The George Inn
Winslow has had two George Inns; they were in operation simultaneously from the 1760s to 1820s. Both were run at different times by the Barton family, and it is sometimes difficult to know which one is referred to.
The current George was known until c.1827 as the George and Horseshoe or New George. It first appears in the alehouse recognizances in 1765. The present building is mainly early 19th-century with some earlier features; the balustrade of the balcony is said to have come from Claydon House, possibly after the sale of some of the contents and fixtures at The Bell in 1784. According to Clear it came from Salden House, which was demolished 1738-43. It is possible that both versions are correct as some of the contents of Salden were bought for Claydon House in 1738. Pevsner calls the ironwork mid-18th century, but see below.
The original George or Old George is now part of the Bell Inn, forming the present-day restaurant facing Bell Alley, formerly George Alley. It is a 17th-century timber-framed building with stone cellars. It was used as the parish workhouse between 1824 and 1837.
The New George / George and Horseshoe (now The George)
Grade 2 listing: Early C19 rebuilding of earlier structure. Some timber framing with brick infill in rear wall, remainder colour-washed stucco, part with rendered band courses and shaped brick eaves. Slate roof, hipped to front. E. front: 3 storeys, 2 bays; ground floor has wide sash window to left, off-centre door, and canted bay with sash windows to right. First floor has 4-pane sashes with segmental heads, and balcony with very fine wrought iron balustrade of elaborate scrolls, possibly from Claydon House. Second floor has 4-pane sashes. Left corner is angled. South front has irregular sash windows.
The part of the property facing the Market Square was freehold so does not appear in the manor court records (see further below). It belonged to the Bigg family. Richard Bigg appears for the first time as a freeholder in the 1705 poll book, and it's possible that William or Robert Lowndes made the George and Horseshoe (not necessarily a pub at the time) freehold in order to give Bigg a vote; he voted the same way as Robert Lowndes in 1705 and 1713. The origin might be in a sale by surviving members of the Beagles family to Richard Bigg in 1708 of "a messuage in Winslow, lately the estate of Daniel Beagles deceased, the common street south and west". This was previously described as a "messuage in the Butter Markett".
1766: George: Richard Bigg
1767-71: George: Daniel Harris
1776-95: George & Horseshoe: Richard Barton
(1798 directory: Richard Barton victualler)
Fire insurance (George & Horseshoe)
1785, 16 Dec: Sun Insurance 11936/333/512915
Richard Barton of Winslow victualler | £ |
On his household goods in his now dwelling house situate as aforesaid brick and tiled | 100 |
Wearing apparel therein | 20 |
Utensils and stock therein | 180 |
300 |
1781 Manor Court Book
Reference to "the Society called the Amicable and Brotherly Society now held at the House of Richard Barton"
Land Tax: George & Horseshoe
1781: Richard Bigg (owner), Richard Barton (occupier): 7s 2½d
1786: Richard Bigg (owner), Richard Barton (occupier): 7s 9¼d
1795 & 1805: Richard Barton (owner & occupier): 7s 9¼d
Richard Barton must have bought the property after 1786, but as it was freehold there is no record in the manor court book.
![]() |
When the stucco was removed from The George for repair work in 1997, this wooden pillar was revealed. It probably came from the Market House demolished in 1840, and seems to have been used in creating a new external wall on the ground floor where there was originally a jettied upper storey. |
1784 Register of Electors
Bigg, Richard of Leighton: owner of Freehold House in occupation of Richard Barton
Alehouse recognizances
1800-09: George & Horseshoe: Richard Barton sr
1810: George & Horseshoe: Ann Morris
1811-15: George & Horseshoe: William Turnham
1816-23: George & Horseshoe: Richard Barton
1823: George & Horseshoe: Ann Barton, widow
1827-28: George: Richard Barton
Northampton Mercury, 16 Oct 1810
Deaths: On Sunday night, after an illness of long continuance, in the 66th year of his age, Mr Richard Barton, proprietor and occupier of the George-and-Horse-Shoe, Winslow, Bucks, and well known for his musical abilities.
1821: Will of Richard Barton the elder, innholder & maltster, leaving George & Horseshoe to his wife Ann for her life, then to his son Richard with reversion to his younger son Alfred if Richard died before he was 21. Proved 15 Dec 1823 at St Albans, 19 June 1824 at the PCC. According to the sale particulars of 1876, Alfred Barton took over the (new) George in 1830. This was after his brother Richard died aged 23.
1823 directory: George & Horseshoe, Richard Barton (& maltster), Market Place
1830: Will of Richard Barton jr
1841: Census Market Square
Alfred | Barton | Innkeeper | 30 |
Mary | Barton | 35 | |
Sarah | Barton | 35 | |
John | Cranwell | Servant | 15 |
Joseph | Balard | Servant | 45 |
all born in county |
1842: Alfred Barton married Ann King
1847: visit to The George by Benjamin Disraeli
1849: Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News, 3 Feb
A public ball and supper was held at the George Inn, Winslow, on Tuesday last. It was announced by circular, and under the stewardship of W. Selby Lowndes, Esq., Lord of the Manor; W. S. Bowen, Esq.,; and Messrs. D. T. Willis, Geo. Cowley, S. Cole, S. B. Dudley, and John King. It gave the most entire gratification to the company, which was most numerous and select (upwards of 60 being present). They began to assemble at eight o’clock, and the ball was opened by W. Selby Lowndes, Esq., and Mrs. Bowen. Among the party were many of the principal families of distinction in the town and neighbourhood, viz., W. Selby Lowndes, Esq., and friends, from Whaddon Hall; P. Dauncey Esq.,; Geo. Cooke, Esq.,; W. S. Bowen, Esq.,; R. Pocklington, Esq.,; Richard Lowndes, Esq.,; Messrs. H. Cowley, Cross, P. and J. Reay, Gent, Clark, Curtis, &c, &c. The supper was announced at 12 o’clock, and was presided over by Mr. Lowndes. The vice-chairman was Mr. Bowen…
1849: Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News, 12 May
WM.SELBY LOWNDES, Esq., having accepted an invitation from the Farmers, to dine with them at the GEORGE INN, WINSLOW, on TUEDAY, 29th MAY Instant, it is requested that his sporting and other friends will join them, when a piece of plate as a testimonial of respect will be presented to him.
Professional Singers will be in attendance.
Tickets 12s. 6d. each, which may be had at the George Inn.
1851: Census Market Square, George Inn
Alfred | Barton | Head | married | 43 | Inn keeper, maltster & grazier | b. Winslow |
Ann | Barton | Wife | married | 35 | Inn keeper's wife | b. Winslow |
Ann | Barton | Daughter | 7 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Maria | Barton | Daughter | 5 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Eliza Mary | Barton | Daughter | 2 | b. Winslow | ||
Richard | Barton | Son | 10m | b. Winslow | ||
Ann Jemima | Ballard | Assistant | unm | 23 | Assistant in the house | b. Aylesbury |
Sophia | Giles | Servant | unm | 24 | Domestic servant | b. Lewknor, Oxon |
Rachael | Corbett | Servant | unm | 17 | Nurse maid | b. Adstock |
Thomas | Massey | Servant | unm | 16 | Servant | b. Winslow |
1853: Anniversary dinner for the Ancient Order of Foresters
1857: death of Mary Ann Barton, sister of Alfred.
1861: Census Market Square, George Inn
Alfred | Barton | Head | married | 53 | Maltster & innkeeper | b. Winslow |
Ann | Barton | Wife | married | 46 | Inn keeper's wife | b. Winslow |
Ann | Barton | Daughter | unm | 17 | Scholar | b. Winslow |
Mary E. | Barton | Daughter | 12 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Richard | Barton | Son | 10 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Sarah L. | Barton | Daughter | 8 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Martha H. | Barton | Daughter | 6 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Alfred | Barton | Son | 4 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Rosetta | Barton | Daughter | 2 | b. Winslow | ||
Ann M. | Smith | Servant | 17 | House servant | b. Winslow |
1861, 5 Jan: Bucks Herald
Louisa Green, 29, hawker, was charged with stealing a half-sovereign, several pieces of the current silver coin of the realm, value 6s., one penny, and one purse, from the person of George Kinch, at Winslow, on the 12th of December, 1860.
Mr. Newton prosecuted; the prisoner was undefended.
George Kinch said he lived at East Claydon, and was at Winslow Fair on the 12th of December last, and went to the George Inn, which he left about five in the afternoon. He had a purse in his right hand breeches pocket containing 16s. 1d. and a few postage stamps. The purse was a leather one, with a piece of elastic around it. He was sober and knew he had the purse when he came out of the inn. The prisoner then came up to him and asked him how he was. He denied knowing her. He went to make water down an alley, when the prisoner followed him, and feeling a button snap, he put his hand into his pocket and felt a wire and string in it, and his purse was gone. He charged Green with taking it. She denied it, and some men passed by whom he had seen with her before. She then ran away, but he caught her.
Charles Batchelor, police-constable No.8, on duty at Winslow, on the day in question received the prisoner in charge from the prosecutor, who had detained her, and who gave to the witness the string and wire produced.
The prisoner denied having seen the string and wire before the prosecutor gave her in charge.
The jury found the prisoner "Guilty," and a previous conviction having been proved, the Court sentenced her to be imprisoned six months to hard labour.
1868: Death of Ann Barton, aged 52.
1868-69: John King assaulted his brother James King twice at The George
1871: Census Market Square, George Hotel
Alfred | Barton | Head | widower | 63 | Hotel keeper & maltster (employing 1 man) | b. Winslow |
Sarah L. | Barton | Daughter | unm | 18 | Hotel keeper's daughter | b. Winslow |
Martha H. | Barton | Daughter | unm | 16 | Hotel keeper's daughter | b. Winslow |
Rosetta | Barton | Daughter | 12 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Charlotte A. | Barton | Daughter | 9 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
William L. | Ridgway | Servant | 15 | Pot boy | b. Great Horwood | |
Lucy | Holt | Servant | unm | 25 | General servant (domestic) | b. Swanbourne |
1872: Return of public houses
The George: Alfred Barton (owner & occupier)
1875: Buckingham Advertiser, 22 May
County Court:
Alfred Barton, of Winslow, innkeeper, v. L. Moseley and Sons, of London, dentists. The claim was for £18..17..6, rent of rooms, and for drivers supplied and horse hire had by defendant and his firm of plaintiff during the past ten years. Mr. Small for plaintiff and Mr. Whitehorn for defendants. Defendants pleaded the statute of limitations for all the amount over six years old.
Plaintiff said- Defendants used a room in my house, and I charged them 3s. a month for same. They have not visited Winslow so regularly as formerly. Advertisements were inserted in the local papers from 1861 to 1865, in defendant’s father’s time the accounts were paid regularly. Defendant came to my house twice in 1874, and he had a horse and trap, and I charged him with it. Seeing their advertisements discontinued, I made enquiry of my daughters, and then directed them to make out and send in my account.
Cross-examined- The bargain was made for 3s. a room with the father of present defendant. The present defendant has never given me any notice that he intended to give up the use of my rooms, A bill was delivered in 1869. My daughters told me they never had notice from the defendants. Defendants had a horse and fly, and went round the country to visit their patients. The price charged is only a fair and reasonable one.
H. Brise said- I drove the defendant in a horse and trap, and was driving about some few hours. The farthest point was about seven miles from Winslow. Plaintiff paid me 5s. for the use of the horse and my services.
Mr. Whitehorn explained that notice of statute of limitations had been given to all items previous to 1869, and amounted to £7 5s. 6d.
For the defence the defendant said- I told Miss Barton we did not want the rooms reserved for us. Having occasion to go to Winslow to see a lady I wrote to Mrs. Barton asking for a trap to take me out. In 1869 I told Miss Barton I did not intend to use the house as my visits would cease. The first claim was made in 1874.
Cross-examined- My first notice was given to Mrs. Barton in 1869. She is now dead. In April, 1870, I began advertising I would attend at Winslow once in every four weeks, at the George Hotel. My brother attended to the advertising department.
Mr. Small produced files of the Buckingham Advertiser showing advertisements for the dates named.
His honor said he could not give a decision without hearing what the Miss Barton’s had to say, and therefore the case must be adjourned until the next court, when plaintiff must produce his daughters and his books.
Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/1 (Jan 1875-Mar 1876): valuation of George Inn (Alfred Barton to Barnes)
1876: Bucks Herald, 19 Aug
W I N S L O W.
THE GEORGE HOTEL, FREEHOLD and TITHE-FREE, and STABLING, in the Market Square, 2 good COTTAGES with GARDENS, and 2 LARGE STABLES and CHAISE HOUSE, in Horn Street,
Messrs. DUDLEY & SON,
On FRIDAY, the 25th Day of AUGUST, 1876,
At Four o'clock in the Afternoon, in Five Lots, by direction of Mr. Alfred Barton, the proprietor, who is declining business.
LOT 1.
The GEORGE HOTEL and STABLING, admirably situate for business in the centre of the Town. The House is substantially built, and in excellent repair, and possesses a double frontage of considerable extent to the Market-square and Horn-street, is well fitted up with gas, and has a supply of excellent water. To a young and energetic man it offers an excellent opportunity for a very profitable trade, being a house that will always command a good respectable custom. The business has been carried on by the present owner uninterruptedly for forty-six years.
LOT 2.
A BRICK and TILED HOUSE, consisting of Three Rooms on the Ground Floor and Four Bed Rooms over, Garden with Coal and Washhouse, and a Pump of never-failing Water; in the occupation of Thos. Atkins, at the yearly rent of £13.
LOT 3.
A LARGE STABLE, with LOFT over, and brick fence for manure, in the owner's occupation.
LOT 4.
COTTAGE with Two Rooms above and Two below, with Wood and Coal Barn, and Garden, Pump, and good supply of Water; in the occupation of George Smith, at the yearly rent of £6.
LOT 5.
A LARGE BUILDING, containing Two-stall Stable and Chaise-house, with large Lofts over, in the owner's occupation.
This valuable property is partly Freehold and part is Copyhold of the Manor of Winslow, nearly equal in value to Freehold.
Possession on completion of purchase.
To View apply on the Premises, and for further particulars to the Proprietor, Mr. Barton; or Messrs. Nelson and Hearn, Solicitors, Buckingham; W. Hope Hooper, Esq., Solicitor, Winslow; and to the Auctioneers, Winslow.
1876: Buckingham Advertiser, 4 Nov
TO LET, A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL Roomy HOUSE, eligibly situate in the MARKET SQUARE, WINSLOW. Well-adapted for a Gas Fitter, Whitesmith, and Tin Worker; or for a Glass, China, and Earthenware Business.
Apply at the George Inn.
1877: Bucks Herald, 30 June
PARTIES WISHING to TENDER for ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS at the GEORGE HOTEL, WINSLOW- for Messrs. P. and R. Phipps, Brewers, Northampton- may see the Plan and Specification on the Premises. Tenders to be sent to the Brewery, Bridge Street, Northampton, not later than the 14th JULY Next.
The Proprietors do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender.
JOHN INGMAN, Surveyor.
1877: Buckingham Advertiser, 21 July
ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS (COURT PRIDE OF THE CROWN, No. 2,447.- The annual meeting and dinner took place on Friday the 6th Inst., at the George Hotel, when a large number of the members and friends assembled upon the occasion. Dr. Newham, the medical officer, was elected to the chair... “The health of the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes,” was proposed with thanks for an excellent dinner, which was served up in good style. Mr. Barnes responded. The society, which numbers forty-eight members, is in a flourishing position, and the balance in hand amounts to £911 15 8d. Four widows are on the Widow and Orphan fund.
1880: Buckinghamshire Election
The George was the headquarters for the Liberals.
1880: Leighton Buzzard Observer, 21 Sep
Valuable Hotel Requisites, capital Brown COB, 7 yrs., quiet in harness; good Roan PONY, Four-wheel Phaeton, and numerous other effects;
On the Premises, at the George Hotel, Winslow, by direction of Mr. J. W. Barnes, who is leaving.
THE FURNITURE comprises the contents of four bed-rooms and five sitting-rooms, kitchen utensils, and effects.
The Hotel Requisites include dining tables, five dozen Windsor chairs, a large quantity of china, glass, dinner services, pewter measures, etc.
A nearly new 16-inch Green’s Lawn Mower, and a large variety of sundries, in all about 250 lots.
The whole may be viewed the Morning of Sale; to Commence at Eleven o’Clock.
Catalogues may be had at the Offices of the Auctioneer, Winslow.
1880: Buckingham Advertiser, 20 Nov
J. H. P R A T T
BEGS respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, Commercial Gentlemen, and the inhabitants of Winslow and its vicinity that he has entered upon the occupation of the
Old-established Hotel, known as
Where he hopes, by careful and constant attention to the requirements and comfort of the Public, to obtain and secure a fair amount of support and patronage.
A MARKET DINNER provided at a very moderate price.
J. H. PRATT also desires to inform the Public that he is the sole Agent in Winslow and Neighbourhood for the Sale of the widely celebrated Ales and Stout, Wines and Spirits, as supplied by Messrs. Phipps, of the Northampton and Towcester Breweries, which he supplies in Cask or otherwise at the shortest notice, and at the same prices as at the Breweries.
1881: Census Market Square
John H. | Pratt | Head | married | 23 | Hotel Proprietor | b. Abbington, Warws |
Emma | Pratt | Wife | married | 24 | Hotel Proprietor's wife | b. Southam, Warws |
Hannah | Hailes | Servant | unm | 16 | General servant domestic | b. Stockton, Warws |
Alfred Barton retired to live at 20 Horn Street and died at Winslow in 1885.
Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/7 (Aug 1880-May 1881): valuation of George Hotel (Barnes to Pratt)
This poem, dated 1881, was published by Arthur Clear: A Thousand Years of Winslow Life (1888), p.22. It seems to have been written by Dr Newham, as there is a handwritten copy in a scrapbook which he kept (CBS, D-X/58).
Ye Publicans and Sinners hear, Oh! what a sad affair is this, Our Sergeant "Bowden" eagle-eye'd, He's safe to catch them soon or late, The midnight burglar's stealthy step, Friend "Barton" he was heard to say, "Though I am mostly "gay and free" Conducted I that Inn, And all departed better men Than when they enter'd in." "My Grandsire and my Father there, |
Alfred Barton outside The George, probably c.1881 The mantle that my Father wore, "Alas to think of by-gone days, "No "Bobbies" in my early years, "And though they might get jolly tight, "My bold successor built new "Barnes," The fate of Brother "Pratt," And warning take ere tis too late, Be careful what you're at. |
The next landlord was Jonas Hillyer, who arrived in 1881 and stood unsuccessfully for election to the Board of Guardians in 1886.
Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/23, pp.22-33. Inventory and valuation of fixtures and fittings and portion of stock and household furniture, George Hotel (Mr Hillyer to Mr Sturgess), 27 Aug 1890. Rooms listed are: bar, market room, hall, side parlour, front dining room, large dining room, stairs, kitchen, scullery, pantry, stable, 6 bedrooms and cellar. Also the George stable yard with a saddle room (now 14A Horn Street). Valuation: £137 12s 6d. Fixtures for transfer from Jonas Hillyer to Messrs Phipps & Co., £5 10s.
1881: meeting at The George about starting an Oddfellows' lodge
1883: Buckingham Advertiser, 17 March
WINSLOW DANCING CLASS COMMITTEE brought the class to a close for the season on Thursday, March 8, when a long night was enjoyed at the Assembly Room at the George Hotel, by a large company.
1883: Bucks Herald, 17 Nov
THE DANCING CLASS.- About forty members and friends of this class had a dance at their room at the George Hotel on the night of the 5th inst., to commemorate the anniversary of Guy Fawkes Day. The dance was much enjoyed, and several of those present being attired in fancy costumes added to the novelty and pleasure of the proceedings. The arrangements were carried out under the superintendence of an energetic committee composed of the following:- Messrs. C. H. Coldrey, J. Grace, C. Osborne, C. H. Wilkins, W. Stevens and G. H. Savage.
1884: Bicester Herald, 19 Dec
Another successful Liberal meeting in Buckinghamshire was held on Monday evening, December 15, at the George Hotel, Winslow. There was a crowded attendance. Mr, G. D. E. Wigley, who was elected to the chair, was supported by Capt. Verney, R.N., the Rev. J. Riordan, Mr. J. A. Whiteway, Mr. S. Jones, Mr. W. H. French, Mr. T. Saving, and amongst others present were Messrs. R. W. Jones, J. Elley, M. Fulks, J. East, H. White, J. Corkett, A. S. Midgley, J. Hawley, jun., J. Hillier, T. Walker, F. Benbow, G. Robinson, F. Roads, A. Clear, T. Holton and R. Holland (Buckingham), A. Ranger (organising secretary County Liberal Association), etc. [full report of the speeches followed]
1885: Buckingham Express, 10 Jan
The annual Ball in connection with the Winslow Dancing Class was held on Thursday, Jan. 1st, at the George Hotel Assembly Room, which was very tastefully decorated for the occasion, by Mr. Hillyer, with the able assistance of other gentlemen of the Committee. There were about fifty persons present at the ball. The M.C’s being Messrs. C. Osborn, and C. H. Wilkins, to whom great praise is due for the admirable way in which the whole affair was carried out. Dancing was kept up until 4 o’clock a.m., all seeming to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Mention might also be made of the excellent way in which Host Hillyer catered, giving all concerned great satisfaction.
1887: Conservative meeting in the upstairs room.
1889: Buckingham Advertiser, 19 Jan
BALL.- On Thursday, Jan. 10th, a ball was held at the George Hotel and proved most successful. About 70 guests responded to the invitation. The room was prettily decorated for the occasion, and the whole affair passed off greatly to the credit of the Managing Committee, Messrs. T. Bonham, W. Brown, J. Hillyer, and G. Grace.
1890: Inventory (CBS, D/WIG/2/1/23) [valuations given in Wigleys' "code" not included]
Inventory and Valuation of the Fixtures and Fittings portion of Household Furniture Stock-In-Trade and Effects at The “George” Hotel, Winslow from Mr Hillyer to Mr Sturgess made this 27th day of August 1890
½ doz Champagne glasses
12 Hock glasses
2. ½ pint Wine decanter
2. glass quartern measures
1 doz Wine glasses
13 Spirit decanters
3 Gin & bitter glasses
25 Nip glasses
1½ dozen Soda glasses
48 Beer glasses
1 quartern measures
½ “ “
4 Spirit Jars and Taps
(Gin, Rum, Brandy, Whiskey)
10 Quart Pewter measures
15 Pint ditto
10 ½ Pint ditto
1½ dozen Spirit Crushers
Mahogany Top \fitting with/ 2 drawers
2 Cupboards, till shelves
Oak Counter
The Stained Seat as fixed
2 blue square Tables
8 Windsor Chairs
3 \Blind/ rollers & Blinds
2 Wire blinds
Floor Cloth as laid
Fender & fire irons (3)
American clock
The 4 pull beer Engine Complete & drainers & pipes
4 funnels
Brass curtain rod
19 6 6
Bar continued
Sugar basin
2 light Lacquered Gas pendant
Bell pull
Market Room
4 Wire blinds
2 rollers & Holland blinds
16 Windsor Chairs
20 hat pegs
2 light gas pendant & 2 shade ask+++
A mah(ogan)y 2 leaf table
“ “ pound table
Fender & 3 fire irons
Bell pull & Bell
10 Spittoons
5 Glass water bottles
Ink stand & 2 Ink bottles
3 double hat pegs
4 single ditto
2 Waiter racks
2 brass handles on doors (one in bar & 1 in hall)
Side Parlour
Mahogany extending Dining Table
2 light gas bracket and globes & weights
1 finger plates on Door
Bell pull & Bell
Wire blind
Venetian ditto (complete)
11 15 6
Mahogany Cornice pole rings ends & brackets
6 single chairs
1 arm d(itt)o
2 Spittoons
1½ dozen Spruce glasses
2½ “ Ale glasses
Front \Dining/ (Sitting) Room
Mahogany extending dining table (with 2 leaves)
2 mah(ogan)y poles, rings ends & brackets
Gas Chandelier, 3 lights, globes & smoke glasses
2 rollers & blinds
Painted White \China/ finger plates on door
A plate warmer, with brass handles
Mahogany sideboard
6 Windsor Chairs
Mahogany sideboard fitted with drawers & Cellarette
2 Wine decanters
Claret jug (Glass)
6 Salts
Glass sugar basin
10 5 6
China bell pull & Bell
6 Champagne glasses
2 dozen jelly glasses
1 dozen nip “
1½ Spirit “
1 dozen Wine glasses
½ dozen Hock
Large Chimney glass in gilt frame
Large \Dining/ Room
5 rollers & blinds
2 Bronze gas chandeliers with 3 lights & weights to each
Folding Screen (4 fold)
Mahogany Side board (letdown leaf)
18 Windsor chairs
Tressels & table (in corner)
Stained Table with 2 leaves at end
Oak 3 leaf table with 2 drawers
Smoke draft
Galvanised Hot Water Apparatus with Iron Stand
33 C Tea Cups various
41 “ Saucers “
7 Large Meat Dishes
11 9 0
31 Dinner plates various
1 dozen soup plates
10 cheese d(itt)o
10 Pudding d(itt)o
2 gravy Tureens
Pipe stand
8 quart jugs – various
13 pint “ “
China bell pull & Bell
1 Gas bracket & globe
Mahogany Bracket
Floorcloth to stairs & Landing
4 Shutters
6 Kitchen glasses
Bell & brass ring
Painted deal dresser with 3 drawers and 2 cupboards – 3 shelves & coffee mill fixed to
Painted deal Settle
“ Meat Screen with 2 pine lined shelves
Gas bracket
3 rollers & blinds
3 deal tables
2 forms with iron support
1 long form
Side door screen
Bar fender & tongs
1 Windsor Chair
2 Metal Meat Covers
Large Beer funnel
7 0 0
2 deal dressers & iron stands
10 Shelves as fixed
Grate with oven & boiler & tin blower
Towel roller
Washing tray
5 Waiters
Plate rack
6 Shelves as fixed
Meat safe
Meat hooks
3 Iron Racks
2 deal partitions
2 Saddle racks
Small cupboard
Elm door with hinges
Fencing for Market days – 4 gates & sockets
Mahogany “Sign board” on Balcony
Soft water barrel
No 1 Bedroom
Roller blind
6 17 0
Two Brass Curtain holders
Bell pull & Bell
No 2 Bedroom
Carpet as laid
Roller & blind
Bell pull & Bell
No 3 Bedroom
Bell pull & Bell
2 rollers & blinds
No 4 Bedroom
Rail & 9 pegs
1 16 6
No 5 Bedroom
Iron french bedstead
Roller & blind
Ham rack with 12 hooks
Clothes Closet
3 Shelves & 6 pegs
No 6 Bedroom
Roller & blind
Bar & Stand
2 Barrels No 6 5 8 0
1 Barrel No 8 2 8 0
1 – 18 of Stout 1 4 0
1 Firkin Stout 12 0
22 Gal of P. Ale 1 / 4 1 9 4
3 Bottles Shrub 8 0
3 “ Orange Gin 8 0
1 “ Cherry Brandy 3 6
6 “ Sparkling Hock 1 2 0
6 “ “ Saturne 1 0 0
7 “ Saturne 1 3 4
5 “ Sparkling Mozelle 18 4
5 “ Still Hock 12 6
11 “ Port Wine 1 2 -
6 “ Sherry 12 -
6 “ Moet Champagne 1 14 -
21 14 8
19 bottles of Hocheimer 3 3 4
1 dozen small claret 12
18 bottles Sherry (Supr) 09 2 5 0
10 ” Port (Supr) 09 1 5
3 ” St Jul(ia)n Claret 6
4 small bot Moet Cham 1 4 8
5 bottles Still Hock 1 0 0
46 small bot Bass’s Beer 7 8
6 small bot Guinness Stout 1 0
2 gals raw Gin 1 6 0
2 “ Cordial Gin 1 5 0
2 “ Irish Whiskey 1 16 0
1 “ Orange bitters 12
1 “ Ginger brandy 15
1 “ Mint 12
Bottle Bucket
7 Engine Taps
2 Brass Taps
Fitting Rack
Gas fittings throughout including Stop Cocks
Stable “George” Stable Yard
Saddle Room
2 Stoves & piping
4 Brackets
12 r(ung) Step Ladder to loft
1 Shovel 1 fork 1 brush
Saddle Arms & bridle blocks
23 3 2
Quantity of Straw
Grate in Cottage
Partition & Door Jams & Loose Box
1 Manger (Iron)
9 Row of Potatoes
6 Boxes of Cigars @ 15/-
3 D(itt)o @ 9/6
2 D(itt)o @ 9/-
6 Bundles of +++ +ins
33 2 (?pint) Dump Bottles 1½
55 ½ p(int?) 1%
12 10
Wine & Spirits on Draft
1 Pint Orang Bitters 1 8
½ “ Mint 9
1 Pint Ginger Brandy 1 9
¼ “ Pale D(itt)o 1
¼ “ Navy Gin 5
1¼ “ Shrub 2 6
1¼ “ Gingerette 2 4
¼ “ Clove 4
1 Bot Cherry Brandy 3 6
1½ Pint Rum 2 10
½ “ Gin 8
½ “ Irish Whisky 1 0
1½ “ Scotch “ 3 0
9 Quarts 1 Pint Irish Whisky 2 2 9
2 Quarts 1 Pint BrownBrandy 15 0
5 Q(uar)ts 1 Pint Scotch Whisky 1 4 9
1 Pint of Orange Bitters 1 8
3 Q(uar)ts Mint 9 0
17 18 3
4 Quarts Jamaica Rum 17
1 Bot ?Monets Chery Brandy 3 6
1 Bot Cloves 2 0
1 “ Mint 1 6
1 “ Orange Bitters 1 6
[total] £133 1s 7d
Share of Licenses 14 8
Magistrates Certicate 8 6
2 4 2
135 5 9
Discount on Beer 1 10 0
D(itt)o on Spirits 1 10 0
3 0 0
132 5 9
Settled £137 12 6
A. Lindon [signature]
Valuation of the Fixtures of The George Hotel, Winslow from Mr Ionas Hillyer to Messrs Phipps & Co Limited
Aug 1890
Deal screen & support for Beams with 8 x 4 plank
Bed Rooms
Wooden Partition & Door between No 4 & 5 Bedroom
Kitchener as fixed
£5 10 0
1891: Buckingham Advertiser, 24 Jan
QUADRILLE PARTY BALL.- On Thursday evening week a most successful ball in connection with the above party was held at The George Assembly Room, when about 60 members and friends responded to the invitations sent out, and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Dancing commenced about 8.30, and was kept up with spirit until 4 o’clock Much praise is due to Host Sturgess and staff for the excellent spread and the manner in which it was served. Excellent music was rendered by a band consisting of harp, piano, cornet, violin and piccolo. A word of commendation is due for the manner in which the room was draped and decorated by Mr. Withers, manager of the Winslow Cash Drapery Stores, and it should be stated that the success of the evening is due to the energy of the stewards Messrs. C. Osborn, Withers, J. W. Saunders, Wiggins, Jones, and Brown.
1891: Census Market Square
Edward | Sturgess | Head | single | 31 | Licensed victualler | b. Launton |
Emily | Sturgess | Sister | single | 32 | House-keeper | b. Launton |
1893: election meeting for Jonas Hillyer's candidature for the Board of Guardians.
1893: Buckingham Express, 13 May
ON TUESDAY, MAY 16TH, 1893, AT 7.30 P.M.
1895: Buckingham Advertiser, 11 May
North Bucks Conservative Association AGM held "in the large Assembly Room at the George Hotel", followed by tea at The Bell and a smoking concert at The George.
1895 & 1899: Kelly's Directory
Sturgess, Edward, George inn, Market square
There is no trace of Edward Sturgess in the 1901 census, but in 1911 he was a hotel waiter living in Portobello Road, Notting Hill.
1896: Bucks Herald, 15 Feb
On Friday, Feb. 7th, the annual dinner of the above Association took place at the George Hotel, Winslow, when a company, numbering about seventy, sat down to a good repast provided by Host Sturgess. Lord Addington presided, and amongst those present were- Mr. W. W. Carlile, M.P., the Hon. Evelyn Hubbard, M.P., Mr. W. Selby Lowndes, Captain J. H. Kennedy, Dr. Benson, the Hon. Cecil Fremantle, Mr. R. Mather, Mr. H. Bullock, Mr. W. S. Neal, Mr. R. Young, Messrs. H. Webster, J. Varney, A. Dodwell, W. J. Viccars, Grange, J. Hood, Warr, Rich, Williams, Warner, Cripps, Harris, J. Smith, Ash, Curtis, Talbot, Fletcher, Sear, Hill, Luck, Matheson, Maycock, Airey, Bradbury, Foster, Sear, J. Wake, &c.
1898: Bucks Herald, 19 Feb
THE ANNUAL BALL in connection with the Winslow Quadrille Class was held at the George Assembly Room, on Wednesday, Feb. 9th, when between 60 and 70 attended. The room was prettily decorated by Mrs. Meadows, scenery being lent by Mr. Jennings. Mr. Nicholson made an efficient M.C. The music was supplied by the Winslow String Band.
1900: Buckingham Advertiser, 17 Nov
MAHOGANY extension Dining Tables, Secretaire Bookcase, Mahogany Chairs and Couch, in horsehair, Walnut Drawing Room Suite, in Tapestry and Plush, Brussels and other Carpets, 2 7-octave Cottage Pianofortes, in Walnut cases by J. B. Cramer & Co., the contents of 5 Bedrooms, Kitchen Utensils, Cutlery, &c., Forty seasoned Windsor Chairs, Capital Dog Cart (nearly new), and various Miscellaneous Items.
ON MONDAY, November 19th, 1900, on the Premises, as above, by direction of Mr. Edward Sturgess, who is leaving the neighbourhood.
Mr Sturgess had previously been found incapable beind the bar after his housekeeper left.
Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/35 (June-Dec 1900): valuation of George (E. Sturgess to R.C. Brown)
1901: Census Market Square, George Hotel
Richard Cecil | Brown | Head | married | 34 | Hotel proprietor | b. Towcester |
Nellie Constance | Brown | Wife | married | 26 | b. Westbury | |
Annie | Dunkley | Servant | single | 16 | General servant (domestic) | b. Towcester |
1902: Buckingham Advertiser, 1 Nov
The annual meeting of the Winslow Cricket Club was held at the George Hotel on Monday evening, and was well patronised. Mr. H. Bullock occupied the chair, and among others present were Rev. W. H. Shackel (secretary), Mr. Stanley Midgley (treasurer), Dr. Moberly, Mr. S. P. Wigley, Mr. W. Lorkin, Mr. H. Ray, Mr. W. Law, Mr. S. Watkins, Mr. G. H. Thompson, Mr. H. Underwood, Mr. E. H. Lundy, Mr. Barnett, Mr. G. Ingram, jun., etc. The report for the season was presented by the captain, Mr. Bullock, and showed that the club had a very successful season, and had been fortunate enough to win the Buckingham and District League prize, the medals for which were now distributed. Mr. Hugh Ray was also presented with a silver match box as a commemoration of his having accomplished the “hat trick” at Buckingham on the 26th of July.
At a meeting reported in the Bucks Herald, 15 March 1902, it was stated that "The old Club collapsed in 1896 for want of a ground, since which time there have been two Clubs, the Institute and the Town. The former Club is now dissolved, and its place will be taken by the old Winslow Club, which has secured the Institute ground (the Swan field), and appears to start with every prospect of success."
Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/42 (Oct 1904 - Feb 1905): valuation of George Hotel (R.C. Brown to A. Ruddlesdin).
1905: Petty Sessions, 8 Feb
Licence transferred to Andrew Ruddlesdin.
1906: Buckingham Express, 28 July
MESSRS. GEO. WIGLEY & SONS Are instructed by Mr. A. RUDDLESDIN, who is leaving, to Sell by Auction, in the large Assembly Room,
On TUESDAY, JULY 31st, 1906,
A QUANTITY of nearly new and well-made HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, including Mahogany inlaid Drawing Room Suite in Tapestry, Walnut Dining Room Suite in Green Leather, 2 Bedroom Suites, Brass-mounted French Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, Bedding, Carpets, 7 octave Cottage Pianoforte in walnut case, large gilt Pier Glass, Bras Fenders and numerous Effects, and a number of Kitchen Utensils, Cutlery, etc.,etc.
Sale at 2 o’clock Exact Time. On view morning of Sale.
The Majority of the Furniture is nearly new and is in excellent condition.
1906: Petty Sessions, 8 Aug
Temporary transfer of licence from A. Ruddlesdin to Frederick Coles of Wellingborough.
Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/45 (May - Oct 1906): Valuation (A. Ruddlesdin to Phipps & Co and Fred Coles)
Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/47 (Mar - Oct 1907): Valuation (F. Coles to F.J. Walker)
1907: Bucks Herald, 29 June
PETTY SESSIONS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. – PRESENT Mr M .Selby-Lowndes and the Hon. Cecil Fremantle.
LICENSING : The George Hotel, Winslow was transferred to Mr F.J. Walker of Northampton; the Royal Oak, Winslow to Mr T. Pullen, and the Golden Lion, Winslow, to Mr J. Wesley.
1908: Buckingham Advertiser, 27 June
The licence of the George Hotel was transferred to Mr. L.J. Lack.
Centre for Bucks Studies D/WIG/2/1/49 (May - Nov 1908): Valuation (Lack to Walker)
1911: Census George Hotel, 12 rooms
Leonard | Lack | Head | married 2 years | 30 | Hotel keeper | b. Wolverton |
Minnie | Lack | Wife | married | 27 | b. Stantonbury | |
Marion | Lack | Daughter | 1 | b. Winslow | ||
Edith | Todd | Servant | single | 16 | Housemaid (domestic) | b. Stantonbury |
1915: Assessment (TNA, IR58/2347 no.171)
Situation Market Square
Description “The George”
Gross Value: Buildings £29 – 10 - 0
Rateable Value: Buildings £23 – 10 - 0
Occupier L.R. Lack
Owner Phipps & Co Northampton
[stamps] CoPy to FLECK 31 3 15
31 MAR 1915
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
Brick & Slate Public House “The George”
Living, bar, market room kitchen store room cellar & W.C.
5 bedrooms sitting room & large club room
Stable used a store room
6 poles 14 yards
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition
L29410 – L20161 £2000 [changed from £630]
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land
70 x 25 = 1750 sq feet £ 90
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £1910
Kelly's Directory 1915 & 1924 & 1928 & 1931
Thomas Jackson, George Hotel
1916: Bucks Herald, 25 March: letter from Charles Francis Alderman of Swanbourne
According to the late Sir Gilbert Scott (the famous architect), "Over the portal of a well-known hostel in the Market-place, Winslow, one may see the exquisite tracery in wrought iron of the wonderful genius of Quentin Matsys, he who was known as the "Blacksmith of Antwerp and an artist of high repute." He was born in Antwerp A.D. 1466, and died in 1531 ... This splendid piece of ironwork, according to Hentzer, formerly adorned the front of the Minstrels' Gallery in the dining hall of Salden House, once the home of Sir John Fortescue, Privy Councillor to Queen Elizabeth.
1921: Census George Hotel, 9 rooms
Thomas | Jackson | Head | married | 55y 6m | Publican | b. Northampton |
Mary | Jackson | Wife | married | 53y 3m | Assists husband in business | b. Northampton |
Mary | Hawes | Mother in law | widow | 79y 3m | b. Catworth |
1935 Kelly’s: Wm Collins, George P.H.
1939 Almanack: George Inn, W. Collins. Click here for more about his daughter Phyllis, later Turner.
The George & Horseshoe was freehold, but the west end of the current building was a separate, copyhold property. It can be traced back to 1685 in the court rolls. The photo on the right (from 1903) shows how the two buildings were joined in the 19th century. The left end must be the stabling referred to in the 1876 sale advert (above).
1685 manor court: Daniell Begles surrendered the messuage in the Butter Markett of Winslow in which he now lives, except the workshop [officina], parcel of the messuage now in the possession of John Warry. To the use of Mathew Bishopp of Winslow, Draper. To be void if Daniell pays him £23: 20s on 2 May 1686 and 1687, £21 on 2 May 1688.
1690 manor court: On 25 Aug 1689 Daniel Beadles surrendered a messuage in Winslow to the use of Jane Beadles his wife for her life, then to Daniel Beadles his son…
1708 manor court: William Prentice and Jane his wife [presumably the former Jane Beadles], Daniel Beagles and Francis [=Frances] Beagles surrendered a messuage in Winslow, lately the estate of Daniel Beagles deceased, the common street south and west, … To the use of Richard Bigg of Winslow gent.
The entry below shows that there was a yard between the messuage in the occupation of William Stockley (the west end) and the house in the occupation of George Clarke (the east end).
1733 manor court:
Richard Bigg gent. and Elizabeth his wife out of Court on 11 Nov last surrendered:
- a Messuage in Winslowe in the occupation of William Sockley [sic], the House of William Franklin north and the Common Street west and south
- one Moiety of the Yard lying between the House of Richard Bigg in the occupation of George Clarke and the aforesaid messuage the same to be mounded out att the Charge of Joseph Bigg
To the use of Joseph Bigg, who requesteth to be admitted Tenant. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Joseph Bigg & Mary his wife surrendered a Messuage in Winslowe in the occupation of William Stockley, the house of William Franklin north & the Common streets west & south, lately surrendered to Joseph by Mr Richard Bigg & Elizabeth his wife. To the use of William Stockley & Mary his wife for their lives, then to such Child or Children lawfully begotten between them as the longer liver of them shall by last Will & Testament direct, or for want thereof to the right heires of William. William & Mary sought to be admitted Tenants. Fine 5s.
The yard is mentioned in the next document:
Will of Richard Bigg, 1739 (proved 1740):
Also I give devise and bequeath All that my Parcell of Ground in Winslow aforesaid which I purchased of Mr Beagles and did not sell unto Mr Joseph Bigg next adjoyning to the Premisses which I sold the said Joseph Bigg and the Appurten(an)ces to the said parcell of Ground belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Richard Bigg my Grandson and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten or to be begotten
It must have been attached to the building on the east and built over as it is not mentioned again.
Will of William Stockley, carpenter and joiner, 1755
He leaves "All that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement with all and every of its appurtenances in Winslow aforesaid wherein I now dwell"
initially to his daughter-in-law Elizabeth, then to his daughter Elizabeth Heelas. His inventory mentions south, north and east garrets, the little room next the street, chamber over the shop, kitchen.
1759 manor court: A messuage in the Butter Markett in the occupation of Acton Chaplin or his assigns was granted to Elizabeth, wife of Robert Heelass of Preston Bissett for her life. Under the terms of the will of her father William Stockley, 1754, who previously occupied it.
1766 manor court: Robert Heelas of Preston Bissett taylor and Elizabeth his wife, a customary tenant, surrendered a messuage in the Butter Market to the use of Robert for his life. After his decease, to the use of such person as Elizabeth appoints by her last will, notwithstanding her coverture. Read full entry.
1771 manor court: Elizabeth Heelas, wife of Robert Heelas of Preston Bissett, while she lived held by copy of court roll a messuage in the Butter Market now in the occupation of John Rickett. She died since the last court, having surrendered it to the use of her will. By her will dated 27 Oct 1766 she devised it to her son William Heelas, who now desired to be admitted tenant. Rent [blank], fine [blank]. He is an infant under 21 aged [blank]. Custody of his person and the premises granted to Joseph Dudley of Winslow.
William Heelas was baptised in 1753 and apprenticed to John Price of Winslow carpenter in 1765
Land Tax
1781: William Heelas (owner), William Mayne (occupier) 4s 8d
1786: William Heelass (owner), William Verney (occupier) 5s 0½d
1811 manor court:
Surrender: William Heelass of Uxbridge Carpenter on 6 Feb last for the nominal consideration of 10s
Admission: Richard Barton of Winslow Victualler
Messuage in the Butter Market heretofore in the occupation of John Rickett afterwards of William Verney but late and now of Thomas Jennings (to which he was admitted 28-29 Oct 1771). Rent 3d fine 5s.
Land Tax
1814: Richard Barton (owner), Thomas Jennings (occupier) 5s 0½d
1823: Richard Barton (owner), self & Joseph Lee (occupiers) 5s 0½d
1832: Alfred Barton (owner), self (late Potter) (occupier) 5s 0½d - house & stable
Will of Richard Barton, 1821 (proved 1823-4):
He leaves the George & Horseshoe to his son Richard Barton and the cottage in the occupation of Joseph Lee to his son Alfred Barton.
1825 manor court:
Admission of Richard Barton's trustees James Hill and Charles Willis to (inter alia):
A messuage in the Butter Market formerly in the occupation of William Verney, afterwards Thomas Jennings & James Sean [sic], now of Richard Bathe. Admitted 1811 on surrender of William Heelas at rent of 3d.
Richard jr died in 1830, and both the George & Horseshoe and the cottage came into the possession of Alfred, who must have united them into one building.
The original George / Old George (now part of The Bell)
The property only appears in the manor court records under the name of "The George" in 1798, and is first found in the alehouse recognizances in 1753. It is possible (but unproven) that it is the house mentioned in the 1749 court roll when William Gyles of Tingewick inherited it from his father Daniel Gyles: "one ancient messuage divided into 5 tenements in Winslow adjoining the Bell Inn, now in the several occupations of Samuel Gyles, Dorothy Haynes, Catherine Snow, Richard Gibbs and Mary Holmes". William sold the property to Robert Lowndes of Great Brickhill in 1753.
1753-6: George: Edward Duncombe
1759-60: George: Elizabeth Duncombe
1761-94: Old George / George: John Goodman
(the Duncombes' son-in-law)
1795: George: William Goodman
(1798 directory: William Goodman brewer (d.1798), John Goodman victualler)
1760: John Goodman married Rachel Duncombe at Winslow; she was daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Duncombe, baptised 1733 at Dunton. Elizabeth, nee Maynwaring, came from Granborough and was married first to John Stevens (d.1728). She then married Edward Duncombe of Dunton who died in 1757 and was buried at Dunton with his first wife.
Fire insurance (Old George)
1779, 20 April: Sun Insurance 11936/275/413175
John Goodman of Winslow victualler and malster | £ |
On his now dwelling house brewhouse stable gatehouse and leantoos adjoining situate as aforesaid | 300 |
Utensils and stock not hazardous therein | 200 |
Household goods therein | 100 |
Storehouse and malthouse pigsties' leantoos all adjoining to the above, a brick wall between and no communication | 200 |
Utensils and stock therein | 200 |
1,000 |
1783, 5 May: Sun Insurance 11936/313/477377
John Goodman of Winslow victualler, malster & brewer | £ |
On his now dwelling house brewhouse storehouse gatehouse and leantoos all adjoining situate as aforesaid | 300 |
Household goods therein only | 100 |
Utensils and stock not hazardous therein only | 200 |
600 |
1789, Mar 23: Sun Insurance 11936/360/555436
John Goodman of Winslow in Bucks, Brewer, Victualler & Maltster | £ |
On his now Dwelling House, Brewhouse, Stables, gatehouse & Offices adjoin(in)g situated as aforesaid only not exceeding Three hundred p(oun)ds | 300 |
Utensils & Stock therein only not exceed{in)g Two hund(re)d p(oun)ds | 200 |
Household Good therein only not exceed{in)g One hundred p(oun)ds | 100 |
Storehouse, Malthouse & Offices adjoining only not exceeding Two hundred p(oun)ds | 200 |
Utensils & Stock therein only not exceeding Two hund(re)d p(oun)ds | 200 |
All Brick, pannel(e)d & tiled | £1,000 |
Land tax: Old George
1781: John Goodman (owner & occupier): £1 4s 10¾d
John Goodman (owner & occupier): £1 7s 1¾d
1795: John Goodman (owner & occupier): £1 7s 2d
1796: Will of John Goodman, victualler
Leaves all his property in Winslow to his son William Goodman
1798: Will of William Goodman, victualler
Orders all his property to be sold
1798: Alehouse Recognizances
George: Mary Goodman widow
Northampton Mercury, 29 Sep 1798
To be SOLD by AUCTION By Messrs. DUDLEY & SON,
On Tuesday the 16th Day of October next, at the George, in Winslow in the County of Bucks, at three o’Clock in the Afternooon, under such Conditions as may be produced.
LOT I. Consisting of a Messuage or Tenement known by the Sign of the GEORGE, in WINSLOW aforesaid, with the Common Brewery and Malthouse thereunto adjoining, now in full Trade, in the occupation of Mrs Goodman.
LOT II. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT in Winslow aforesaid, in the Occupation of Thomas Hogson and Francis Warner, with the Barns, Yard, and Close thereunto adjoining, in the Occupation of Mrs. Goodman.
Lot III. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT in Winslow aforesaid, in the Occupation of William Higgins, with the Close thereunto adjoining, called WESTERN CLOSE, containing, by Estimation, two Acres, in the Occupation of Thomas Bignell....
LOT V. A CLOSE of PASTURE GROUND in Winslow aforesaid, called HORSE-MEAD PIECE containing by Estimation eight Acres, in the occupation of Mrs Goodman.
The above Premises are Copyhold of Inheritance, held to the Manor of Winslow aforesaid.
The following Lots are FREEHOLD:-
LOT VI. Two CLOSES, adjoining each other, in WINSLOW aforesaid, called BUTCHERS-MEAD and the PLOUGH’D PIECE, containing together, by Estimation , six Acres, in the Occupation of Mrs. Goodman.
All Persons having any Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of Mr. WILLIAM GOODMAN, late of Winslow aforesaid, COMMON BREWER, deceased, are desired to deliver the same in Writing, to Mr. John Dudley, or Mr. Joseph Dudley, jun. of Winslow aforesaid, Executors of the said Mr. Goodman; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate and Effects, are desired to pay the same immediately to the said Executors.
Alehouse recognizances
1800-15: George: Richard Barton jr
Land tax
1805: John & Thomas Goodman (owners), Richard Barton jnr (occupier): 15s 0d
Alehouse recognizances
1816: John Goodman
Northampton Mercury, 9 Nov 1816
Brewing Utensils complete, 26-hogshead Cask,
Household Furniture and Effects,
On Wednesday the 13th Day of November, 1816, on the Premises of Mr. RICHARD BARTON, at the GEORGE INN, WINSLOW, Bucks, who is leaving the same, which will be sold without Reserve,
COMPRISING a capital mash Vat, capable of mashing 12 Quarters; excellent Copper, containing 500 Gallons, with Grate and Frame; Copper-back (nearly new), Leadback, Hopback, three large Coolers, Underback, working Tun, Cocks, Spouts, &c.—A Number of sweet iron-bound beer Casks; comprising one excellent Cask, containing 26 Hogsheads, two eleven-hogshead Ditto, 23 beer Pipes, four hogshead and four half-hogshead Casks, Tubs, &c.; several Lots of household Furniture and other Effects.
The Whole of the brewing Utensils and beer Casks are worth the Attention of the Public and those who may be in want of such Articles, being in a good State of Preservation.
The Sale will commence at Twelve o'Clock.
Alehouse recognizances
1817: Thomas Goodman
Northampton Mercury, 11 Oct 1817 [this advert for the old George was repeated on 14 Feb 1818, when it was bought by George Cross, and 23 Sep 1820]
Winslow and Oving, Bucks.
On Thursday the 23rd day of October, 1817, at the
George Inn, in Winslow, at Five o’clock in the afternoon, in two lots -
Lot 1.- All that the said old-established and good-accustomed Brick-built and Tiled INN or PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the name of The George, in Winslow aforesaid, lately occupied by Mr. Richard Barton, and now by Mr. Thomas Goodman, one of the proprietors; comprising 2 front parlours, a hall, back parlour, large kitchen, and wash house; 5 convenient bed chambers; large brew-house, extensive warehouses, excellent malt-house, well supplied with water, which will wet sixteen quarters weekly, with suitable granaries and other necessary conveniences thereto attached; very large yard, extensive garden, walled in, and well stocked with fruit trees, stabling for 12 horses, pigsties, and other suitable out-buildings. The whole hath lately been put into a good state of repair.
Lot 2.- All that FREEHOLD CLOSE of rich old MEADOW GROUND, situate in the parish of Oving, near Aylesbury, known by the name of The Home, containing, by estimation, 8 Acres, (more or less) well fenced, with a number of fine thriving Timber and other Trees growing thereon, and now occupied by Mr. Wm. Flowers, as tenant from year to year.
Lot 1 is Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Winslow, with its Members, and is equal in value to Freehold, the fines being very low and certain.
Early possession thereof may be had; and the Brewing Utensils, Beer Casks, Stock in Trade, and other articles, taken to at a fair valuation, if required.
For further particulars apply to Mr. Thos. Goodman, Mr. Charles Willis, solicitor, or the auctioneer, all of Winslow; or Mr John Goodman, cabinet-maker, Aylesbury, Bucks.
Alehouse recognizances
1818-20: George Cross
1820: A suspected thief visited The George.
Northampton Mercury, 30 Sep 1820
MR. DUDLEY begs Leave to inform the Public, That the SALE advertised by AUCTION, of the GEORGE INN, WINSLOW, is disposed of by private Contract.
Winslow, 24th September, 1820.
Special court, 11 April 1821
Surrender: George Cross of W blacksmith & victualler & Mary his wife
Consideration: £695
Admission: Richard Gutteridge of St Albans auctioneer
Messuage, tenement or public house called the George (formerly in three Tenements) adjoining to the Bell Inn, late in the occupation of John Goodman & Thomas Goodman, now of George Cross, together with the brewhouse, warehouses, malting, granaries, stables, erections and buildings, yards, gardens. George Cross was admitted at a special court baron on 21 April 1818 on the surrender of Thomas Dudley. Rent 4d, fine 5s. Richard Gutteridge & Jane his wife in consideration of £450 immediately surrender to George Cross, to be void if they pay him the full sum of £450 on 11 April 1831 with 5% interest.
Northampton Mercury, 19 May 1821
Free PUBLIC HOUSE, MALTING, and PREMISES, WINSLOW, Bucks, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 23rd Day of May, 1821, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, in four Lots, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced; Lot 1 COMPRISES a brick-built and tiled INN or PUBLIC HOUSE, called the George, at WINSLOW, centrically situated, and now in full Trade; consisting of two front Parlours, a Tap Room and Bar, and large Kitchen, five convenient bed Chambers, excellent Cellaring, and a good Brewhouse, a large tiled Building fronting the Street, which may easily be converted into a Stable, and an excellent Yard, in which is a Pump, well supplied with good Water, with a Right of Way through the front Gates. Lot 2 consists of a large PIECE of superior GARDEN GROUND, in a good State of Cultivation, adjoining Lot 1, inclosed with a brick Wall. Lot 3 comprises substantial brick-built and tiled MALTING, adjoining Lot 2; consisting of every Convenience for malting 16 Quarters weekly, with suitable malt Chambers, &c. a large Yard, in which is a Pump and Well of Water; also an excellent pig Yard and Piggeries. Lot 4 consists of an ENTRANCE GATEWAY, with a Pair of folding Gates, and a tiled Shed over the same, a large Yard as staked out, and two brick and timber-built Stables. The above Premises are Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Winslow with its Members, and are equal in Value to Freehold, the Fines being very low and certain. The Estate may be viewed any Time prior to the Sale, by applying on the Premises, where Particulars of Sale may be had; also at the principal Inns in the Neighbourhood; of Mr. Chas. Willis, Solicitor; and of Mr. Dudley, Auctioneer, of Winslow, and Mr. Gutteridge, Estate Agent and Auctioneer, George Street, St. Albans, Herts. |
Northampton Journal, 19 Jan 1822
WINSLOW, Bucks. ALL that old-accustomed and well-frequented INN, situate in the Centre of WINSLOW, known by the Name of the GEORGE, now in the Occupation of Mr. Henry Hyde, who will give immediate Possession. The HOUSE comprises an Entrance or Passage, large dining Room, front Parlour, back Ditto, five convenient bed Rooms, with Closets; tap Room and Bar, Kitchen, Scullery, large dry cool wine and ale Cellar.- The out Buildings consist of a roomy and well-constructed Brewhouse (possessing an easy Communication with the Cellars), and large Warehouse or store Room adjoining, three Stables for 15 Horses, with Lofts, wood and coal Barns, Piggeries, and other requisite Buildings; a Malting, capable of making 16 Quarters weekly, corn Lofts, malt Chambers and Bins complete; also, a good flower and kitchen Garden (walled in), large Yard, securely inclosed by the Buildings, and a Shed with a Pair of folding Doors. The local Situation of the Premises offer a singular Opportunity to Innkeepers, Maltsters, or for Investment, are well calculated for a Brewery (having been used as such within the last 20 Years), abundantly supplied with three Pumps of fine Water.- The Whole is substantially brick-built and tiled, and in tenantable Repair. The Estate is Copyhold of Inheritance of the Manor of Winslow, and nearly equal to Freehold. The ale Casks and Plant to be taken by the Purchaser. May be viewed by applying on the Premises, where Particulars may be had; also of F. Jeyes, Esq. 69, Chancery Land, and Auction Mart, London; King’s Head Inn, Aylesbury; White Hart Inn, Buckingham; Mr. Wilson, Solicitor, Winslow; and of Mr. Wood, Land Agent, &c, Leighton Buzzard. |
Alehouse recognizances
1820: George: George Cross (Manor court, 21 April 1818:
Admission of George Cross of Winslow, blacksmith)
1821: George: Joseph Flowers; Henry Hyde from 5 Nov
1822-24: George: John King from 4 Nov 1822
Manor court, 28 Oct 1822
Surrender: Richard Gutteridge of St Albans auctioneer & Jane his wife on 24 Sep 1822
Consideration: £25 (with £450 to be paid by John King to George Cross blacksmith in discharge of a mortgage by Richard & Jane 11 April 1821)
Admission: John King of Winslow wheelwright
Messuage or public house called the George (formerly in three Tenements) adjoining to the Bell Inn, late in occ of John Goodman & Thomas Goodman, since George Cross, now John King, with brewhouse, warehouses, malting, granaries, stables, erections, buildings, yards, gardens.
RG admitted 11 April 1821 on surrender of the said John [sic] Cross & Mary his wife. Rent 4d, fine 5s.
Northampton Mercury, 15 May 1824 [repeated 5 June]
ALL that old-established and good-accustomed brick-built and tiled INN or PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the Name of The George, situate in the Centre of the pleasant Market Town of WINSLOW, Bucks, in the Occupation of Mr. JOHN KING, the Proprietor, with an excellent Malting, well supplied with Water, and capable of wetting sixteen Quarters weekly; Wheelwright’s Shop, and other suitable Out-buildings thereto belonging, the Whole of which have been very recently put into a complete State of Repair; large Yard, and extensive Garden, walled in, and well-stocked with choice fruit Trees.- Also, THREE newly erected brick-built and tiled COTTAGES or TENEMENTS, adjoining the above.
The Premises are copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Winslow, with its Members, and are equal in Value to Freehold, the Fine payable on Death or Alienation being five Shillings only.
Immediate Possession may be had by the Purchaser taking to the brewing Utensils, beer Casks, Stock in Trade, and other Articles at a fair Valuation.
For further Particulars and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. KING, on the Premises, or to Mr. CHARLES WILLIS, Solicitor, Winslow.
Bucks Chronicle, 25 Sep 1824
On Wednesday, the 29th of September, 1824, on the Premises of Mr. John King, at the George Inn, Winslow, who is leaving the same.
THE FURNITURE comprises Four-post,
Tester, and Stamp Bedsteads, Feather and Flock Beds, Sheets, Blankets, and Quilts; mahogany and oak folding and round Tables; oak dining Table, with circular ends; Windsor and Flag Chairs; Pier and Swing Glasses; painted Buffet with folding doors ; two deal Settles; Chest of Drawers; Knives and Forks; Japan Tea Trays; Dresser and shelves; Bacon Rack; China and Earthen-ware; capital four-motion Beer Engine; Liquor Counter and drawers; Pewter Quarts, Pints, Half-pints, and Measures; quantity of Earthen ditto; Goblets and Beer Glasses;
Tin Cans; Fenders and Fire Irons; Kitchen Utensils in general; 110 gal. Brewing Copper, with brass Tap; 100-gal. ditto, new; two deal Coolers; 20-bushel Mash Vat; Underback and working Tun; two Lead Pumps; Deal Spouts; Sieves; Buckets, &c.; excellent sweet iron bound Cask 14 Hogshead, 6 Hoshead do. 5 hogshead do. 4 Hogshead do. and 3 Hogshead do.; five ninety gallon Casks; Pipe; Hogshead and half Hogshead; Casks, and Tubs; quantity of Ale; half a pocket of Hops; handsome painted Sign, Frame, and Post; ten useful Hackney Mares; two one-horse Chaises; two set of Chaise
Harness; Saddles and Bridles; set of Thill Harness; new Malt Mill; Screen; two dozen Sacks; Bushel, and
Sieves; Wheelbarrow's; Pig Troughs and [...]; Ladders; Garden Tools, and various other Effects.
The whole will be particularised in Catalogues, and may be had at the neighbouring Inns, place of sale, and of the Auctioneer, Winslow.
The Brewing Plant and Beer Casks are worthy the attention of the Public (being nearly new).
On account of the number of Lots the sale will commence at Ten o'clock, as the whole is intended to be sold in one day.
Manor court 1824
Surrender on 14 Oct: John King now or late of Winslow wheelwright & Caroline his wife
Admission: Thomas Jones of Winslow dairyman, Daniel Grace of Winslow schoolmaster, George Cross jr of Winslow draper, in trust to pay the rents and profits to the overseers of the poor for the benefit of the poor
Consideration: £350, together with £450 to be paid to George Cross sr blacksmith in discharge of a mortgage by virtue of conditional surrender by Richard Gutteridge of St Albans auctioneer & Jane his wife on 11 April 1821
Messuage or public house called the George (formerly in three tenements) adjoining to the Bell Inn, late in occupation of John Goodman & Thomas Goodman respectively, since of George Cross sr, now or late of JK, with brewhouse, warehouses, malting, granaries, stables, erections, buildings, yards, gardens. JK admitted 1822 on surrender of Richard & Jane Gutteridge.
+ 3 cottages in the several occupations of Joseph King, John Roads & William Turner adjoining the messuage and lately a warehouse belonging thereto.
Rent 4d, fine 15s.
The (Old) George was surrendered to the lord of the manor at the 1825 manor court, and converted to the parish workhouse, but was replaced by the Union Workhouse in 1837, when it was put up for auction and acquired by the Neals of The Bell: see Workhouse.
1903: Bucks Herald, 31 Oct (A.J. Clear)
One over-hanging house still exists on the Market-square to give us some idea of what it was like in the days of the old timber-and-plaster Market House, and remains of another one are to be seen in the side of the Bell facing the alley.