Will of John Burrell, butcher, 1751 (proved 1753)
Herts RO 191 AW10
In the Name of God Amen This is the last Will and Testament of me John Burrell of Winslow in the County of Bucks Butcher which I devise may be fulfilled and performed after my decease and first and Principally I resign my Soul to Almighty God and my Body I Committ to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and as to my Temporal Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to intrust me To the end all Controversies and disputes relating thereto amongst my Children may be prevented and peace and good Agreement continued between them as is by me heartily wished And for the making a Sufficient Provision as well for the Payment of all such debts as I shall owe at the time of my decease as also for the due payment of the Legacys hereinafter mentioned and my funerall Expences incident thereto I dispose of the same in manner following (that is to say) I Give and Bequeath unto Elizabeth Burrell my daughter the sum of ten pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid unto her by my Executor hereinafter named within one Month next after my death Also I Give and Bequeath unto the said Elizabeth Burrell my daughter yearly and every year during the term of her natural life or until such time as she shall be married with the Consent of my Executor hereinafter named One Annuity or yearly sum of ten pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid unto her by my Executor hereinafter named yearly and every year after my death during the term of her natural life or until such time as she shall be married with the consent of my Executor hereinafter named which shall first happen and to be paid unto her by my Executor hereinafter named out of my Personal Estate hereinafter bequeathed unto him the first payment thereof to become due and payable twelve months next after my death But in case the said Elizabeth my daughter shall happen to marry with the consent of my Executor hereinafter named Then and in such case I Give and Bequeath unto the said Elizabeth my daughter the sum of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid unto her by my Executor hereinafter named within six months next after such her said Marriage And that then and from thenceforth after the payment of the said two hundred pounds as aforesaid my will and intent is that the said Annuity shall cease and be not payable But in case the said Elizabeth my daughter
the marke of John Burrell
[p.2] Shall happen to marry without the consent of my Executor hereinafter named and shall at the time of her death leave Issue of her Body then living under the age of One and twenty years Then I Give and Bequeath unto such Issue yearly and every year after the death of the said Elizabeth my daughter untill such time as such Issue shall have attained the age of one and twenty years one annuity or yearly sum of ten pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid unto and for the use of such issue by my Executor hereinafter named (if there shall happen to be more than one each of them an Equal share thereof towards their Support and maintenance during such time But if if there shall happen to be but one Then my will and intent is that my Executor hereinafter named shall pay all the said Annuity or yearly sum of ten pounds unto such child during such time And after such time as such Issue of the Body of the said Elizabeth my daughter shall have attained the said Age of One and twenty years Then I Give and Bequeath unto such issue the sum of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid unto such issue by my Executor hereinafter named (if there shall happen to be more than one) each of them an Equal share thereof as they shall respectively attain the ages of one and twenty years or within Twelve months next after the death of the said Elizabeth my daughter which shall last happen But if there shall happen to be but one Then my will and intent is that my Executor herein after named shall pay the whole two hundred pounds unto such Child at such time as he or she shall have attained the said age of one and twenty years or within twelve months next after the death of the said Elizabeth my daughter which shall last happen Also I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Mary Gibbs the sum of Five pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid unto her by my Executor hereinafter named within one Month next after my death Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Grandson John Gibbs the sum of Thirty pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named into the hands of Thomas Gibbs his father within twelve months next after my death In Trust and to the intent that he the said Thomas Gibbs his Executors and Administrators may have the use and Profitts that shall be made thereof untill such time as the said John Gibbs my Grandson shall have attained the age of one and twenty years towards the maintenance
the marke of John Burrell
[p.3] And better support of his family and from and after such time as the said John Gibbs my Grandson shall have attained the said Age of one and twenty years Then upon this further trust and Confidence in him the said Thomas Gibbs his Executors and Administrators reposed That he the said Thomas Gibbs his Executors or Administrators shall and will pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Gibbs my Grandson within three months next after such time as he shall have attained the age of one and twenty years the said sum of thirty Pounds so given unto him as aforesaid and paid into the hands of the said Thomas Gibbs his father for that purpose Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Grandson William Gibbs the sum of Twenty Pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named into the hands of Thomas Gibbs his father within twelve months next after my death In Trust and to the intent that he the said Thomas Gibbs his Executors and Administrators may have the use and profitts that shall be made thereof untill such time as the said William Gibbs my Grandson shall have attained the age of one and Twenty years towards the Maintenance and better support of his Family and from and after such time as the said William Gibbs my Grandson shall have attained the said age of one and Twenty years Then upon this further Trust and Confidence in him the said Thomas Gibbs his Executors and Administrators reposed That he the said Thomas Gibbs his Executors or Administrators shall and will pay or cause to be paid unto the said William Gibbs my Grandson within three months next after such time as he shall have attained the said age of one and twenty years the said sum of twenty Pounds so given unto him as aforesaid and paid into the hands of the said Thomas Gibbs his Father for that purpose But in case either of them the said John Gibbs and William Gibbs my Grandsons shall happen to depart this life before he shall have attained the said Age of one and twenty years Then upon this further Trust and Confidence in him the said Thomas Gibbs reposed that he the said Thomas Gibbs his Executors or Administrators shall and will pay or cause to be paid the legacy or sum of money herein before given or Appointed to be paid to him dying unto the Survivor of them the said John Gibbs and William Gibbs my Grandsons at such time such Survivor shall have attained the said age of one and twenty years Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Grandaughter Mary Gibbs the sum of
the marke of John Burrell
[p.4] Ten pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named at such time as the said Mary Gibbs my Grandaughter shall have Attained the age of one and twenty years Also I Give and Bequeath to my Grandaughter Jane Gibbs the sum of ten pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named as such time as the said Jane Gibbs my Grandaughter shall have attained the age of one and twenty years But in case either of the same Mary Gibbs or Jane Gibbs my Grandaughters should happen to depart this life before she shall have attained the said age of One and twenty years Then and in such case my will and desire is that my Executor ... shall and will pay or cause to be paid the legacy or sum of money before given or appointed to be paid to her so dying unto the Survivor of them the said Mary Gibbs and Jane Gibbs my Grandaughters at such time as such Survivor shall have attained the said Age of one and twenty years And in case the said Mary Gibbs and Jane Gibbs my Grandaughters shall both happen to depart this life before they shall have attained the said Age of one and twenty years Then I Give and Bequeath the said Legacies or sums of money herein before given or Appointed to be paid to my Grandaughters as aforesaid unto such of the Children of the said Mary Gibbs my daughter as shall be then living to be paid by my Executor unto them each of them if there should happen to be more than one then living an Equal share thereof And if it should happen to be but one of them that shall be living at such time Then I Give and Bequeath both the aforesaid ten pound Legacies unto such Child to be paid unto him or her by my Executor hereinafter named I Give and Bequeath unto Catherine Bates of Winslow aforesaid in the said County of Bucks Widow yearly and every year after my death during the term of her natural life one annuity or yearly sum of five pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid unto her by my Executor hereinafter named out of my Personal Estate and the rents and profittes of my real Estate by half yearly payments (that is to say) fifty shillings on each of the said two Feast days of payment in the year herein after mentioned (to wit) the Feast days of Saint Michael the Archangell and the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary without any deduction or Abatement for
the marke of John Burrell
[p.5] Taxes or otherwise howsoever the first payment thereof to become <due> and payable on such of the said Feast days as shall next happen after my death Also I Give and bequeath All and every my Copyhold Messuages Lands and Tenements whatsoever lying and being in the Parish of Winslow aforesaid and the Appurtenances belonging to the same unto William Burrell my son and his heirs and Assigns for ever Also I Give and Bequeath All the rest of my Goods Chattells and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever not herein before bequeathed unto the said William Burrell my son he paying my funerall Expences debts Legacys and Annuitys herein before mentioned in manner as aforesaid And I do hereby Make Ordain and Appoint the said William Burrell my son full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And Lastly I do hereby revoke and make void all former Wills by me made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament and none other In Witness whereof I have to this my will contained in five sheets of Paper to the four first sheets thereof sett my hand and to the fifth and last sheet my hand and Seal this Eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Fifty one
the marke of John Burrell
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said John Burrell the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses in the Presence of the said Testator and of each other
Elizabeth Mayne
John Budd
Ferd(inando) Southam
Sworn the Exec(utor) above named before me
No Invy.
John Stephens Sur.
[Endorsed:] Sent out by the Post Boy the day after it was provd
John Burrell, butcher, was buried at Winslow on 20 Aug 1753. John's children mentioned in his will seem to be (there were at least two John Burrells in Winslow at the time):
- Mary: bap. 21 Aug 1721; m. Thomas Gibbs:
- Elizabeth: bap. 12 July 1724
- William: bap. 7 July 1728; dairyman of Hogshaw
Jane Burral, probably his wife, was buried on 28 Sep 1741. John was either the son of William and Elizabeth Burrall bap. 24 Dec 1693 or the son of Hugh and Mary Burrall bap. 14 Dec 1694.
In c.1744 John held 18 acres of land in the occupation of William Gibbs jr. His son William Burrell was the dairyman of Hogshaw who held 43 acres in 1767 at the time of enclosure.
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