Will of Richard Seaton, gentleman, 1821 (proved 1824)
National Archives, PROB 11/1687/256
This is the Last Will and testament of me Richard Seaton of Winslow in the County of Bucks Gentleman first I give and devise unto my Daughter Rosamond Mayne Wife of Oliver Mayne of Winslow aforesaid Butcher all that copyhold Messuage or tenement called or known by the name of the Sign of the Crooked Billett situate in Great Horn Street in Winslow aforesaid now in the occupation of George Carpenter with the rights members and Appurtenances thereto belonging to hold the same to the said Rosamond Mayne for and during the term of her natural life and now and from immediately after her decease or other sooner determination of her Estate therein I give and devise the said Messuage or Tenement with rights members and Appurtenances thereto belonging unto my Grandson Richard Mayne Son of the said Rosamond Mayne to hold the same and every part thereof unto and to the use of the said Richard Mayne his heirs and Assigns for ever Also I give and devise unto John Cox of Winslow aforesaid Plumber and Glazier and Charles Willis of Winslow aforesaid Gentleman all those my two enclosed Closes pieces or parcels of land or Ground situate in the Parish fields and liberties of Swanbourne in this said County of Bucks in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Kirby his Undertenants or Assigns with all and Singular the rights members Hereditaments Appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining to hold the same unto and to the use of the said John Cox and Charles Willis their heirs and Assigns for ever Upon trust nevertheless as hereinafter mentioned Also I give and bequeath unto the said John Cox and Charles Willis all my household Good and furniture Plate Linen China ready money and Securities for money Interest or Shares in the Capital Stock or Concern of the Grand Junction Canal Company and all other my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of whatever nature or kind the same may be which I may die possessed of or interested in or intitled unto to hold the same and every part thereof unto the said John Cox and Charles Willis their Executors Administrators and Assigns Upon trust that they the said John Cox and Charles Willis or the Survivor of them or their Executors Administrators or Assigns of such Survivor do and shall when and so soon after my decease as they or he shall think proper sell and dispose of the said Closes pieces or parcels of land or Ground Heraditaments and Premises and also my said Interest or shares in the said Capital Stock or Concern of the said Grand Junction Canal Company Household Good and furniture Personal Estate and Effects or such part thereof as shall not consist of money and Securities for money and shall be Saleable for the most money and best price or prices that can be reasonably had or gotten for the same and to collect and get in all debts that may be due to me on bond note or simple Contract and out of the money arising by such Sale and dispositon and to be collected and got in as aforesaid in the first place to pay off and discharge all such debts as I shall justly owe at the time of my decease my funeral and testamentary expences and the legacy or Sum of Fifty Pounds to each of my Daughters Ann Gibbs Widow and the said Rosamond Mayne to whom I give and bequeath and direct the same to be paid respectively within six months after my decease then that they the said John Cox and Charles Willis do detain and keep in their hands the Sum of ten pounds each for the care and trouble they will have in the execution of this my Will to whom I also give and bequeath the same then upon trust (after paying Satisfying and discharging the Costs and Charges incident to and attending the sale and disposition of my said Closes pieces or parcels of Land or Ground Interest or Shares in the said Capital Stock or Concern. of the said Grand Junction Canal Company Household Good and Furniture Personal Estate and Effects and Collecting and getting in the said debts to place out what shall be and remain of the said monies at Interest in their own names either in the Public Stocks or Funds or Government Securities or good Mortgage Security and to call in and place out the same or any other of my monies as they from time to time shall think proper Upon trust to stand possessed of all and every the said monies and Securities for money and Dividends Interest and Produce thereof And also of the rents dividends Annual and other Profits of my said real Estate and Premises and my said Interest and Shares in the said Capital Stock or concern of the Grand Junction Canal company and every Part thereof respectively until the same shall be sold and disposed of as aforesaid to and for the several uses intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) Upon trust to pay the dividends Interest and Produce of the principal Sum of Seven hundred Pounds part thereof to my said Daughter Ann Gibbs for and during the term of her natural life and the Interest dividends and Produce of the principal sum of Nine hundred Pounds further part thereof to pay to my said daughter Rosamond Mayne for and during the term of her natural life and my mind and Will is and I do direct my said trustees and the Survivors of them his Executors and Administrators respectively to pay the said Interest Dividends and Produce of the said Several Sums of Seven hundred pounds and Nine hundred pounds into the own hands of each of them my said Daughters Ann Gibbs and Rosamond Mayne for their and each of their own separate uses and not into the hands of any Assignee or Assignees nor of the present husbands of the said Rosamond Mayne or any future husband or husbands they my said daughters or either of them shall marry nor to the hand of any Creditor or Creditors with whom they or either of them the present husband of the said Rosamond Mayne or any future husband or husbands they my said Daughters or either of them may marry may at any time or times hereafter Contract any debt my intention being that the same shall be for their and each of their personal and own separate benefits and not to be in their or either of their power to sell assign or in any wise to dispose of or incumber the same or any part or parts thereof and that the receipt and receipts of my said Daughter Ann Gibbs and Rosamond Mayne respectively alone (notwithstanding the present Coverture of the said Rosamond Mayne or any future Couverture of either of them my said Daughter) shall be good and sufficient discharge and discharges to my said trustees and the survivor of them his Executors or Administrators for so much money as in and by receipt or receipts shall be expressed to be received And from and immediately after the decease of my said Daughter Ann Gibbs I give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren Richard Gibbs (Son of my said Daughter Ann Gibbs) Richard Mayne Ann Mayne Charles Mayne Harriott Mayne Samuel Mayne and John Mayne (the children of my said Daughter Rosamond Mayne) the said principal Sum of Seven hundred Pounds with all interest that shall be then due thereon equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike and be paid and payable to such of such as shall then have arrived to the Age of twenty one Years forthwith and to such of them as shall not then have arrived to such Age when and so soon as they shall respectively attain thereto with benefit of Survivorship amongst them as to the share or shares of any or either of them dying under such Age and without Issue and from and immediately after the decease of my said Daughter Rosamond Mayne I also give and bequeath unto my said Grandchildren Richard Gibbs Richard Mayne Ann Mayne Charles Mayne Harriott Mayne Samuel Mayne and John Mayne the said principal Sum of Nine hundred Pounds with all interest that shall be then due thereon equally to be divided between them share and share alike and to be paid and payable to such of them as shall then have arrived to the Age of twenty one Years forthwith and to such of them as shall not then have arrived to such Age and so soon as they shall respectively attain thereto with benefit of Survivorship amongst them in like manner as hereinbefore is mentioned and expressed the said principal sum of Seven hundred pounds herewith before given and bequeathed to them after the decease of the said Ann Gibbs and as to for and concerning the cost and residue of the monies to arise as aforesaid (after answering the purposes aforesaid) and all other my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and of what nature or kind soever not hereinbefore by me given and disposed of I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said Grandchildren Richard Gibbs Richard Mayne Ann Mayne Charles Mayne Harriott Mayne Samuel Mayne and John Mayne equally to be divided between share and share alike and to be paid and payable to such of them as shall at the time of my decease have arrived at the age of twenty one Years within twelve months after my decease and to such of them as shall not then have arrived to such age when and as they shall respectively attain thereto with benefit of Survivorship amongst them in like manner as is heretobefore mentioned and expressed concerning the said the said principal Sums of Seven hundred pounds and Five hundred pounds by me and likewise before given and bequeathed to them And in the meantime from and after my decease and the several deceases of my said Daughters Ann Gibbs and Rosamund Mayne and until my said Grandchildren shall severally and respectively attain the Age of twenty one Years I hereby direct my said trustees and the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators at any time or times to assign or dispose and apply any part or parts of the share or shares of my said Grandchildren of and in the rest and residue of my monies Personal Estate and Effects hereinbefore given and bequeathed to them although the same did not vest or become payable assignable or transferable to him her or them not exceeding the sum of fifty Pounds each in for or towards the preferment advancement or benefit of the said Grandchild or Grandchildren respectively in the world or otherwise for his her or their benefit or puting or placing or apprenticing him her or them in or to any trade business. or Employment as to my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators shall seem meet And I so hereby also declare and direct that the receipt or receipts of the said John Cox and Charles Willis or their heirs Executors or Administrators shall ad Sufficient Discharge or Discharges to the Purchase or Purchases of my said real and Personal Estates hereinbefore given and devised to them for so much money as in and by such receipt or receipts shall be expressed to be received and that it shall not be necessary for the Purchaser or Purchasers thereof or any part thereof his her or their heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns to see to the application of his her or their Purchase money not be answerable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof or any part thereof And I do hereby constitute and appoint the said John Cox and Charles Willis the Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby annulling all former and other Wills by at any time heretofore made And my Will is and I do hereby direct that my said Executors and trustees shall each of them be answerable for their own acts and deeds only and not the one of them for the other of them And that they or either of them shall not be answerable for any such amounts or produce of my Estate than shall be actually received by them or come to their respective hands or were not for any cost reduction thereon without their or out of their respective neglect or default And also that they retain all their costs charges Damages and Expenses in the trusts or Executorship on this my Will and of the Estates and Effects in them respectively vested by virtue thereof or out of the monies arising therefrom In Witness whereof I the said Richard Seaton the testator to the five first sheets of this my Will contained on six sheets of Paper set my hand only and to the sixth and last sheet set my hand and seal this eighth day of February in the Year of our Lord Christ One thousand eight hundred and twenty one
[signed] Richard Seaton
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Richard Seaton the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses thereof
John Arnott
John Wilson
Dav Norris
Proved at London the 10th. June 1824 before the Judge by the oaths of John Cox and Charles Willis the Executors to whom Admin was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to Administer
Richard Seaton was the son of Augustine Seaton, butcher (1701-66), born in 1746. His father left him 12 High Street, which he sold in 1803. In 1788 when he was described as a brandy merchant he bought the Punch House, already in his own occupation, from John Hall; he invented the name and kept it from about 1787-1807. He sold it in 1811. There is no indication of where he lived afterwards. He was described as a vintner in 1797, from which time he started acting as a mortgagee to various people in Winslow.
Richard's wife Elizabeth died some time after 1811. Richard probably moved away from Winslow until 1787, and made money which financed his property transactions and his eventual elevation to "gentleman". His daughters don't seem to have been baptised at Winslow:
- Ann Seaton married Stephen Gibbs at Winslow in 1791. They had several children who must have died young. Richard Gibbs, the only one mentioned in the will, was born c.1810, and became a builder; he built some of the houses in the north part of the High Street.
- Rosamond Seaton married Oliver Mayne at Winslow in 1797. They were living at 19-21 Horn Street in 1841. Their children were born between 1798 and about 1815. The Crooked Billet previously belonged to Oliver's father John Mayne (d.1803), and Richard Seaton bought it in 1813. The inn was kept by Oliver until some time between 1815 and 1820. Rosamond died in 1850 and Oliver in 1851.
- See the will of his grandson Richard Mayne, grocer, proved 1829 which lists the other children of Oliver and Rosamond.