Will of John Graunt alias Miller of Shipton, yeoman, 1630

Herts RO 73AW14

In the name of god Amen. The xxvth day of October in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred & thirtie. I John Graunt al(ia)s Miller, of Shipton in the parish of Winslow & County of Bucks Yeoman, being sicke in body, but in perfect remembrance (god be praysed for it) do make this my last Will and testament in maner and forme following: First I bequeath my soule unto almighty god, who created me and redeemed me by his sone, Jesus Christ, by whose merites onely I trust to be saved : and my bodie to be decently buried in the church or churchyard of Winslow aforesaid. Concerning my worldly goods, I give one brasse pot, a spice morter with a pestill to it to remain as standards to the howse, And the rest of my household stuffe to be equally devided between Amye my wife and John the sone of my brother William Graunt al(ia)s Miller. Item I give unto Amye my wife three kine, two hoggs and two stores, and the one half of my sheepe. And the remainder of all my corne & graine after that my land be all seeded, and the cattell wintered. Also I give unto my sayd wife all the poultrie about the yarde. Item I give unto the poore of the parish twentie shillings to be distributed among them in bread or money at the discretion of my Executor. And unto all my God-children I give twelve pence a peece. The rest of my goods unbequeathed, my debts & legacies being discharged, I give unto my brother Thomas Graunt al(ia)s Miller, whom I make my sole Executor, and my loving friends and kinsmen Peter Fyge the elder, Richard Snow, and John Snow, to be Overseers of this my last will and testament to see the same truly p(er)formed and to them I give three shillings four pence apeece for their paynes. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day and year first above written.

The mark of John Graunt
als Miller

Witnesses hereunto
Robt Maynwaring [signature]
Peter Fyge sen' [signature]
Richard Snow [mark]
John Snow [mark]

The oath was ministered to the Executor
above named the xxixth day of Aprill 1631
p(er) me Rob: Maynwaring

Inventory of John Graunt alias Miller of Shipton, yeoman, 1630

Herts RO A25/3100

A true & p(er)fect Inventorie of all the goods and chattels of John Graunt al(ia)s Miller of Shipton in the County of Bucks yeoman, made the xxiiith day of November, 1630 by Richard  Snow, John Snow, and William Miller.

Imprimis in the hall one table, two forms & two chaires                                                  
x s
Item one Cubboard and two stooles                                                                               
x s
Ite(m) a paire of bellowes, a gridyron, a pot-hanger & pott hookes                                                  
iii s
Ite(m) in the Chamber a table with a frame, a fourme & bench                                       
xiii s iiii d
Ite(m)  three olde coffers, a boxe, and a painted cloth                                                                 
vi s
Item one ioyned bedsteed                                                                                              
xx s
Ite(m)  two fetherbedds, two bolsters, two coverlets & three blankets                              
iii li
Ite(m)  in the kitchin two blasse pannes, six bottles, two skillets, & a scum(m)er
iii li iii s
Ite(m) three brass-potts, two little panes and a chafing dish                                             
xxxiii s iiii d
Ite(m) xviii platters, vii pottingers, and viii sawcers                                                          
xxxiii s iiii d
Ite(m) five candlesticks, a pewter pott, two salts, & two dozen of spoones                                   
vii s
Ite(m) a warming pan and a latten bason                                                                                   
iii s
Ite(m) two yron barres, two pot hangers, two spits & a paire of cobyons                          
v s
Ite(m) a salting trough and two flitches of olde bacon                                                           
xxx s
Ite(m) a cheese-presse and a pen                                                                                              
iii s iiii d
Ite(m) a fatt, two kyvers, four barrels, and three tubbes                                                    
xxvi s viii d
Ite(m) a spice morter and an yron pestle                                                                        
v s
Ite(m) xii paire of sheetes, four pillowbeeres, three table clothes, fower napkins and two towells 
v li
In the loft one bedsteed, iiii coffers and an olde presse                                                  
xxxvi s
Ite(m) in an other roome two bedsteeds, v pillows, two coverletts, two woollbeds, one flockbed and two coffers                                             
xl s
Ite(m) cheese and salt butter                                                                                         
xx s
Ite(m) a querne and some other implements in the mill-house                                          
xiii s iiii d
Ite(m) a Bible and some other small books                                                                       
viii s
Ite(m) wheate and barly in the barne                                                                            
xvi li
Ite(m) pulse and hey                                                                                                     
xx li
Ite(m) viii akers of wheat sowed                                                                                               
xii li
Ite(m) Carte, plowes, and harrowes                                                                               
vi li
Ite(m) Carte–ropes and horseharnesse                                                                          
xxx s
Ite(m) horse locks and fetters                                                                                          
vi s viii d
Ite(m) forkes and rakes                                                                                                
vi s
Item barly in the house with the sacks                                                                            
xl s
Item two dozen of hurdells                                                                                            
vi s
Ite(m) one hovel with timber and other wood                                                                  
iii li
Ite(m) one spade, two shovels, an axe, a hatchet, a bill & three wedges                           
v s
Item five horse beasts                                                               
xii li
Ite(m) viii kine & bullocks                                                                                             
xvi li
Item xxix sheepe                                                                                                          
v li x s
Item two hoggs and fower stores                                                                                    
xliii s iiii d
Item the poultrie in the yard                                                                                           
xiii s iiii d
Item his own apparel                                                                                                    
v s

29 Aprilis 1631 Exhibitum fuit per Thomam Grant al(ia)s Miller fratrem et executorem defuncti sub protestacione &c.


John held 2 yardlands (about 60 acres) according to the schedule of 1610. He was buried on 19 Nov 1630. He was the grandson of John Graunt alias Miller d.1589 and son of Thomas Grant alias Miller d.1607. He and his three brothers were involved in a Chancery case in 1613 brought against them by William Greene of Knebworth.

Robert Maynwaring appears to have written the will.

According to the OED, standards are "permanent or necessary furniture or apparatus (of a household, etc.)".

blasse: i.e. brasse

scum(m)er: Skimmer, either of iron to take ash from the hearth, or of some other metal used as a skimmer (Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories 1661-1714, p.327).

chafing dishe: See Chaver, Chafer: a small closed brazier containing charcoal or hot ash on which a chafing dish was set (Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories 1661-1714, p.321).

latten: a mixed metal of yellow colour, either identical with or closely resembling, brass; often hammered into thin sheets (OED).

Click on the picture for full images of the documents:

The will:

Will of John Graunt alias Miller

The inventory:

The inventory of John Graunt alias Miller


Copyright 13 February, 2020