Inventory of William Davyes, chapman, 1588

Herts RO A25/1233

This transcription has been made from a printout of a microfilm. Some of the difficult words and names might be more legible in the original document.

The trew and parfit Inventorye of all and Singuler the warres goods debits and Cattells of Will(i)am Davis of Wynslow in the Counti of Buck deaseased the vijth day of October Last past and praysed by Anthony Jacson Gilbert Stuchberye & [blank] Byrche the second day of November in an(no) d(om)ini 1588 In the xxxth yere of ye Reign of owr Sov(er)aign Laydye Quyne Elizabeth etc.

Lynnyn clothe in the Shope
Itm di ells of hollond
viij d
Itm di yards of brownd hollond
viij d
Itm ij ells di di q(ua)r(ter) brownd hollond at ijs ijd
v s viij d
Itm one elle Lankisher clothe at
Itm ij ells iij q(uar)r(ter) of Lockeram at 12d
ij s ix d
Itm vj ells of hollond at xvjd
viij s
Itm v ells q(ua)r(ter) of hollond at xviij d
vij s x d
Itm a yard of Brownd hollond
xviij d
Itm j elle q(uar)t(er) Lanckisher clothe at
x d
Itm j elle of Canvas at
x d
Itm iiij ells di di(a)per dowlas at xiij d
vj s vj d
Itm vij ells di dry[?] middell cloth at xij d
xij s ix d
Itm vij ells di of middell good at 3d
ij s j d
Itm ix ells di of middell good at 4d
iij s
Itm iij ells troyes at v d
xv d
Itm ij ells di of Lankisher cloth at 8d
xx d
Itm iij yards of canvas at 8d
ij s
Itm ij ells Lankisher cloth at v d
vij d
Itm xvj ells q(ua)r(ter) mynsters[?] at vij d
ij s vjd
Itm vj ells di of okynburg[?] at viij d
iiij s iiij d
Itm iij ells iij q(ua)rters okynburg[?] at 8d
ij s vj d
Itm j elle of canvas at
xvj d
Itm j elle di q(ua)rter of canvas at
x d
Itm one elle of Jurer[?] Lace
iiij d
Itm one elle of Canvas at
vj d
Itm v ells q(ua)rter of Canvas at 8d
iij s vij d
Itm xvij ells q(ua)rter merlans[?] at x d
vj s vj d
Itm iij ells di of Canvas at 12d
iij s vj d
Itm iiij Remnants of Canvas iij ells iij q(ua)rters at 8d
ij s vj d
Itm x ells di of Canvas at xd
viij s ix d
Itm xij ells di of Canvis at xij d
xij s vj d
v li xviijs viijd
Wollyn clothe
Itm vj Remnants of blacke cotten con(taining) xxvij yards at v d
xij s vij d
Itm ij tylthe clothes of wollyn at
viij s
xx s vij d
Mercery wares
Itm v Remnants of fustyan prased at
xv d
Itm di yard of durance at
x d
Itm iij Remnants of moccado con(taining) iij yards q(uart)er at 14d a yard
iij s vj d
Itm iij Remnants of durance con(taining) v yards q(uart)er at xvj d a yard
vij s viij d
Itm v Remnants of valure
ij s
Itm ij yards of Lewen taffytye at xvj d
ij s viij d
Itm a yard iij q(ua)rters of oken[?]
vj d
Itm a q(ua)rter of Twillye
ij d
xix s v d
Hatts in the Shop
Itm iij hatts at ij s vj d a p(iece)
vij s v d
Itm j hatt at
ij s
Itm iiij hatts at xij d
iiij s
Itm ij hatts at xx d
iij s iiij d
Itm j hatt at
xviij d
Itm iij hatts at xij d a p(iece)
iij s
Itm iij hatts at viij d a p(iece)
ij s
Itm one glasse at
xij d
xxiiij s iiij d
Grocerye wares in the shope
Itm iiij li iij qr of yealow oker at j d p(er) li
v d
Itm one nest of boxes w(i)th 2 li of Annis seds in them
iiij s
Itm one gally pott
ij d
Itm xij li of Currants at iiij d
iiij s
Itm a li of baye berries
iiij d
Itm for other spyces
iiij d
Itm a brasen morter & pestell
vij s
Itm ij paire of scalles & 18 li [?] waights
ij s iiij d
Itm one bottell a Runlet a pynt pote a funnell prased at
xix d
xx s j d
Smale haberdasher wares in ye Shope
Itm 40 dossen of syller buttons at ij d p(er) dosen
vj s viij d
Itm vj knyves at
iiij d
Itm ij pen & ynkhorns
iiij d
Itm di li droy[?] blacke thred
xiij d
Itm 28 skyns of parchments at ij s a dossen
iiij s 8d
Itm iij q(uarte)r li of Read tape [?]
vij d
Itm viij quire of browne paper
iiij d
Itm qr of ousuoll[?] thred & bleu thred
xvj d
Itm qr li of Inkill at
xiiij d
Itm j li of course Inkill at
xiij d
Itm qr li of whipcord at
iij d
Itm iiij berde brushes & ij Robyn brushes [?]
iiij d
Itm xj quire of pote paper at iij d
ij s ix d
Itm iij Fossers at iiij d a pece
xij d
Itm one casse of boxis
iiij s
Itm 1 pare of cards
ij d
Itm 30 cone boxes at
ij s
Itm [?] waights [?] scales
iiij d
Itm a box for nalles
viij d
Itm ij brushes
x d
Itm iiij gerdells[?] & a waxe candell
vj d
Itm for pack thred
iij d
Itm for 3000 of pynnes
xviij d
Itm for xiiij dossen of poynts
xxj d
Itm for Red thred
ij d
Itm for course black Inkill
ij s
Itm for vj score & ij yards of Statute Lace
xiij s iiij d
Itm for xiij yards of Statute lace being narrow
Itm ix ounce of silk Lace at
xvj d xij s
Itm xiij yards of silke Lace at
Itm xvij yards of cruell Lace
xij d
Itm xxxij yards of parchment Lace
xvj d
Itm iij ounce cowlored tape
vj d
Itm ij li cowlored frynge at
vj d
Itm for ends of Laces
xij d
Itm ij Remnants of bonlac[?] con(taining) ix yards at
iiij d iij s
Itm Remnants of bonlac[?] con(taining) xv yards at ij d a yard
iij s ij d
Itm for a boxe
j d
Su(mma) is    
iiij li v s ij d
other wares in the shope
Itm a mustard myll
xx d
Itm ye valiaunncs above ye shop
xij d
Itm a chest w(i)th other bords
x s
Itm a packing clothe
x d
xiij s vj d
howsbu(n)d stufe & other things in the howsse
Itm a bedsted a trukill bed a cobard a Chest a fether bed a blankit a bolster a pillow & iij paire of shetts a forme & ij sheets prased at
xl s
Itm wood in the Celler
iij s
Itm a paire of hampers & other stufe
ij s
Itm vij platters iij candellsticks a saute a kettell
x s
Itm a paire of andiarns a paire of bellows
xlij d
Itm a carpet
ij s vj d
Itm his apparel ij dublets a peticote of hers a pare of brechis
vj s viij d
Itm a pare of pothooks a paire of tongs a fyer shovel & hangers
x d
Itm a pack saddel a ryding sadell a paire of botes
vj s viij d
Itm in the stable haye & wood w(ith) Racke & maunger
viij s
Itm a nag prased at
xl s
Itm a forme a benche & table
ij s
vj li iij s
her Lynnyn in her chest
Itm vij bands & nekynchers
Itm ij crost clothes
Itm v napkyns ij paire of sleves
4 crost clothes ij paire of Rosts one aparne
Su(mma) totalis   
iiij s ix d
debts (that) the said William Davis did owe at the houre of his death
Itm to Alderman Allot
xxviij li
Itm to a haberdasher of London
x li
Itm to one m(ister) Forthwerth[?] of London a grocer
viij li
Itm to a hatter dwelling in London
l s
Itm to Kateryn Davis his sister
xij li
Itm to Anne Spon(er)
iij li v s 8d
Itm to Roger Bradley
xxx s
Itm to James Bradley
xj s
Itm to Will(ia)m Tomlyns of Wynslow
l s
iij (score) viij li vj s viij d
debts owing the said William Davers at the howre of his death
Itm John Howes
xix d
Itm goodman Steder
iij s iiij d
goodman Pixeaxe[?]
xviij d
Thom(a)s Hide
ix d
Wychurch of Newnton
xvj d
Plasted of Policote
iij s
Robart Clarke of Layghton
vj s
William Ingrame of M(ar)ston
xxij d
Fraunc(i)s Brynsale
iii s iiij d
William Gambell of Claydon
xiij d
Itm deliv(er)ed to goodman Lauson for goodman Knight of Stewkley in wares
viij s v d ob
Itm Thomas Wilks of Hogson
xxxv s ix d
Itm Knolts of Hogson
vj s iiij d
Turn(er) of Hogson
xviij d
Edward Brickill
xxij d
Georg Cocks
xiij d
Plu(m)mer of Stewkley
xx d
Baylies wife of Mursley
ij s ob
Gracss wife of Grandborow
vj d
Thomas Lewis
iiij s
To another whose name we know not
v[?] s
iiij li xi[?] s
Desperat Debts
Edward Halle
iij li xvij s
M(or)g(a)n Brinklow of London
xiij s
Bull a Joyn(er)
xxj s
Roger Quene
xviij s
Edmond Cowp(er)
xiiij s iiij d
Roger Bradley
v s ij d
Fraunc(i)s Downes a scolem(aster)
xviij s iiij d
William Jacson
ij s
one Burdet a chapman
vj s viij d
Edward Lewis of Addington
viij s iij d
ix li iiijs ijd
per me Robert(um) Daunc
Su(mma) Totalis   
[deleted and amended]

[Presented by Robert Daunce clerk, proxy of Emma Davyes, administratrix, .. Nov 1588]

Accounts of the estate of William Davyes, 1588/9

Herts RO A25/4807

[The Acco]mpt of Emme Davyes Administratrix of the debts and Cattells of Will(ia)m Davyes late of Wynslowe in the Cowntye of Bucks Chapman deceased wherin are specified and conteyned as well the Som(m)e Totall of the Invententary of the goods debts and Cattells of the said deceased and the iust value of the same according to the iust and equall  praisement therof made w(hi)ch came to the handes and possession of this Accomptant, as also the manner and forme how and in what p(ar)ticuler sorte the said Emme hath satisfied expended and paid beyonde the value of the same goods

The Charge In Primis the said Accomptant doth Accompt for and chargeth
her self w(i)th the Som(m)e of xxxv li vj d of Current money of
England for the iust price and value of all and sing(u)ler the goods
debts and Cattells of the foresaid Will(ia)m Davyes deceased w(hi)ch are
comen to thands of this Accomptant according to the iust praisement
thereof as appeareth by the Inventary therof made and exhibited
by this Accomptant remayninge upon Recorde in the Registrye of
this Courte
xxxv li vjd
Summa patet
Debts paid and other necessary charges discharged Whereof this Accomptant desireth first to be allowed the Some of
xxxiiij li iij s viij d of lawfull money of England adiudged unto
one Mr John Allott Citizen and Alderman of London upon
a Conde(m)nacon had in the kings benche at Westm(inster) agaynst this
Accomptant as Administratrix of all and sing(u)ler the goods debts
and Cattells of the aforenamed Will(ia)m Davyes deceased upon
two severall billes obligatory made subscribed and sealed by the
said deceased in his life tyme; wherupon this Accomptant was by
Judgement co(n)demed in the said Courte,over and besides the severall
Som(m)es of xiij s iiij d and x s wherein this same Accomptant was
also severally upon the said severall billes conde(m)ned for the Costs
and damages on the said two severall sutes as by the two severall
Co(n)demnacons and Judgements remayninge upon Recorde in the kinges
benche at Westm(inster) more playntly doth appeare
xxxv li vijs
  Item this Accomptant asketh allowance of the Som(m)e of iij li x s w(hi)ch
she hath spent in the said two severall sutes agaynst her commensed
by the foresaid Mr Allott, for her Atturneys fees, fees of the
acknowledgeing of the two severall satisfactions upon the said two
severall sutes, w(i)th her expenses in travellinge therabout for her
quiet discharge therof
iij li x s
  Item this Accomptant desireth to be allowed the Som(m)e of ix li
iiij s ix d beinge the Som(m)e of the desperate debts mencioned and set
downe in the foresaid Inventary, w(hi)ch she this Accomptant cannot
possibly obteyne for that the debters are divers of them gone and had
nothinge worthe neyther hath she any thinge wherby iustly to prove
aney of those debtes
ix li iiij s i xd
Sum(m)a of the debts and other dueties
by this Accomptant in maner and
forme aforesaid paid and discharged
xlviij li xxj d
Severall expenses
& other ordinary
charges discharged
Moreover this Accomptant desireth to be allowed all these p(ar)ticuler Expences herafter followinge paid & expended by her the said Accomptant [for and] about
the funerall of the said deceased and letters of [administration - - - ]
therof and in other Ordinary charges at her [ - - - ]
[page 2] [The top of the page is not legible on the microfilm]
  [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] passinge bell
ij d
  Itm for a wyndinge sheete to bury him in
ij s vj d
  Itm for digging his grave
vj d
  Itm paid to fower men that carried the said deceased to the churche
to be buryed
xvj d
  Itm paid to the vicar for his dueties at the buriall
viij d
  Itm paid to the Clark for his dueties at the buriall
iiij d
  Itm paid for bread & bere geven to the poore and the ringers at the
iij s iiij d
  Itm paid by this Accomptant for the charges of the dynner bestowed
upon those that accompanyede the Corps of the said deceased to the
v s
  Itm paid for the letters of Adminstracon of the goods debts & Chattells
of the said deceased, and for a band entered into the court
for the iust true and faithfull Administringe of this Accomptant
and for a proxye wherby her proct(or) ded obteyne the same letters
of administracon for her and for the Apparitors fee
viij s iiij d
  Itm for making and engrossing the Inventaryes of the goods
of the said deceased
v s
  Itm paid for expenses and charges in travellinge in and about
the obteyninge of the said letters of Administracon both for her
procto(r) and suertyes w(hi)ch were bounde for her true Administringe
and exhibiting the said Inventaryes
v s
  Itm paid for expenses and charges in travellinge for the dispatching
and obteyninge this her Accompt and obteyninge her Acquitance
thereupon and proxye
vj s iiij d
  Itm paid for the draweinge writing and engrossing this her
Accompt And for her Aquitance or Quietus est under
the Seale of the Office to this her Accompt annexed
xxiij s iiij d
Sum(m)a of the Funerall and other
Ordinary charges above rehersed
iij li ij s viij d
Sum(m)a Total(is) of the payments funerall
and other Ordinary charges
lj li iiij s v d
[.....] Remayneth
  For this Accomptant is in surplusages as afore
p(ar)ticularly is expressed over and besides the value of
the goods of the said Will(ia)m Davyes deceased w(hi)ch are
comen to her handes the Som(me) of
xvj li iij s xj d


May it be known to all by the present (documents) that we, Roger Williams, Bachelor of Theology, deputy of the Venerable Master William Huchenson, Archdeacon of St Albans of the diocese of London, having heard and received the account of Emma Davyes, administratrix of all and singular the goods, rights, credits and chattels of the said William Davyes, lately while he lived of Wynslo in our archidiaconal jurisdiction, deceased intestate, concerning her administration of the goods, rights, credits and chattels: whereas we have found from the above account and inventory that the said Emma Davyes has well, faithfully and fully administered these goods, rights, credits and chattels, and rendered a true and faithful account of them, and also done satisfaction and made payment to the deceased's creditors, we have dismissed, acquitted and exonerated the said Emma Davyes, she having sworn in due form of law on God's holy gospels in the person of William Lunt alias Spooner her legitimate and sufficient proxy, from rendering any further account (not affecting anyone's right), and provided she is not convicted of malice or fraud in this matter, and by the present (documents) we dismiss, acquit and exonerate her.

[dated 3 Feb 1588]

[page 3 - another hand]

Be it knowne unto all men by theis presents that I W(illia)m Davis of Winchelooe [sic] in the Countie of Buckingham Chapman doe acknowledge and Confesse myselfe for to owe unto John Allott Citezen and alderman of London the some of Twentey Eight pounds foore shillings Corrant English money w(hi)ch is for to be paide unto the afore named John Allott Alderman his heires excecutors adminestrators or assignes in manner and forme [follo]winge that is to saye at or upon the viijth Daye of February next ensuenge the Daye of the Daite here of the some of Tenne pounds eighttene shillings foore pence and at or upon [the] vijth Daie of Aprell next and imediatly followinge afte[r ....] the some of seaventene pounds five shillings eight pence [....] the w(hi)ch payments well and treuly for to be made at their severall dayes I the afore named W(illia)m Davis doe bynde me my heares excecutors adminestrators and assignes p(er) this presents and in wyttnes of the treuthe here of unto theis presents I have sette my Hande and seale yeame [sic] this vijth daie of Januarii an(no) 1586 and in the xxixtie yeare of the Rainge of our soverainge Ladey Elizabethe by the grace of god of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland & Quene Defendris of the Faithe

Sealed and delivered
in the presence of John Allott
the yonger and of me Rob(ert) Met[....]
by me William Davis

[page 4 - another hand]

Be it knowen unto All men by these p(rese)nts that I Will(ia)m Davis of Winchlowe in the Countye of Bucks Chapman doe owe unto John Allott Cyttizen and Alderman of London the som of xxj li xvj s & [sic] the w(hi)ch som viz Twenty one pownds Sixteen shillings tenn pence of good and lawfull money of England is to be well and Trewlie paide unto the Fores[aid] John Allott his heiers excecutors or assignes one the Sixte[enth dai]e of December next ensuing the daite hereof for the w(hi)ch [pay]ment well and trewlie to be made I the aforenamed [William] Davis doe binde me my heiers excecutors and ad[ministrato]rs and in wytnes wherof have caused this bill to be [..... an]d hath sette my hand and Sealle this xvijth daie of September a(nn)o 1588 and in the xxxth yeare of the raign of ou(r) sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Irlande Queene defendor of the Faythe

by me Wylliam Davis

[Grant?]ed and all in the p(rese)nts[?]
of me John Peearse [?]

[page 5 - Latin]

London. Memorandum that on the Tuesday after the Octave of Michaelmas in the same term before the Lady Queen at Westminster, John Allott, citizen & alderman of London came through William Allen his attorney, and brought here in the Queen's court his bill against Emma Davys widow, administratrix of all and singular the goods, rights and credits which were her late husband William Davyes' who died intestate as it is said in the custody of the Mar(shal?) etc., on a plea of debt. Pledges for proceeding: John Sno, Richard Roo. The bill was acknowledged in these words. London. John Allott, citizen and alderman of London complains against Emma Davys widow, administrator of all and singular the goods right and credits which were her late husband William Davys' who died intestate as it is said in the custody of the barrister[?] of the Queen's Marshal, being before the Queen herself, on a plea that she should render to him twenty-eight [pounds] and four shillings of good and legal money of England which she unjustly withholds from him, namely that the aforesaid William in his life, on 7 January in the 29th year of the reign of the Lady Elizabeth now Queen of England, at London in the parish of the Blessed Mary of Bow in the ward of Cheape London, (gave) a bill of obligation of his sealed with William's own seal in his lifetime, now shown here in the court of the Lady Queen, dated the same day and year, acknowledging that he owed the said John Allott the said £28 4s to be paid to him, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in the manner and form following, namely at and upon 8 February following £10 18s 4d, and at and upon 7 April following £17 5s 8d. But the aforesaid William in his life and the aforesaid Emma his wife, although often requested etc., have not paid, and the aforesaid William in his life and the aforesaid Emma after William's death have refused to pay, and Emma still refuses to pay and withholds unjustly, to a loss for John himself of £10. And hence the aforesaid suit[?]. And the aforesaid Emma comes in person and says that she cannot deny the bill formerly made by William, nor does she withhold from John the £28 4s to be paid in the manner and form which John has claimed against her. Therefore John is awarded recovery from emma of the debt and also 10s for his expenses and costs in bringing suit in this matter, awarded to John with his agreement by the Queen's court from the goods and [chattels] which were William Davyes' at the time of his death in the hands of the administratrix if she has that much, and if not then from the goods and chattels of Emma herself. And Emma is amerced.

[English] Satyfsaccion ys acknowledged [ - - - ] and the byll delyvred


The inventory is used as a source by Margaret Spufford, The Great Reclothing of Rural England: Petty Chapman and their Wares in the Seventeenth Century (London: Bloomsbury, 1984).

William Davies or Davers was buried at Winslow on 6 Oct 1588. He married Emma Lunt alias Spooner on 12 Oct 1584. Elaborate provisions for their son Nicholas were made by her father Nicholas Lunt, smith, in his will of 1591. There was also a daughter Elizabeth. Emma married as her second husband Thomas Stuchbury.

Gilbert Stuchbury, one of the appraisers, was described as a mercer in his will of 1595, and probably carried on William's business, perhaps in a less ambitious form. The third appraiser, Mr Birch, whose first name was evidently not known to the other two, may have been sent from London to look after the interests of William's creditors.

di: i.e. dimidium = half

Lockeram = lockram: a linen fabric of various qualities (Bucks Probate Inventories)

dowlas: a coarse kind of linen cloth named after Daoulas, Brittany (Bucks Probate Inventories)

mynsters: perhaps Kidderminster stuff, a fabric in which the pattern is formed by the intersection of two cloths of different colours (Bucks Probate Inventories)

tylthe = tilte: a covering of coarse cloth, usually hair cloth (Bucks Probate Inventories)

durance: a stout, durable cloth (OED, s.v., n.3)

moccado = mockado: a type of velvet with a woollen warp and linen weft (Dictionary of Traded Goods)

Lewen taffytye = levant taffeta (Dictionary of Traded Goods)

Inkill = inkle: linen tape (OED)

pote paper = pott paper, 12.5 x 15.5" (OED)

cards: for carding wool

Statute Lace: i.e. lace whose width was fixed by statute (OED)

cruell = crewel: a thin, worsted yarn (OED)

bonlac = bone-lace?

crost clothes = cross-cloth: a linen cloth worn across the forehead (OED)

ob = obolus: ½d

John Allott: he was Lord Mayor of London 1590-1

Marshal: presumably William had been arrested for debt and was in the Marshalsea prison.

Copyright 21 August, 2015