street
Toms Roseman, beer retailer, High street
Turnham John, shopkeeper, Sheep street
Turnham Thomas, butcher, High street
Varney John, farrier &c. Horn street
Viccars Ann (Mrs.), preparatory school for boys & girls, High street
Viccars Caroline (Miss) milliner & dress maker, High street
Waters Alexander, chemist & druggist, Market square
White William, Nag’s Head, Sheep street
Wigley Henry, book seller, stationer, printer & chemist, Market square
Williams Sarah (Mrs.), young ladies’ boarding & day school, Church yard
Willis & Willis, solicitors, Horn street
Willis David Thomas (firm, Willis & Willis), solicitor, perpetual commissioner for taking acknowledgements of married women, commissioner in chancery & all law courts, clerk to magistrates of Winslow & Quainton division, clerk to guardians of Winslow union, superintendent registrar of births, deaths & marriages for Winslow union, & deputy steward of the manor of Winslow, Horn street
Winslow Gas Company (James King, esq. sec.; Edward Sturman, gas manager), High street
Wynter John St. Thomas, surgeon, High street
Yeulet Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, Sheep street
Yeulet John, coal merchant, High street, & London & North Western coal wharf
Yeulet William, coal merchant, & agent for Chaplain & Horne, Railway station wharf
Yeulet William, farmer, Sheep street