Will of William Ingram, groom and gardener, 1888 (proved 1894)
Oxford Probate Registry
BE IT KNOWN that at the date hereunder written the last Will and Testament of William Ingram of Winslow in the County of Buckingham, Groom and Gardener, deceased, who died on the 28th day of February 1894, at Winslow aforesaid, and who at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode at Winslow aforesaid, within the District of the Counties of Oxford, Berks and Buckingham, was proved and registered in the District Probate Registry of Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice at Oxford and that Administration of the personal estate of the said deceased was granted to George Ingram of Winslow aforesaid, retired Butcher, the Son of the Deceased, the sole Executor named in the said Will, he having been first sworn well and faithfully to administer the same.
Dated the 3rd day of September 1894
Gross value of Personal Estate £250-3-10
Extracted by Herbert Bullock, Solicitor, Winslow
This is the last Will and Testament of me of William Ingram of Winslow in the County of Bucks late a Groom and Gardener I bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth absolutely all my plate china glass books pictures prints wines liquors furniture and other household effects I bequeath all my wearing apparel to my sons Harry and William in equal proportions I bequeath all the residue of my personal estate and I devise all the real estate if any to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease to my trustee hereinafter named Upon trust to sell call in and convert into money the same or such part thereof as shall not consist of money and shall with and out of the moneys produced by such sale calling in and conversion and with and out of my ready money pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and invest the residue of the said moneys in his own name in or upon any of the Public Stocks or funds or Government Securities of the United Kingdom or upon real securities in England or Wales (but in no other mode of investment) with power to vary such investments from time to time at his discretion into or for others of a like nature And shall stand possessed of the residuary trust moneys and the investment for the time being representing the same In trust to pay the income thereof to my wife Elizabeth during her life and after her decease as to the capital of the said trust funds and the interest thereof In trust for all my children then living and the issue of such as shall be then dead such issue taking only the share to which his her or their parent would have been entitled if living and if more than one in equal proportions I appoint my son George Ingram (hereinbefore referred to as “my Trustee”) to be the sole Executor and Trustee of this my Will. Lastly I revoke all other Wills In Witness whereof I the said William Ingram the Testator have hereunto set my hand this Eighth day of December One thousand eight hundred and eighty eight.
William Ingram [signature]
Signed and acknowledged by the said William Ingram the Testator as his Will in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses.
Thos Price Willis [signature] Solicitor, Winslow
Wm N. Midgley [signature] his Clerk
On the Third day of September 1894, Probate of this Will was granted at Oxford to George Ingram, the Son, the sole Executor
It is hereby certified that the foregoing is a correct copy.
Dated this Thirteenth day of December 1894.
William Ingram was 80 when he died. In 1891 he lived at 32 High Street (Staniford House) with his wife Elizabeth (sister of Thomas Turnham and John Turnham) and daughter Elizabeth. Elizabeth the widow died in 1900. Their children mentioned in the will were:
- George b.1841: inherited his uncle's butcher's shop at 12 High Street
- Harry b.1846: butcher, lived in Church Street
- Elizabeth b.1850, d.1922: in 1911 she and Harry lived at 13 Vicarage Road
- William b.1853, d.1928: also a butcher, lived for a time at 32 High Street