Will of Nicholas Lunt alias Spooner, smith, 1591
Herts RO 32 AW15
In the naime of god amen.in the yeare [1591]
ninth day of July in the the three & thirty[eth year] of [the reign of]
o(ur) soveringe lady Elizabethe by the grace of [God] queen of Engl[and]
france & Irland & c I Nicholas Lunt of Winsloe in the count[ie]
of Bucks Smith beinge whole in body and mind thanks be to god
do ordayne & make this my last will and testame(n)t in manner and forme following
First I com(m)itt my soul into the hand of god my maker assuredly
trustinge to be saved by the death & merits of his sonn Christ
Jesus. as for my bodye I will that it be buried in the church
yard of Winsloe aforesayed.
Farther I give & bequeath towards the reparations of the church
of Winsloe two shillings to be payed at the discretion of
mine ov(er)seers & frends Jhon Shelton & Robart Norma(n) who(m)
I intreat & appoynt for that purpose.
Ite(m) I give to William my sonn my house wherin I nowe dwell
w(i)th the land therto belonginge, savinge that I give unto Em(ma)
Stutsburie my daughter during the terme of xxj years one
half acre at Costowe and the butt that suteth into Shipton
Deane iii lands at Sparlowe and one acre at Rose Close and
paying unto William my sonn during the foresayed terme of
one & twentie years ix d a year.
p(ro)vided always that Thomas Stutsburie the husband of the
foresayde Em(ma) Stutsburie shall by no means sett or lett the same
land, or sell the saied lease as I will to be p(ro)vided for in forme
of lawe in the lease w(hi)ch shalbe made w(i)th this p(ro)viso also (tha)t
yf the sayd Em(ma) Stutsburie shall co(n)se(n)t to the settinge or lettinge
of her land from her selfe w(i)thout the advisme(n)t & co(n)sent of
Willia(m) my sonn and mine o(ve)rseers, that th[en] the lease to be
void & of none effect, & to retorne to mine e[xec]utor.
Farther also be it p(ro)vided that Willia(m) my sonn keep Nicholas
Davers as he would his owne sonn, first to s[choo]le until he
be of sufficie(n)t age & sta[tu]re to be so bound appr[rentice] &
the(n) to carfullie to place [him] wher he may learn [an] honest
trade of livinge, to the [.....] likinge of the sayed N[icholas]
Dav(er)s my godson.
Ite(m) I give to Thomas my sonn my house wherin Martins wife
nowe dwelleth neer ad[.....] to the church stile towards the
vicaridge house, w(i)th the [land] wh(i)ch therwith belongeth
Provided that the sett[inge or] lettinge of the sayed house & land
shalbe at the discretion of [Wi]lliam my sonn to the best adv[antag]e
of Thomas my sonn un[til the] said Thomas shalbe of the ag[e]
one & T twe(n)tie ye[ars the rent] to be imployed to Thomas [..........]
Ite(m) I give to Nicholas D[avers my godson] the house wherin [B?]roune
nowe dwelleth w[ith] the ba[rne & ......] therto belongi(n)ge
p(ro)vided that the [house] & barne [& ......] shalbe sett & let at the
discretion of W[illiam] my sonn [the rent] therof to be devided equallie
betwixt Edward Michel the[?] [...................] the two now livinge, and
Amie my daughter towards the [..............] untill such time as the
sayed Nicholas Dav(er)s shall cu(m) [to the age of] of one and twe(n)tie years
& yf so be that ether Nicholas Dav(er)s or Amie my Daughter dy[e]
the survivor to have the whole rent untill the time before me(n)[cio-]
ned, & yf both dye the rent to p(re)sentlie uppon their deaths
to be imployed for the bringi(n)ge up & benefit of Nicholas Dav(er)s aforesayed.
It(em) I give to Amie my daughter all my houshold stuffe, all my
brasse, all my pewter, all my linnen, all my wolle, all my beds &
beddinge & bedsteeds whatsoever.
Provided that my daughter Amie shall remaine in the house
with \my/ sonn Willia(m) wher I nowe dwell & to use the said stuffe to the
benefit of her brother, so longe as he useth her well & orderlie as a
brother should doe otherwise it shalbe lawfull for the said Amie
to dispose of her selfe elsewhear at her owne pleasure.
And yf so be that my sayed Daughter Amie dy w(i)thout issue
lawfullie begotten(n) that the(n) the said stuff equallie to be devided
between my children(n)
To Amie farther I give two milch beasts
[page 2]
It(em) I give to Elizabeth Dav(er)s a cowe & fortie shillings of mony
the cowe to be sett to her use w(i)thin one moneth after of my
decease & the fortie shillings of mony to remaine in the
hands of Willia(m) my sonn to hir best use until the time
of hir marriage.
It(em) I give to Mary Michel a cowe to be deliv(er)ed at the time
of my death, or w(i)thin a moneth after.
It(em) I give to [deletion] Bridget Coop(er) a cowe to be deliv(er)ed
one moneth after my dicease.
It(em) I give unto my ov(er)seers three shillings & four pence a peece
to be payed them w(i)thin one moneth after my decease.
Lastly I make Willia(m) Lunt my full & sole executor
of this my last will & testame(n)t, givinge unto him all the
lands & goods unbequeathed my debts & legacies dischar-
ged, & my will is further that yf the Nicholas Dawers disease
w(i)thout issue lawfullie begotten that then the land bequeathed
to him shall retorne to my sonn William & his hears, and
yf William & Thomas or any of them dye likewise
without issue lawfull, that the(n) the land of theim or ether
of theim shall redound & remaine unto the lawful survivors.
The mark of Nicholas Lunt
Made & singned in the p(re)sence
of Philip Favor cler(k) and John Shelton
Jhon Shelton his marke
[Probate of the will of Nicholas Lunt alias Spooner granted on 14[?] Oct 1591 to William Lunt alias Spooner, Smyth, executor.]
Inventory of Nicholas Lunt alias Spooner, 1591
Herts RO A25/1355
The true and perfitt Inventarye of all & singular the goods Detts cattells & credits of Nicholas Lunte al(ia)s Spooner Smyth[?] late of Winsloe in the com' of Buck deceased[?] made & Praised the viith daye of October An(no) D(omi)ni 1591. By John Shelton, Gilbert Stutsburye, Thomas Coxe, Thomas Graunt, Henry Wendover, Edward Michell and others
Imprimis xltie powndes of pewter | xx s |
It(e)m twoe wyne potts twoe Ale potts halfe a dosen of pottingers with other small pewter |
x s |
It(e)m five brazen candlesticks one chafer and a basen |
vij s viij d |
It(e)m one chamber pott | xlvi s viii d |
It(e)m a grydyron | xij d |
It(e)m lxxxxij pownes of Brasse | xxxj s |
It(e)m one panne & one kettle | xxxiij s iiij d |
It(e)m Speck[?] and cobirons w(i)th other yrin | viij s |
It(e)m a fryinge panne & ij gosse panes | xvj d |
It(e)m certayns[?] otie[??] Featherbedd & bolsters[?] | iij [s / li] |
It(e)m otie[??] clothe[?] | x s |
It(e)m one cov(er)lett | iiij s |
It(e)m one other cov(er)lett w(i)th twoe blancketts |
xx s |
It(e)m a bedstead a table a forme a Benche and twoe chests |
iij s |
It(e)m a presse standinge in the p(ar)le(r) | xx s |
It(e)m a mortar a pestill a clever and a cuttinge knife |
xx s vj d |
It(e)m a cupborde a table w(i)th all the rest in the halle |
x s |
It(e)m xxv pownds of yarne | x s iiij d |
It(e)m a mustard mill w(i)th other things in the kitchen |
viij s |
It(e)m all the stuffe in the middle chamber | xiij s iiij d |
It(e)m a bedstead a truckle bedd a forme a rownde Table |
xx s |
It(e)m a standing bedd a truckle bedd and a cheste |
xiij s iiij d |
It(e)m twoe barrells w(i)th all in the buttery | v s |
It(e)m a malte quarne a sate w(i)th other wooden vessells |
xxiij s iiij d |
It(e)m all the lynnen | xx s |
It(e)m his Apparrell | x s |
It(e)m five horses twoe colts & the harnesses | vj li |
It(e)m three bullocks and one calve | iiij li |
It(e)m three hogges | xv s |
It(e)m twoe stocks of Bees | iij s iiij d |
It(e)m the poultrey | ij s vj d |
It(e)m one longe carte twoe dunge cartes w(i)th twoe paire of wheeles |
xxxiij s iiij d |
It(e)m twoe paire of harrowes and a rowler |
iij s |
It(e)m Wheate | xiij li vj s viij d |
It(e)m Barley | xv li |
It(e)m peason oates & hey | iiij li xiij s iiij d |
It(e)m a haire clothe a ladder a fanne two sives a bushel a pecke and an halfe pecke |
iij s iiij d |
It(e)m sithe pitchforks rakes & ploughs and all other things thereto belonging |
vj s viij d |
It(e)m tymber & firewood | iiij s |
It(e)m boords planks & ploughe tymber | xv s |
It(e)m twoe Andviles three vices the yron w(i)th all other thinges pertayninge to the shoppe |
xiij li vj s iiij d |
It(e)m ready money in the howse | xix s |
Summa |
lxxix li x s viij d |
Debtes due to the Testater at the tyme of his lief and death | |
Imprimis by Mr Windsbre[?] | vi s ij d |
Item by Thomas Fedde[?] | vj d |
It(e)m by Mr Smythe | v s viij d |
It(e)m by John Jackson | xxij d |
It(e)m by Harry Wallys | ij s iij d |
It(e)m by Thomas Caponhurste | ix d |
It(e)m by Thomas Bowden | vj s viij d |
Summa Debito(rum) |
xxiij s v d |
Sum(m)a tot(a)lis |
lxxx li ix s j d |
[Inventory presented on 15 Oct 1591 by William Lunte alias [Spooner]. ]
Nicholas Lunt's children were baptised at Winslow:
- Ann Lunt: 14 Feb 1562/3; wife of Thomas Norman, butcher, d.1587; then married Henry Mead; received 5s in her sister Joan Mitchell's will
- Joan Lunt/Spooner: 3 June 1564, d.1621; married Edward Mitchell; the parents of Edward Mitchell jr (see below)
- Emma Lunt: 12 Dec 1565; Emma Lunt married William Davers 12 Oct 1584 (he was buried 6 Oct 1588); Emma Davers married Thomas Stutsbery 27 Jan 1589/90; she was alive in 1621
- William son of Nicholas Spon(er): 1 Jan 1569/70; married Anne Michel 5 July 1591; he was his sister Joan Mitchell's executor in 1621
- Nicholas son of Nicholas Spon(er): 11 Aug 1572; buried 24 May 1591
- Amy Spon(er): 20 Mar 1574/5; buried 28 Sep 1592
- Thomas Lunt alias Spooner: 10 Oct 1577
Elizabeth Spooner alias Lunt, presumably Nicholas' wife, was buried on 31 Aug 1587, and Nicholas Lunt the elder was buried on 27 Sep 1591.
Nicholas son of William Dav(er)s (the godson mentioned in the will, and actually Nicholas Lunt's grandson) was baptised 12 Nov 1587, and Elizabeth Dav(er)s 20 June 1585. Nicholas also received a bequest from his aunt Joan Mitchell, who gave his name as Davies.
Nicholas Dav(er)s: this seems to be a mistake as the text then says that the proceeds are to be used for Nicholas' benefit.
xxxiij s iiij d: the amount is written clearly, but is hardly plausible as the value of one pan and one kettle.
Speck: reading uncertain; "Spitts" would fit the context.
gosse panes = goose-pans, i.e. large stewing pans
sate: According to the OED a sate is a blacksmith's heavy chisel, but it only gives 20th-century examples.
Accounts of the estate of Nicholas Lunt alias Spooner, 1602
Herts RO ASA 27/1/15
These accounts, presented 11 years after the probate, were preserved in the Archdeaconry Court papers but seem to be incomplete.
The true and p(er)fecte Accompte of William Lunt al(ia)s Spooner Executor of the last will and testament of Nicholas Lunt al(ia)s Spooner while he lived of Winsloe in the County of Bucks and Archdeaconry of St Albans deceased made and declared as well of and uppon all and singular such goods debts & chattells of the said Nicholas Lunt al(ia)s Spooner deceased as came to the hands and possession of the said Will(ia)m; As also of and uppon all and singular such Legacies, payments, expense and soomes of money w(hi)ch the said Will(ia)m Lunt al(ia)s Spooner expended paid and laid out in the Discharge of the Debts legacies and other Duties of ye said Deceased, as hereafter is playnly specified and declared vizt
The charge | Imprimis the said Will(ia)m this Accomptant Dothe charge hiself with the soome of Foure score pounds, neene shillings and a pennie of good and lawfull Englishe money for the true prise and value of all and singular the goods Debts & chattells of the said Nicholas Deceased, menc(i)oned and conteyned in an Inventarie therof made and exhibited into this Courte, more at lardg [sic] it may & doth appere | lxxxli ixs jd |
Sum(m)a on(er)is |
p(ate)t |
Thereof this Accomptante Desireth to be allowed theise p(ar)ticuler soomes \ensuing/ & laid out by him as followeth |
The Discharge | Imprimis for the necessarie charges of the Funerall of the said deceased | xxs |
It(e)m paid for a herryott due by his death | xls |
It(e)m paid for a mortuarie | xs |
It(e)m paid for the p(ro)bac(i)on of his testament | [blank] |
It(e)m paid for en(gro)sing the said will and Inventarie in p(ar)chm(en)t | [blank] |
It(e)m paid for Brigget Cooper a cow prised in the Inventarie at xxvs for a legacie given unto her in the last will and testament of the said Nicholas deceased | xxvs |
[f.2] | It(e)m paid to Marie Mitchell a cowe prised in the Inventarie at xls for a legacie given unto her in the last will & testament of the said deceased | xls |
It(e)m paid to Henrie Mead and Anne his wiefe one of the daughters of the said deceased for their part & porc(i)on of certaine houshold stuff, and part of two milche kine, given and bequeathed in the last will & testament of the said deceased unto Amy his Daughter; w(hi)ch Amye being now dead, the fifte part thereof doth remaine unto the said Anne as by ye last will & testament of the said deceased more at Lardge appereth | vl |
It(e)m paid unto Edward Mitchell and Joane his wiefe, an other of the Daughters of the said deceased for the like | vl |
It(e)m paid to Thomas Stutsburie & Eme his wiefe, an other of the Daughters of ye said deceased for the like | vl |
It(e)m paid to Thomas Spooner al(ia)s Lunt one of the Sonnes of the said deceased, for the like | vl |
It(e)m this accomptant receaved the other vl being an other of the Sonnes of the said deceased, for the like | vl |
It(e)m paid to Edward Mitchell of [space] the father of Edward Mitchell the some of xijl to be imployed to the use & behoof of the said Edward his Sonne & to be repaied unto him when he come to the age of xxj yeres for the Rente of a house a barne and an ortchard given unto the said Edw(ard) his Sonne in the last will and testament of the said deceased during the nonage and minoritie of one Nicholas Davers menc(i)oned in the said will, as by one bond obligatory under the hand and seale of the said Edw(ard) Mitchell the Father, for the repaym(e)nt of the said xijl and indemptnity of this Accomptant against the said Edw(ard) his sonnes more at large apperethe | xijl |
[f.3] | Sum paid for engrossing of this Accompte in p(ar)chment | |
Sum paid for allowing this accompte, and of a Quietus est & wax | ||
Summa Allocac(ionis) |
And so there remaynethe in the hands of this Accomptante the sume of [blank] w(hi)ch he desirethe to be allowed unto him self being sole and only Executor of the last will and testament of Nicholas Lunt al(ia)s Spooner his Father Deceased and towards the payment of other debts & duties of the said deceased, if any hereafter shall appere to be due |