Musson & Craven's Directory of Buckinghamshire, 1853
Attenborough Rev. Thos. Beardsley, Independent minister, Market square
Bambridge Mr. John, Horn street [=Bainbridge]
Bowen Mr. William, Selby Villa, Buckingham road
Bowler Mrs. Ann, Horn Street
Bull Mrs. Mary, High street
Burnham Miss Harriet, Market square
Clark Mrs. Catherine Rebecca, Sheep street [=Caroline]
Cottrell Mr. John, High street
Dudley Mr. Samuel G., Market square
Gent Mr. Lynch Conway, Station road
Gent Miss Mary, High street
Harding Mr. John, Bell yard
Holland Mrs. Ann, Station road
Jones Mrs. Elizabeth, Horn street
King Mr. Josiah, Sheep street
Lowndes Edward William Selby, Esq., Hall, Buckingham road
Mayne Mr. Charles, Anmount cottage, Claydon road
McCreight Rev. William W., B.A., vicar, Vicarage
Monk Mr. Charles, Market square
Morecraft Mr. John, Horn street
Morecraft Mr. Thomas, Station road
Ridgway Miss Mary, Sheep street
Stamway Mr. Richard, High street [=Staniford]
Veal Mr. Andrew, Market square
West Miss Mary, Sheep street
White Rev. Stephen, M., B.A., curate, Church street
Willis Miss Ann Maria, Horn street
Abbott Edward, boot and shoemaker, Sheep street
Ablethorpe Thomas, victualler, “Plough,” Horn street
Allen Richard, bricklayer, plasterer, and slater, Sheep street
Attenborough Rebecca, ladies’ day school, Market square
Badrick Robert, tailor, Horn street
Baldwin Leonard, baker and corn dealer, Horn street
Baldwin Richard, coal merchant, Railway Station, h., High street
Bartlett, Parrott, and Hearn’s Branch Bank – draw on Praed, Fane, Praed, and Co., London. – King John, manager
Barton Alfred, victualler, “George,” and Commercial Inn, hop merchant, brewer, maltster, and wine and spirit merchant, Market square
Bathe John, tailor and draper, Market square
Bellow Mary, mistress of Infant School, Church Yard
Bonham Samuel, beer retailer and butcher, Union street [Royal Engineer]
Bonner Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Bell yard
Bowden Joseph, farmer, Horn street
Brise Hugh, farmer, Shipton
Brownett John, boot and shoemaker, Horn street
Bull Elizabeth Mary, victualler, “Royal Oak,” Market square
Burton Alfred, manager for Mr. Cross, draper, Horn street
Cheney Henry, victualler, “Chandos Arms,” High street
Clark George, tinman, High street
Clark Gregory Odell, coal merchant, Railway Station
Cole Samuel, farmer, Tokey farm [=Tuckey]
Corbett Robert, baker, Horn street
Corkett John, boot and shoe maker, and leather cutter, High street
Cowley and Son, Surgeons, Hanging style
Coxill Richard, cooper, High street
Craker John, tailor, Horn street
Cross George, linen and woollen draper, hatter, hosier, maltster, and agent for the Norwich Union Fire and Life and General Hailstorm Insurance Companies, and Stamp Office, Market square
Curtis John, farmer, Shipton
Dudley Samuel Burnham, auctioneer, appraiser, estate and land agent, and surveyor, Horn street
Dunkley Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, Horn street
Dockray John, railway engineer, Station road
East Jonathan, tailor and draper, Market square
Edwins Edmund, farmer, Shipton [Rands Farm]
Eggleton John, cooper, Sheep street
Elley John, baker and shopkeeper, High street
Forster William, bricklayer and builder, High street
French Elijah Watson, assistant ironmonger, Horn street
French Josua Lewin, grocer, hop, seed, and colour merchant, and furnishing ironmonger, Horn street
French Samuel William, tinman and brazier, High street
Fry Catherine, straw bonnet maker, Bell yard
George William, bookseller and stationer, High street
Gibbs Richard, bricklayer, Buckingham road
Grace Elizabeth, linen draper, High street
Grace John, boarding and day school, High street
Grace Joseph, black and shoeing smith, Horn street
Grace Samuel, hair dresser, High street
Grace William, victualler, “Rose and Crown,” Market square
Gray John, black and shoeing smith, High street
Griffiths Charles, basket maker, Sheep street
Hawley James, grocer, provision merchant, tallow chandler, and farmer, Market square
Hazelgrove William James, station master, Railway Station
Hazzard James, bread and biscuit baker, confectioner, and dealer in British wines, Market square
Hinton Mary, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, High street
Holt Thomas, coal merchant, Railway Station, h., High street
Hooton Charlotte, milliner and dressmaker, Sheep street
Howard Joseph, coal merchant, Railway Station, h., Aylesbury
Ingram John, shopkeeper, High street
Jennings Henry, painter, gilder, and gravestone cutter, Horn street
Jennings Leahanna, milliner and dressmaker, Horn street
Jennings William, butcher, Horn street
Jones Robert, farmer and grazier, Horn street
Jones William, victualler, “Three Pigeons,” and baker, High street
Jones William John, victualler, “Crooked Billet,” Horn street
Kays Charles, victualler, “Nag’s Head,” Sheep street [=Keys]
Kennings George, saddler and harness maker, Horn street
King George, grocer and dealer in British wines, Market square
King Grant, linen and woollen draper, hatter, hosier, and postmaster, Market square
King James, auctioneer, appraiser, valuer land and estate agent, surveyor, and agent for the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Company. Market square
King James, gamekeeper, Sheep street
King John, manager of Messrs, Bartlett, Parrott, and Hearn’s Branch Bank, surveyor, appraiser, land agent , and agent for the Phoenix Fire and Pelican Life Insurance Company, High street
King Joseph, victualler, “Windmill,” and wheelwright, High street
Lamburn Joanna, milliner and dressmaker, Horn street
Lee Joseph, saddler and harness maker, Sheep street
Lee Thomas, saddler and harness maker, Market square
Lomath John, boot and shoemaker, Union street
Lomath Mary, milliner and dressmaker, High street
Lomath William Henry, boot and shoemaker, High street
Lorkin Thomas, butcher, Market square
Lovell Henry, D.D., boarding school, Winslow Hall
Ludgate Mary Ann, mistress of School of Industry, Church street
Matthews Thomas, joiner, builder, surveyor, and agent for the Times Fire and Life Insurance Company, Buckingham road
Matthews William, builder, Horn street
Maydon George, maltster, High street
Mayne George, farmer and brick and tile manufacturer, High street
Mayne Mary, milliner and dressmaker, High street
Minter Mary Ann, matron of Union Workhouse, Buckingham road
Minter William, master of Union Workhouse, Buckingham road
Monk Elizabeth, grocer and dealer in British wines, Market square
Morecraft Thomas, butcher, Church street
Morgan James, linen and woollen draper, hatter, and agent for the General Fire and Life Insurance Office, Market square
Mortimer William, victualler, “King’s Head,” and joiner, High street
Neal William, victualler, “Bell,” Commercial Inn and Posting House, brewer, maltster, wine and spirit merchant, excise office, and agent for the London and North-Western Railway Company, Market square
Ossitt Robert, policeman, High street
Perkins Thomas, solicitor’s clerk, Station road
Raban Samuel, boarding and day school, Market square
Rivet Thomas, watchmaker, Horn street
Roades Ann, dressmaker, High street
Roades Emanuel, boot and shoemaker, Buckingham road
Roades Thomas, joiner, Horn street
Rowe Samuel, victualler, “Boot,” Albert place
Scaldwell Charles, boot and shoemaker, High street
Scott John, corn chandler, High street
Seager Richard, solicitor’s clerk, Market square
Sear Edward, coach builder, High street
Sellers and Herrup, plumbers, glaziers, and painters, Market square
Sharp Richard, victualler, “Old Crown,” Market square
Simons Thomas, hair dresser, Market square
Smith John, agent for the European Life Insurance Office, Horn street
Stevens Mary and Sarah, milliners and dressmakers, Market square
Stevens Thomas, tailor, Bell yard
Sturman Edward, manager of Gas Works, High street
Todd Elizabeth, boarding and day school, Sheep street
Toms Roseman, postman, Union road
Tredaway George, National schoolmaster, Buckingham road
Truby and Cort, tinmen, braziers, and hardware dealers, Market square
Turnham Thomas, butcher, High street
Turnham William, butcher, High street
Twining David, surgeon, Market square
Veal Margaret, boarding and day school, Market square
Viccars Ann, infant school, Horn street
Wade Hannah Maria, victualler, “Bull,” Horn street
Walker James, bricklayer, builder, grocer, and agent for the Trafalgar Life Insurance Company, High street
West John, tanner and currier, High street
Wigley Henry, printer, bookseller, stationer, and chemist and druggist, market square
Willis David Thomas, solicitor, superintendent registrar, clerk to the Magistrates for the Winslow division of the three hundreds division of Cottesloe, and Quainton division of the three hundreds of Ashendon, clerk to the Board of Guardians, clerk to the Association for the protection of property, and agent for the Royal Exchange Insurance Company, Horn street
Willis Thomas, plumber, glazier, painter, and upholsterer, Horn street
Wilmer John, coal dealer, Horn street
Wilmer Mary Ann, straw bonnet maker, Horn street
Woodward William, farmer, Shipton [Red Hall Farm]
Wynter John St. Thomas, surgeon, High street
Youlet George, beer retailer, coal dealer, and shopkeeper, Sheet [sic] street [Black Horse]
Petty Sessions,
For the Winslow division of the three hundreds of Cottesloe, held at the Bell Inn, every alternate thursday, 11am
Lowndes William Selby, Esq., chairman
Dauncey Philip, Esq.
Erle Rev. Christopher
Lowndes Edward William Selby, Esq.
Kerr Rev. Henry James
Freemantle The Right Honorable Sir Thomas F., Bart
Connell Abraham James Nisbet, Esq.
Post Office
Market Square.
Letters arrive from London, 5 a m ; delivered in summer 7 a m ; winter 7½ a m. From Buckingham, Bicester and Banbury, 11 a m.
From Oxford, 10 p m : departure for London and the north, 9.9 p m, and 10.25 a m : for Buckingham, Brackley, and Banbury, 11.50 a m :
for Bicester, 2.30 p m : for Fenny Stratford 9.9 p m : for Oxford, Buckingham, Brackley, Bicester, and Banbury 10.30 p m
Gas Works
High Street.
King James, secretary
Sturman Edward, manager
London and North-Western Railway Company Parcels Office
Market Square.
Neal William, agent
London and North-Western Railway Company Station.
Hazelgrove William James, master
Police Station.
Ossitt Robert, constable
Stamp Office,
Market square.
Cross George, distributor
Subscription Library and News Room,
Hanging style.
Cowley George, treasurer
Perkins Thomas, secretary
Lamburn Joanna, librarian
Union Workhouse,
Buckingham road.
Board day every thursday during winter ;
every alternate thursday during summer
Minter William, governor
Minter Mary Ann, mistress
Cowley George, surgeon
McCreight Rev. William W., B.A., chaplain
Hitchcock Sarah, school mistress
Dancer Philip, Esq., chairman
King John, Esq., vice-chairman
Willis David Thomas, clerk and superintendent registrar
Cowley George, registrar of births and deaths
Winter William, district surgeon
Cowley John, ditto
Gurney Robert, relieving officer
Places of Worship.
St. Lawrence’s Church. - McCreight Rev. William W., B.A., vicar; White Rev. Stephen M., B.A., curate. Service 11 a m, and 3 and 6 p m.
Independent Chapel, Horn street – Attenborough Rev. Thomas Beardsley, minister. Service 10½ a m, and 6 p m : wed, 7 p m
Infant, Church yard. Bellow Mary, mistress. Number of children, 70
National, Buckingham road. Tredaway Geo.,
master. Number of boys, 65
School of Industry, Church yard. Ludgate Mary
Ann, mistress. Number of boys and girls, 30
Aylesbury. – Walker John, from Railway Station,
wed and sat 9 a m
Wooton Thomas, from Railway Station,
wed and sat 9 a m
Buckingham. – Wooton Thomas,
wed and sat 5 p m
Leighton. - Walker John, from Bell Inn,
tues 9 a m