Will of Richard Gibbs, yeoman, 1812 (proved 1816)
Herts RO 252AW3
This is the Last Will and Testament of me Richard Gibbs of Winslow in the County of Bucks Yeoman First I give and Devise unto my two Nieces Ann Morecraft Widow and Elizabeth Gibbs Spinster All and every my Freehold and Copyhold Messuages Cottages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Real Estate whatsoever situate standing lying and being in the Parish of Winslow aforesaid or elsewhere With the respective Rights Members and Appurtenances thereunto belonging used or in any wise appertaining (The Copyhold parts whereof are held of the Manor of Winslow with its Members and have been or are intended to be Surrendered to the Use of my Will) To hold the same and every part thereof unto and to the use of the said Ann Morecraft and Elizabeth Gibbs their Heirs and Assigns Absolutely as Tenants in Common and not as joint Tenants Subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable (jointly with my Personal Estate and Effects hereinafter given and bequeathed) to for and with the Payment of the several Legacies or Sums of Money hereinafter mentioned and expressed And as to all and every my Household Goods and Furniture ready money and Securities for money Rights Credits Chattels Debts Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or Kind soever (after payment of all such debts as I shall justly owe at the time of my decease my funeral and testamentary Expences) I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof and all my Estate and Interest therein unto my said two Nieces Ann Morecraft and Elizabeth Gibbs equally to be divided between them share and share alike subject nevertheless and also charged jointly with my said Real Estate hereinbefore by me given and devised to for and with the Payment of the several Legacies or Sums of money hereinafter given and bequeathed (that is to say) To George Mayne Mary Mayne Ann Mayne Elizabeth Mayne John Mayne James Hall and Thomas Hall the children of my Niece Penelope Hall formerly Penelope Gibbs Spinster afterwards the Wife of Robert Mayne and now the wife of James Hall the Legacy or sum of fifty pounds apiece of lawful British Money And to my Nephews and Nieces John Gibbs the Elder of Winslow aforesaid Cordwainer William Gibbs the Elder of the same place Labourer Jane the Wife of Thomas Matthews also of the same place Joiner and Cabinet Maker and Elizabeth the Wife of John Gibbs also of the same place VIctualler the Legacy or Sum of fifty pounds apiece of like lawful Money All which said Legacies or Sums of Money I do hereby give and bequeath unto each and every of the said Legatees hereinbefore named respectively accordingly and do direct the same to be paid to such of them as shall at the time of my decease have arrived to the Age of twenty one years within twelve calendar months next after my Decease and to such of them as shall not then have arrived to that age when and so soon as they shall severally and respectively attain thereunto And I do hereby
[signed] Richd. Gibbs
[p.2] Will and direct that in case of the Deceases or Decease of any or either of the Children of the said Penelope Hall under the age of twenty one years and without Issue that the Legacy or Legacies of him her or their so dying shall lapse and sink for the joint and equal benefit of my said Nieces Ann Morecraft and Elizabeth Gibbs their Heirs Executors and Administrators any Statute or Custom to the Contrary thereof Notwithstanding And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Nieces Ann Morecraft and Elizabeth Gibbs joint Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament And I do hereby revoke and make void all Wills and Codicils heretofore by me made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Richard Gibbs the Testator have to the first sheet of this my last Will and Testament contained on two sheets of paper set my Hand only and to this second and last sheet my Hand and Seal this twenty first day of October in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand Eight hundred and twelve
[signed] Richd. Gibbs
Signed sealed Published and declared by the said Richard Gibbs
the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence
of us who at his request in his Presence and in the Presence of each
other have hereto subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto
Jno. Maydon
[Illegible on microfilm]
Chas. Willis attorney Winslow
The 20th. Day of August 1816 Ann Morecraft and Elizabeth Gibbs the joint Executrixes of this Will were duly sworn as Such & the personal Estate and Effects of the Testator Sworn to be under four hundred pounds before me
Jonathan Brigges Surrogate
Richard was one of the Gibbs bell-ringing brothers, and apparently the last survivor; see Gibbs family. They were the sons of William Gibbs (will proved 1767) and Ann (nee Wright), and Richard was baptised in 1739. He seems to be referred to as a currier in earlier life until c.1798, but Gibbs was a very common surname in Winslow. Richard inherited from his brother Robert, maltster (d.1795). Richard's main heirs were the daughters of his brother John Gibbs, maltster (d.1798) and his wife Hannah (d.1811).
- Ann Gibbs married Thomas Morecraft (will proved 1807) at Winslow on 25 May 1785. Her will was proved in 1828.
- Elizabeth Gibbs (d. 1845 aged 78) was also the principal heir of her uncle James Morris (will proved 1812). Richard had already given her the property he inherited from his father (20/22 High Street).
- Penelope Gibbs married Robert Mayne at Winslow on 5 April 1790. She later (before 1811) married James Hall. She and both her husbands kept the Rose and Crown. She died in 1838 aged 67.
The other 4 nephews and nieces were the children of Thomas Gibbs; they are also mentioned in the will of another uncle William Gibbs, glover (will proved 1789). The 6th brother was Stephen.
According to the 1816 manor court, Richard Gibbs' copyhold property consisted of a messuage in Granborough which he acquired from George Stevens in 1776 and 7 acres of land in Winslow called the New Laid Down Piece (lot 41 in the Enclosure Award, north-east of Granborough Bridge) which he inherited from his father William Gibbs in 1766.