Court baron, 8 January 1671/2
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/15
Originals in Latin apart from words shown in "...". Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.
Winslow with members. Court Baron of Rt Hon. Anthony Lord Ashley, Rt Hon. Sir John Trevor, Hon. Thomas Osborne bart, Sir Robert Murray and John Tillotson DD, 8 Jan 23 Charles II 1671 by Edmund West jr, esq., steward.
Essoins as set out in the roll of suitors' names [not preserved].
Homage: John Hogson, John Watts, John Dim(m)uck, John Godding
William Spooner, William Townesend, Richard Phipps, Benedict Holland at pound
Robert Manring, Thomas Mountague, William Elling, Thomas Ward, Thomas Curtice
Tenants who committed default [amerced 2d unless stated otherwise]:
William Elliott, Richard Aston, Thomas Halfepenny 4d, Edward Palmer 4d, Christopher Coates, John
Glenister, Master [Dominus] Retchford 4d, William Fyrth, Edward Tomlin, Edward Reddell, John Seaton, Widow Chennell, Richard Norton
Thomas Hogge, Thomas Sheffeild, Joseph Hollyday, John Bowden, William Moorecrafte, Robert Thorpe & Henry Steevens of Claydon
Christopher Rookes with the assent of Thomas Miller surrendered:
- a messuage in Winslow with a close of land adjoining
- another close and "leyes" of pasture and "swerdground" called the Leyes or Close at Hanging Stile in Winslow containing 5 acres
- 5 "leyes" of grassland: one is "headland" abutting on Lockwoods Lane, Sheepcott furlong north
- 3 "leyes" on Rye furlong in Winslow of which one lies next to the highway leading from Winslow to Shipton with a hedge standing on it, the highway north
To the use of Sir John Busby on condition that if Thomas pays him at his dwelling house at Addington £4 10s on 9 July next, 9 Jan next and 9 July following, and the full sum of £150 with 6% interest at Michaelmas following, the surrender will be to the sole use of Thomas. Rent 2s 3d, fine 18s.
[This transfer of mortgage is recorded in a separate deed of 1671/2]
Dorothy Plum(m)er late wife of John Plum(m)er sr died seised of half of two messuages in Winslow and of 1½ acres of land in the same. John Plum(m)er jr her son is nearest heir, aged 3. He was brought to court by John sr his father who sought that his son should be admitted. Fine 5s, heriot 2s. Custody of the heir's body and of the premisses was given to John sr during the minority.
[This refers to The Bell; Dorothy inherited her share from her grandfather William Pym]
Wendover Loundes surrendered 1 acre of pasture called Leyground in Winslow in Demoram feild in Tuckey Leyes, Silvester Claver north. And 1 acre of arable land in Claydon brooke furlong, the Berry land north. To the use of Ann Attwood sr. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
He also surrendered 4 "ridges" of which one is a "headland" in Winslow abutting on Berry hedge corner, William Spooner east, in Demoram feild. To the use of Francis Dassett. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Henry Wyatt surrendered:
- in New Mill feild in Hawkeslow furlong 2 "ridges" with "the heades" and hedge, the highway north
- in the same field in Orchell hill furlong, 1 "ridge", Thomas Robinson south, containing <½ acre>.
To the use of Peter Stutsbury. Rent 4½d, fine 3s.
Edward Horwood and Ann Horwood his wife surrendered Ann's part of a messuage or cottage in Winslow in which Edward now lives, viz. the southern part with the southern part of the courtyard [chortis] and orchard as now divided. To the use of Edward and Ann for their lives, then to the heirs of their bodies, or for want of such to Ann's heirs. Rent 4d, fine 5s.
[Edward and Ann were living in Bicester by 1693, and sold this property to Nicholas Pleasted in 1694]
Thomas Godwyn and Mary his wife surrendered:
- in Oldmill Feild in Stone furlong 2 "ridges" with "the hades" abutting on Granborow brooke, Silvester Claver east
- in Demoram Feild in Shortlease furlong 2 "ridges" with "hades" abutting on a piece of meadow called Twelve acres, William Gyles east
containing 2 acres. To the use of William Udding. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Richard Daniel and Mary his wife surrendered 3 acres of arable land:
- in Oldmill Feild in Stone leaze furlong 5 "yards" [virgas], Thomas Halfepenny north
- in Demoram Feild in Over Arsemead furlong 1 acre, William Spooner west
- in Newmill Feild in Anckersland furlong 1 acre, Thomas Neale south
To the use of Benjamin Leach. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
John Finch surrendered a messuage in Winslow now in his own possession, Silvester Claver's messuage north, William Hunt's south, with "the Malthouse" and 1 acre of "Leyes" in the "Backside", Silvester Claver north, John Forrest south. To the use of Robert Bowden of Addington, yeoman, on condition that the surrender will be void if John pays Robert at his dwelling in Addington £23 12s: 12s on 9 July next, 9 Jan 1672, 9 July 1673, 9 Jan 1673, 9 July 1674 and £20 12s on 9 Jan 1674. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
Henry Wyatt and Dororthy Miller surrendered 7 "ridges" of arable land with "the hades" in Demoram Feild in Arsemead furlong, Thomas Godwyn west, containing 3½ acres. To the use of John Seaton. Rent 10½d, fine 7s.
[f.1v] Richard Phipps and Thomas Elliott surrendered 12 acres of arable land, pasture and meadow in the fields of Shipton:
- in Blackgrove Feild 3 "ridges" in Mead side, John Snow between them, Charles Bowler north and south
- 3 ridges in Littledon Furlong, William Townesend west of two and Thomas Sheffeild west of the third
- a half-acre in Long Blackgrove, William Wyatt both sides
- 1 ridge in Newleane, William Wyatt west
- 2 ridges over Bewles Deane, George Elliott east
- in the Redfeild: 3 ridges over Peartree, John Henly west of one, John Townesend west of another, Thomas Robinson west of the third
- 2 ridges at Portway, John Henly west
- 2 ridges next to Saltstreet Way beyond the way
- 3 ridges in the Slow, John Snow east
- 2 ridges in Pease Furlong, John Stevens east
- In Licehill Feild: 2 ridges in Drymead, William Townesend east
- 2 ridges in Snouthale, Joseph Glenister east of one, Thomas Sheffeild west of the other
- 2 ridges in Woodway, Thomas Sheffeild east
- another ridge in Woodway, John Snow west
- in Westslade 2 "ridges", William Townesend east
- another ridge there, William Townesend east
- 1 ridge over Long Varnham, Charles Bowler north
- 2 ridges over Cookewell, Mrs Holloway east
To the use of Mary Godwyn of Mursley spinster, on condition that the surrender will be void if Richard Phipps pays her at the dwelling of Nicholas Godwyn in Mursley £94 8s: 48s on 9 July following, 9 Jan 1672, 9 July and 9 Jan 1673, 9 July 1674 and £82 8s on 9 Jan 1674. Rent 3s, fine £1 4s.
[This mortgage was also recorded by William Lowndes, who acquired the land later]
Henry Wyatt surrendered his messuage in Winslow called The Rose with all buildings, structures, courtyards, gardens. To the use of Joan Kirby and Elizabeth Hughes on condition to be void if he pays Joan £106 on 9 Jan 1672. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
[This probably refers to the Rose and Crown]
John Shelton and Elizabeth his wife surrendered part of an orchard in Winslow containing in width at the east end 63 feet and at the west end 88 feet, in length 121 feet, as now "staked out", the land of William Spooner west, John Shelton south and east. To the use of John Seaton. Rent 1½d, fine 1s.
Edmund Paxton gent. and Mary his wife surrendered:
- 7 acres of land lying together in Winslow being part of Horsemead peece, the highway south
- 5 "lands" at Old Mill, John Townesend west
- 3 acres in Minges peice, a land of Robert Hales lying between, a land abutting on the "headland" in Minges peice, John Townesend north and Peter Stutsbury south
- 1½ acres of "swerd ground" in Demoram feild next to the free(hold) acre of Edmund Paxton, John Townesend north
- 1 land in Shipton in Licehill feild, Thomas Robinson west
To the use of John Bence of Grandborough, on condition to be void if Edmund pays him at the house where John now dwells in Grandborough £94 8s: 48s on 9 July next, 9 Jan 1672, 9 July and 9 Jan 1673, 9 July 1674, and £82 8s on 9 Jan 1674. Rent 3s 3d, fine £1 10s.
Edward Hobcroft surrendered a messuage in Winslow now in his own possession, adjoining the house of Thomas Knight, with barns, stables and structures. To the use of Benedict Gaudry of Whitchurch in trust for Jane Gaudry his sister, on condition to be void if Edward pays her at the house where Benedict now dwells in Whitchurch £81 12s: £3 12s (annually) on 9 Jan 1672-1676 and £63 12s on 9 Jan 1677. Rent 1s, fine 5s.
Jane Grassam late of Winslow spinster on 17 Sep last on her deathbed surrendered through Robert Elliott and Robert Stevens a messuage or cottage in Winslow in her own possession with orchards, gardens, courtyards and "Backsides", and 3 acres belonging to it:
- 1 acre in Bules alias Bugles Deane furlong in Shipton
- 1 selion in Snoute Hale furlong, John Henly west
- another selion or "Forshooter", Charles Bowler east
- 1 acre of "Cowpasture" in Trundell furlong
To the sole use of Richard Grassam of London Winecooper her brother, who is to hold according to her will dated 10 Sep. Rent [blank], fine 6s.
[Richard Grassum's will made in 1683 (National Archives PROB 11/472/184) makes no mention of property in Winslow so he probably sold it]
Thomas Elliott sought admission according to a surrender made on 10 July last by Robert Loundes and Elizabeth his wife through the steward to:
- 2 "Hades" in Rie furlong in Old Mill Field, the Church Headland west, the end of Thomas' garden east, land of Daniel Seare south
- 1 "headley" with hedge in Lockards Lane furlong adoining the same street [vico], the land of Edward Palmer and Thomas Miller west.
Rent 1½d, fine 1s, heriot by composition 2s 6d.
[f.2r] Robert Elliott sr of Shipton now deceased on 20 April 1671 on his deathbed surrendered through George Elliott and Richard Phippes:
- his messuage in Shipton, the "Homestall" of Thomas Sheffeild north, the old House (in English "Homestall") of Robert himself south, beginning at the elm next to the field marked[?] with a letter R and so two feet from the south side of the tree called "the Pearmaine tree" and so to the north-east corner [illegible word] of the barn and so to the wall of the dwelling house now new built, two panels (in English "Panes") inside the north-east corner, and so to the street[?] [stratu(m)] around the wall of the dwelling house to that end, and the street [strato] being the west boundary, the field the east, and the house of Thomas Sheffeild the north
- the Drymead Close containing 3 acres, the land of Charles Bowler east
- 1 acre abutting on Dirtymead close, John Stevens east and John Snow west
- 2 acres at Change furlong in Winslow field, Silvester Claver east
- In Redfeild 1 acre in Pease furlong, John Glenister west
- 1 "land" in Nether[?] Clay furlong, John Henley east
- 1 land in Amersland, Charles Bowler west
- 1 land in Woodfurlong, Richard Phipps south
- 1 land at Peartree Heades, Benedict Glenister west, William Townesend jr east
- In Blackgrove Feild 3 lands in Steart furlong, Charles Bowler south
- 1 land in Dirtylands, Charles Bowler east
- 1 acre in Reedon, Charles Bowler east
- 2 Commons in the Cowpasture being 1 acre on the east side of Dirtymead close and another acre in Broadmoore furlong, John Glenister south
To the use of Dorothy his wife for her life, then Robert Elliott his son. Rent 3s 6d, fine £1 8s.
[See further below]
Court baron, 18 April 1672
Winslow with members. Court Baron of Rt Hon. Anthony Lord Ashley, Rt Hon. Sir John Trevor, Hon. Thomas Osborne bart, Sir Robert Murray and John Tillotson DD, trustees of George Duke of Buckingham, held at Little Horwood on 18 April 24 Charles II by Edmund West jr, esq., steward.
Homage: Emanuel Ward, Thomas Ward, Thomas Adams, John Fuller
Thomas Curtice, John Paradine, Richard Barton
Henry Wyatt surrendered:
- 1 acre of meadow in Demoram feild in Demoram furlong, Thomas Deely south
- in Newmill field in Ankersland furlong 2 "ridges" of arable land, the highway called Parsonage Planck Highway north, containing a half-acre
To the use of William Wyatt. Rent 4½d, fine 3s.
Court Baron
The writer left a blank space, presumably to fill in details of another date, venue or jury
Wendover Loundes, Richard Reeve, John Parnham and Richard Miller surrendered 2 messuages and 60 acres in Winslow to the use of Richard Hubbins, who sought admission. Fine waived. Plea of common recovery followed: Robert Gybbs jr complained against Richard Hubbins, who called to warrant Wendover Loundes, who called Robert Gybbs sr.
[f.2v] Richard Bodily, minister of court, delivered seisin to Robert Gybbs jr who then surrendered a messuage with a small close called The Homeclose and 48 acres in Winslow, parcel of the 60 acres. To the use of William Gyles and Mary his wife and Mary's heirs in perpetuity. Rent 12s, fine £4 16s.
[This is the land referred to when William Gyles' death was reported at the 1702 court. Wendover Lowndes sr died in 1672, and the other people named are probably mortgagees. He was the younger son of William Lowndes (d.1654), and received the property from his mother Frances, nee Wendover (see 1654 court). The other entries for this court concern the rest of the holding above.]
Robert Gybbs jr surrendered a parcel of land now or late in the tenure of Thomas Benboe in Winslow containing in width from the cottage of Henry Hewes east 32 feet, in length 38 feet. To the use of the said Henry Hughes. Rent 1d, fine 6d, no heriot.
Robert Gybbs jr surrendered 1 acre of land:
- 1 selion in Old Mill Feild in Westcottmoore furlong, Edmund Paxton north
- another in New Mill Feild in Breach furlong, Thomas Neele east
- a third in Demoram Feild at Tucky Hill, Edmund Paxton both sides
To the use of Peter Stutsbury. Rent 6d, fine 2s, no heriot.
Robert Gybbs jr surrendered a messuage in Winslow with "the Malthouse", barns, stables, buildings and structures known as Hanging Stile house, and a piece of land in Winslow, the close late Wendover Lounds' east, containing 1 rood. To the use of John Amborow and Elizabeth his wife. Rent 1s 1d, fine 5s 6d, no heriot.
[John Amborough sold his messuage to Daniel Gyles in 1705. It was probably what is now Lawn House, which had a malthouse in the 18th century.]
Robert Gybbs jr surrendered 4 selions of arable land with heads in New Mill Feild in Neather Leas furlong containing 2 acres, Andrew Stutsbury east, Edmund Paxton west. To the use of William Udding. Rent 6d, fine 4s, no heriot.
Robert Gybbs jr surrendered 2½ acres of arable land:
- in New Mill Feild: 4 selions abutting on Addington hedge, John Finch north, Silvester Claver south
- 1 selion in the same field on Ankersland furlong, Francis Glenister south
- 2 acres of arable land together in Demoram Feild abutting on Berry hedge, William Spooner east
To the use of Francis Dassett. Rent 1s 1½d, fine 9s.
Robert Gybbs jr surrendered 1 acre of meadow in Old Mill Feild in Lower Hollow Furrowes, William Spooner south. And 1 acre of arable in New Mill Feild at Longbreach, Thomas Chandler west. to the use of Francis Glenister. Rent 6d, fine [blank], no heriot.
Robert Gybbs jr surrendered 1 acre of "Ley ground" in Demoram Feild in Tuckey Leyes, Silvester Claver north. And 1 acre of arable in Cleydon Brooke furlong, the land called "the Berryland" north.
The rest of the sheet is blank.
View of frankpledge and court baron, 18 October 1672
[f.3r] Winslow with members. View of frankpledge with court baron of Rt Hon. Anthony Viscount Shaftesbury, Hon. Thomas Osborne bart, Sir Robert Murray and John Tillotson DD, trustees of George Duke of Buckingham, 18 Oct 24 Charles II 1672 by Edmund West jr, esq., steward.
Complainants: none
Essoins as set out in the roll of suitors' names
Jurors: John Hogson, Benjamin Leach, Benjamin Glenister, Francis Glenister, John Godding, Andrew Stutsbury, William Spooner, Francis Dassett
Peter Loundes, Henry Hughes, William Townesend, Richard Phipps, Robert Manringe, Robert Holland, Thomas Mountague, John Stevens
John Thorpe, John Stevens at tiled house, William Illinge, Thomas Ward, Thomas Curtice, John Hawkins, John Paradine, Richard Barton
Default by tenants [amerced 2d each unless stated]: Edward Hobcroft, Thomas Smalbones, John Finch, William Bigg
Nicholas Bigg, Thomas Peace, John Stevens (pardoned), Richard Norton, Morris Griffis, William King of Claydon
Arthur Smith, John Cooper (6d), Richard Falkner, Thomas Oakely (4d), William Collins, Newman Williatt (6d)
Joseph Cocks, Thomas Grace
William Spooner, Andrew Stutsbury, Thomas Curtice and Thomas Ward sworn affearers.
George Elliott was chosen in the office of Constable for Winslow for the following year and sworn.
Thomas Chandler and Richard Worsley were chosen in the office of [blank] for Winslow for the following year and sworn.
Thomas Elliott of Winslow carpenter [faber lignarius] and Frances his wife surrendered 1 rood of "Ley ground" and the hedge and ditch on the east side in Winslow feild in the Towne furlong, Thomas Miller and Edward Palmer west. To the sole use of Nicholas Miller and Mary his wife, then to Nicholas' son William Miller. Rent ¾d, fine 6d.
The jurors presented the death of Robert Elliott, seised in fee simple of 1 messuage and 44 acres in the fields of Winslow and Shipton. George Elliott his son is nearest heir and sought admission. Rent 11s, fine £4 8s, heriot 1 horse.
Robert Stevens surrendered a messuage in Shipton now in his own occupation with all structures, orchards, gardens, commons, ways, "backsides", etc., and 18 acres of grassland and arable in Shipton Feild. to the use of Robert and Mary his wife for their lives, then to the heirs of their bodies, or for want of such to Robert's heirs, provided that if Robert dies leaving any issue then his heir will have half on reaching the age of 21. For want of such issue, the whole messuage will revert to Mary for her life. Rent 4s 6d, fine 36s.
[This must have been the result of the death of Robert's mother Ann Stevens in 1670 and presumably of a recent marriage]
Andrew Stutsbury and Helen his wife surrendered 1 acre of arable land in Demoram Feild in Arsemead furlong, the land of Master Retchford west. To the use of William Wyatt. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
Robert Seaton surrendered a messuage in Winslow and 8 acres in the fields of Winslow:
- in Newmill feild in Smalidowes furlong 5 acres, Richard Seaton east
- in Oldmill feild in Rushmead 2 acres, Richard Seaton west
- in Demoram feild at Tuckey hill 1 acre, Richard Seaton east
To the use of Robert and Ann his wife for their lives, then to the heirs of their bodies, or for want of such to Robert's heirs. Rent 2s, fine 16s.
Ralph Stephens and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a quarter-virgate in Granborough now in the occupation of Thomas Mountague [details given].
[f.3v] To the use of Ann and Elizabeth Hart, daughters of Hugh Hart of Eastclaydon clerk.
Thomas Godwyn and Mary his wife surrendered 1 acre in [blank], the Berry land north. To the use of John Kingston. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
Richard Phipps and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a messuage or cottage in Shipton, with barns, stables, buildings and structures, courtyards, orchards and gardens, the land of Mrs Holloway north. And Deane close containing 1 acre, Mrs Holloway north. To the use of William Wyatt. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
[f.4r] Edmund Sharrocke and Susan his wife sought admission according to a surrender of 22 April last by John Snow of Sinckleborough of a messuage and close in Shipton and 28 acres of arable, meadow and pasture in Winslow and Shipton, and all his other holdings in the manor. To the use of Edmund Sharrocke of Great Horwood clerk and Susan his wife and the one who lives longer and Edmund's heirs. Rent 7s, fine £2 6s, heriot by composition 12s 6d.
Robert Gybbs jr surrendered 1 acre and 1 piece of land. To the use of Benjamin Leach. Rent 3½d, fine 2s 6d.
[f.4v] Thomas Clements of Hogson yeoman sought admission according to a surrender of 14 March 1671 by Richard Shelton now deceased through John Hogson and John Watts of a messuage in Winslow with garden. To the sole use of Thomas and of William Stoniel of Puttenham, Herts. William Stonniel sought admission through Thomas Clements his attorney. Rent 4d, fine 5s, heriot by composition 14s.
No more court rolls are preserved until 1681.